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Vol 73, No 4 (2018)


Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits Enriched in Gold

Dergachev A.L., Eremin N.I.


Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits contain not only Cu, Zn, and Pb, but Sb, Bi, Te, Se Ag, Co, other metals, and variable amounts of Ag and Au. In some of these, gold reserves exceed 100 t, while the gold grade reaches several dozens ppm. An original database was used to establish statistically meaningful criteria for identification of deposits with large gold reserves and/or that are anomalously enriched in gold. Some peculiar features of deposits with high Au grades were investigated, including their distribution in geological history and among the principal metallogenic provinces, as well as association with volcanogenic formations and paleovolcanic structures, geochemical and mineralogical features, and factors that caused enrichment in gold.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(4):325-332
pages 325-332 views

Santonian Radiolarians and Foraminifers from Brežđe Section, Western Serbia

Bragina L.G., Bragin N.Y., Kopaevich L.F., Beniamovsky V.N.


New data on the radiolarians and foraminifers (planktonic and benthic) from the lower part of Struganik limestones (Brežđe Section, Western Serbia) are presented. The Afens perapediensis Zone of a new detailed scale based on radiolarians for the Tethyan supra-region was traced for the first time. This allowed classification of the studied deposits to a narrow stratigraphic interval, that is, the upper Santonian. The age of the studied sediments is determined in the Santonian for planktonic foraminifera because of the joint presence of abundant Marginotruncana (extinct in the latest Santonian) and Globotruncana linneiana (d’Orbigny) (which appeared in the early Santonian). The radiolarian and planktonic and benthic foraminifera data agree with one another.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(4):333-345
pages 333-345 views

The Structure and Formation Conditions of the Callovian–Oxfordian Deposits of Sudak Bay (Crimea)

Gabdullin R.R., Badulina N.V., Bakai E.A., Rubtsova E.V., Yurchenko A.Y., Karpova E.V., Ivanov A.V., Varzanova M.A., Sergienko A.V., Konovalova T.A., Parakhina M.V.


The composition and origin of the Callovian–Oxfordian deposits of the Sudak Bay were characterized on the basis of the generalization and analysis of our own results, as well as published and unpublished data. The botanical future was first implemented for the geological mapping of the Oxfordian deposits.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(4):346-360
pages 346-360 views

The Structure of the Bazhenov Horizon in the Northeast Part of West Siberia

Gilaev R.M., Stupakova A.V., Stafeev A.N., Suslova A.A., Shelkov E.S.


A new variant of the structural-facies zonation of the Bazhenov horizon (Tithonian–Lower Berriasian) in the northeastern part of West Siberia was considered using lithofacies and structural analysis. The low content of terrigenous sedimentary material in the high-carbon facies of the Bazhenov Formation is explained by the capturing of the material by the relatively deep Pur–Taz Paleobasin, where the fan of the Yenisei–Khatanga strait was formed. The Pur–Taz Paleobasin was filled by the sediments of the Yanovstanov Formation. In the northeast the basin borders the vast and relatively shallow Ob Paleobasin, where the black shales of the oil-source Bazhenov Formation were accumulated.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(4):361-365
pages 361-365 views

The Heavy Metals Speciations in Bottom Sediments of Vyshny Volochek Reservoir

Lipatnikova O.A.


The water ecosystem of the Vyshny Volochek Reservoir is characterized based on the study of the distribution of heavy metals speciations in the solid phase and pore waters of bottom sediments. Using the sequential extraction procedure, it is shown that Mn is mainly present in exchangeable and carbonate-bound forms; significant roles for Fe, Zn, Pb, and Co are played by forms that are bound to iron and manganese hydroxides and Cu and Ni are mainly bound to organic matter. Thermodynamic calculations have established the prevailing share of the following forms in pore waters: free ions for Zn, Ni, Co, and Cd, carbonate complexes for Pb, and fulvic complexes for Cu. It has been revealed that the speciation forms of heavy metals in bottom sediments depend on the lithological features and content of organic matter in sediments.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(4):366-374
pages 366-374 views

A Thermodynamic Model of the Water–Rock Interaction under Hydrothermal Exposure of the Bazhenov Formation

Sidkina E.S., Bugaev I.A., Bychkov A.Y., Kalmykov A.G.


Thermodynamic modeling of the hydrothermal exposure of the rocks of the Bazhenov Formation resulted in revealing the equilibrium mineral associations at 50–350°C and the pressure of saturated water vapor. The calculation results show that mineral parageneses varied slightly with the increase of temperature. Thus, zeolites were characterized by the stilbite–laumontite–wairakite series; kaolinite, pyrite, dolomite, and brannerite were replaced by montmorillonite and/or albite, pyrrhotite, calcite, and uraninite, respectively. The modeling results were confirmed in experiments.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(4):375-379
pages 375-379 views

The Ore Mineralogy of the Kedrovskoe Gold Deposit (the Muya Region, the Republic of Buryatia, Russia)

Bondar’ D.B., Chugaev A.V., Polekhovskii Y.S., Koshlyakova N.N.


The ore mineralogy of the largest quartz vein, Osinovaya, at the Kedrovskoe gold deposit has been studied. Three stages of mineral formation, namely, marcasite–pyrrhotite–pyrite, gold–polysulfide, and hypergenic stages are identified. Native gold is attributed to the gold–polysulfide stage and is represented by two generations. The earlier high fineness generation (600–870, 780–820 prevails) cements the fragments of pyrite grains or forms inclusions in pyrite, and the later low fineness generation (520–580, 540–580 prevails) is associated with sphalerite–chalcopyrite–galena veinlets in pyrite. The disappearance of arsenious pyrite, the increase in iron content of sphalerite, and the change in pyrite to pyrrhotite with depth is recorded.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(4):380-389
pages 380-389 views

The Limiting Contents of Fluorine and Water in Highly Differentiated Granite Melts

Alferyeva Y.O., Shchekina T.I., Gramenitskii E.N.


The content of water was estimated in acid aluminosilicate and brine aluminofluoride melts in equilibrium. The solubility of water reaches 7–8 wt % in a silicate melt and 15–19 wt % in an aluminofluoride melt. The maximum concentration of fluorine in an aluminosilicate melt increases with increasing water content in the system.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2018;73(4):390-396
pages 390-396 views

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