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Vol 74, No 1 (2019)


The Concept of Cluster Evolutionary Minerageny in the Earth’s History

Krivitskii V.A., Starostin V.I.


A new concept of cluster evolutionary minerageny is based on the idea of the formation of the Earth from the primary stellar material, which was preserved in the planet’s core. Its further destruction due to decay of heavy nuclear matter results in fragmentation of the material until the appearance of superheavy elements with their further nuclear dissociation. As a result, protomagma arises and penetrates to the upper mantle in the form of plume flows. This process supports the reactions that control the formation of chemical elements, minerals, ores, and rocks, which compose the upper mantle and the Earth’s crust. The processes of nuclear dissociation lead to the release of energy and decompression of matter. This initiates an increase in the Earth’s volume, its geotectonic activity, and the creation of the hydrosphere and atmosphere.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):1-14
pages 1-14 views

A Paleomagnetic Study of Sariolian Conglomerates of the Onega Structure of the Karelian Protocraton: The Problem of Global Paleoproterozoic Remagnetization

Lubnina N.V., Tarasov N.A.


A paleomagnetic study of Sariolian (2.4–2.3 Ga) conglomerates of the Onega structure distinguished two characteristic magnetization components. The average direction of the mid-temperature magnetization component has a concentrated distribution and coincides with the direction of the Svecofennian remagnetization within the Karelian protocraton. The directions of high-temperature magnetization components distinguished in conglomerates show a wide scatter of values that is evidence of the primary origin of this magnetization component. Two clusters of high-temperature components associated not only with the protolith composition, but also with the different conditions of rock transformation, in particular their fluid saturation, are distinguished.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):15-26
pages 15-26 views

Analysis of Gravitational Deposits at the Continental Slope of the Northeastern Part of the Black Sea

Khlebnikova O.A., Ivanova A.A., Nikishin A.M., Roslyakov A.G., Starovoytov A.V.


Analysis of new 3D and 2D seismic data made it possible to describe the continental slope relief of the northeastern Black Sea in detail, and to reveal a large number of gravitational processes of various types. It was found that the final phase of active development of lithodynamic processes was caused by the New Euxinian regression associated with the last glaciation; this ended more than 10 000 years ago. Irregularities that formed as a result of late Holocene landslides also occur; however, their contribution is insignificant, with an amplitude rarely exceeding 1 m.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):27-34
pages 27-34 views

Eruptive Fluid Fracture Formations of the Nakyn Diamondiferous Field of Yakutia

Ignatov P.A., Novikov K.V., Zaripov N.R., Khodnya M.S., Burmistrov A.A., Liskovaya L.V., Kilizhekov O.K.


In the Nakyn diamondiferous field of the West Yakutia province various fluid fracture formations, including kimberlites, eruption breccias of basites, fluid fracture carbonate breccias, and accompanying fluidizite streaks were identified. The characteristic petrographic features and patterns of distribution of these formations in the rocks of the Lower Paleozoic sedimentary cover are presented. The predominantly tectonic control of the fluid fracture formations and their bi- and confocal distribution was revealed. It is suggested that the formations resulted from phreatic explosions of different ages directed along faults.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):35-43
pages 35-43 views

The Nature of the Protolith of the Quartz—Carbonate—Dickite Metasomatites from the Bodrak and Alma Rivers Watershed and from the Trudolyubovka Area (Southwestern Crimea)

Brovchenko V.D., Popov D.V., Nekrylov N., Shkurskii B.B., Plechov P.Y.


At least two outcrops of igneous rocks have been reported from the watershed of the Bodrak and Alma Rivers (southwestern Crimea). Previous studies suggested that these outcrops are composed of pre-Middle Jurassic intermediate and acidic tuffs and lavas. We compared the rocks from one of these outcrops with those from the near-contact area of the Middle Jurassic Dzhidair intrusion, which is exposed proximally, near the Trudolyubovka village. The Dzhidair intrusion is mostly composed of altered dolerites. We show that the rocks from both locations were significantly altered to quartz—carbonate—dickite metasomatites due to acidic metasomatism. The pattern of alterations and the appearance of the least altered samples of dolerites are similar across both locations.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):44-49
pages 44-49 views

The Depositional Setting of the Konkian Sediments of the Taman Peninsula

Rostovtseva Y.V., Rybkina A.I., Sokolova A.Y.


The study of the Konkian sediments of the Taman Peninsula revealed that in the clays prevailing in the section there are the two types carbonate beds (benthic microbial and planktonogenic origin). These two types of carbonate sediments have different carbon and oxygen isotope composition. The studied Konkian sediments were investigated by cyclostratigraphy methods based on magnetic susceptibility measurements. Using statistical data processing, including that of REDFIT periodograms and Wavelet analysis, cycles related to long-period insolation oscillations were revealed in the studied succession.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):50-55
pages 50-55 views

Comparison of the Domanic Outcrops in the Volga-Ural and Timan-Pechora Basins

Zavyalova A.P., Chupakhina V.V., Stoupakova A.V., Gatovsky J.A., Kalmykov G.A., Korobova N.I., Suslova A.A., Bolshakova M.A., Sannikova I.A., Kalmykov A.G.


Domanic (and domanicoid) deposits are of great interest to researchers and oil producing companies, since they possess authigenic oil and gas contents. This work presents the results of studying the domanic outcrops in the Volga-Ural and Timan-Pechora basins. The stratigraphic interval included sediments from the Middle Frasnian stage of the Upper Devonian to the Tournaisian stage of the Lower Carboniferous. The main types of rocks are characterized by microscopic examinations of thin sections and geochemical parameters of organic matter are determined. It is shown that the domanic deposits of the Timan-Pechora basin are similar in structure and lithological composition to the domanic deposits of the Volga-Ural Basin. The upper part of the domanicoid section is distinguished by the domination of carbonate-siliceous types of rocks over kerogen mixed varieties. According to the geochemical parameters, the organic matter in the rocks from the domanic deposits of the Volga-Ural and Timan-Pechora basins belongs to type II; however, the organic matter of the high-carbon sequence is more mature in the outcrops of the Volga-Ural region than in the Timan-Pechora outcrops.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):56-72
pages 56-72 views

Features of the Internal Structure of a Synthetic Malachite

Bublikova T.M., Balitsky V.S., Khanin D.A., Nekrasov A.N., Setkova T.V.


The results of studying the internal structure of synthetic malachite aggregates obtained by two methods, that is, in the open flowing (All-Russia Research Institute of Raw Mineral Synthesis VNIISIMS, Mingeo USSR, Aleksandrov) and closed evaporation-recirculation (Institute of Experimental Mineralogy RAS, Chernogolovka) systems, are presented. The internal structure and chemical composition of the malachite samples were studied using a Tescan Vega II XMU scanning microscope with an INCA Energy 450 energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). The studies showed significant differences in the internal structure of malachite produced by the different methods. These differences are displayed mostly in the structure of malachite aggregates and are determined by the different mechanisms of transport and deposition during dissolution and crystallization of malachite.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):73-80
pages 73-80 views

The Geodynamic and Physicochemical Conditions of the Formation of the Stepninsky Monzogabbro-Granosyenite-Granite Complex (Southern Urals)

Snachev A.V., Puchkov V.N., Snachev V.I., Romanovskaya M.A.


The geological structure of the Stepninsky, Vandyshevsky, Biryukovsky, and Uisky massifs, which belong to the Stepninsky monzogabbro-granosyenite-granite complex, is described. It was concluded that the crystallization depth of granitoid massifs decreases successively in this series of rocks from hypabyssal to hypabyssal-subsurficial facies. It was shown that intrusions in the Stepninsky complex belong to intraplate formations. At the initial stage, mafic-intermediate rocks of the deep mantle origin considered as derivatives from a separate plume were formed; at the later stage, granites and leucogranites of the calc-alkaline series formed. In terms of geochemistry the later group of rocks is characterized by rare-metal specialization.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):81-92
pages 81-92 views

Evaluation of the Efficiency of Flow Diverting Polymer Flooding

Kazakov A.A., Shelepov V.V., Ramazanov R.G.


The specific aspects of the evaluation of the efficiency of flow diverting polymer flooding (FDPF) for enhanced oil recovery are discussed. It is demonstrated that the zeroing of the FDPF effect on enhanced formation fluid withdrawal leads to the overestimation of the total FDPF effect. The FDPF effect evaluation procedure based on the evaluation of the effect on each responsive production well and the subsequent summation of all effects, as currently used by oil companies, leads to the selective evaluation of only positive constituents of the FDPF effect. The neglect of the negative constituents leads to overestimation of the summary effect of FDPF. Examples of unjustified overestimation and underestimation of FDPF efficiency based on the evaluation procedures used by oil companies are discussed.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):93-101
pages 93-101 views

Exploitation Technologies of Coalbed Methane in the Qinshui Basin of China

Lu Y.J., Han J.X., Shelepov V.V., Makarova E.Y., Li K., Chu J.


Coalbed methane (CBM) is a new environmentally friendly unconventional energy source of great promise for exploitation. The CBM resources in the Qinshui Basin are as great as 3.97 × 1012 m3, i.e., 10.8% of the total coal gas resources of China. Compared to the main coal basins of the United States, Australia, Canada, and Russia, the Qinshui Basin is characterized by high metamorphism, high gas content, and low values of porosity and permeability, as well as by low formation pressure. The commercial exploitation of productive beds at the Qinshui Basin requires the use of efficient technologies of stimulation. Vertical wells with hydraulic fracturing (HF) predominate at the Qinshui Basin. The CO2 injection, electric pulse, multistage HF, etc. technologies are used as well.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):102-108
pages 102-108 views

New Data on the Trace Element and Isotopic Composition of Thermal Springs of Tajikistan

Kireeva T.A., Salikhov F.S., Bychkov A.Y., Kharitonova N.A., Romashkina A.V.


The geological setting and chemical composition of the Garm Chashma, Firuza MGU, Tandykul, Obigarm, and Khojaobigarm thermal springs of the Pamir and foothills of Tien Shan are considered. Their first trace element (ICP MS) composition is provided. On the basis of the B: Cl and B: Br (as well as Li: Rb: Cs) ratios, the genesis of the springs was determined. The paleotemperature of the springs based on the Na-K geother-mometer (136–240°C) indicate the deep formation conditions. The first δ18O and δD data are evidence of the most likely meteoric origin of the thermal springs.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):109-116
pages 109-116 views

Facial Features of the Late Quaternary Sedimentation on Danube and Sochi Polygons of the Black Sea

Yuanqiu Y.


A comparative study of the Late Quaternary sedimentation on the platform (Danube study area) and folded (Sochi study area) margins of the Black Sea was carried out. Differences in seafloor morphology and clastic supply combined with significant sea level variations account for the differences in sedimentary structure, texture, facies composition, mineral composition, and sedimentation mechanism between the Upper Quaternary sequences of the study areas.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(1):117-119
pages 117-119 views

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