Approbation of Modified Hostility Scale in Russian-speaking sample




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This article presents the results of an approbation of Modified Hostility Scale. This questionnaire is designed based on Russian translation of Cook-Medley Hostility scale by reducing the number and translation correction of several items. Statistical and content analyzes of data show that Modified Hostility Scale is reliable and convergently valid. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes showed the 3-factor structure of questionnaire: cynicism, negativism, alertness. This structure is semantically close to the 4-factor structure of original Russian translation of Cook-Medley scale. However, our factors are non-orthogonal. This corresponds to the logic of “maternal” questionnaire construction (MMPI) from which the Ho scale (Cook-Medley Hostility scale) was originally taken.


Gleb Emelin

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Russian Federation, Moscow

S. Enikolopov

FSBSI "Mental Health Research Center"; Lomonosov Moscow State University

Russian Federation, Moscow


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版权所有 © Емелин Г.D., Ениколопов С.N., 2023