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Nº 1 (2023)


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Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):5-7
pages 5-7 views

"failing forward": freedom of movement reforms in the European Union during crises

Potemkina O.


The article addresses the reforms of border security, migration and asylum policies in times of recent crises in the European Union. The author turns to the analysis of the refugee crisis and closing borders during pandemic in the framework of the «failing forward» approach, which combines the ideas of both liberal intergovernmentalism and neofunctionalism. Describing the process of reforming the Schengen Border Code and the Dublin Regulation, the article demonstrates how the Commission’s ambitious initiatives to promote communitarian method of governance were reduced in the Council to a minimum common denominator. These decisions contributed to the temporary settlement of migration and border security problems, which were aggravated by crisis. They promoted the process of European integration to a certain extent, but did not guarantee from future events of force majeure. The cases of refugee crisis and pandemic allow to prove the author’s argument that a new Schengen reform was required to legitimize restrictions of citizens' trips. Concentrating on the analysis of this new reform, the author comes to conclusion that the EU's choice of an intergovernmental way of Schengen governance does not ensure success in case of a new crisis. Thereby the logic of “failing forward” will be reproduced with a high probability.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):8-20
pages 8-20 views

Innovations in the EU communication policy

Kondratieva N.


The objectives and mechanisms of the European Union (EU) communication policy are considered. The article is based on the author's definition of the EU political myths as the main messages of its official communications, which contain imaginative ideas about the values of the EU and a guide to action to achieve the ideal. Communication policy has been studied as a tool to preserve the sustainability of EU values and to consolidate them on the agenda. A review of the official sources and the works of European think tanks allowed us to reveal its transformations in modern conditions. They consist in greater wastefulness and regularity of communications, increased requirements for communicators. Official Brussels gives priority to active communications (conferences and other forms of discussion of norms and strategies involving stakeholders) as the most effective in terms of influencing public opinion and, presumably, uses triangulation tactics. In passive communications (in reports, brochures, communitations on the results of activities), transformations consist in the establishment of mandatory organization standards and criteria for submitting information - modernity, reasonableness, added value for the EU. Taking into account the experience of the EU, recommendations are given for the EAEU.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):21-33
pages 21-33 views

Evolution of the arctic strategy of the Federal Republic of Germany

Popov I., Podoplekin A.


The article traces the development of the Arctic strategy of the Federal Republic of Germany in order to identify the evolution of its priorities and main factors. In the understanding of the Arctic strategy, two opposite approaches were formed among German official circles: pragmatic, aimed at maximum extracting economic benefits with rather modest claims for international legal regulation of the Arctic regime and ecocentric which proceeds from the environmental protection priority of the Arctic region and insists on more active international positioning of Germany to solve these problems. Each approach was represented by certain political forces, groups of interests and even ministries. During the 2010s, the pragmatic approach was gradually being replaced by the ecocentric. On the other hand, Germany was more and more skeptical about the possibility of preventing a geopolitical race in the Arctic and therefore systematically expanded its military presence in the region. German Arctic policy is based on current international law and institutions, as well as focuses on the aspiration to bring more strict environmental and technical standards to them, and wide financial support of Arctic research and the assertion of its freedom; synchronization with the Arctic policy of the EU; consideration for the interests of the indigenous population; technological export; active prevention of global warming and expansion of marine protected areas in the Arctic.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):34-45
pages 34-45 views

The new political crisis in Northern Ireland

Okhoshin O.


In Northern Ireland, after the 2022 local parliamentary elections, the two leading regional parties - the Unionists (DUP) and the Irish Nationalists (Sinn Féin) - failed to form an autonomous government. The article examines the causes of the political crisis in the region and presents an analysis of the model of consocial democracy according to the Belfast Agreement 1998. The political system of dual power, which requires the mandatory representation of religious communities (Catholics and Protestants) in local authorities, has repeatedly created the preconditions for long-term conflicts. The Unionists use the Northern Ireland Protocol after Brexit as its main pretext to put pressure on the central government and lower Sinn Féin's political influence. Divisions between two parties could disrupt the peaceful life in Ulster established in accordance with the Belfast Agreement, and lead to an increase in local separatism. A forecast is given that in the event of a long shutdown of the work of the regional parliament and the autonomous government, Northern Ireland may face severe economic consequences against the backdrop of the global energy crisis and the growing recession in the United Kingdom.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):46-58
pages 46-58 views

Evolution of the EU Economic and Monetary Union

Bazhan A., Pishchik V.


The article analyses the evolutionary changes that the EU Economic and Monetary Union is undergoing under the influence of the development of its main economic contradiction. The latter, according to the authors, lies in the use, on the one hand, of a single, centralized economic policy, and on the other hand, in the functioning of relatively independent national financial systems, the power of which is determined by the efficiency of the national economy. In practice, the contradiction lies in the fact that the general economic policy in most of its elements does not take into account the peculiarities of the economic development of individual countries, which makes it financially unprofitable for some of them to participate in a regional association, and stimulates the emergence of disintegration trends. The problem of diverging interests is exacerbated by many factors. One of them is competition, which under the conditions of a common market and the use of a single currency is unlimited. Other factors are related to the shocks that the EU economy is experiencing: financial crises, the COVID-19, the sanctions imposed by Western countries on Russia. The evolution of the EMU is taking place as a result of the EU's desire to mitigate the negative impact of this contradiction through the adoption of strategic and emergency measures that alleviate the problem of divergence of interests.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):59-73
pages 59-73 views

Monetization of emissions reductions in the EU in the context of carbon border adjustment mechanism

Varnavskii V.


It is believed that the significant reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be achieved by establishing a trading system of this specific product. In fact, the reduction of emissions is mainly due to decrease of production volumes and technological reasons, rather than organizational, institutional and fiscal factors. As shown in the article on the basis of correlation analysis, the reduction of GHG emissions in the steel and aluminum industries of the EU over the past two decades by an average of 95% is explained by a reduction in output in tons. The remaining 5% is related to technology improvements. In general, the efficiency of the EU Emissions Trading System for these industries is close to zero and comparable to a statistical error. At the same time, it is impossible to deny a certain effect of institutional factors, such as the climate agenda and public opinion. It is revealed that the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is necessary for the EU, first of all, as an additional source of revenue to the EU budget, and as a tool to strengthen its leadership role in the world climate policy and global geopolitical and information spaces.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):74-87
pages 74-87 views

Some aspects of food security in the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe

Drynochkin A.


Among the complex of issues dealt with by the theory of food security, the problems of the impact on food inflation, which especially grew in the Visegráld countries and Albania in the 2nd-3rd quarter of 2022, are being studied. The focus of the paper is on researching the possibilities of increasing the product supply due to imports. The countries selected for the study demonstrated a common strategy to use the problems with the export sales of grain experienced by Russia and Ukraine in 2022 in the interests of developing their own infrastructure and increasing the security of national grain markets, as well as to strengthen the ruling political forces. However, due to multiple differences between the countries (the level of self-sufficiency in grain crops, the degree of geographical proximity to Ukraine, the availability of financial resources, etc.), they chose different tactical models: the Visegrad countries and Romania, despite the rhetoric of solidarity with countries with a high level of food insecurity, are aimed at obtaining additional financial dividends from their role as transit countries for Ukrainian grain; Albania, due to its geographical remoteness from Ukraine, the closure of Ukrainian ports before the start of a grain deal and small financial reserves, is forced to focus on other available sources of grain.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):88-99
pages 88-99 views

Regulation of preferential territorial regimes in the EU countries

Kotov A.


The article considers preferential economic regimes operating in the territory of the countries of the European Union and the UK. The research identifies the features of the spatial socio-economic development of European countries. The study reveals that the preferential regimes are not only the concept of proper legal regulation. We developed an integrated approach to the analysis of preferential regimes as an interconnected and meaningful unity of norms and rules for the purposeful development of economic activity associated with the historical path of the country's development. The paper demonstrates the influence of preferential regimes on the development of individual sectors of the economy. Based on the study of the European countries’ experience, the author concludes that the effectiveness of preferential economic regimes is evaluated very critically, and public authorities often implement formal and incomplete evaluation procedures. The results can be used for attracting new participants to special zones, improving the criteria for selecting territories, residents, and practices for the formation of management bodies for special territories for the development of national regulation. The author believes that certain elements in the experience of foreign European countries may be of significant interest for Russia.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):100-112
pages 100-112 views

Prospects for Greenland's economic autonomy

Kravchuk A.


In 2019, the attention of the world community to Greenland increased significantly after US President Donald Trump offered to buy the island. Although the proposal was immediately rejected, it caused a rethinking of Greenland’s importance in the Arctic international relations system. Greenland’s government also felt the growth of attention, which took a sharper course towards independence from Denmark. The author intends to explore whether Greenland has the economic basis for being an independent state. Thus, the current state of the key export sectors of its economy (fishing, mining and tourism) was analyzed. As is shown, having a negative trade balance Greenland is deeply dependent on Danish financial support which equals 78% of export revenues, up to 50% of the local budget and 20% of GDP. Moreover, Denmark is the main trade partner of Greenland. The paper also considers the main factors pushing Greenlanders to gain independence from Denmark - resentment for the colonial period of their joint history and the economic advantages of free disposal of the island’s territory and its resources. The intent to become independent is largely fueled by U.S.-China competition for influence on Greenland, as both countries are attracted by the island’s geostrategic location and its resources, including rare earth minerals and uranium. The analysis of key export sectors development prospects demonstrates that by modernizing its seafood industry, putting into operation new tourism infrastructure and implementing ongoing mining projects Greenland could receive funds in an amount sufficient to replace Denmark’s financial support. However, this will require time, foreign investment and, most importantly, consistent policy for working with foreign companies, which Greenland lacks currently.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):113-126
pages 113-126 views

Genesis and evolution of the polish geopolitical concept of Intermarium

Vorozheina Y., Kurganskii A.


The article discusses the origin and development of the Polish geopolitical concept - “Intermarium”, which is based on the idea of creating a large-scale interstate association in the geopolitical space of Central and Eastern Europe. In its various interpretations, this concept has always been associated with the confrontation with Russia, starting with the forerunner of the Intermarium - the Jagiellonian idea. The most serious attempts to realize these aspirations were made by Józef Piłsudski, who created the Intermarium concept, along with which he tried to implement the federalist project of 1918-1921 and the geopolitical project of “Prometheism”. Subsequently, the followers of these ideas, Jozef Beck and Jerzy Giedroyc, together with Juliusz Mieroszewski, tried to rebuild the legacy of Pilsudski's geopolitical thought in terms of the changing realities of the 20th century. Reliance on the Jagiellonian idea and its anti-Russian ambitions inevitably led all subsequent attempts to create such a geopolitical bloc to collapse. Nevertheless, this concept has been updated in Poland’s modern geopolitical strategy, although it is positioned exclusively as an integration economic and political project - the Three Seas Initiative (Trimarium). The authors analyse Poland's geopolitical perception of the region of Central and Eastern Europe and reveal the continuity in the Polish geopolitical thought and the idea of regional dominance in the space of the three seas. Based on the history of the evolution of the Intermarium concept, the authors focus on the fact that the modern Trimarium project is a new vision of old geopolitical aspirations.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):127-138
pages 127-138 views

The prospects for CSTO activities after the end of the peacekeeping operation in Kazakhstan

Korenev E.


The study assesses the prospects of CSTO activity after the end of the peacekeeping operation in Kazakhstan. In 2022 important security processes were taking place in the geographical area of the CSTO (conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, including aggravation of the situation on the borders of Armenia, the activation of NATO), which indicates the relevance of the topic. The aim of the study is to establish the pro-spects of the CSTO activity after the completion of the peacekeeping operation in Ka-zakhstan in conditions of rapid changes at the international and regional level. The methodological basis of the research consists of general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison). The author believes that in the near fu-ture, even taking into account the special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, which affects the intensification of Russian-Belarusian defense coopera-tion, CSTO activity is unlikely to change. At the same time the activation of NATO will make certain adjustments in the practical work of the CSTO, for example, it will affect the practice of specific actions in the course of exercises. The article offers the prognostic possibilities in the study of different issues related to the analysis of CSTO activity in the future, including in the context of Russia's national interests.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):139-150
pages 139-150 views

Islamic radicals in Europe: between religion and politics

Shumilin A.


The article discusses the reasons that prompted the governments and expert of many EU countries to pay increased attention to the activities of the religious and political association of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood (BM) and a number of Shiite groups (primarily Hezbollah) within the EU in recent years. The study indicates that the causes of it are the terrorist attacks in France and Austria in 2020, which gave rise to a wave of retaliatory measures from the authorities, and also a growing influence of this Muslim organizations and groups on social and political life of the countries of the Old World. The article analyses the means, methods and mechanisms characteristic of groups associated with the structures of BM and Hezbollah in Europe, the specifics of their activities. The authority and influence of radical groups are noticeably weakening in the Middle East region. However, in the Old World they manage to fit into the current political-ideological discourse, resorting to the left, “progressist” rhetoric to hide their Islamist identity. They are exploiting the far-fetched feelings of disadvantage and vulnerability that are spreading in Muslim communities in socio-political environment. As inter-civilizational relations in Europe worsen, radical groups publicly claim the status of "defenders of humiliated Muslims", trying to legalize their radical views and strategies. Further aggravation of the confrontation between political elites in the EU and Islamic radicals seems inevitable. Islamist radicalism becomes a factor in political life in the European Union.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):151-162
pages 151-162 views

The Russia-ukraine conflict and the state of affairs for the Ukrainian orthodox church

Mudrov S.


The article analyses the changes in the state of affairs for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) that occurred after the beginning of the Special Military Operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine (February 2022). The leadership of the UOC has mainly agreed with the policy of Kiev, supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as providing aid to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This was evident in the statements of the UOC’s head, metropolitan Onufriy, and the declarations of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. However, despite the position of the UOC (and its peacemaking efforts), the state of affairs for this Church in Ukraine has generally deteriorated, including due to the rising pressure from the authorities (mainly in the western regions), the increase in the number of negative news in the media, and more frequent cases of seizure of churches, which were at times forcibly transferred to another jurisdiction (OCU). At the national level, the threats towards UOC were also present, with the registration of a bill in the Parliament, envisioning a complete ban of the Church (the consideration of this bill has been postponed). At the same time the decision to proclaim the autocephaly of the UOC, adopted at the council in Feofaniya in May 2022, did not lead to a fundamental improvement in the state of affairs for the Church.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):163-172
pages 163-172 views

The peace of Westphalia and religion in the context of the evolution of public law in Europe

Borshch I.


The article describes the consequences of the «post-secular turn» in social sciences, in particular, in the history of law and the theory of international relations as applied to the study of the Congress of Westphalia and the Peace Treaty of 1648. The author shows how new approaches in the international theory (from realism to constructivism and neorealism) contributed to the criticism of the «secular myth of Westphalia». The author considers new perspectives on the religious issue at the Westphalian Peace Congress in terms of the evolution of public law in Europe. Westphalia is seen as a set of religion ideas, which caused a revolution in the concept and practice of sovereignty and Westphalia as the last Christian Peace. The article discusses the role of the legal principles of religious freedom and the confessional truce of the XVII century in the formation of the Westphalian system of security guarantees in Europe. The changes in the role of the Pope in international law during and after the Westphalian negotiations and the consequences of the Treaty for protestant and catholic conditions are indicated. The study reveals how various Christian denominations participated (ideologically and politically) in the Westphalian negotiations, while discussing the «special case» of Orthodoxy, taking into account the diplomatic rapprochement of Moscow, Stockholm and Paris before the Westphalian Peace Congress.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):173-183
pages 173-183 views

The battle on the river Somme and the historical politics in Britain

Ulyanov P.


The article focuses on the commemorative experience of Britain in the context of a systematic study of the policy of memory at the present stage of the country's development. The main purpose of the study is to analyse the forms and ways of representing the Battle of the Somme in modern Britain as a historical reality, highlighting the main features of the British experience of preserving the memory of this event and transmitting it for a mass audience. The author proposes an attempt to trace the development of ideas in scientific and popular science materials concerning the event as a collective trauma, the memory of which has been reflected in British historiography since its formation in 1916. The collective memory of the events of the First World War in Britain is often ambiguous and debatable, especially the Battle of the Somme, which changed people's perception of armed conflicts. As part of the study of the British politics of memory, it was revealed that the "historical narrative" of the battle is to glorify the exploits of the expeditionary forces on the Western Front and at the same time criticise the commanders of the armed forces responsible for massive combat losses.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):184-193
pages 184-193 views

"The world is more than five", or turkish justice

Avatkov V., Guzaerov R.


The concept of justice is actively used in the foreign policy discourse of the Republic of Turkey. The perception of this category in world politics is not uniform. The article is based on the analysis of the book "A Fairer World is Possible", written by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in 2021. The first chapter focuses on the analysis of the modern international system, identifying the main trends in its development and transformation. Special emphasis is made on the injustice of the modern system. A particular attention in the book is given to the issue of the UN reform, as the main symbol of the existing world order. The second chapter is dedicated to proposals on the UN reform, designed to create a more just world order. The main principles and directions of future reforms are highlighted. It is notable that the nature of R. T. Erdogan's theses is ambivalent: the use of the category of justice conceals actions in the foreign arena that run counter to the declared principles. The book gives an understanding of the views of the modern Turkish elite on world politics in general.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):194-201
pages 194-201 views


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Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):202-211
pages 202-211 views

Reportazh pod pulyami

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Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):212-214
pages 212-214 views

Vitaliy Vladimirovich Zhurkin - moy direktor i drug

Borko Y.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):215-217
pages 215-217 views

V.V. Zhurkinu - 95

Rubinskiy Y.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):218-218
pages 218-218 views

Znakomy uzhe polveka

Nosov M.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):219-220
pages 219-220 views

Ot yubileya k yubileyu - primer novym pokoleniyam

Belov V.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):220-221
pages 220-221 views

Nauchnaya shkola akademika Zhurkina

Danilov D.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2023;(1):222-223
pages 222-223 views

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