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No 1 (2023)

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Diversity of Edible Aquatic Insects Inhabiting Rice Fields in Central Thailand

Maneechan W., Prommi T.O.



Rice fields occupy great biodiversity and support a variety of living organisms, including edible aquatic insects. The goal of this study was to assess the richness and diversity of edible aquatic insects living in rice fields. A sampling of aquatic insects and physico-chemical parameters of the rice field water were made after irrigation. Three replications of sampling by aquatic net were collected from the bottom along the edge of the rice plots. The richness and diversity indices were analyzed. A total of 10 501 individuals, comprising 64 genera of aquatic insects belonging to six orders, were collected at different study sites. Among aquatic insects, the order Hemiptera occupied the highest abundance of the total insects collected. Richness showed a range of 14 to 50. The Shannon–Wiener diversity index (H′) showed a range of 1.877 to 3.450, whereas Simpson`s diversity index (D) showed a range of 0.7665 to 0.9605. Canonical Correspondence Analysis and non-parametric Spearman correlation revealed that some insect species were correlated positively with pH, temperature, turbidity, alkalinity, and nutrients (nitrate and phosphate), and had a negative correlation with electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):3
pages 3 views

New Records of Sphaerius acaroides (Coleoptera, Sphaeriusidae) from Russia Extend the Known Distribution of Myxophaga to Siberia

Prokin A.A., Salnitska M.A., Sazhnev A.S., Stolbov V.A., Sheykin S.D.



А beetle species Sphaerius acaroides Waltl, 1838, widespread in Europe, Caucasus region and Iran, is here recorded from Tatarstan Republic and Tyumen Oblast (Russia) for the first time. The Tyumen record is the easternmost hitherto known and it is the first Siberian record for this species, genus, family and suborder. Molecular analysis based on the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI) showed that the specimen from Tyumen Oblast, which is morphologically identical with the European specimens, undoubtedly belongs to S. acaroides. All phylogenetic reconstructions revealed S. acaroides as a well-supported clade. The analysis based on pairwise distance (p-distance) between studied samples showed the distance on the intraspecific level not exceeding 1.1%. The largest distance observed between specimens from Tyumen and north-west Germany, still shows only variability between the conspecific populations.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):4
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Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling Analysis of Composition of Trichopterofauna from Two Protected Areas (Republic of Mordovia, Russia)

Borisova N.V., Ruchin A.B., Khapugin A.A., Semishin G.B.


The fauna of caddisflies was studied from two protected areas of federal significance such as Mordovia State Nature Reserve (Temnikov district, Republic of Mordovia) and National Park “Smolny” (Ichalki district and Bolshoe Ignatovo district, Republic of Mordovia). The material was collected from May to October 2008, 2009, 2013–2021. There were 677 specimens from 59 caddisfly species from 12 families. The largest family Limnephilidae includes 29 species, there were 9 species each in the families Phryganeidae and Leptoceridae. Limnephilus sericeus and Holocentropus dubius dominated in the collections (12 and 10% from the total amount respectively), Hydropsyche angustipennis (8.9%), Hagenella clathrata (8.7%), Phryganea grandis (7.5%), Hydropsyche pellucidula (7.1%), Halesus tesselatus (6.6%) were numerous. Eighteen species of caddisflies (Rhyacophila fasciata, Holocentropus dubius, Agrypnia varia, Oligostomis reticulata, Anabolia concentrica, Anabolia furcata, Chaetopteryx villosa, Halesus digitatus, Limnephilus binotatus, Limnephilus extracatus, Limnephilus fuscicornis, Limnephilus ignavus, Limnephilus sericeus, Limnephilus sparsus, Limnephilus vittatus, Micropterna lateralis, Molanna albicans, Ceraclea excisa) supplement the known information on the fauna of the Republic of Mordovia, where 73 species from 14 families are currently recorded. The species Molanna albicans is indicated for the first time for the fauna of the Middle Volga region. Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis revealed similarities and differences in the composition of trichopterofauna among the study sites. There was the maximum similarity among the sites with more diverse biotopes. There were indicated preferred habitats of some species.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):5-6
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Distribution, Size-Morphological Structure and Production of Heterotrophic Bacterioplankton in Gorky Reservoir

Kuznetsova E.V., Kosolapov D.B., Mikryakova I.S., Kosolapova N.G., Maslennikova T.S., Skopina M.Y.


The abundance, biomass, size-morphological structure, growth rate and production of bacterioplankton, the intensity of primary phytoplankton production and dark fixation of CO2, as well as the abundance and biomass of heterotrophic nanoflagellates were determined in a large plain eutrophic reservoir (Gorky Reservoir, Middle Volga). The abundance, biomass, and production of bacterioplankton were relatively high and averaged 7.6 × 106 cells/mL, 117.9 mg C/m3, and 59.2 mg C/(m3 × day), respectively. Heterotrophic nanoflagellates reached a high level of quantitative development – 6.9 × 103 cells/mL, 47.9 mg C/m3. Their biomass averaged 41.6 ± 18.4% of the bacterioplankton biomass, which indicates that, in addition to bacteria, nanoflagellates used other food sources. Small rods and cocci dominated among the size-morphological bacterioplankton groups and accounted for 36.3 and 33.3% of its total abundance, respectively. Small rods averaged more than a half (56.2%) of the total biomass and were the most stable component of the community. The growth rate and production of bacterioplankton increased in those parts of the reservoir where the medium-sized cocci and coccobacilli accounted for from 18.2 to 29.3% of the total abundance. The highest bacterial activity was recorded in the area affected by the warm waste waters of the Volgorechensk State District Power Plant. Based on the data obtained, the reservoir divided on the upper river section and the lower lake section.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):7-19
pages 7-19 views


Mycobiota of Dead Reed Fragments Immersed in Water (Yaroslavl Region, Russia)

Voronin L.V., Kopytina N.I.


The mycobiota on dead submerged plant parts of Phragmites australis reed (leaves, stems, leaf sheaths) was studied in lakes – Pleshcheyevo, Mostetskoye, a lake in the Zavolzhsky district of Yaroslavl and the Kotorosl river (Yaroslavl region, Russia). The kingdom Fungi is represented by 53 species belonging to 33 genera, 25 families, 12 orders, and 7 classes in 2 taxonomic phyla: Mucoromycota (4 species), Ascomycota (48). The kingdom Chromista (fungi-like organisms) includes 8 species belonging to 3 genera, 2 families, 2 orders, and 1 class under phylum Oomycota. For the first time, 23 species of micromycetes were found on reeds. Representatives of the orders Pleosporales (16 species), Helotiales (11), Saprolegniales (7), Hypocreales (5) prevailed. The number of species of fungi on fragments of plants in different aquatic bodies varied from 16 to 39, the statistically significant difference in the species composition of communities of dead reeds was found between a lake in the Zavolzhsky district of Yaroslavl and the Kotorosl River (R = 0.646, significance level of sample statistic 0.1%).

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):20-27
pages 20-27 views


Features of Plankton Metabolism: Results of Automated Measurements in the Mozhaisk Reservoir

Goncharov A.V., Puklakov V.V., Grechushnikova M.G., Yumina N.M.


Plankton metabolism determines fluctuations in the oxygen concentrations of a water body, its ecological condition, and exchange of СО2 with the atmosphere. We used an automated device that allowed us to make mass measurements of intraday values of the gross primary production (GPP) and respiration (R) of plankton. During our studies of the Mozhaisk reservoir (Russia) in the summer of 2017, we established an important fact: the maximum values of GPP are observed essentially earlier in the daytime than those of R. This is explained by the fact that GPP is related to solar radiation (the maximum values are observed at noon), whereas R is related to the temperature of water, which reaches its maximum several hours after in the afternoon. As a result, the maximum value of dissolved oxygen is observed in the second half of the day, when GPP and R become even. The device we have designed may be used for continuous monitoring of metabolism of plankton and of its responses to various hydrometeorological, hydrochemical and anthropogenic impacts.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):28-34
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Composition and Structure of Benthal Algocenoses of a Large Eutrophic River (Example of the Oka River, Russia) II. Abundance Indicators and Species Diversity of Communities

Khedairia T., Okhapkin A.G., Yakimov B.N.


The indicators of quantitative development (abundance, biomass) and spatial heterogeneity of the characte-ristics of the species structure (species diversity, evenness, dominance) of the benthal algocenoses of the mouth of a large eutrophic-hypertrophic river in the period after the recession of the flood are characterized. The similarity and difference in the species structure in different types of benthal communities with a more complex organization of epilithon and epiphyton at the initial stage of substrate colonization was demonstrated. Relationships of these indicators with the determining factors of the environment in the absence of biogenic limitation were revealed.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):35-43
pages 35-43 views

Problems and Prospects of Applications of Cyanobacteria (Review)

Polyak Y.M., Sukharevich V.I.


This review focuses on cyanobacteria and their metabolites with beneficial properties for humans. Cyanobacteria metabolites are uniquely diverse. Many of them exhibit antibacterial, antifungal, anti-carcinogenic, immunosuppressive, antioxidant types of activity, etc. The problems and prospects of using biologically active products of cyanobacteria metabolism are discussed. The issues of obtaining pharmaceuticals and other valuable products (pigments, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, biodegradable plastic) are considered, and the potential of cyanobacteria as a source of biofuels is evaluated.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):44-52
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Abiotic Factors and Their Role in the Development of Phytoplankton in the Lower Volga

Mineeva N.M., Poddubny S.A., Stepanova I.E., Tsvetkov A.I.


Based on field observations carried out during the 2015–2020 summer low water period, the interannual variability of abiotic characteristics and chlorophyll content in the Lower Volga is considered. In years with different thermal conditions and water content, the temperature, transparency, color and electrical conductivity of water are characterized by small variability and demonstrate changes from north to south, according to the zonal features of the Volga cascade. The average nutrient content (0.81–0.99 mg/L Ntot and 101–134 μg/L Ptot) changes insignificantly in the Saratov and Volgograd reservoirs, but decreases in the unregulated lower part of the Volga. The content of N-N\({\text{O}}_{3}^{ - }\) and P-P\({\text{O}}_{4}^{{3 - }}\) in the total nitrogen and phosphorus pool respectively, is 4–9 and 69–74%, the ratio Ntot/Ptot < 10 indicates a possible nitrogen limitation of phytoplankton. The Chl a content corresponds to the mesotrophic category in the Saratov and Volgograd reservoirs (5.3 ± 0.6 and 7.2 ± 0.9 μg/L), and eutrophic in the lower section (13.9 ± 1.5 μg/L). The trophic status of the Lower Volga has not changed in comparison with the last decade of the 20th century. It was found that abiotic factors have a weak effect on the Chl a content in the Saratov reservoir, moderate in the Volgograd reservoir and almost completely control the development of phytoplankton in the unregulated lower part of the Volga (R2 = 0.21, 0.59, and 0.91). The data obtained supplement the observations of previous years and form the basis for long-term monitoring of ecosystems of large artificial reservoirs.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):53-64
pages 53-64 views

The Invasion of the Alien Species Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot in Coastal Phytocenoses Near the Southern Coast of Crimea (the Black Sea)

Sadogurskiy S.Y., Belich T.V., Sadogurskaya S.A.


Based on the results of hydrobotanical research in 2015–2021, it has been found that the global expansion of the Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot filamentous sporophyte stage had reached the Southern Coast of Crimea (SCC) by 2017. At present, the invader is registered in all horizons of the SCC phytal. Massively developing in the epiphyton of native species, it inhibits their growth, and in some areas it becomes one of the dominants. This changes the appearance, structure, and production indicators of algal communities (up to their degradation in some areas), which makes it possible to attribute this invasive species to the “transformers” category. It has been shown that the invasion develops rapidly, its vector coincides with the direction of the Main Black Sea Current. Eutrophication can play a stimulating role. Presumably, the species is already present on the southwestern and western coasts of the Crimean Peninsula and will populate the western and northwestern regions of the Black Sea in the next one or two years; expansion into the Sea of Azov is also likely. B. hamifera invasion may threaten biological diversity of the of the entire Azov-Black Sea basin, which under the conditions of its relative isolation can lead to ecological catastrophe that will affect all countries in the region. Currently, there are no ways that could stop or slow down the process of invasion.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):65-71
pages 65-71 views


The Species Composition and Distribution of Free-Living Nematodes (Nematoda) in the Area of the Methane Seep Posolskaya Bank of Lake Baikal

Naumova T.V., Gagarin V.G., Cherbakov D.Y., Sitnikova T.Y.


The Posolskaya Bank methane seep (southern Baikal, depths of ~300–500 m) is characterized by weak metha-ne discharge and the deep occurrence of gas hydrates. The species composition and distribution of nematodes from 44 samples of meiozoobenthos on the seeps (gas unloading point and gas hydrate) and background stations were analyzed. 31 species of nematodes from 12 genera, 8 families and 6 orders were identified; 94% of them were found at background stations and/or in other areas of the lake. The ratio of Baikal endemic and Siberian-Palearctic species was 6 : 1. Endemic species of the genera Paratrilobus and Tripyla dominated occurrence frequency and population density. The data obtained on the heterogeneous distribution of nematodes, the relationship between the density of their population and the presence of filaments of sulfur bacteria, copepod detritus, and ferromanganese crusts in the bottom sediments, as well as the habitation of worms with different types of food. These data are discussed.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):72-81
pages 72-81 views


Spatial and Age-Related Changes in the Food Spectrum of the Common Bream Abramis brama in the Middle and Lower Course of the Northern Dvina River (Russia)

Novoselov A.P., Lukina V.A., Matveev N.Y., Matveeva A.D.


Data on spatial and age-related changes in the qualitative composition of food spectra (species and taxonomic diversity of invertebrates used as food objects) and quantitative characteristics (dominant types of food) of the common bream Abramis brama (L., 1758) are presented. Changes in nutrition and the ratio of prevailing taxonomic groups in different age groups are shown as the bream grows in the middle and lower reaches of the Severnaya Dvina River. Analysis of the results showed that the composition food’s lump included both representatives of the bottom fauna and planktonic organisms. Amphibiotic insect larvae, mollusks, and aquatic vegetation were the most numerous among the feeding objects. In addition, juvenile fish were present in the food lump of some age groups. Age variability in bream nutrition is reflected in the size-breadth of the food spectrum – in juveniles and older individuals, the components of nutrition are significantly less than in middle-aged fish.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):82-91
pages 82-91 views

Nuclear Cytoplasmic Conflict in Hybrids of Roach Rutilus rutilus and Bream Abramis brama as a Consequence of the Divergence Species in Body and Genome Sizes

Stolbunova V.V., Kodukhova Y.V.


Species divergence in body size is often associated with changes in genome size and the rate of evolution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which can lead to problems of nuclear-cytoplasmic compatibility and embryonic genome activation and reduce the fitness of hybrids. The bream Abramis brama (L.) is larger than the roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) in body and genome sizes. In the first generation of hybrids according to the ITS1 region of ribosomal DNA, a change in the donor genome of male to the level of the maternal species was previously established, which can affect the inheritance of traits from the male and, in particular, body size. Body length and height, a complex of diagnostic morphological characters, and genotyping (ITS1 rDNA and cyt b mtDNA) of underyearlings and mature individuals of bream, roach, F1 hybrids and underyearlings of backcrosses (Fb) were analyzed. Sexually mature hybrids of both directions of crossing are close in body length to R. rutilus, which indicates a violation of the paternal effect when inheriting the body length of a larger of species. Violation of the inheritance of bream body length in hybrids of cross R. rutilus × A. brama (♀ <♂, RA) is considered as a developmental deviation, which, obviously, can affect the adaptation of hybrids and determines the rarity of this variant in nature. At the same time, alloplasmic ARR backcrosses restore the body length of the bream even in the presence of the roach nuclear genome, which indicates the influence of mitochondrial genes on the development of this trait. The observed decrease in the fitness of first-generation hybrids with roach mtDNA may be associated with to an insufficient level of transcription of ribosomal genes due to a decrease in the number and variability of copies of the donor bream rDNA. Moreover, the high level of changes of mtDNA roach indicate a suboptimal mitochondrial-nuclear correspondence of respiratory a complexes in hybrids RA, which negatively affects key physiological processes, including growth and development of a large body size. Presumably, the development of large body size, as a complex trait with high aerobic fitness, is blocked in RA hybrids for energy reasons. The paper shows that differences families of repeated sequences rDNA and mtDNA in terms of the number and variability of copies in genome of R. rutilus and A. brama can lead to regulatory nuclear-cytoplasmic incompatibility of genomes and affect the fitness of hybrids already in the first generation.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):92-105
pages 92-105 views


The Fish Parasite Community in a Hypertid Estuary Penzhina River (Basin of the Sea of Okhotsk)

Boutorina T.Е., Busarova O.Y., Koval M.V.


The species composition of parasites in the estuary of the Penzhina River was studied (114 species). The influence of the specific conditions of the estuary on the parasite fauna was shown. High flow rates, mixing of fresh and sea waters, and the abundance of organic matter determine the predominance among parasites of species with morphological adaptations for reliable fixation on fish tolerant to changes in salinity and associated with benthos in the life cycle. Transitions of parasites to atypical hosts have been noted. The component communities of parasites of most fish species are characterized by high indices of diversity and evenness and low indices of dominance. In the marginal populations of pike and whitefish, they are strongly depleted with pronounced dominants and their change in ontogeny. The Arctic and Pacific elements of the ichthyoparasite fauna testify to the influence of the Arctic and Pacific oceans on its formation.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):106-114
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Pike Cannibalism, Paratenic Hosts and Trematode Life Span as Factors Influencing the Distribution of Azygia lucii in the Definitive Host Population

Zhokhov A.E., Pugacheva M.N.


The ratio of the body length of the trematodes Azygia lucii and the body length of pikes in the population of the Rybinsk Reservoir was studied. The material was collected in September–October from 2018 to 2021. A total 386 pike was divided into seven size classes according to body length (range 4.7–83 cm). The prevalence of A. lucii increased from 14.2% in underyearlings to 46.2% in pikes 9+. The distribution of the trematodes in all size classes was aggregated. The usual intensity of invasion was 1–3 trematodes in all classes; the proportion of fish with this intensity of invasion varied from 62.5 to 83.3%. A total of 259 worms were measured. The body length of the found worms ranged from 0.49 to 3.5 cm. The average length of A. lucii increased with host size from 1.39 cm in underyearlings to 2.39 cm in older pikes. The largest trematodes (3–3.5 cm long) were found in the largest pikes. Distribution/redistribution of trematodes in the pike population occurs due to pike cannibalism. Due to this, a group of trematodes is formed in large pikes, consisting of worms of different ages and sizes. An important role in the formation of such groups of trematodes is played by paratenic hosts. Their significance depends on their infection rate and the proportion in diet of pike in a particular reservoir. Features of the biology of A. lucii (large body size, short contact of trematodes with mollusks) suggest a long lifespan of marites.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):115-124
pages 115-124 views


New Representative of the Genus Aulacoseira (Bacillariophyta) from Chukotka (Russia)

Genkal S.I.


A new species of diatoms, Aulacoseira сhukotkaensis sp. nov., has been described using scanning electron microscopy. The new species has morphological similarity to other Aulacoseira taxa but can be distinguished from A. alpigena by the number of rows of areolae in 10 µm and the length and shape of spines, from A. helvetica by the valve height and the number of areolae rows in 10 µm, and from A. pardata by the shape of spines and the number of rows of areolae in 10 µm.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;(1):125-128
pages 125-128 views

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