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Vol 73, No 1 (2018)


Engineering and Ecological Geology at Moscow State University in the 2008–2017 Period (to the 80th Anniversary of the Chair of Engineering and Ecological Geology)

Trofimov V.T., Balykova S.D., Nikolaeva S.K.


The results of scientific and educational activities of the Chair of Engineering and Ecological Geology in the 2008—2017 period, its structure, scientific and organizing activities, as well as information about state and public recognition of the Chair’s staff works are characterized.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(1):1-12
pages 1-12 views

Modeling of the Thermal Evolution of the Sedimentary Cover and the Maturity of Organic Matter in the Source-Rock Sequences of Sedimentary Basins of the East Siberian Sea

Lineva M.D., Malyshev N.A., Nikishin A.M.


In this paper 2D and 3D modeling of thermal evolution of sedimentary cover and OM evolution of the source-rock sequences (SRSs) of the East Siberian Sea were conducted. The distribution of the temperature and reflection of vitrinite in sedimentary cover is presented along the composite seismic profile of the section. Maps of the distribution of the temperature of sedimentary sequences, reflection of vitrinite of the SRSs for various temporal boundaries, and the degree of OM transformation of the SRSs for the presentday stage of evolution were plotted. The evolution of OM maturity and possible processes of hydrocarbon generation of the SRSs were analyzed on the basis of modeling results.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(1):13-23
pages 13-23 views

The Geochemical Characteristics of the Early Riphean Navysh Volcanic Complex (Southern Urals)

Khotylev A.O., Tevelev A.V.


The Navysh volcanic complex, which is an integral part of the Ai Formation (Lower Riphean), overlies Archean–Early Proterozoic formations of the Taratash metamorphic complex. It is represented mainly by trachybasalts, as well as by dacites and metasomatic bostonites. The Navysh complex is subdivided for the first time here into several volcanic series, which differ in their contents of TiO2 and several incompatible elements. The metasomatic nature of the bostonites has been proven. Reasons are given for excluding dacites from the composition of the Navysh complex.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(1):24-30
pages 24-30 views

The Composition of Melt Inclusions in Minerals from Tephra of the Soil–Pyroclastic Cover of Simushir Island (Central Kuril Islands)

Shcherbakov V.D., Nekrylov N.A., Savostin G.G., Popov D.V., Dirksen O.V.


The compositions of approximately 70 naturally quenched melt inclusions in olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and plagioclase phenocrysts from tephra of the soil–pyroclastic cover of Simushir Island (Central Kuril Islands) were studied. The concentrations of the major rock-forming components, H2O, S, and Cl were analyzed in inclusions. The reconstructed melts contain 48.6–78.4 wt % SiO2, 0.3–8.26 wt % MgO, and 0.12–1.72 wt % K2O. The concentration of S and Cl in the melts changes regularly with increasing SiO2 content: from 0.14 to ~0.02 wt % S and from ~0.05 to ~0.28 wt % Cl. The content of H2O in parental melts is 4.2–4.5 wt %.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(1):31-42
pages 31-42 views

The Structure and Formation Conditions of the Bedenekir Formation Deposits (Thithonian Stage) of Mountainous Crimea

Gabdullin R.R., Badulina N.V., Bakai E.A., Shcherbinina E.A., Karpova E.V., Varzanova M.A., Sergienko A.V., Konovalova T.A.


The composition and origin of the Bedenekir Formation deposits of Mountainous Crimea are detailed on the basis of our work results and analysis of both published and unpublished data.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(1):43-51
pages 43-51 views

Prediction of the Deposition of Sulfate Salts Taking the Content of Strontium during the Exploitation of Oil Fields into Account

Kireeva T.A., Minikaeva R.I., Anisimov L.A.


Based on the experience of developing an oil field on the Caspian Sea shelf, which was initially exploited with injection of seawater into the oil-bearing beds to maintain reservoir pressure, the deposition of sulfate salts under reservoir conditions is predicted. The prediction of sulfate deposition is made in two ways: analytical calculations according to the method of J.E. Oddo and M.B. Thomson and computer modeling. The prediction took the strontium content in the formation waters of the oil-field into account, which is usually ignored in production practice. It has been established that the prediction by computer modeling is more accurate; in particular, it considerably expands the temperature limits of anhydrite precipitation. The amount of potentially precipitable sulfate salts found by computer modeling has shown that the mass of deposited calcium and strontium sulfates is rather large, which can significantly reduce the permeability of the reservoir.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(1):52-59
pages 52-59 views

An Experimental Study of the Oil Production from Domanik Formation Rocks Under Hydrothermal Conditions

Stennikov A.V., Bugaev I.A., Kalmykov A.G., Bychkov A.Y., Kozlova E.V., Kalmykov G.A.


The experimental results on synthetic oil production from rocks of the Domanik Formation under hydrothermal conditions are reported. The potential for oil-product extraction from the oil fractions of the rocks under a hydrothermal impact was up to 60 mg/g or 6.0 wt %. The injection of inorganic additives (sodium carbonate or silica gel) did not increase the oil-recovery factor. As well, the amount of the recoverable oil products directly depended on the mineral composition of the rocks. The relationship between the percentage of hydrocarbon yield and the mineral composition of the rocks was determined. Clay minerals and silica increased the yield of synthetic oil; carbonates, conversely, inhibit the process.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(1):60-65
pages 60-65 views

Leaching of Trace Elements from Rocks under the Action of Organic Acids

Savenko A.V., Savenko V.S., Dubinin A.V.


Experiments were carried out on the leaching of trace elements (Li, Rb, Cs, Sr, Ba, V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Tl, Y, La, Ce, Th, and U) from unmodified ashes of Karymsky volcano (the Kamchatka Peninsula) under the interactions with 0.01 M oxalic, salicylic, tartaric, citric, and acetic acids at various proportions of solid and liquid phases. Based on the data we obtained, it was concluded that the trace elements were mainly mobilized owing to the destruction of crystalline structures of rock-forming minerals, as well as to the reduction of Fe(III) and Mn(IV) oxide–hydroxides into soluble Fe(II) and Mn(II) compounds (in the case of oxalic acid). The formation of organic complexes increased the stability of metals in a solution and provided the attainment of higher concentrations of the dissolved forms compared to the case without organic ligands.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(1):66-73
pages 66-73 views

Theoretical Evaluation of the Scale Effect in Dispersed Soils

Korolev V.A.


The theoretical evaluation of the scale effect in dispersed soils is considered in the engineering–geological study of various physical and physicomechanical properties that depend on the structural inhomogeneity of a soil. Concepts and new quantitative indicators are proposed to evaluate the manifestation of the scale effect in dispersed soils in relation to physical and physicomechanical properties. The classification of structural heterogeneities in dispersed soils that affect the scale effect in them has been developed. A method for analyzing the scale effect in dispersed soils is described on the basis of the superposition principle. A theoretical model of recording the scale effect in dispersed soils is substantiated in engineering–geological evaluation of various physical and physicomechanical properties.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(1):74-82
pages 74-82 views

Variation in the Microstructure of Clay Soil during Deformation under Triaxial Compression with Consideration of the Occurrence of Deformation Instability

Usov A.N., Chernov M.S., Sokolov V.N., Voznesensky E.A.


The variation in the microstructure of clay soils during their deformation under triaxial compression conditions is considered. A comprehensive procedure for the numerical description of variations in the structural features of clay soils during their deformation under triaxial compression conditions is proposed. The research results suggest that major variations in the sample structure occur at the time of deformation instability. These variations include the redistribution of the pore space and the pronounced orientation of the structural elements of the soil. Further deformation of the soil does not change the ratio of the number of pores, but the orientation of the structural elements increases throughout the entire deformation process.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(1):83-86
pages 83-86 views

The Oxygen Isotope Composition of Ice Wedges of Ayon Island and Paleotemperature Reconstructions of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene of the Northern Chukotka

Vasil’chuk Y.K., Vasil’chuk A.C.


Syngenetic ice wedges have been investigated on Ayon Island. Their isotope composition and the geochemical characteristics of both ice wedges and enclosing sediments have been obtained; four ice-wedge stages have been distinguished. Paleo temperature reconstructions for Ayon Island and adjacent territories of northern Chukotka have been obtained based of these results. Almost identical trends in the distribution of ice-wedge isotope characteristics in the Arctic islands and in the lower reaches of the Kolyma River were observed, as well as differences in the magnitude of isotope oscillations during the transition from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene compared to ice wedges of the Lower Kolyma region.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(1):87-99
pages 87-99 views

Patterns of Spatial Methane Distribution in the Upper Layers of the Permafrost in Central Yakutia

Cherbunina M.Y., Shmelev D.G., Brouchkov A.V., Kazancev V.S., Argunov R.N.


This article presents the results of long-term field studies on methane in the upper part of the permafrost for different geomorphological levels of Central Yakutia. Patterns of the spatial distribution of the methane content across different landscapes were found. The difference in the methane content in sediments of the Late Pleistocene ice complex on the left and right banks of the Lena River was found for the inter-alas areas. This was caused by different conditions of formation: the formation of a thin cover of deposits occurred under sub-aqua conditions favorable for methanogenesis on the left bank and in more dry aerobic conditions on the right bank. The highest concentrations of methane were found in alas deposits, where the major role belongs to the duration of freezing after draining the thermokarst lake in subaerial conditions. The methane content is highly variable both laterally and with depth in the studied deposits, but there is no redistribution after freezing; this allows one to use methane as a paleo indicator of the conditions of accumulation and freezing of sediments.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(1):100-108
pages 100-108 views

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