Voprosy Jazykoznanija

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Bimonthly peer-review journal founded in January 1952 is the leading Russian academic journal devoted to linguistics.


  • Russian Academy of Sciences
  • V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


  • Russian Academy of Sciences

The journal is published under the auspices of Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

About the journal

The journal welcomes original research on linguistic theory, areal, typological, and comparative linguistics, sociolinguistics, computational and corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, and related fields. 

Preference is given to papers that make a theoretical contribution or present new empirical data of general interest. Papers assessing minor language-specific descriptive problems, as well as those dealing with “cultural concepts”, “linguistic consciousness”, literary science, and folklore studies are generally discouraged; the editorial board reserves the right to decline such articles without further consideration.

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编号 4 (2023)



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Distributive patterns of Circassian vowels and reconstruction of the Common Circassian vowel system
Chirikba V.
Modern Circassian languages (Adyghe and Kabardian) have a threefold vocalic system based on the degree of openness: open /а/, close /e/, and mid /ə/. The article analyzes the distribution and phonotactics of Circassian vowels in CVCV syllabic chains. The disyllabic words of structure #CVCV# have the following options of vowel distribution: СaСa, СaСe, СeCa, СaСə, СеСе, СеСə, СəСа, СəСе, СəСə. In the sequence /V+V/, the vowel /e/ is always assimilated to /a/, and /ə/ is always assimilated to /a/ or /e/. As in Abkhaz, but unlike in Ubykh, in Circassian languages combinations of vowels are always realized as one vocalic sound (/V+V/ = [V]). Most authors do not question the existence of at least two phonemic vowels in Proto-Circassian. As for the late stage of Proto-Circassian, which can be called Common Circassian, in contrast to the two-term vocalism of the early language, a threefold system *a ~ *e ~ *ə appears to have developed at that point. The contrast *a ~ *e, thus, does not go deeper than the late Proto-Circassian (i.e., Common Circassian) period and is the result of phonologization of the positional allophonic contrast *[a] ~ *[e]. The so-called “rule of two open syllables” is discussed. On the basis of vocalic correspondences between Circassian languages, a three-term vocalic system of Common Circassian is reconstructed. The author also discusses exceptions and irregular vocalic correspondences.
Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(4):7-20
pages 7-20 views
On passive verbs with the marker -ra / -rye in Tundra Nenets
Stenin I.
The article deals with the verbs formed with the unproductive marker -ra / -rye in Tundra Nenets. Such verbs are intransitive, perfective, and are inflected, as a rule, in the forms of the reflexive conjugation. Morphosyntactically, the function of this marker in combination with transitive verbs can be considered passive. The addition of the marker is also possible for some intransitive verbs and nominal stems. Denominal verbs show a double manifestation of “passive” morphology and allow to promote into the subject position a participant that is absent in the argument structure. Semantically, the majority of passive derivatives are united by their use mainly in adversative contexts. The emergence of adversative usage may be related to the presence of causative-passive syncretism and P-lability.
Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(4):21-46
pages 21-46 views
On the grammaticalization of past passive participles in Middle Russian
Ermolova (Skachedubova) M.
The article analyzes the functioning of past passive participles (PPPs) in the preterit meaning used without auxiliary in seventeenth-century Russian on the data of private letters and the first Russian handwritten newspaper Kuranty. A grammatical interpretation of this use is proposed in the paper. In the course of the evolution of the old temporal system, the PPP started grammaticalizing and became a specialized form with preterit meaning and no obligatory expression of the subject. Different types of constructions with a PPP in this function (the PPP agrees with the subject or appears in the neuter form, the direct object being nominative or accusative) reflect different stages of the grammaticalization process, which was not accomplished in the history of Russian, but didreach the final phase in Polish.
Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(4):47-64
pages 47-64 views
Is there a three-ictic taktovik in the verse of Russian bylinas?
Petrov A.
The paper attempts to clarify some theses of the accentual theory of folk versification in relation to bylinas — Russian epic songs. A brief overview of the research tradition from Vostokov to the modern time is presented, the most difficult problems of studying the metrics and rhythm of bylina are explicated. Criteria for selecting material for analysis are formulated. The sample is based on published texts from classical folklore collections of Kirsha Danilov, Gilferding, and Rybnikov — 10,111 lines (41 texts). An extensive audio material collected from a bearer of the folklore tradition is used for the study — 632 lines (36 fragments of bylinas). With the help of audio recordings, the features of epic accentuation, previously not fully reflected in published texts, were revealed. Based on them, a hypothesis was formulated about the alternation of lines with 3 and 4 stresses in the structure of an epic verse. Data extracted from audio recordings were extrapolated to texts whose exact sound is unknown. The most typical rhythmical variations of lines with 3 and 4 stresses are presented based on a complete separate metrical and rhythmical analysis. The results are presented in 15 tables. As far as I could discover, the shares of lines with 3 and 4 stresses are more or less balanced, and together normally make up more than 80 % of an epic text. I suggest that the three-ictic model of the epic verse arose as a result of separating text from melody and is a mere reflection of an artificial literary declamation. In reality, the verse of bylina is a taktovik (an accentual verse with mono-, di-, and trisyllabic inter-ictic interval) with alternation of lines with 3 and 4 stresses, variable anacrusis (the range of variation is normally 0–2 syllables), and dactylic or masculine (less often hyperdactylic) ending, with no rhyme.
Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(4):65-95
pages 65-95 views
Gavriil Derzhavin’s logoaedic verse
Lappo-Danilevskii K.
The poetic works of Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin (1743–1816) published from 1777 to 1790 demonstrate a rather limited set of meters — mostly iambic (iambic tetrameters, аlexandrines, free iambic verse); the presence of trochees (exclusively tetrameters) is modest, and ternary meters are completely absent. The year 1791 was a turning point. In that year, Derzhavin published his polymetric cantata “To a Patron of the Arts”, which, although predominantly iambic, contains two dactylic passages. After that year, the poet often used iambic trimeter as well as trochaic tetrameter, which was inspired by his sudden interest in anacreontics. A year later, Derzhavin published his first version of “The Swallow” in The Moscow Journal, written in ternary trimeters with variable anacrusis, which was apparently the first experiment of this kind in Russian poetry. Soon afterwards, Derzhavin began to experiment with the dactylic tetrameter, resembling similar work by N. P. Nikolev, I. I. Dmitriev and N. M. Karamzin beginning in the late 1780s. Like those poets, he initially omitted one syllable in the second foot, and then two syllables, which led to the emergence of logoaedic structures in his poems. He uses these meters in their pure form (“Snowbird”), and also combined them in stanzas with syllabo-tonic meters (“Spring”, “On Atheists”, “To the Publisher of My Songs”, “The Rainbow”). He also created “logoaedized dolniks”, irregularly combining logoaedic lines with syllabo-tonic ones (“On the capture of Warsaw”, the sixth stanza of “The Encounter of Orpheus with the Sun”, “Autumn”). In the poems “On G. Ozerov, Who Dedicated ʻOedipus’ to Me” and “To Polyhymnia”, Derzhavin loosened the principle of isometric stanzas. One of the sources of inspiration for these experiments was Derzhavin’s enthusiastic and rather vague conception of the great rhythmic diversity of ancient poetry (primarily of Sappho’s and Horace’s poems) compared to modern European lyric poetry.
Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(4):96-116
pages 96-116 views


Roman Jakobson and the Aleut materials collected by Waldemar Jochelson
Vakhtin N.
This paper presents the text of a 1941 work by Roman Jakobson, which has never been fully published, — his description of Vladimir (Waldemar) Jochelson’s Aleut materials (the materials, as well as Jakobson’s description, are stored at the New York Public Library). The publication is provided with a detailed commentary.
Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(4):117-128
pages 117-128 views
Linguistic thought of Medieval Iceland: The First Grammatical Treatise
Glebova D., Golovanenko D.
This article presents the Russian translation of the First Grammatical Treatise, one of the most fascinating examples of Medieval Icelandic linguistic thought. The translation is accompanied by a detailed commentary and an introductory note aimed to help the reader plunge into the intellectual culture of twelfth-century Iceland and understand better the terminology and concepts used in the treatise.
Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(4):129-156
pages 129-156 views


Thought-Based Linguistics: How Languages Turn Thoughts into Sounds. Wallace Chafe’s concluding book
Kibrik A.
The concluding book by an eminent American linguist Wallace Chafe Thought-Based Linguistics: How Languages Turn Thoughts into Sounds presents an introduction to the central agenda of linguistics in the context of neighboring sciences. The present survey briefly explains the ideas presented in the six parts of the book. Chafe offers an original theory of the structure of thought and its step-bystep conversion, via semantics and grammar, to sound. Apart from basic issues in linguistic theory, Chafe also addresses adjacent questions, such as translation processes, peculiarities of literature, emotional components of thought, etc. The survey mentions several linguistic notions that are insufficiently covered in Chafe’s book. The final part of the survey offers general conclusions regarding Chafe’s contribution to linguistics.
Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(4):157-168
pages 157-168 views