Russian-Language Adaptation of the Methodology of Diagnosing the Motives for Online Dating Servicesusage

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The article is devoted to the psychological aspects of online dating services usage and tools to study the motives of such services users. A theoretical analysis of Russian and foreign studies of online dating services users was carried out. The analysis showed that the general research interest is related to the personal characteristics of users and their self-presentation strategies in such services. Among foreign researchers, it is common to study the characteristics of sexual behavior and motivation of users as well as their perception of the confidentiality of data provided to such services. There were no Russian-language works on the problem of motives for online dating services using. Due to the lack of Russian-language tools the Tinder Motives Scale methodology developed by E. Timmermans, E. de Kaluwe was selected for adaptation. A Russian-language adaptation and verification of the psychometric properties of the technique was made on a sample of 3540 (2255 male, aged 18 to 60+). This allowed us to offer a valid and reliable, shortened (from 58 to 22 points) and modified Russian-language version of the methodology for diagnosing the motives for online dating services using. The scale “Material motivation” was added. Scales “Flirting / communication skills development”, “Travel” “Belonging to a group”, “Pressure of friends”, “Search for people with the same sexual orientation”, “Distraction from business” and “Curiosity” were not confirmed. 

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About the authors

А. Е. Vorobieva

Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences


Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Social and Economic Psychology

Russian Federation, Moscow

D. A. Shmidt


Self-Employed Entrepreneur, Research Psychologist

Russian Federation, Moscow

T. A. Nestik

Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

head of the laboratory of social and economic psychology

Russian Federation, Moscow


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