
Fast Algorithm for Choosing Kernel Function Blur Coefficients in a Nonparametric Probability Density Estimate
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Parametric and Nonparametric Identification of the Distribution Law from Interval Data
Vozhov S., Chimitova E.
Comparison of Interval Analysis and Standard Statistical Methods for Estimating Experimental Data with Uncertainty
Kumkov S., Jaulin L.
Estimation of Parameters of Nonlinear Models Using the Grid Method Involving Apriori Information About Node Weights
Berkovich S., Kotov N., Sadekov R., Minkin Y., Sholokhov A.
Fast Algorithm for Choosing Blur Coefficients in Multidimensional Kernel Probability Density Estimates
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Evaluating the A Posteriori Reliability of Verification of Means of Measurement of the Characteristics of Ionizing Radiation
Nevskaya E.
Nonparametric Estimation of the Quadratic Functional of a Multimodal Probability Density
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Adjustment for Mismatch of Radio-Receiving Channels in Distance-Measuring Difference Systems
Koz’min V., Salikov A., Tokarev A.
Estimation of Conformance Bands for Linear Regression with Correlated Input Data
Stepanov A., Chunovkina A.
Uncertainty of Recovering Non-Steady-State Heat Flows Using Thin-Disc Heat Meters
Pilipenko N., Pridachin A.
Uncertainty of Analytic Measurements: Classical and New Approaches to Estimation
Miranovich-Kachur S., Haiduk M.
Methodology of Estimating the Spatial Displacement of an Object with the Use of a High-Speed Videocamera
Grechikhin V., Kuguk Y., Tolkachev A.
Selection of the Optimal Number of Intervals Sampling the Region of Values of a Two-Dimensional Random Variable
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Methods for Rapid Selection of Kernel Function Blur Coefficients in a Nonparametric Pattern Recognition Algorithm
Lapko A., Lapko V.
Structural and Parametric Optimization of Spectrum Filtering Measurements of the Parameters of Signals
Glinchenko A.
Estimating the Parameters of Images and Signals by Morphological Analysis
Pyt’ev Y., Chulichkov A.
Nonlinear Dynamic Estimation of the Orientation Angles of a Moving Object from Distributed Satellite Measurements
Sokolov S., Pogorelov V.
Digital Filtration for Spectral Measurements of Signal Parameters with Low Signal-To-Noise Ratios
Glinchenko A.
Method for Estimating the Instrumental Function of the Uragan Muon Hodoscope Based on Monte-Carlo Simulations
Getmanov V., Peregudov D., Shutenko V., Yashin I.
Opto-Electronic System of Measurement of the Coordinates of Objects with Adaptation of Decomposition Parameters
Umbitaliev A., Pyatkov V., Tsytsulin A., Levko G., Morozov A.
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