Psihologičeskij žurnal

The bimonthly peer-review journal published since July 1980.


  • Russian Academy of Sciences


  • Russian Academy of Sciences

The journal is published under the supervision of the RAS Department of Historical and Philological Sciences (OIFN RAS).


Professor A.L. Zhuravlev

ORCID ID 0000-0002-2555-7599

About the journal

The journal publishes articles on fundamental problems of psychology, its methodological, theoretical and experimental foundations, as well as the results of research related to applied issues of social and scientific life.

The concept

The journal publishes original completed scientific works, performed in the context of topical problems in various fields of psychology or at the junction of borderline disciplines in various genres:

  • theoretical and methodological articles;
  • articles describing empirical research;
  • new methodological techniques;
  • short communications (descriptions of empirical studies and new techniques);
  • literature reviews (informational-analytical and critical-analytical);
  • materials on the history of psychology, as well as comments on previously published materials and responses by authors, book reviews, reviews of current scientific press, communications and reports on scientific events (congresses, conventions, conferences, symposia), scientific chronicle and information.

Psychological Journal was founded in 1980.

The establisher and main Editor till 1988 was Director of the Institure of Psychology Academy of sciences of USSR Boris F. Lomov. From 1988 till 2002 the Main Editor was Director of the Institure of Psychology of Russian Academy of sciences Andrey V.Bruhslinsky.

Current Main Editor is Prof. Anatoly Zhuravlev, Director of the Institure of Psychology of Russian Academy of sciences

Issues are 6 times per year.

Key areas

  • Theoretical and methodological problems of psychology;
  • social psychology;
  • economic psychology;
  • legal psychology;
  • cognitive psychology;
  • psychology of individual differences;
  • engineering psychology;
  • psychology of work;
  • psychophysiology;
  • clinical psychology;
  • neuropsychology;
  • cross-cultural and ethnic psychology;
  • political psychology;
  • psychology and Internet;
  • personality psychology;
  • psychology of understanding;
  • development psychology;
  • speech psychology;
  • psycholinguistics;
  • psychology of professional activity;
  • subject psychology.


Current Issue

Open Access Open Access  Restricted Access Access granted  Restricted Access Subscription Access

Vol 45, No 2 (2024)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Open Access Open Access
Restricted Access Access granted
Restricted Access Subscription Access

Theoretical and metodological problems in psychology

On the relationship of mental and biological in the problem of modeling consciousness
Zelenkova T.V.

The problem of mental modelling and creation of thinking devices is one of the most significant and at the same time, the least studied in modern science. The main difficulties in solving it are associated with insufficient elaboration of the relationship between the mental and the biological, primarily from the conceptual apparatus and a unified methodological base. The article discusses the issues of the definition of alive, the emergence of the psyche, the concept of pan-interiorism, existing models of consciousness and their criticism from the position of non-disjunctive logic and proposes a new semiotic model based on a cultural substrate. The work is an attempt at an interdisciplinary synthesis of views on the above problems of the largest scientists of the XX and XXI centuries: V.I. Vernadsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, A.V. Brushlinsky, M.M. Bakhtin, Yu.M. Lotman and others. The possibility of building artificial intelligence based on cultural substrate is substantiated, as it is proposed to use semiotic systems, whose properties in many respects resemble the properties of a living organism: they possess the mechanism of autopoiesis, follow the Redi principle, are organized in the form of cholarchy, and exist only in a communicative environment.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):5-14
pages 5-14 views

Social psychology

Education as a functional resource for the development of the State: an analysis of the socio-economic views of Russians
Kitova D.A., Zhuravlev A.L.

The study was devoted to identification of the population’s everyday ideas about the functional capabilities of education that can have an impact on the development of the state. The methodological approach and research methods are based on the fact that the perception of macroeconomic processes determined by the development of education will be reflected in the everyday ideas of the population, which can be studied through structural and content analysis of the texts of messages on social networks. The work used methods of grounded theory, neural network analysis, analysis of the frequency of occurrence and emotional background of words, content and expert analysis. It is shown that, according to users of social networks, the leading functions of education are associated with its ability to influence the social, economic and political development of society and the state, including as a geopolitical subject. Users associate education with various levels of development of socio-economic processes — from personal to national. The functional essence of education as a resource for the macroeconomic development of the state dominates over other aspects (micro- and meso-levels) of ideas and demonstrates a clearly defined hierarchical relationship of priorities: national, historical, systemic, global, institutional, regional and meso-economic. As part of the discussion of educational processes, differences arise between supporters of state-oriented and socially-centered ways of developing society. The historical conditionality of Russian education among users correlates with the peculiarities of its development in the USSR, and there is no connection to earlier periods of history. Education from a functional perspective is assessed by users as a benefit for individuals and society, the achievement of which requires significant time and socio-economic costs on the part of all its participants (the state, teachers and students). Insufficient satisfaction with higher education is manifested by the majority of users and is due to an assessment of its current state. The identified results require further specification, for example, the study of algorithms proposed to overcome the current situation.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):15-27
pages 15-27 views

Cognitive psychology

Cohort differences in intelligence test performance: effects of primary school education and task difficulty
Tikhomirova T.N., Malykh S.B.

The results of an analysis of cohort differences in performance on the “Standard Progressive Matrices” test over one decade are presented. The focus of the research is on the performance of the fluid intelligence test by 1008 schoolchildren of six birth cohorts who entered the first grades of one school from 2011 to 2017, and their results after 4 years of primary schooling — from 2015 to 2021. The follow-up study solves problems related to determining the nature of cohort differences in test scores “within” one decade in the first and fourth years of education, the likelihood of changes in the size of cohort differences during primary schooling, and the degree of their dependence on the complexity of test items. The results of the analysis indicate the existence of cohort differences in the performance of students of one general education organization on an intelligence test “within” one decade. At the same time, the nature of the changes does not correspond to the trend of a progressive increase in test scores from the previous cohort to the subsequent one. The magnitude of cohort differences in the first and fourth years of study varies depending on the complexity of test items, reaching maximum values for more complex items. Four years of primary schooling significantly reduces the severity of cohort differences both in the overall score of the “Standard Progressive Matrices” test and in individual series of test items associated with individual thought processes. At the same time, the complexity of test tasks is associated with the influence of primary school education on the severity of cohort differences: the more complex the tasks, the less the magnitude of cohort differences is reduced by the end of primary school.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):28-38
pages 28-38 views

Psychology of personality

Experiencing the stress of abandonment and helplessness in adolescence3
Kharlamenkova N.E., Nikitina D.A., Shatalova N.E., Dymova E.N.

The results of comparing the experience of different types of stressful situations, including situations of abandonment and helplessness, and ways of coping with them in adolescence are presented. The study involved schoolchildren aged 12–14 years (x = 12.5; med = 12; sd = 0.7). Participants were 80 adolescents (39 girls and 41 boys). Methods: Color test of relationships; Adolescent Coping Scale E. Frydenberg, R. Lewis; Perceived Stress Scale for Children. The most difficult for adolescents is stressful situation of abandonment as a situation of experiencing emotional, informational and social deprivation. It was found that in terms of the level of perceived stress, the group indicated the abandonment as a more stressful situation for them is closest to the group indicated the extreme stressful situation (U = 69.0; p = 0.44) and differs from the groups indicated assessment situation (U = 51.5; p = 0.02) and helplessness (U = 82.5; p = 0.019). It was revealed that in the assessments of the projective situation, in which parents leave child alone at home for a period of time, the groups “Abandonment” and “Extremity” also turn out to be similar (mostly negative assessments on the situation were found). It was determined that the “Helplessness” group is characterized by coping strategies that indicate the relevance of applying to the social support, and for the “Abandonment” group, unlike all other groups, the ignoring strategy is more typical (p < 0.05).

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):39-50
pages 39-50 views
Psychological predictors of the potential for self-change in female students with different life satisfaction
Byzova V.M., Vinogradova Y.E., Lovyagina A.E.

The relevance of the study is determined by the need to specify scientific ideas about predictors of self-change in personality and behavior. Understanding of this phenomenon is necessary for providing effective psychological support, especially during times of instability and uncertainty. The aim of the study is to identify the characteristics of different spheres of mental self-regulation and styles of responding to changes that influence self-change in female students, who differ in terms of their level of life satisfaction. Participants (202 female undergraduates aged 18–22 years) were examined using techniques assessing metacognitive engagement, emotional intelligence, characteristics of conscious self-regulation, reflection, styles of responding to change, and life satisfaction. Predictors of selfchange are differed between female students with high and low life satisfaction. The common predictor of selfchange for female students with different levels of life satisfaction is an innovative style of responding to change.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):51-64
pages 51-64 views

Psychology of professional activity

Professionally important personal prerequisites for entrepreneurship
Rubin Y.B., Shadrikov V.D.

The purpose of the article is to identify, systematize and structure personal prerequisites of people that are professionally important for successful entrepreneurship, in the context of interdisciplinary research into the phenomenon of entrepreneurship and its functional specifics. The understanding of entrepreneurship as a special type of professional activity, carried out in accordance with the request for it from society and its segments, extends to the analysis of the personal prerequisites for the professional development of modern entrepreneurs. Based on the psychological theory of activity, modern theories of abilities and on functional ideas about entrepreneurship as a type of professional activity, a professional-centric approach to assessing personal prerequisites that are important for successful entrepreneurship on a professional basis, as well as for the entrepreneurial professionalization of actors, is formulated. Special objects of consideration are clusters of professionally important prerequisites — people’s entrepreneurship ability, their personal competitiveness, ownership propensities. The illegality of synonymizing entrepreneurship as a type of activity and the entrepreneurship ability as a prerequisite for the success of this activity is argued. Entrepreneurship contains a readiness to make decisions, implement a program of action, reflect on the results of activity in an environment of comparative uncertainty of the market realities of the business environment, as well as to take on professional risks. The ownership propensities is interpreted as prerequisites that are professionally important for de facto entrepreneurs as business owners. It is shown that the personal competitiveness of the actors of this type of professional activity is of professional importance for successful entrepreneurship throughout the centuries-old history of reproducing the competitive nature of the entrepreneurship environment.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):65-79
pages 65-79 views

Methodes and procedures

Development of a questionnaire for assessing the functions informal subgroups perform in relation to the work group
Sidorenkov A.V., Ignatov D.S., Obukhova Y.V., Eribekyan A.A.

The paper presents the results of assessing validity and reliability of a questionnaire designed to measure three key functions of informal subgroups in relation to a small work group, namely: (1) implementing group tasks; (2) within group positioning and influence; and (3) organizing group activity. The questionnaire contains three subscales to assess the corresponding functions of informal subgroups. Three experienced psychologists assessed content validity of the questionnaire. In addition, 290 employees from 49 working groups (departments, sectors, production units, etc.) of various organizations took part in the pilot testing and validation study of the developed questionnaire and of the associated tool for identifying informal subgroups — within the software package “Group Profile — Universal. Descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) and Cronbach’s alpha α were calculated, and confirmatory factor analysis was performed. The questionnaire evaluation procedure was carried out separately for the data obtained: (a) among those sample participants who were included in informal subgroups and (b) for the entire sample. The study shows that in both cases the questionnaire has adequate content validity and confirms a three-factor structure of the questionnaire with every subscale being internally consistent. The questionnaire can be used to solve research and applied problem alike. Its application will allow researchers to expand their understanding of the role of informal subgroups in the life and functioning of work groups. Practitioners (psychologists and human resource professionals) will be able to assess the prevalence of the functions of each subgroup or of a set of subgroups and, based on outcomes of such assessment, purposefully build their work with subgroups in order to improve joint activities and increase performance effectiveness of work groups.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):80-90
pages 80-90 views
Russian-language adaptation of the abbreviated place attachment scale
Ivanova A.A., Zabelina E.V., Valko D.V., Nikolaeva E.V.

The article presents the adaptation of the Abbreviated Place Attachment Scale. Two studies were conducted for this purpose, one with residents of the Chelyabinsk region (n = 335) and another with residents of the city of St. Petersburg (n = 188). The factorial structure, discriminant validity, and reliability of the two subscales, place identification and place dependence, were examined in both samples. As the scale can be applied in various places of residence and leisure, the second study explores two formulations of the statements, as well as the retest reliability. The positive correlation of the scale with general well-being and perceived advantages of living in the specific place indicates the convergent validity of the instrument. Criterion validity was confirmed by examining the influence of the length of residence on place attachment and its role in shaping migration intentions. The results of the psychometric assessment of the Abbreviated Place Attachment Scale attest to its reliability and validity for use in environmental psychology and several related disciplines.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):91-103
pages 91-103 views

History of psycology

Problems of the psychology of trust and distrust in the works of a. B. Kupreichenko
Zhuravlev A.L., Kostrigin A.A.

The article is devoted to the scientific creativity of a leading specialist in social and economic psychology in the 2000–2010s. Alla Borisovna Kupreichenko (1962–2014). Her life path and main areas of research are described. Her work on the psychology of trust and distrust is discussed in detail. The periods of its development of these phenomena are highlighted — from the justification of trust/distrust as independent phenomena to the study of its specific forms and types. The key theoretical and methodological foundations for studying the psychology of trust/distrust in the works of A.B. Kupreichenko are analyzed and presents the substantive characteristics of her research activities.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):104-114
pages 104-114 views
Russian psychological periodicals of the 1901–1950's: possibilities of historical and psychological analysis
Artem'eva O.A.

The problem of psychological periodicals as a special source of historical and psychological research is defined. The possibilities of its analysis on the material of 1031 journal and 48 newspaper articles of leading Russian psychologists of the first half of the 20th century are discussed. The author presents a review of 130 magazines and 22 newspapers that published articles by psychologists for half a century and the history of the opening and closure of specialized psychological magazines. She identifies the main areas of development of psychological science and practice, based on the results of comparative-synchronistic and diachronic analysis of the topics and frequency of journal and newspaper publications. Conclusions are made about the possibilities of studying social determination and the collective aspect of the development of psychology. There is a higher sensitivity of newspaper publications to a change in the socio-economic and ideological conditions for the development of psychological practice.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):115-125
pages 115-125 views

Scientific life

Seventh international scientific and practical conference “Social and psychological adaptation of migrants in the modern world”
Konstantinov V.V., Khashenko N.N.

22–23 марта 2024 г. состоялась 7-я Международная научно-практическая конференция “Социально-психологическая адаптация мигрантов в современном мире”. Организаторами выступили Пензенский государственный университет и Костанайский региональный университет им. Ахмета Байтурсынова (Казахстан). Работа конференции была организована в гибридном формате — очно и с помощью видеоконференцсвязи Контур.Толк. Участниками обсуждены вопросы, связанные с проблемным полем социально-психологической адаптации мигрантов и беженцев в России и в других странах. Отдельной темой для анализа и дискуссии стала проблема организации психолого-педагогической помощи мигрантам и беженцам. По итогам работы конференции был опубликован сборник материалов, раскрывающий широкий спектр исследований современных психологов в области социально-психологической адаптации мигрантов.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):126-132
pages 126-132 views

Our jubelees

For the Anniversary of A. N. Zhdan
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):133-134
pages 133-134 views
For the Anniversary of T. A. Zhalagina
Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(2):135-136
pages 135-136 views

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