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Vol 74, No 3 (2019)


The Educational Standards of the Department of Geology of Moscow State University: The Search for Answers to the Challenges of Our Time

Pushcharovsky D.Y., Stepanov P.Y., Nikolaeva S.K., Krylov O.V.


The history of the formation of multi-level geological education at Moscow State University is presented. The features of independently established educational standards and curricula at the Department of Geology of Moscow State University are considered. The difficulties encountered in the formation of the structure of educational standards, curriculum development, and transition to the system of credits are analyzed. Questions of the formation of the structure of the educational process in Master’s studies based on the Master’s programs rather than on the profile of training, as in a Bachelor’s program are raised.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(3):233-237
pages 233-237 views

Neotectonic Structures of the Heraklion Peninsula (Southwestern Crimea)

Promyslova M.Y., Bryantseva G.V., Demina L.I., Kosevich N.I.


The results of the structural–geomorphic analysis of the Heraklion peninsula in southwestern Crimea are presented. The Western, Central, and Southeastern segments, which differ in the density and orientation of fracturing zones and faults, drainage system characteristics, and coastal zone structure, were recognized. It was demonstrated that the neotectonic movements in the upper structural unit are manifested most distinctly above the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous collisional suture that was formed during the closure of the back-arc basin with oceanic crust.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(3):238-245
pages 238-245 views

Faults in the Quaternary Deposits of the Northern Lake Ladoga Region as Indicators of Seismotectonic Processes

Agibalov A.O.


Faults in Quaternary deposits that were established during field investigations indicate that seismic events with magnitude of at least 5 occurred in the Northern Ladoga region in recent time. Computer modeling data showed that the modern seismicity of this territory is associated with neotectonic activation of the Precambrian faults under the conditions of NW-directed compression. Topographic analysis allowed us to distinguish faults that confine the Ladoga Lake basin and belong to active neotectonic structures.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(3):246-251
pages 246-251 views

Tectonic Setting in the Area of the September 2018 Katav-Ivanovsk Earthquakes (Southern Urals)

Tevelev A.V., Tevelev A.V., Khotylev A.O., Prudnikov I.A., Kosheleva I.A., Volodina E.A., Moseichuk V.M.


The structural features of the Katav-Yuryuzan fault zone are considered. Based on the analysis of mesostructures, paleostress fields with the predominant horizontal northwest compression were determined. The data on earthquakes that occurred in September 2018 near the town of Katav-Ivanovsk are analyzed. Contradictions in determination of the epicentral coordinates and focal mechanisms of these earthquakes calculated by different geological services are revealed. It is shown that the setting of right-lateral transpression, under which the structure of the northwestern part of the Bashkir megaanticlinorium formed, is still maintained at present.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(3):252-257
pages 252-257 views

The Potential of Petromagnetic Methods in Paleoecological Reconstructions Based on the Example of Jurassic Deposits (Callovian–Lower Oxfordian) of the Mikhailovtsement Section (Ryazan Region)

Stepanov I.A., Kazansky A.Y., Kiselev D.N., Kosareva L.R., Rogov M.A., Tesakova E.M., Shchepetova E.V., Shurupova Y.A.


Based on a detailed integrated petromagnetic, lithological, and micropaleontological study of the Mikhailovtsement reference section of the Moscow syneclise (Ryazan Region), the fluctuations in the Middle Russian Sea level in the Callovian–Early Oxfordian were reconstructed. According to the variations of petromagnetic parameters through the section, seven petromagnetic intervals corresponding to different stages of the paleobasin evolution were established. These stages are correlated with sea level fluctuations established on the basis of changes in the rock lithology and the ostracod complexes. In general, the character of sea level change in the Callovian–Oxfordian that was revealed during the study of the Mikhailovtsement section is in agreement with the global trends.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(3):258-266
pages 258-266 views

The Pore Volume Structure in the Reservoir Intervals of the Bazhenov Formation, Priobskoye Field of Western Siberia

Rosliakova A.S., Kalmykov A.G., Kalmykov G.A., Khamidullin R.A., Korobova N.I., Makarova O.M., Kozlova E.V.


This paper reports the data on the rock structure and reservoir properties of the Bazhenov Formation in the sections of three wells located in different structural zones of the Priobskoye field. The dynamic porosity of samples varies from 0.02 to 6.95% and the absolute gas permeability of the rocks reaches 1.364 mD. Reservoirs of the Bazhenov Formation are confined to silicite–radiolarites (their porosity is related to leaching of radiolarian shells), kerogen–clay–siliceous rock, and kerogen–clay silicite (the porosity is related to the free space between the clay–siliceous matrix and kerogen due to organic matter maturing). Secondary processes such as recrystallization of radiolarians and local warming influenced the formation of voids in these lithotypes.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(3):267-273
pages 267-273 views

The Distribution of Organic Matter in the Rocks of the Bazhenov High-Carbon Formation

Topchii M.S., Pronina N.V., Kalmykov A.G., Kalmykov G.A., Fomina M.M., Karpov Y.A., Kozlova E.V., Fadeeva N.P.


The Bazhenov formation is one of the most famous and promising shale formations in Russia. The ambiguity of the ideas about its geological features, which is caused by the complex and heterogeneous structure of the stratum, has been noted many researchers. In this work, the Bazhenov Formation is united with its stratigraphic analogues as the Bazhenov high-carbon formation (BHCF). The main characteristics of its integration and distribution over the area, as well as the geological structure are considered. As an unconventional hydrocarbon reservoir, the BHCF has properties of an oil-source rock, one of the main characteristics of which is organic matter, that is, its type and maturity. The results of studying the organic matter by different methods at the microlevel, as well as their integration with larger-scale studies, are presented. The need for detailed consideration of organic matter in the BHCF is justified by the fact that it has a mixed composition and, as a consequence, a different maturity and spatial distribution in a rock.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(3):274-284
pages 274-284 views

The Criteria for the Occurrence of Oil-Producing Rocks of the Bazhenovskaya Highly Carbonaceous Formation with an Evolved System of Kerogen Pore Capacity

Karpov Y.A., Balushkina N.S., Stupakova A.V., Fomina M.M., Topchii M.S., Miftakhova A.A., Kalmykov A.G., Kalmykov G.A.


The zoning of catagenic OM transformation of sediments of the Bazhenovskaya highly carbonaceous formation is analyzed with respect to evolution of pore capacity system in its OM. The regional prospecting criteria of oil beds of the reservoirs related to OM porosity in the formation are formulated on the basis of our studies.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(3):285-296
pages 285-296 views

Improvement of Field Methods for Engineering Geocryological Surveying

Tyurin A.I., Isaev V.S., Sergeev D.O., Tumskoi V.E., Volkov N.G., Sokolov I.S., Komarov O.I., Koshurnikov A.V., Gunar A.Y., Komarov I.A., Anan’ev V.V.


Testing of modern innovative field methods of engineering geocryological research, master classes by leading specialists of engineering geocryological surveys, and verification of the measurement equipment for thermal field ground massif research were carried out during the Zvenigorod Winter Educational Scientific Geocryological Field Practice for the fourth-year students and the Day of Science and Innovation at the Zvenigorod Biological Station of Moscow State University. The necessity for integration of innovative methods has been shown.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(3):297-309
pages 297-309 views

Short Communications

The Parameters of a Point Source on the Gravity Field of a Sphere

Chepigo L.S., Tkachenko N.S., Lygin I.V.


This article describes a method for calculation of the parameters of a point source from the gravity field measured on a sphere. Conclusions about the conditions for the practical application of the method developed are drawn on the basis of a comparison of the results of spherical source coordinates and mass estimation by a field given on a plane and on a sphere.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(3):310-315
pages 310-315 views

A Comparative Analysis of the Structure of the Tectonosphere of the Conrad and Afanasy Nikitin Rises (Indian Ocean) Using Geophysical Data

Shaikhullina A.A., Dubinin E.P., Bulychev A.A., Gilod D.A.


Abstract—2D density modeling was performed for profiles crossing seamounts of the Conrad Rise (Lena, Ob’ and Marion Dufresne), which is located in the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean and the Afanasy Nikitin Rise, which is located in the central part of the Indian Ocean. According to widespread belief, the Marion Dufresne Seamount and the Afanasy Nikitin Rise were formed by a hotspot 83–73 Ma ago. The 2D density modeling revealed a similar structure of the crust and lithosphere within those formations, thus confirming that they were formed 83–73 Ma ago as a result of the action of the same hotspot. The results we obtained also confirmed that the Lena and Ob’ seamounts of the Conrad Rise were formed later due to the resumed activity of the hotspot under the Antarctic Plate.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(3):316-320
pages 316-320 views

The Evidence of Cumulate Crystallization and Local Development of the Eclogite Facies Metamorphism in Olivine Gabbro of the Marun-Key Complex (Polar Urals, Russia)

Liu Y.Y., Perchuk A.L., Zinovieva N.G.


This work presents the results of a detailed petrological study of olivine gabbro transformed to a different extent during the eclogite facies metamorphism. The textural features of cumulate crystallization in the rock at the magmatic stage are presented. Due to the significant transformations during eclogite facies metamorphism plagioclases were replaced by a fine-grained aggregate of high-pressure mineral paragenesis. Corona textures are developed along the boundaries of plagioclase (felsic) domains at the contacts with (Fe, Mg)-minerals during eclogite facies events. Mineral thermobarometry and phase equilibrium modeling provide PT metamorphic conditions in relatively narrow temperature and pressure ranges: T = 680 ± 60°C and Р = 2.2 ± 0.4 GPa. This is in a good agreement with the previously established formation conditions of eclogites and garnet–amphibole peridotite from the same complex.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(3):321-331
pages 321-331 views

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