Influence of nickel impurities on the operational parameters of a silicon solar cell




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The results of studies of the influence of nickel impurities introduced by diffusion into monocrystalline silicon on the characteristics of solar cells are presented. It has been established that doping with nickel atoms makes it possible to increase the lifetime of minority charge carriers in the material by up to 2 times, and the efficiency of solar cells by 20–25%. It was shown that the distribution of nickel clusters in the volume of the material is almost uniform, and their size does not exceed 0.5 μm. The concentration of clusters in the volume is ~1011–1013 cm–3, and in the near-surface layer — ~1013–1015 cm–3. The physical mechanisms of the influence of bulk and near-surface clusters of nickel atoms on the efficiency of silicon solar cells have been identified. It has been established experimentally that the processes of gettering of recombination-active technological impurities by nickel clusters, which occur in the nickel-enriched front surface region of solar cells, play a decisive role in increasing their efficiency.




Z. Kenzhaev

Tashkent State Technical University

乌兹别克斯坦, Tashkent

N. Zikrillaev

Tashkent State Technical University

乌兹别克斯坦, Tashkent

V. Odzhaev

Belarussian State University

白俄罗斯, Minsk

K. Ismailov

Karakalpak State University

乌兹别克斯坦, Nukus

V. Prosolovich

Belarussian State University

白俄罗斯, Minsk

Kh. Zikrillaev

Tashkent State Technical University

乌兹别克斯坦, Tashkent

S. Koveshnikov

Tashkent State Technical University

乌兹别克斯坦, Tashkent


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