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Vol 43, No 3 (2024)

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Effects of Surfactants on the Aggregation of 6,6'-Disubstituted Thiacarbocyanine Dyes in Aqueous Solutions

Pronkin P.G., Shvedova L.A., Tatikolov A.S.


The aggregation properties of a number of 6,6'-substituted thiacarbocyanine dyes were studied by spectral-fluorescent methods: T-304, T-306, T-307, T-336 and, for comparison, thiacarbocyanine Cyan 2, which has no substituents in the 6,6'-positions, in aqueous buffer solutions and in the presence of various types of surfactants. The method of moments was used to characterize the absorption spectra (band positions, width, shape). Substituents in the 6,6'-positions significantly increase the ability of dyes T-304, T-306, T-307, T-336 to aggregation (dimerization, as well as to the formation of disordered aggregates with broad low-intensity absorption spectra). The introduction of surfactants leads to rearrangement of the spectra associated with the complex nature of the equilibria between monomers and aggregates of various structures (including surfactant molecules, if present), in particular, with a decrease in the contribution of disordered aggregates. However, the decomposition of dimeric aggregates of 6,6'-substituted cyanines is observed only at very high surfactant concentrations (~20 CMC and higher, where CMC is the critical micelle concentration). At the same time, the passing of surfactant concentrations through CMC does not significantly affect the spectral-fluorescent properties of the dyes, which is probably due to rather strong interactions of the dyes with individual surfactant molecules and premicellar associates of surfactants.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):3-13
pages 3-13 views

Impurity Ions Mn2+ and Fe3+ as Paired Spin Labels for the Study of Structural Transformations in Phyllosilicates by the ESR Method

Chetverikova A.G., Berdinsky V.L., Kanygina O.N., Alidzhanov E.K., Nikiyan A.N.


Impurity paramagnetic ions Mn2+ and high spin Fe3+ (S = 5/2) are shown to be very informative “paired spin labels” to investigate structural transformations in natural aluminosilicate clay minerals by ESR spectroscopy. Second derivative ESR (SD ESR) enables to detect minor narrow lines of the ions against the background of intense broad lines of other paramagnetic impurities. Complex SD ESR spectra of the ions are explained by the Jahn-Teller effect and hyperfine interactions with OH-groups. SD ESR spectra before and after heating (620°C and 900°C) proved transformations of octahedral crystal cells accompanied by the loss of the OH-groups, displacement of the ions to equivalent positions.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):14-26
pages 14-26 views


Dynamics of Degradation of Polylactide-Natural Rubber Compositions under the Influence of UV Irradiation

Podzorova M.V., Tertyshnaya Y.V.


The effect of ultraviolet radiation of various wavelengths (254 nm and 365 nm) on compositions based on polylactide with the addition of natural rubber was studied. It was found that the effect of the wavelength of 254 nm on the studied samples is much more active than 365 nm, which is characterized by a decrease in the melting temperature and the degree of crystallinity of polylactide in the compositions, as well as a deterioration in physical and mechanical properties. The IR spectroscopy method confirms the photodegradation process by changing the intensities of structurally sensitive polylactide and natural rubber bands.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):27-34
pages 27-34 views


The Initiation Mechanism of the Isoolefin Oligomerization Reaction in the Presence of Ethylaluminum Dichloride – Protonodonor Complex Catalysts

Zaikov G.E., Artsis M.I., Babkin V.A., Andreev D.S., Ignatov A.V., Zakharov D.S., Vovko V.V., Belousova V.S.


The mechanism of isoolefins initiation in the presence of ethylaluminum dichloride – proton donor (water, phenol, hydrochloric acid) complex catalysts has been studied by ab initio HF.3.21G. The energetics of these reactions was estimated, the values of its activation energy and thermal effects were obtained. It was found that among the studied catalysts, an increase in the activation energy of the reaction of initiation of oligomerization of isoolefins contributes to an increase in the selectivity of the process.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):35-46
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Kinetics of Thermal Decomposition of N-Propargil Derivatives of 7H-Difurazanofuxanoazepine and 7H-Trifurasanoazepine

Kazakov A.I., Lempert D.B., Nabatova A.V., Ignatieva E.L., Dashko D.V., Raznoschikov V.V., Yanovskiy L.S.


The thermal stability of the propargyl derivatives of 7H-difurazanofuroxanoazepine and 7H-trifurazanoazepine in isothermal and non-isothermal modes has been studied. Formal kinetic regularities of decomposition and temperature dependences of reaction rate constants are determined. The thermal stability of propargyl, cyanomethyl, allyl and amine derivatives of azepines is compared.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):47-54
pages 47-54 views


Ignition of Coal Microparticles by Laser Pulses of The Second Harmonic of a Ndodymium Laser in the Q-Switched Regime

Aduev B.P., Nurmukhametov D.R., Kraft Y.V., Ismagilov Z.R.


The ignition of pelletized samples of hard coals of the long-flame gas (DG), gas (G), fat (L), coke (K) grades with particle sizes ≤63 μm by laser pulses (λ = 532 nm, τi = 10 ns) was studied. When the critical radiation energy density Hcr(1), specific for each grade of coal, is exceeded, an optical breakdown occurs and a dense plasma with a continuous emission spectrum is formed. As the plasma expands and rarefies, the spectra show the emission of carbon ions CII, excited nitrogen atoms N, excited carbon molecules C2, and carbon monoxide CO. The plasma glow intensity peaks at the end of the laser pulse, and the glow relaxation time is ~1 μs. The plasma glow amplitude increases nonlinearly with increasing laser pulse energy density. At radiation energy density HHcr(2), specific for each grade of coal, thermochemical reactions are initiated in the volume of microparticles and coal particles are ignited in a submillisecond time interval.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):55-67
pages 55-67 views

Mathematical Model of the Process of Thermal Destruction of Polymer Binders under Arbitrary Heating Conditions

Yudin V.M.


A mathematical model of the process of thermal destruction of polymer binders has been developed, taking into account experimentally established dependences of the decomposition depth on temperature and the amount of coke residue on the heating rate. A method for determining the kinetic parameters of the process by the method of inverse problems has been developed. Kinetic parameters of the model for six binders are determined.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):68-75
pages 68-75 views

The Effect of Nickel Content and Mechanical Activation on Combustion in the 5Ti + 3Si + хNi System

Kochetov N.A., Kovalev I.D.


Intermetallic alloys were synthesized in the 5Ti + 3Si + xNi system by the method of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) and mechanosynthesis. The influence of nickel content on the morphology, size and yield of composite particles after mechanical activation (MA) of mixtures was studied. The dependences of the maximum temperatures and combustion rates, phase composition, morphology and elongation of synthesis products on the nickel content for the initial and MA mixtures are studied. Under the conditions of the experiments conducted in this work, combustion process was able to realize and at the same time the samples burned completely at a nickel content of 10 to 60 wt.% in the 5Ti + 3Si + xNi system. After MA, the samples from the 5Ti + 3Si mixture burned to the end, and during the activation of the 5Ti + 3Si + 40% Ni mixture, mechanochemical synthesis occurred. With increasing nickel content combustion temperature decreases, and combustion velocity behaves nonmonotonically, increases the size of composite particles and decreases the yield of the mixture after MA. MA practically did not affect the maximum combustion temperatures of mixtures of 5Ti + 3Si + xNi. A multiple (from 0.7 to 2.9 cm/s) increase in the burning rate of samples from MA mixtures with an increase in the Ni content from 20 to 30 wt. % was recorded. An increase in the nickel content leads to an increase in the content of triple phases and the amount of melt in the synthesis products of mixtures of 5Ti + 3Si + xNi. Shrinkage of product samples increases with increasing nickel content in the initial mixtures. After MA, the shrinkage of the product samples is replaced by their growth. Explanations of the observed dependencies are proposed.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):76-86
pages 76-86 views

Mass Velocity Profiles for Non-Ideal Detonation of Mixtures of Nitromethane and Ammonium Perchlorate Overloaded with Aluminum. Measurements and Calculation

Ermolaev B.S., Komissarov P.V., Basakina S.S., Lavrov V.V.


Earlier, by comparing the results of mathematical modeling with experimental data on the non-ideal detonation velocities of triple mixtures of nitromethane and ammonium perchlorate with aluminum excess, the rates of exothermic reactions and the consumption degree of components within the detonation wave reaction zone were determined. A quasi-one-dimensional model of steady detonation was used for calculations, in which all components have a common pressure and move with a common mass velocity, and exothermic conversion is carried out in three stages, which include decomposition of nitromethane and ammonium perchlorate and diffusion combustion of aluminum. To confirm the obtained results and the applicability of the relatively simple theoretical model, calculations of the mass velocity profile during detonation of one of the triple mixtures with 17% nitromethane have been carried out. The calculation results are in agreement with the measured mass velocity profile, concerning the shape of the profile, the amplitude and the rate of decrease of the mass velocity along the detonation reaction zone. A possible explanation of a “leaning” of the beginning portion of the mass velocity profile observed in experiments has been proposed, and an estimate of the rise time of the sensor signal is given, taking into account the calculated curvature of the shock front of the detonation wave.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):87-94
pages 87-94 views


Influence of Conditions for Obtaining Polylactide-Based Materials on Their Physico-Mechanical and Rheological Characteristics

Bakirova E.R., Lazdin R.Y., Shurshina A.S., Chernova V.V., Zakharova E.M., Kulish E.I.


The work is devoted to the study of the influence of the conditions for obtaining materials based on the synthetic polymer polylactide on their physico-mechanical and rheological characteristics. These materials are promising for the creation of biodegradable polymer implants of temporary action to maintain the mechanical properties of broken bones during the healing period. They are designed to replace the titanium fixators currently used for these purposes, which is due not only to the need for repeated surgery to extract them, but also to the fact that the strength and modulus of elasticity of titanium fixators exceed the values of bone strength indicators by an order of magnitude, which can cause the phenomenon of bone resorption and a decrease in its strength. It has been established that with an increase in temperature in the plasticization and pressing zone, as well as with an increase in pressure in the press, there is a natural decrease in the viscosity of the polylactide melt, as well as the values of the elastic modulus and breaking stress of solid samples. Varying the cooling rate of the material during the pressing process affects the degree of its crystallinity. At the same time, the lower the cooling rate, the greater the degree of crystallinity of the polylactide and the greater the values of the elastic modulus and breaking stress.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):95-102
pages 95-102 views

The Impact of Water on Polylactide – Polybutylene Adipinate Terephthalate Blends

Selezneva L.D., Podzorova M.V., Tertyshnaya Y.V., Romanov R.R., Popov A.A.


Mixing in the melt followed by pressing, blends of polylactide — polybutylene adipate terephthalate of various compositions were obtained. The content of polybutylene adipate terephthalate in blends was 10, 20 and 30 wt. %. The effect of water on film samples at a temperature of 22 ± 2°C for 270 days was studied. After exposure to water, a change in morphology was detected: turbidity of the samples and the appearance of defects. The thermophysical characteristics before and after hydrolytic degradation were determined by differential scanning calorimetry. A decrease in the cold crystallization temperature in pure polylactide and with a low content of polybutylene adipate terephthalate, and the disappearance of the cold crystallization peak at a content of 20 and 30 wt. % of polybutylene adipate terephthalate were shown. The degree of crystallinity of polylactide after exposure to water tended to increase. Changes in the chemical structure of mixed samples were monitored by IR spectroscopy.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):103-111
pages 103-111 views

Investigation of the Influence of UV Radiation on Compositions of Polylactide with Graphite Nanoplates

Gasymov M.M., Rogovina S.Z., Kuznetsova O.P., Perepelitsyna E.O., Shevchenko V.G., Lomakin S.M., Berlin A.A.


Composites of polyether polylactide (PLA) synthesized from natural raw materials with graphite nanoplates (GNP), which represent a new type of composite materials based on biodegradable polymers, were obtained by solid-phase method under the action of shear deformations. The porosity of composites was evaluated and their electrical and mechanical properties were studied. The effect of UV radiation on the molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of PLA in PLA-GNP composites of different compositions was investigated using the method of excision chromatography (EC), and the effect of the GNP nanofiller content on the change of their mechanical characteristics in the process of radiation was shown.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):112-121
pages 112-121 views

Short Communication

Synthesis of HTSP Y11-xFexBa2Cu3Oy by Sol-Gel and Solid-Phase Methods

Pigalskiy K.S., Vishnev A.A., Baldin E.D., Trakhtenberg L.I.


A modified version of using of the sol-gel process at the initial stage of the synthesis of a high-temperature superconductor (HTSC) Y1-xFexBa2Cu3Oy with low Fe doping is proposed. The properties of samples obtained by sol-gel and solid-state synthesis have been compared. It has been shown that a more uniform distribution of the dopant throughout the volume of the sol-gel samples makes it possible to obtain materials with improved microstructural and performance characteristics.

Himičeskaâ fizika. 2024;43(3):122-124
pages 122-124 views

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