
New Data on the Cenomanian–Turonian Boundary Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Biyuk-Karasu River Section (Central Crimea)
Latypova M., Kopaevich L., Kalmykov A., Nikishin A., Bordunov S.
Calcareous Nanoplankton in the Paleogene Deposits of the Bakhchisaray District (Southwest Crimea)
Ustinova M., Gabdullin R.
Neotectonic Structures of the Heraklion Peninsula (Southwestern Crimea)
Promyslova M., Bryantseva G., Demina L., Kosevich N.
The Structure and Formation Conditions of the Callovian–Oxfordian Deposits of Sudak Bay (Crimea)
Gabdullin R., Badulina N., Bakai E., Rubtsova E., Yurchenko A., Karpova E., Ivanov A., Varzanova M., Sergienko A., Konovalova T., Parakhina M.
The Maastrichtian–Danian Boundary Deposits of Central Crimea: New Data on Calcareous Nanoplankton
Lygina E., Ustinova M., Gabdullin R., Reentovich A.
The Structure and Formation Conditions of the Bedenekir Formation Deposits (Thithonian Stage) of Mountainous Crimea
Gabdullin R., Badulina N., Bakai E., Shcherbinina E., Karpova E., Varzanova M., Sergienko A., Konovalova T.
Calcareous Nannoplankton of Cretaceous Rocks of the Bakhchisarai Region of Southwest Crimea
Ustinova M., Gabdullin R.
A stratigraphic scheme for the division of the Prequaternary deposits of central Crimea
Gabdullin R., Shalimov I., Badulina N., Nigmadzhanov T., Sergienko A., Konovalova T.
Eocene Paleoseismodislocations of Mount Ak-Kaya (Belogorsk District, Crimea)
Lygina E., Nikishin A., Tveritinova T., Ustinova M., Nikitin M., Reentovich A.
The types of breccia of the ophiolite assemblage of Southwestern Crimea and their significance for the paleogeodynamics of the region
Promyslova M., Demina L., Gushin A., Koronovskii N.
The Berriasian Tirnovella occitanica Zone in the Feodosia Area (Eastern Crimea)
Baraboshkin E., Arkadiev V., Guzhikov A., Baraboshkin E.
Current problems in the Quaternary geology of Central Crimea
Zerkal O., Gabdullin R., Samarin E.
The Nature of the Protolith of the Quartz—Carbonate—Dickite Metasomatites from the Bodrak and Alma Rivers Watershed and from the Trudolyubovka Area (Southwestern Crimea)
Brovchenko V., Popov D., Nekrylov N., Shkurskii B., Plechov P.
Bitak conglomerates as a clue for understanding the Middle Jurassic geological history of Crimea
Nikishin A., Gabdullin R., Makhatadze G., Khudolei A., Rubtsova E.
Island-Arc Augite–Bytownite–Labradorite Dacites of the Kara-Dag Massif, Crimea
Spiridonov E., Korotayeva N., Krivitskaya N., Ladygin V., Ovsyannikov G., Putintseva E., Semikolennykh E., Frolova Y.
Zirconolite, Baddeleyite, Zircon, and Thorite of Island-Arc Quartz Gabbronorite-Dolerites of the Ayu-Dag Intrusive, Crimean Mountains
Spiridonov E., Filimonov S., Semikolennykh E., Korotaeva N., Krivitskaya N.
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