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Vol 51, No 7 (2017)


Component-Based Systems Reconfigurations Using Graph Transformations with GROOVE

Kouchnarenko O., Weber J.


Component-based systems permit standardisation and re-usability of code through the use of components. The architecture of component-based systems can be modified thanks to dynamic reconfigurations, which contribute to systems’ (self-)adaptation by adding or removing components without incurring any system downtime. In this context, the present article describes a formal model for dynamic reconfigurations of component-based systems. It provides a way of expressing runtime reconfigurations of a system and proving their correctness according to a static invariant for consistency constraints and/or a user-provided post-condition. Guarded reconfigurations allow us to build reconfigurations based on primitive reconfiguration operations using sequences of reconfigurations and the alternative and the repetitive constructs, while preserving configuration consistency. A practical contribution consists of the implementation of a component-based model using the GROOVE graph transformation tool. This implementation is illustrated on a cloud-based multi-tier application hosting environment managed as a component-based system. In addition, after enriching the model with interpreted configurations and reconfigurations in a consistency compatible manner, component systems’ implementations are related to their specifications by a simulation relation.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):463-478
pages 463-478 views

Analysis of Real-Time Applications Feasibility through Simulation

Baranov S.N., Nikiforov V.V.


An approach to estimate feasibility of a real-time multi-task application with various combinations of the scheduling mode and the protocol of access to shared informational resources when run on a multi-core platform is described. The application structure is specified through a simple formalized profile consisting of segments of three types and specifying access to informational resources shared among application tasks, the amount of the required computing resource being estimated for each segment. The approach is based on the notion of application density introduced by the authors which characterizes the use of computational resource by this application and is derived from estimation of the application feasibility for various values of processor performance and the number of its cores in case of a multi-core platform. The overall structure of a simulation tool for estimation of the task response time (and therefore, application feasibility) is described, which provides more exact data compared to the known analytical methods where they are applicable. Two dissimilar implementations of this tool were developed and run on a number of benchmarks, including Liu-Layland configurations specified in the described formalism for application structure; the results in form of charts are presented along with their analysis and interpretation. The suggested approach allows to indentify an optimal combination of the scheduling mode and access protocol for the given multi-task application structure.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):479-488
pages 479-488 views

Application of Colored Petri Nets for Verification of Scenario Control Structures in UCM Notation

Vizovitin N.V., Nepomniaschy V.A., Stenenko A.A.


The article presents a method for the analysis and verification of Use Case Map (UCM) models with scenario control structures—protected components and failure handling constructs. UCM models are analyzed and verified with the help of colored Petri nets (CPN) and the SPIN model checker. Algorithms for translating UCM scenario control structures into CPN and CPN into SPIN input language Promela are described. The number of elements of the resulting CPN model and the number of Promela model states are estimated. The presented algorithm and the verification process are illustrated by the study of a network router firmware update.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):489-497
pages 489-497 views

An Approach to Verification of a Family of Multiagent Systems for Conflict Resolution

Garanina N.O., Sidorova E.A.


In this paper, we describe a verification method for families of distributed systems generated by a context-sensitive network grammar of a special kind. The grammar includes special non-terminal symbols, so-called quasi-terminals, which uniquely correspond to grammar terminals. These quasi-terminals specify processes that are mergings of basic system processes; in contrast, simple nonterminals specify networks of parallel compositions of these processes. The verification method is based on the model-checking technique and abstraction. An abstract representative model for a family of systems depends on their specification grammar and the system properties to be verified. This model simulates the behavior of the systems in such a way that the properties holding for the representative model are satisfied for all these systems. The properties of the representative model can be verified by the model-checking method. The properties of the system generated are specified using the universal branching time logic ∀CTL with finite deterministic automata as atomic formulas. We demonstrate the application of the proposed method to verification of some properties of a multiagent system for conflict resolution, particularly for context-dependent disambiguation in ontology population. We also suggest that this approach should be used for verification of computations on subgrids that are subgraphs of computation grids. In particular, it can be used to compute the parity of the number of active processes in a subgrid.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):498-506
pages 498-506 views

Derivation of the Cascade Parallel Composition of Timed Finite State Machines Using BALM-II

Gromov M.L., Shabaldina N.V.


The paper considers the problem of deriving a cascade parallel composition of timed finite state machines (TFSMs). It can be reduced to a step-by-step derivation of a binary parallel composition. It is known that if each component of the binary parallel composition is a TFSM with constant output delays, then the composition can result in a TFSM with an infinite set of output delays given by a finite set of linear functions. Therefore, the problem of deriving a cascade composition of TFSMs with constant output delays is reduced to deriving a series of binary parallel compositions of TFSMs with output delays given either as constants or as a set of linear functions. In this paper, we refine the definition of the TFSM with particular attention to the description of the output delay. BALM-II is used as an instrument for deriving the composition. Therefore, we consider the transition from a TFSM with output delays given as a set of linear functions to the corresponding automaton. We propose a new procedure for deriving an automaton. Unlike the known procedure, it does not require subsequent determinization of the derived automaton. In addition, we provide a step-by-step description of how to derive the composition of the corresponding automata using BALM-II, discuss the procedure of reverse transformation from the automaton of the composition to the TFSM, and note some aspects associated with the composition of TFSMs with output delays as a set of linear functions. An example that illustrates the derivation of the cascade parallel composition of TFSMs is given.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):507-515
pages 507-515 views

Deriving Test Suites with the Guaranteed Fault Coverage for Extended Finite State Machines

Ermakov A.D., Yevtushenko N.V.


Extended finite state machines (EFSMs) are widely used when deriving tests for checking the functional requirements for software implementations. However, the fault coverage of EFSMbased tests covering appropriate paths, variables, etc., remains rather obscure. Furthermore, these tests are known be incapable of detecting many functional faults frequently occurring in EFSM-based implementations. In this paper, an approach is proposed for deriving complete tests with the help of a proper Java EFSM implementation. Since the software is based on a template, the faults turn directly into EFSM faults. The method proposed here makes it possible to derive test suites that can detect functional faults. In the first step, the EFSM-based test suite derived by a well-known method is checked for completeness with respect to the faults generated by the μJava tool. Then, each undetected fault is easily mapped into an EFSM mutant. In the next step, some FSM abstraction is used to derive a distinguishing sequence for two finite-state machines (if such a sequence exists), which is added to the current test suite. The test derived in this way is complete with respect to the faults generated by μJava. If the corresponding FSM derived by EFSM modeling is too complex or no such FSM can be derived, the resulting test suite can be incomplete. However, the experiments performed by us clearly show that the original test suite extended by distinguishing sequences can detect many functional faults in software implementations when the given EFSM is used as a specification for the system.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):516-522
pages 516-522 views

On the Minimization of Finite State Transducers over Semigroups

Zakharov V.A., Temerbekova G.G.


Finite state transducers over semigroups are regarded as a formal model of sequential reactive programs that operate in the interaction with the environment. At receiving a piece of data a program performs a sequence of actions and displays the current result. Such programs usually arise at implementation of computer drivers, on-line algorithms, control procedures. In many cases verification of such programs can be reduced to minimization and equivalence checking problems for finite state transducers. Minimization of a transducer over a semigroup is performed in three stages. At first the greatest common left-divisors are computed for all states of a transducer, next a transducer is brought to a reduced form by pulling all such divisors “upstream,” and finally a minimization algorithm for finite state automata is applied to the reduced transducer.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):523-530
pages 523-530 views

Formalism and Language Tools for Specification of the Semantics of Software Libraries

Itsykson V.M.


The paper considers the specification of the structure and the behavior of software libraries. It describes the existing problems of library specifications. A brief overview of the research field concerned with formalizing the specification of libraries and library functions is presented. The requirements imposed on the formalism designed are established; the formalism based on these requirements allows specification of all the properties of the libraries needed for automation of several classes of problems: defect detection in software, migration of applications into a new environment, and generation of software documentation. Requirements for language tools based on the developed formalism are proposed. The conclusion defines potential directions for further research.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):531-538
pages 531-538 views

Method for Choosing a Balanced Set of Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Distributed Computer Systems

Volkanov D.Y.


We consider the problem of choosing a balanced set of fault-tolerance techniques for distributed computer systems. In this problem, it is necessary to choose a balanced set of versions of the modules of distributed computer systems, during which the reliability of the set must be maximized under cost constraints (on the set of possible versions of distributed computer systems). We describe the fault-tolerance techniques out of which the choice is made and consider a mathematical model in the context of which the formulation of the problem and the method of its solution are given. This problem is widely considered in the literature. A detailed description of the method for choosing a balanced set of fault-tolerance techniques for distributed computer systems is presented. The proposed method represents an evolutionary algorithm using the scheme of fuzzy logic. The scheme of fuzzy logic in the process of operating the algorithm analyzes the results of its operation in each generation and from this information adjusts the parameters of the evolutionary algorithm. The method makes it possible to obtain an efficient solution, as shown in the experimental research. A key feature of the proposed approach is the use of an adaptive scheme. The method has been implemented as software integrated with the DYANA simulation environment. The conclusions of the paper contain a brief description of future research directions.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):539-550
pages 539-550 views

On Optimization and Parallelization of the Little Algorithm for Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem

Vasilchikov V.V.


The paper describes some ways to speed up solution of the NP-complete Traveling Salesman Problem. The classic Little algorithm, belonging to the class of branch-and-bound methods, can solve it both for directed and undirected graphs. For undirected graphs, however, its speed can be increased by eliminating the branches examined earlier from further consideration. We propose changes to be made in the key operations of the algorithm to speed up execution. In addition, we describe the results of an experiment with a significant increase in the speed of solving of the problem by the advanced algorithm. Another way to speed up the solution procedure is to parallelize the algorithm. For problems of this kind, it is difficult to decompose the task into a sufficient number of subtasks that have comparable complexity. Their parallelism arises dynamically during the execution. For such problems, it seems reasonable to use parallel-recursive algorithms. In our case, the RPM_ParLib library developed by the author is a good approach, enabling the development of high-performance applications for parallel computing on a local network using any.NET-compatible programming language. We selected C# as the programming language. Parallel applications were developed to implement the basic and modified algorithms, as well as to compare them in terms of speed. Experiments were performed for the graphs with up to 45 vertexes and up to 16 network computers. We also investigated the speed increase that can be achieved by parallelizing the basic Little algorithm for directed graphs. The results of these experiments are also presented in the paper.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):551-557
pages 551-557 views

Network Model for the Problem of Integer Balancing of a Four-Dimensional Matrix

Smirnov A.V.


The problem of integer balancing of a four-dimensional matrix is studied. The elements of the inner part (all four indices are greater than zero) of the given real matrix are summed in each direction and each two- and three-dimensional section of the matrix; the total sum is also found. These sums are placed into the elements where one or more indices are equal to zero (according to the summing directions). The problem is to find an integer matrix of the same structure, which can be produced from the initial one by replacing the elements with the largest previous or the smallest following integer. At the same time, the element with four zero indices should be produced with standard rules of rounding-off. In the article the problem of finding the maximum multiple flow in the network of any natural multiplicity k is also studied. There are arcs of three types: ordinary arcs, multiple arcs and multi-arcs. Each multiple and multi-arc is a union of k linked arcs, which are adjusted with each other. The network constructing rules are described. The definitions of a divisible network and some associated subjects are stated. There are defined the basic principles for reducing the integer balancing problem of an l-dimensional matrix (l ≥ 3) to the problem of finding the maximum flow in a divisible multiple network of multiplicity k. There are stated the rules for reducing the four-dimensional balancing problem to the maximum flow problem in the network of multiplicity 5. The algorithm of finding the maximum flow, which meets the solvability conditions for the integer balancing problem, is formulated for such a network.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):558-566
pages 558-566 views

Construction of CFC-Programs by LTL-Specification

Ryabukhin D.A., Kuzmin E.V., Sokolov V.A.


This article continues a cycle of papers, which describe an approach to construction and verification of discrete PLC-programs by an LTL-specification. The approach provides a possibility of PLC-program correctness analysis by the model checking method. For the specification of the program behaviour the linear-time temporal logic LTL is used. The correctness analysis of an LTL specification is performed automatically by the symbolic model checking tool Cadence SMV. It was previously shown how ST-, LD- and IL-programs are constructed by a correct (with verified program properties) LTL-specification. In this article, a technology of CFC-program construction by an LTL-specification is described. The language CFC (Continuous Function Chart) is a variation of FBD (Function Block Diagram). FBD is a graphical language for microcircuits. CFC provides a possibility of free allocation of program components and connections on a screen. The approach to construction of CFC-programs is shown by an example. PLC-program representation on CFC within the approach to programming by LTLspecification differs from other representations. It gives the visualization of a data flow from inputs to outputs. The influence and dependence among variables is explicitly shown during the program execution within one PLC working cycle. In fact, CFC-program is a scheme of PLC-program data flow.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):567-575
pages 567-575 views

Polyhedral Characteristics of Balanced and Unbalanced Bipartite Subgraph Problems

Bondarenko V.A., Nikolaev A.V., Shovgenov D.A.


We study the polyhedral properties of three problems of constructing an optimal complete bipartite subgraph (a biclique) in a bipartite graph. In the first problem, we consider a balanced biclique with the same number of vertices in both parts and arbitrary edge weights. In the other two problems we are dealing with unbalanced subgraphs of maximum and minimum weight with non-negative edges. All three problems are established to be NP-hard. We study the polytopes and the cone decompositions of these problems and their 1-skeletons. We describe the adjacency criterion in the 1-skeleton of the polytope of the balanced complete bipartite subgraph problem. The clique number of the 1-skeleton is estimated from below by a superpolynomial function. For both unbalanced biclique problems we establish the superpolynomial lower bounds on the clique numbers of the graphs of nonnegative cone decompositions. These values characterize the time complexity in a broad class of algorithms based on linear comparisons.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):576-585
pages 576-585 views

Expansion of Self-Similar Functions in the Faber–Schauder System

Timofeev E.A.


Let Ω = AN be a space of right-sided infinite sequences drawn from a finite alphabet A = {0,1}, N = {1,2,…}. Let ρ(x, yk=1|xkyk|2k be a metric on Ω = AN, and μ the Bernoulli measure on Ω with probabilities p0, p1 > 0, p0 + p1 = 1. Denote by B(x,ω) an open ball of radius r centered at ω. The main result of this paper \(\mu (B(\omega ,r))r + \sum\nolimits_{n = 0}^\infty {\sum\nolimits_{j = 0}^{{2^n} - 1} {{\mu _{n,j}}} } (\omega )\tau ({2^n}r - j)\), where τ(x) = 2min {x,1 − x}, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, (τ(x) = 0, if x < 0 or x > 1 ), \({\mu _{n,j}}(\omega ) = (1 - {p_{{\omega _{n + 1}}}})\prod _{k = 1}^n{p_{{\omega _k}}} \oplus {j_k}\), \(j = {j_1}{2^{n - 1}} + {j_2}{2^{n - 2}} + ... + {j_n}\). The family of functions 1, x, τ(2nrj), j = 0,1,…, 2n − 1, n = 0,1,…, is the Faber–Schauder system for the space C([0,1]) of continuous functions on [0, 1]. We also obtain the Faber–Schauder expansion for Lebesgue’s singular function, Cezaro curves, and Koch–Peano curves. Article is published in the author’s wording.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):586-591
pages 586-591 views

Asymptotic Expansions of Eigenvalues of the First Boundary-Value Problem for Singularly Perturbed Second-Order Differential Equation with Turning Points

Kashchenko S.A.


For singularly perturbed second-order equations, the dependence of the eigenvalues of the first boundary-value problem on a small parameter at the highest derivative is studied. The main assumption is that the coefficient at the first derivative in the equation is the sign of the variable. This leads to the emergence of so-called turning points. Asymptotic expansions with respect to a small parameter are obtained for all eigenvalues of the considered boundary-value problem. It turns out that the expansions are determined only by the behavior of the coefficients in the neighborhood of the turning points.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):592-605
pages 592-605 views

Asymptotics, Stability, and Region of Attraction of Periodic Solution to a Singularly Perturbed Parabolic Problem with Double Root of a Degenerate Equation

Butuzov V.F., Nefedov N.N., Recke L., Schneider K.R.


For a singularly perturbed parabolic problem with Dirichlet boundary conditions, the asymptotic decomposition of a solution periodic in time and with boundary layers near the ends of the segment where the degenerate equation has a double root is constructed and substantiated. The construction algorithm for the asymptotics and the behavior of the solution in the boundary layers turn out to differ significantly as compared to the case of a simple root of a degenerate equation. The stability of the periodic solution and its region of attraction are also studied.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):606-613
pages 606-613 views

Numerical Simulation of Adiabatic Shear-Band Formation in Composites

Kudryashov N.A., Muratov R.V., Ryabov P.N.


The process of plastic flow localization in a composite material consisting of welded steel and copper plates under shear strain is considered. The mathematical model of this physical process is formulated. A new numerical algorithm based on the Courant–Isaacson–Rees scheme is proposed. The algorithm is verified using three test problems. The algorithm efficiency and performance are proved by the test simulations. The proposed algorithm is used for numerical simulation of plastic strain localization on composite materials. The influence of boundary conditions, the initial plastic strain rate, and the width of the materials forming the composite bar on the localization process is studied. It is demonstrated that at the initial stage, the shear velocity for the material layers varies. Theoretical estimates of the oscillation frequency and period are proposed; the calculations using these estimates agree completely with the numerical experiments. It is established that the deformation is localized in the copper part of the composite. One or two localization regions situated at a typical distance from the boundaries are formed, depending on the width of the steel and copper parts, as well as the initial plastic strain rate and the chosen boundary conditions. The dependence of this distance on the initial plastic strain rate is demonstrated and corresponding estimates for boundary conditions of two types are obtained. It is established that in the case of two localization regions, the temperature and deformation in one of them increase much faster than in the other, while at the initial stage these quantities are nearly equal in both regions.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):614-620
pages 614-620 views

Analytical Solutions for Nonlinear Convection–Diffusion Equations with Nonlinear Sources

Kudryashov N.A., Sinelshchikov D.I.


Nonlinear equations of the convection–diffusion type with nonlinear sources are used for the description of many processes and phenomena in physics, mechanics, and biology. In this work, we consider the family of nonlinear differential equations which are the traveling wave reductions of the nonlinear convection–diffusion equation with polynomial sources. The question of the construction of the general analytical solutions to these equations is studied. The steady-state and nonstationary cases with and without account of convection are considered. The approach based on the application of nonlocal transformations generalizing the Sundman transformation is applied for construction of the analytical solutions. It is demonstrated that in the steady-state case without account of convection, the general analytical solution can be found without any constraints on the equation parameters and it is expressed in terms of the Weierstrass elliptic function. In the general case, this solution has a cumbersome form; the constraints on the parameters for which it has a simple form are found, and the corresponding analytical solutions are obtained. It is shown that in the nonstationary case, both with and without account of convection, the general solution to the studied equations can be constructed under certain constraints on the parameters. The integrability criteria for the Liénard-type equations are used for this purpose. The corresponding general analytical solutions to the studied equations are explicitly constructed in terms of exponential or elliptic functions.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):621-626
pages 621-626 views

Two-Wave Interactions in the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam Model

Glyzin S.D., Kashchenko S.A., Tolbey A.O.


This work is devoted to investigating the dynamic properties of the solutions to the boundaryvalue problems associated with the classic Fermi–Pasta–Ulam (FPU) system. We analyze these problems for an infinite-dimensional case where a countable number of roots of characteristic equations tend to an imaginary axis. Under these conditions, we build a special nonlinear partial differential equation that acts as a quasi-normal form, i.e., determines the dynamics of the original boundary-value problem with the initial conditions in a sufficiently small neighborhood of the equilibrium state. The modified Korteweg–deVries (KdV) equation and the Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers (KdVB) equation act as quasi-normal forms depending on the parameter values. Under some additional assumptions, we apply the renormalization procedure to the boundary-value problems obtained. This procedure leads to an infinite-dimensional system of ordinary differential equations. We describe a method for folding this system into a special boundary- value problem, which is an analog of the normal form. The main contribution of this work is investigating the interaction of the waves moving in different directions in the FPU problem by using analytical methods of nonlinear dynamics. It is shown that the mutual influence of the waves is asymptotically small, does not affect their shape, and contributes only to a shift in their speeds, which does not change over time.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):627-633
pages 627-633 views

Polylogarithms and the Asymptotic Formula for the Moments of Lebesgue’s Singular Function

Timofeev E.A.


Recall that Lebesgue’s singular function L(t) is defined as the unique solution to the equation L(t) = qL(2t) + pL(2t − 1), where p, q > 0, q = 1 − p, pq. The variables Mn = ∫01tndL(t), n = 0,1,… are called the moments of the function The principal result of this work is \({M_n} = {n^{{{\log }_2}p}}{e^{ - \tau (n)}}(1 + O({n^{ - 0.99}}))\), where the function τ(x) is periodic in log2x with the period 1 and is given as \(\tau (x) = \frac{1}{2}1np + \Gamma '(1)lo{g_2}p + \frac{1}{{1n2}}\frac{\partial }{{\partial z}}L{i_z}( - \frac{q}{p}){|_{z = 1}} + \frac{1}{{1n2}}\sum\nolimits_{k \ne 0} {\Gamma ({z_k})L{i_{{z_k} + 1}}( - \frac{q}{p})} {x^{ - {z_k}}}\), \({z_k} = \frac{{2\pi ik}}{{1n2}}\), k ≠ 0. The proof is based on poissonization and the Mellin transform.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):634-638
pages 634-638 views

Dynamics of a System of Two Simplest Oscillators with Compactly Supported Nonlinear Feedbacks

Kashchenko A.A.


In this paper, we consider a singularly perturbed system of two differential equations with delay, simulating two coupled oscillators with a nonlinear feedback. The feedback function is assumed to be compactly supported and piecewise-continuous and it is assumed that its sign is constant. In this paper, we prove the existence of relaxation periodic solutions and make conclusions about their stability. Using a special large-parameter method, we construct asymptotics of all solutions of the considered system under the assumption that the initial-value conditions belong to a certain class. Using this asymptotics, we construct a special mapping principally describing the dynamics of the original model. It is shown that the dynamics changes fundamentally as the coupling coefficient decreases: we have a stable homogeneous periodic solution if the coupling coefficient is on the order of unity and the dynamics become more complex as the coupling coefficient decreases (it is described by a special map). For small values of the coupling, we show that there are values of the parameters such that several different stable relaxation periodic regimes coexist in the original problem.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):639-644
pages 639-644 views

Asymptotics for Solutions of Harmonic Oscillator with Integral Perturbation

Nesterov P.N.


We construct the asymptotics for solutions of a harmonic oscillator with integral perturbation when the independent variable tends to infinity. The distinctive feature of the considered integral perturbation is the oscillatory decreasing character of its kernel. We assume that the integral kernel is degenerate. This makes it possible to reduce the initial integro-differential equation to an ordinary differential system. To get the asymptotic formulas for the fundamental solutions of the obtained ordinary differential system, we use a special method proposed for the asymptotic integration of linear dynamical systems with oscillatory decreasing coefficients. By the use of special transformations, we reduce the ordinary differential system to the so-called L-diagonal form. We then apply the classical Levinson’s theorem to construct the asymptotics for the fundamental matrix of the L-diagonal system. The obtained asymptotic formulas allow us to reveal the resonant frequencies, i.e., the frequencies of the oscillatory component of the kernel that give rise to unbounded oscillations in the initial integro-differential equation. It appears that these frequencies differ slightly from the resonant frequencies that occur in the adiabatic oscillator with the sinusoidal component of the time-decreasing perturbation.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):645-657
pages 645-657 views

Relaxation Oscillations in a System of Two Pulsed Synaptically Coupled Neurons

Glyzin S.D., Kolesov A.Y., Marushkina E.A.


In this paper, we consider a mathematical model of synaptic interaction between two pulse neuron elements. Each of the neurons is modeled by a singularly perturbed difference-differential equation with delay. Coupling is assumed to be at the threshold with the time delay being taken into account. The problems of existence and stability of relaxation periodic movements for the systems derived are considered. It turns out that the critical parameter is the ratio between the delay caused by internal factors in the single-neuron model and the delay in the coupling link between the oscillators. The existence and stability of a uniform cycle for the problem are proved in the case where the delay in the link is less than the period of a single oscillator, which depends on the internal delay. As the delay grows, the in-phase regime becomes more complex; specifically, it is shown that, by choosing an adequate delay, we can obtain more complex relaxation oscillations and, during a period, the system can exhibit more than one high-amplitude splash. This means that the bursting effect can appear in a system of two synaptically coupled neuron-type oscillators due to the delay in the coupling link.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):658-665
pages 658-665 views

On the Spatial Boundedness of Cellular RDA-nets

Bashkin V.A.


Cellular resource driven automata nets (CRDA-nets) are a generalization of the concept of two-level resource nets (Petri nets) with an introduction of an infinite regular system grid. This formalism is a hybrid of Petri nets and asynchronous Cellular Automata and is designed for modeling multi-agent systems with dynamic spatial structure. Spatial boundedness is a property that guarantees the preservation of the finiteness of “geometric dimensions” of the active part of the system (for example, the living space) during its lifetime. Three variants of spatial boundedness for cellular RDA-nets are defined: localization, bounded diameter and bounded area. The properties of the corresponding algorithmic problems are investigated, their undecidability in the general case is proved. A non-trivial criterion for the localization of an one-dimensional CRDA-net is proposed, based on the new concept of the RDA propagation graph. An algorithm is described for constructing a propagation graph, using the method of saturation of generating paths. A method for estimating the diameter of an 1-dim CRDA with a bounded propagation graph is presented.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):666-677
pages 666-677 views

Generation of a Social Network Graph by Using Apache Spark

Belov Y.A., Vovchok S.I.


It is planned to create a method of clustering a social network graph. To test the method, it is necessary to generate a graph similar in structure to existing social networks. The article presents an algorithm for the graph-distributed generation. We take into account basic properties such as the power-law distribution of the number of user communities, the dense intersections of social networks, and others. This algorithm also considers the problems that are present in similar works of other authors, for example, the multiple edges problem in the generation process. A special feature of the created algorithm is the implementation depending on the number of communities, rather than on the number of connected users, as is done in other works. This is connected with a peculiarity of the development of the existing social network structure. The properties of its graph are described in the paper. We describe a Table 1 containing the variables needed for the algorithm. A step-by-step generation algorithm is compiled. Appropriate mathematical parameters are calculated for it. The generation is performed in a distributed way by the Apache Spark framework. It is described in detail how the division of tasks with the help of this framework operates. The Erdos–Renyi model for random graphs is used in the algorithm. It is the most suitable and easiest one to implement. The main advantages of the created method are the small amount of resources and faster execution speed in comparison with other similar generators. Speed is achieved through distributed work and the fact that at any time, the network users have their own unique numbers and are ordered by these numbers so that there is no need to sort them out. The designed algorithm will not only promote the creation of an efficient clustering method, but can also be useful in other development areas connected, for example, with social network search engines.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):678-681
pages 678-681 views

1-Skeletons of the Spanning Tree Problems with Additional Constraints

Bondarenko V.A., Nikolaev A.V., Shovgenov D.A.


We consider the polyhedral properties of two spanning tree problems with additional constraints. In the first problem, it is required to find a tree with a minimum sum of edge weights among all spanning trees with the number of leaves less or equal a given value. In the second problem, an additional constraint is the assumption that the degree of all vertices of the spanning tree does not exceed a given value. The decision versions of both problems are NP-complete. We consider the polytopes of these problems and their 1-skeletons. We prove that in both cases it is a NP-complete problem to determine whether the vertices of 1-skeleton are adjacent. Although it is possible to obtain a superpolynomial lower bounds on the clique numbers of these graphs. These values characterize the time complexity in a broad class of algorithms based on linear comparisons. The results indicate a fundamental difference in combinatorial and geometric properties between the considered problems and the classical minimum spanning tree problem.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):682-688
pages 682-688 views

On the Minimization Problem for Sequential Programs

Zakharov V.A., Jaylauova S.R.


First-order program schemata represent one of the most simple models of sequential imperative programs intended for solving verification and optimization problems. We consider the decidable relation of logical-thermal equivalence on these schemata and the problem of their size minimization while preserving logical-thermal equivalence. We prove that this problem is decidable. Further we show that the first-order program schemata supplied with logical-thermal equivalence and finite-state deterministic transducers operating over substitutions are mutually translated into each other. This relationship makes it possible to adapt equivalence checking and minimization algorithms developed in one of these models of computation to the solution of the same problems for the other model of computation. In addition, on the basis of the discovered relationship, we describe a subclass of first-order program schemata such that minimization of the program schemata from this class can be performed in polynomial time by means of known techniques for minimization of finite-state transducers operating over semigroups. Finally, we demonstrate that in the general case the minimization problem for finite state transducers over semigroups may have several non-isomorphic solutions.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):689-700
pages 689-700 views

Data Rate Assessment on L2–L3 CPU Bus and Bus between CPU and RAM in Modern CPUs

Komar M.S.


In this paper, modern CPU architecture with several different cache levels is described and current CPU performance limitations such as frequency increase bounds are discussed. As changes to the currently existing architecture are usually proposed as a way of increasing CPU performance, data rates of the internal and external CPU interfaces must be known. This information would help to assess the applicability of proposed solutions and to optimize them. This paper is aimed at obtaining real values of traffic on an L2–L3 cache interface inside a CPU and a CPU–RAM bus load, as well as showing the dependences of the total traffic on the studied interfaces on the number of active cores, CPU frequency, and test type. A measurement methodology using an Intel Performance Counter Monitor is provided and the equations used to obtain data rates from the internal CPU counters are explained. Both real-life and synthetic tests are described. The dependence of total traffic on the number of active cores and the dependence of total traffic on CPU frequency are provided as plots. The dependence of total traffic on test type is provided as a bar plot for multiple CPU frequencies.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):701-708
pages 701-708 views

Using Event Logs for Local Correction of Process Models

Mitsyuk A.A., Lomazova I.A., van der Aalst W.M.


During the life-cycle of an Information System (IS) its actual behavior may not correspond to the original system model. However, to the IS support it is very important to have the latest model that reflects the current system behavior. To correct the model the information from the event log of the system may be used. In this paper, we consider the problem of process model adjustment (correction) using the information from event log. The input data for this task is the initial process model (a Petri net) and an event log. The result of correction should be a new process model, better reflecting the real IS behavior than the initial model. The new model could be also built from scratch, for example, with the help of one of the known algorithms for automatic synthesis of the process model from an event log. However, this may lead to crucial changes in the structure of the original model, and it will be difficult to compare the new model with the initial one, hindering its understanding and analysis. Then it is important to keep the initial structure of the model as much as possible. In this paper we propose a method for process model correction based on the principle of “divide and conquer”. The initial model is decomposed into several fragments. For each of the fragments its conformance to the event log is checked. Fragments, which do not match the log, are replaced by newly synthesized ones. The new model is then assembled from the fragments via transition fusion. The experiments demonstrate that our correction algorithm gives good results when it is used for correcting local discrepancies. The paper presents the description of the algorithm, the formal justification for its correctness, as well as the results of experimental testing on artificial examples.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):709-723
pages 709-723 views

Testing Timed Nondeterministic Finite State Machines with the Guaranteed Fault Coverage

Tvardovskii A., El-Fakih K., Gromov M., Yevtushenko N.


The behavior of many systems can be properly described by taking into account time constraints, and this motivates the adaptation of existing Finite State Machine (FSM)-based test derivation methods to timed models. In this paper, we propose a method for deriving conformance tests with the guaranteed fault coverage for a complete possibly nondeterministic FSM with a single clock; such Timed FSMs (TFSMs) are widely used when describing the behavior of software and digital devices. The fault domain contains every complete TFSM with the known upper bounds on the number of states and finite boundary of input time guards. The proposed method is carried out by using an appropriate FSM abstraction of the given TFSM; the test is derived against an FSM abstraction and contains timed input sequences. Shorter test suites can be derived for a restricted fault domain, for instance, for the case when the smallest duration of an input time guard is larger than two. Moreover, the obtained test suites can be reduced while preserving the completeness, when all input time guards of the specification and an implementation under test are right closed (or all guards are left-closed). Experiments are conducted to study the length of test suites constructed by different methods.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):724-730
pages 724-730 views

Asymptotic Formula for the Moments of the Takagi Function

Timofeev E.A.


The Takagi function is a simple example of a continuous yet nowhere differentiable function and is given as T(x) = Σk=0 2n ρ(2nx), where \(\rho (x) = \mathop {\min }\limits_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} |x - k|\). The moments of the Takagi function are given as Mn = ∫01xnT(x)dx. The estimate \({M_n} = \frac{{1nn - \Gamma '(1) - 1n\pi }}{{{n^2}1n2}} + \frac{1}{{2{n^2}}} + \frac{2}{{{n^2}1n2}}\phi (n) + O({n^{ - 2.99}})\), where the function \(\phi (x) = \sum\nolimits_{k \ne 0} \Gamma (\frac{{2\pi ik}}{{1n2}})\zeta (\frac{{2\pi ik}}{{1n2}}){x^{ - \frac{{2\pi ik}}{{1n2}}}}\) is periodic in log2x and Γ(x) and ζ(x) denote the gamma and zeta functions, is the principal result of this work.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):731-735
pages 731-735 views

Mathematical Model of Nicholson’s Experiment

Glyzin S.D.


Considered is a mathematical model of insects population dynamics and an attempt is made to explain classical experimental results of Nicholson based on it. In the first section of the paper Nicholson’s experiment is described and dynamic equations for its modeling are chosen. A priori estimates for model parameters can be made more precise by means of local analysis of the dynamical system, that is carried out in the second section. For parameter values found there stability loss of the equilibrium of the problem leads to the bifurcation of stable two-dimensional torus. Numerical simulations based on the estimates from the second section allows to explain classical Nicholson’s experiment, which detailed theoretical rationale is given in the last section. There for an attractor of the system the largest Lyapunov exponent is computed. The nature of change of this exponent allows to additionally narrow the area of model parameters search. Justification of this experiment was made possible only due to combination of analytical and numerical methods in studying of equations of insects population dynamics. At the same time, the analytical approach made it possible to perform numerical analysis in a rather narrow region of the parameter space. It is not possible to get into this area, based only on general considerations.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):736-752
pages 736-752 views

A Family of Non-Rough Cycles in a System of Two Coupled Delayed Generators

Kashchenko A.A.


In this paper we consider the nonlocal dynamics of the model of two coupled oscillators with delayed feedback. This model has the form of a system of two differential equations with delay. The feedback function is non-linear, compactly supported and smooth. The main assumption in the problem is that the coupling between the generators is sufficiently small. With the help of asymptotic methods we investigate the existence of relaxation periodic solutions of a given system. For this purpose, a special set is constructed in the phase space of the original system. Then we build an asymptotics of the solutions of the given system with initial conditions from this set. Using this asymptotics, a special mapping is constructed. Dynamics of this map describes the dynamics of the original problem in general. It is proved that all solutions of this mapping are non-rough cycles of period two. As a result, we formulate conditions for the coupling parameter such that the initial system has a two-parameter family of non-rough inhomogeneous relaxation periodic asymptotic (with respect to the residual) solutions.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):753-756
pages 753-756 views

On Numerical Characteristics of a Simplex and Their Estimates

Nevskii M.V., Ukhalov A.Y.


Let n ∈N, and Qn = [0,1]n let be the n-dimensional unit cube. For a nondegenerate simplex S ⊂ Rn, by σS we denote the homothetic image of with center of homothety in the center of gravity of S and ratio of homothety σ. We apply the following numerical characteristics of a simplex. Denote by ξ(S) the minimal σ > 0 with the property Qn ⊂ σS. By α(S) we denote the minimal σ > 0 such that Qn is contained in a translate of a simplex σS. By di(S) we mean the ith axial diameter of S, i. e., the maximum length of a segment contained in S and parallel to the ith coordinate axis. We apply the computational formulae for ξ(S), α(S), di(S) which have been proved by the first author. In the paper we discuss the case SQn. Let ξn = min{ξ(S): SQn}. Earlier the first author formulated the conjecture: if ξ(S) = ξn, then α(S) = ξ(S). He proved this statement for n = 2 and the case when n + 1 is an Hadamard number, i. e., there exist an Hadamard matrix of order n + 1. The following conjecture is more strong proposition: for each n, there exist γ ≥ 1, not depending on SQn, such that ξ(S) − α(S) ≤ γ(ξ(S) − ξn). By ϰn we denote the minimal γ with such a property. If n + 1 is an Hadamard number, then the precise value of ϰn is 1. The existence of ϰn for other n was unclear. In this paper with the use of computer methods we obtain an equality ϰ2 = \(\frac{{5 + 2\sqrt 5 }}{3}\) = 3.1573... Also we prove the new estimate ξ4\(\frac{{19 + 5\sqrt {13} }}{9}\) = 4.1141..., which improves the earlier result ξ4\(\frac{{13}}{3}\) = 4.33... Our conjecture is that ξ4 is precisely \(\frac{{19 + 5\sqrt {13} }}{9}\). Applying this value in numerical computations we achive the value ϰ4 = \(\frac{{4 + \sqrt {13} }}{5}\) =1.5211... Denote by θn the minimal norm of interpolation projector onto the space of linear functions of n variables as an operator from C(Qn) in C(Qn). It is known that, for each n, ξn\(\frac{{n + 1}}{2}({\theta _n} - 1) + 1\), and for n = 1, 2,3, 7 here we have an equality. Using computer methods we obtain the result θ4 =\(\frac{7}{3}\). Hence, the minimal n such that the above inequality has a strong form is equal to 4.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):757-769
pages 757-769 views

New Estimates of Numerical Values Related to a Simplex

Nevskii M.V., Ukhalov A.Y.


Let n ∈N, and let Qn = [0 1]n. For a nondegenerate simplex S ⊂ Rn, by σS we denote the homothetic copy of S with center of homothety in the center of gravity of S and ratio of homothety σ. By ξ(S) we mean the minimal σ > 0 such that Qn ⊂ σS. By α(S) let us denote the minimal σ > 0 such that Qn is contained in a translate of σS. By di(S) we denote the ith axial diameter of S, i. e. the maximum length of the segment contained in S and parallel to the ith coordinate axis. Formulae for ξ(S), α(S), di(S) were proved earlier by the first author. Define ξn = min{ξ(S): SQn}. Always we have ξnn. We discuss some conjectures formulated in the previous papers. One of these conjectures is the following. For every n, there exists γ > 0, not depending on SQn, such that an inequality ξ(S) − α(S) ≤ γ(ξ(S) − ξn) holds. Denote by ϰn the minimal γ with such a property. We prove that ϰ1 = \(\frac{1}{2}\); for n > 1, we obtain ϰn ≥ 1. If n > 1 and ξn = n, then ϰn = 1. The equality holds ξn = n if n + 1is an Hadamard number, i. e. there exists an Hadamard matrix of order n + 1. This proposition is known; we give one more proof with the direct use of Hadamard matrices. We prove that ξ5 = 5. Therefore, there exist n such that n + 1 is not an Hadamard number and nevertheless ξn = n. The minimal n with such a property is equal to 5. This involves ϰ5 = 1 and also disproves the following previous conjecture of the first author concerning the characterization of Hadamard numbers in terms of homothety of simplices: n + 1 is an Hadamard number if and only if ξn = n. This statement is valid only in one direction. There SQ5 exists simplex such that the boundary of the simplex 5S contains all the vertices of the cube Q5. We describe one-parameter family of simplices contained in Q5 with the property α(S) = ξ(S) = 5. These simplices were found with the use of numerical and symbolic computations. Another new result is an inequality ξ6 < 6.0166. We also systematize some of our estimates of numbers ξn, θn, ϰn provided by the present day. The symbol θn denotes the minimal norm of interpolation projector on the space of linear functions of n variables as an operator from C(Qn) to C(Qn).

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):770-782
pages 770-782 views

Relaxation Cycles in a Model of Synaptically Interacting Oscillators

Preobrazhenskaia M.M.


We study the mathematical model of a circular neural network with synaptic interaction between the elements. The model is a system of scalar nonlinear differential-difference equations, the right parts of which depend on large parameters. The unknown functions included in the system characterize the membrane potentials of the neurons. The search for relaxation cycles within the system of equations is of interest. Thus, we postulate the problem of finding its solution in the form of discrete travelling waves. This allows us to study a scalar nonlinear differential-difference equation with two delays instead of the original system. We define a limit object which represents a relay equation with two delays by passing the large parameter to infinity. Using this construction and the step-by-step method, we show that there are six cases for restrictions on the parameters. In each case there exists a unique periodic solution to the relay equation with the initial function from a suitable function class. Using the Poincaré operator and the Schauder principle, we prove the existence of relaxation periodic solutions of a singularly perturbed equation with two delays. We find the asymptotics of this solution and prove that the solution is close to the solution of the relay equation. The uniqueness and stability of the solutions of the differential-difference equation with two delays follow from the exponential bound on the Fréchet derivative of the Poincaré operator.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2017;51(7):783-797
pages 783-797 views

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