Biologičeskie membrany

ISSN (print): 0233-4755

Media registration certificate: ПИ № ФС 77 – 77276 от 05.12.2019

Founder: Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)

Editor-in-Chief: Kolesnikov Stanislav Sergeevich

Number of issues per year: 6

Indexation: RISC, RISC Core, Higher Attestation Commission list, RSCI, White List (3d level)ScopusWeb of Science Core Collection (Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE))

The journal publishes both original experimental and theoretical works and reviews that highlight the physicochemical aspects of membrane and cell biology: molecular mechanisms of membrane transport, receptor systems and intracellular signaling, cellular functions and pathologies associated with cell membranes, as well as fundamental biomedical research, including those devoted to membrane aspects of physiology, pharmacology, and immunology.

The journal was founded in 1984.


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卷 41, 编号 3 (2024)



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Electrophysiology of the Danio rerio Heart
Karpushev A., Mikhailova V., Kostareva A., Zhorov B.

Tropical teleost fish Danio rerio is increasingly used as a model object for electrophysiological studies of human cardiac physiology and pathology. D. rerio is characterized by the similarity with humans in such functional parameters of the electrical activity of the heart as heart rate, action potential morphology, as well as in a set of ion currents depolarizing and repolarizing the cell membrane. D. rerio is easy to breed, easy to handle experimentally, and easy to genetically modify. This overview presents current data on the structural and functional organization of ion channels in D. rerio heart myocytes.

Biologičeskie membrany. 2024;41(3):175-190
pages 175-190 views
Physicochemical Features of Thrombin Binding to Platelet Membrane
Kerimov R., Nechipurenko D., Panteleev M.

Thrombin is a key enzyme of the blood coagulation system, which has been actively studied since the beginning of the last century. The formation of thrombin from prothrombin in the area of vessel injury leads not only to the formation of fibrin – an important structural component of the hemostatic clot – but also to the activation of platelets, endothelium and immune system cells. The binding of thrombin to the platelet surface is thought to play a critical role in the process of platelet activation and may also ensure the maintenance of a high concentration of thrombin within the thrombus due to the concentration of protease on the platelet surface. To date, all major thrombin receptors on platelets have been thoroughly characterized: through various experimental methods, the physicochemical parameters of the corresponding intermolecular interactions have been established. Since the interaction of thrombin with platelets leads to their activation, which includes changes in the number of receptors as a result of granule secretion, the interpretation of the observed kinetic binding curves faces a number of difficulties. It is known that some receptors as a result of platelet activation are able to redistribute on the membrane and form dimers and clusters, which makes the kinetics of thrombin binding to platelets an extremely complex process depending on many factors, such as activator concentrations, platelet state, and other local parameters of the system. This review aims to describe the current understanding of the interaction of thrombin with the platelet membrane and to outline important unresolved issues in this area of research. The survey provides not only information on structural and kinetic features of thrombin binding to individual platelet membrane proteins, but also analyzes the relationship between the relevant interaction parameters and previously obtained data on the integral kinetics of protease binding to the platelet surface.

Biologičeskie membrany. 2024;41(3):191-200
pages 191-200 views


Analysis of Molecular Mechanisms of Chronic Irradiation Effects on Electrical Signals in Wheat Plants
Pirogova P., Zdobnova T., Ivanova A., Grinberg M., Vodeneev V.

The effect of ionizing radiation (IR) on plants is mainly realized by altering the status of signaling systems and modifying stress signals. Variation potential (VP) is one of the types of electrical signals in plants. IR contributes to an increase in the amplitude of the VP, but the mechanisms of such influence are practically unknown. A possible way to implement changes arising from the action of IR is the regulation of gene expression. In the present work, the changes in the gene expression of participants in the generation and propagation of VP in irradiated plants are investigated. The experiments were performed on 14–15-day-old soft wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) grown under chronic irradiation (source 90Sr-90Y) with a dose rate of 31.3 μGy/h. The maximum accumulated dose was about 11.3 mGy. The irradiated plants showed no changes in the expression of calcium (TPC1), anionic (ALMT1 and CLC1), potassium (AKT1) channels, H+-ATPase (HA1), and NADPH oxidase (RBOHs) genes. A decrease in the expression of the SKOR potassium channel gene was revealed. The potassium channel blocker, tetraethylammonium chloride, caused an increase in response amplitude in control plants comparable to the increase in amplitude in the irradiated group. The obtained results indicate that one of the ways IR influences the electrical signals of plants is to inhibit the expression of the potassium channel.

Biologičeskie membrany. 2024;41(3):201-210
pages 201-210 views
Cell Volume Regulation of Endothelial Cells Is Impaired in Keratoconus Cornea
Kuseina I., Katkova L., Baturina G., Palchikova I., Iskakov I., Solenov E.

In this work the permeability to water and urea of plasma membranes of endothelial cells of normal corneas and corneas with keratoconus was investigated. The endothelial cells were obtained from surgery material. Measurements of osmotic aqueous permeability (Pf) of endothelial cells in normal and in keratoconus did not reveal significant differences of this parameter in the two studied groups. The control cells and the cells from keratoconus cornea have similar osmotic water permeability (control cells, Pf = 0.53 ± 0.045 cm/s; keratoconus cells, Pf = 0.63 ± 0.041 cm/s; n = 25; p ≥ 0.05). Neither coefficient of urea permeability differed significantly in these groups (control, Pu = 0.049 ± 0.003 cm/s; keratoconus, Pu = 0.056 ± 0.003 cm/s; n = 25; p ≥ 0.05). Analysis of cell volume dynamics based on exponential approximation showed a more pronounced decrease of the cell volume of endothelial cells from keratoconus cornea in hypertonic medium in comparison with the cells from normal cornea. The increase of cell volume caused by isotonic entering of urea into the cells in hypertonic medium also was more pronounced in these cells in comparison with the normal ones. We conclude that there are significant changes in cell volume regulating mechanism in keratoconus cornea endothelial cells.

Biologičeskie membrany. 2024;41(3):211-218
pages 211-218 views
Changes in Histone Code Regulation during the Initiation of Paraptosis-Like Death of HEp-2 Tumor Cells by Oxidized Disulfiram Derivatives
Solovieva M., Shatalin Y., Akatov V.

Disulfiram (DSF) and its oxidized derivatives (DSFoxy) are currently being investigated as possible anticancer agents. We previously found that DSFoxy initiate paraptosis-like death of tumor cells, which is of potential interest for the treatment of tumors resistant to the initiation of apoptosis. Based on bioinformatics analysis of mass spectrometric data on protein ubiquitination, we formulated a conception about the important role of disruption of the retrograde transport of damaged proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cytosol in the mechanism of initiation of paraptosis-like cell death. In the present work, it was found that DSFoxy, in the process of initiating paraptosis-like death of human adenocarcinoma HEp-2 cells, also enhances the ubiquitination of histones and histone code enzymes. In particular, this applies to the ubiquitination of histone H2BC12, histone methyltransferases responsible for transcription and repair of damaged DNA, as well as acetylating and ubiquitin-conjugating proteins. Bioinformatics analysis of changes in ubiquitination of cell nuclear proteins using the STRING database revealed during this process an increase in the occurrence of ubiquitinated proteins (functional enrichment) of cell cycle regulation, cell response to DNA damage and DNA repair, the regulation of which also depends on the histone code. This directly indicates damage to the cell nucleus and is consistent with confocal microscopy data. These results indicate that when paraptosis-like death is initiated by DSFoxy, along with impairment of retrograde transport and ER stress, there is also a change in the regulation of the histone code, which points to a pleotropic mechanism of cell death induction.

Biologičeskie membrany. 2024;41(3):219-232
pages 219-232 views
The Effect of 20-Hydroxyecdysone on the Functioning of isolated Mouse Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria
Semenova A., Igoshkina A., Mikina N., Savchenko R., Parfenova L., Dubinin M.

This work shows the effect of the phytoecdysteroid 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) on the functioning of mouse skeletal muscle mitochondria. I It has been shown that 20E at a concentration of 100 µM or more suppresses mitochondrial respiration fueled by glutamate and malate (substrates of complex I of the respiratory chain) or succinate (substrate of complex II of the respiratory chain). This effect of 20E is accompanied by a decrease in the membrane potential of organelles and is associated with inhibition of the activity of complex III, the total activity of complexes I+III and II+III of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. We have noted the prooxidant effect of 20E, which manifests itself in an increase in the production of hydrogen peroxide by skeletal muscle mitochondria. In addition, 20E reduces the ability of mitochondria to accumulate calcium ions in the matrix. The paper discusses the mechanisms of the possible toxic effect of 20E on the functioning of skeletal muscle mitochondria.

Biologičeskie membrany. 2024;41(3):233-242
pages 233-242 views
On the Feasibility of Using an Acedane-Based Fluorescent Probe to Monitor Hydrogen Sulfide in Primary Neuronal Cultures
Sharipov R., Tarzhanov I., Zgodova A., Bakaeva Z., Surin A.

Hydrogen sulfide (H₂S), which, under physiological conditions, exists in cells mainly in the form of anion HS, is considered as a gaseous transmitter of inter- and intracellular signals along with nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide. Analysis of the dynamics of H₂S content in living cells is impossible without creating sensitive and specific probes. Several acedan-based compounds have been synthesized in the group of K.H. Ahn (Singha et al., 2015. Anal. Chem. 87 (2), 1188–1195). In the presence of H₂S these probes attach to the sulfhydrilic group and form fluorescent carbocyclic compounds. The carbocyclic derivative of P3, compound csP3, was found to be optimal for fluorescence-microscopic studies in terms of spectral characteristics and response time to H₂S. In this work, we tested the suitability of csP3 to record H₂S changes in buffers mimicking the salt composition of the intracellular environment and in primary neuronal culture cells from rat cerebral cortex. It was found that reducing the polarity of the solution by adding dimethyl sulfoxide (30% by volume) caused a blue shift of the emission by ~10 nm and a twofold increase in fluorescence intensity. The csP3 fluorescence depends on the salt composition and increases in the presence of bicarbonate (NaHCO₃, 10 mM). Addition of P3 or csP3 to the neuronal culture caused a rapid increase in fluorescence, which was followed by a slow increase in fluorescence signal after 3–5 min. Glutamate (10 μM, in the presence of 10 μM glycine, 0 Mg2+) increased probe fluorescence, but only in those neurons in which delayed deregulation of calcium homeostasis did not occur. We conclude that the product of the reaction of P3 with H₂S is sensitive to a change in the salt composition of the intracellular medium and can be redistributed in cells between water and more hydrophobic environment. This means that an increase in P3 fluorescence in cells, especially after the addition of glutamate to neurons, does not necessarily indicate an increase in H₂S concentration. To confirm the feasibility of using P3 and structurally related probes as quantitative indicators of H₂S presence, additional studies of the properties of these compounds are needed.

Biologičeskie membrany. 2024;41(3):243-253
pages 243-253 views
Comparative Investigation of the Mechanisms of Calcium Response in Human and Murine Spermatozoa
Korobkina J., Panteleev M., Sveshnikova A.

Calcium signaling is a principal method of signal transduction in cells of non-excitable tissues. In both mouse and human sperm, it can be induced in response to progesterone, manifesting as oscillations or single peaks and followed by the acrosomal reaction. However, the molecular mechanisms of progesterone activation may vary between species. In this study, we aim to compare the calcium signaling mechanisms in human and mouse spermatozoa. We investigated the calcium response in mouse sperm activated by progesterone. We employed spectrofluorometry to quantify the rise in calcium concentration in response to progesterone in Fura-2 loaded mouse sperm cells in suspension. Our experiments demonstrated that mouse sperm cells respond to 50 μM progesterone with a peak 120 ± 35 s wide and 0.8 ± 0.3 μM high. Based on literature data, a scheme for the induction of calcium signaling was constructed, suggesting an intermediate stage with the synthesis of a certain prostanoid (possibly PGE2) and activation of mouse sperm by this prostanoid through a G-protein-coupled receptor. Based on the obtained reaction scheme, two computational models were developed: a point model and a three-dimensional model. As with human sperm, the point model provided only a qualitative description of calcium responses, whereas the three-dimensional model produced the shape of the calcium peak and the frequency of calcium oscillations in response to progesterone that were similar to the experimentally obtained values. Using in silico analysis, it was shown that in mouse sperm, the spatial distribution of signaling enzymes regulates the type and form of the calcium response. We conclude that the presence of time delays due to the diffusion and spatial distribution of calcium signaling enzymes regulates the calcium response in both human and mouse sperm.

Biologičeskie membrany. 2024;41(3):254-274
pages 254-274 views
Characteristics of the Fatty Acid Composition of the Vacuolar Membrane Lipids Under the Conditions of Stress Induced by Copper Ions
Kapustina I., Gurina V., Ozolina N., Spiridonova E.

The effect of different concentrations of copper ions (100 and 500 µM) on the fatty acid composition of the vacuolar membrane lipids of beet root tissues (Beta vulgaris L.) was studied. Exposure to 100 μM copper led to an increase in the content of FAs by 57 μg/mg of total lipids as compared to the control. Stearoyl desaturase (SDR) activity decreased from 0.87 in the control to 0.77 at 100 μM copper. Exposure to 500 μM copper caused an increase in the SDR activity up to 0.93, but the proportion of FAs decreased by 50 μg/mg of total lipids compared with 100 μM copper. In addition, there was an increase in the saturation of tonoplast lipids to 44 and 40% at 100 and 500 μM Cu²⁺, respectively. The results suggest that FAs of tonoplast lipids are involved in the stress response mechanisms induced by excessive Cu²⁺ concentrations.

Biologičeskie membrany. 2024;41(3):275-280
pages 275-280 views