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Volume 50, Nº 1 (2024)


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Connectivity of EEG and fMRI network in the resting state in healthy people and patients with post-traumatic disorder of consciousness

Zigmantovich A., Sharova E., Kopachka M., Smirnov A., Alexandrova E., Masherov E., Troshina E., Pronin I., Oknina L.


Recovery of consciousness in patients with post-comatose unconscious states after severe traumatic brain injury and the search for their objective markers are among the urgent medical and social problems. To clarify the information content and the degree of consistency of changes in hemodynamic and bioelectrical parameters, in this work we carried out comparative studies of fMRI networks and EEG connectivity at rest in healthy subjects, as well as in patients with post-traumatic disorders of consciousness before and after therapeutic rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). It was shown that the characteristics of the functional connectivity of fMRI and EEG at rest are among the informative markers of neuroplasticity during depression of consciousness. A certain topographic correspondence between the fMRI networks and the EEG integral connectivity pattern at rest was established, regardless of the modification of the latter assessment: in the continuous recording mode or pseudo-EP. At the same time, the method of independent fMRI components more clearly reveals the features of the state of individual neural networks, and the indicators of EEG functional connectivity (range 1–15 Hz) are more informative in assessing the integral neural network characteristics and their changes during treatment.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(1):5-21
pages 5-21 views

Emotional intelligence and specificity of brain cortical activity in coronary heart disease

Razumnikova О., Tarasova I., Trubnikova О.


Testing the components of emotional intelligence (EI) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) showed that they are more likely to react to emotionally significant situations than to express their emotions. The most pronounced influence on the frequency-spatial organization of brain activity, mainly in the θ1-, α2- and β1-ranges, is induced by such EI components as the expression of positive emotions, the use of emotions in decision-making and empathy. An increase in self-assessment of positive expression is associated with an increase in the power of the β1-rhythm in the parieto-occipital cortex with the dominance of the left hemisphere and an increase in the θ1 not only in these areas, but also in the posterofrontal cortical sites. The increase in empathy is accompanied by a decrease in the power of the β1-rhythm, mainly in the temporal cortex of the left hemisphere. Gender differences were found in the association of self-assessment of negative expression and the power of θ- and β-oscillations with greater involvement of the left frontal areas in women. The identified features of the relationship between EI and EEG parameters may be a consequence of the reorganization of cortical activity in patients with coronary heart disease, which develops as a result of chronic cerebral ischemia.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(1):22-33
pages 22-33 views

Modelling of impulse activity of afferent fibers of antagonist muscles during transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the spinal cord during walking

Gladchenko D., Alekseeva I., Chelnokov A., Barkanov M.


The article describes the results of studies on the impulse activity of various groups of afferent fibers and EMG patterns of lower leg antagonist muscles when walking without, during and after transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the dorsal roots of the lower thoracic spinal cord of a person. Using a mathematical model based on the prediction of the triggering of muscle spindles, variability in the manifestation of impulse activity of various afferents tibialis anterior muscle (TA) and gastrocnemius medialis muscle (GM) when walking under different experimental conditions is shown. It was found that walking on a movable treadmill tape in the absence of spinal cord stimulation was accompanied by strong impulse activity of afferents I (Ia and Ib) and II groups GM, increased excitability of its motorneuron pool and weakening of afferent activity and excitability of TA. On the contrary, electrical stimulation of the spinal cord during walking caused strong impulsive activity of group II TA afferents and moderate — GM, while the activity of Ia fibers TA and GM decreased to moderate impulsivity, Ib afferents of the same muscles had the weakest activity, and the excitability of the GM motorneuron pool was greater than TA. During the postactivation period, walking was accompanied by increased impulses of afferent fibers of group Ib and II GM, weakening of afferent flows of Ib TA and Ia afferents GM, but along with this, afferent signals of group Ia and II to the motorneuron nucleus TA decreased to moderate impulses, and excitability of the motorneuron pool GM was higher than TA. The supposed reflex mechanisms of locomotion regulation are discussed on the basis of well-known phenomena associated with the interaction of various afferent inputs to the spinal cord neuronal apparatus in the system of lower leg antagonist muscles.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(1):34-44
pages 34-44 views

Specific changes in contractive functions and skeletal muscle architecture in humans in response to the use of two protocols of unmodulated neuro-muscular electrostimulation

Koryak Y.


The purpose of this study was to study the effect of unmodulated low-frequency superficial of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) of 30 and 60 min/day for 7 weeks on the force, velocity-strength properties of the triceps surae muscle (TS) and architecture (lengths and angles of fascicles) of human the medial gastrocnemius muscle (MG). Many studies have examined the effect of training intensity (percentage of maximal voluntary isometric contraction — MVC) during NMES on muscle force response. However, no study has examined the effect of the number of NMES sessions per day over 7 weeks on changes in the TS strength. Ten healthy volunteers (23.2 ± 3.2 years; age range 18–28 years) volunteered for the study and were randomly assigned to group 1 (30 min NMES) and group 2 (60 min NMES) 5 times a day. NMES for a 7-week period, a total of 35 NMES workouts Isometric triceps calf strength was recorded with a Biodex isokinetic dynamometer. The longitudinal ultrasonic images of the MG was measured in vivo using the B-mode Edge ultrasound system. After a 7-week training period, MVC and voluntary maximal “explosive” strength differed significantly between groups. Based on electrical stimulation parameters and healthy subjects in this study, electrical training caused an increase in foot extensor muscle strength and a gradient in voluntary explosive strength when used for 5 training per week for 30 min for 7 weeks.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(1):45-63
pages 45-63 views

Influence of load increase rate during incremental test on aerobic performance indicators

Volkov V., Tambovtseva R., Konyukhov V., Markaryan V.


Maximum oxygen consumption is an informative indicator of aerobic performance, and its assessment is associated with a significant investment of time. The paper compares the results of maximum tests with a stepwise increasing load with different duration of one load step: 15, 30, 60, 120 and 240 s. Maximum oxygen uptake, total operating time, and pair-wise relationship of protocols were assessed. There was no statistically significant difference in maximum oxygen uptake rate in protocols of different duration. Also, all the studied protocols showed a high correlation with each other (r = 0.92–0.97).

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(1):64-71
pages 64-71 views

Influence of 21-day antiortostatic hypokinesia on the functional state of the musculoskeletal system of human

Shpakov А., Primachenko G., Voronov А., Sokolov N., Voronova А., Puchkova А.


The influence of antiorthostatic hypokinesia with an inclination angle relative to the horizon of -6 degrees for 21 days was used as a ground model of the physiological effects of weightlessness. 10 practically healthy male volunteers (30.7 ± 5.4 years, 78.0 ± 8.5 kg, 179.7 ± 5.3 cm) took part in the experimental study, who successfully passed the medical expert commission of the SSC RF-IMBP RAS, familiarized with the study program and signed a voluntary informed consent to participate in the study. The state of the musculoskeletal system was assessed according to the results of speed-strength testing on an isokinetic dynamometer before hypokinesia and on the 3rd day after its completion. Staying in conditions of 21-day anti-orthostatic hypokinesia with a body inclination angle of –6° relative to the horizon, as a model of the physiological effects of weightlessness, leads to changes in the functional state of the musculoskeletal lower limbs which manifests itself during speed-strength testing after hypokinesia by a decrease in maximum voluntary force (MPF) of the knee joint extensor muscles from 9 to 15% compared with the base level. The decrease in MPF did not depend on a change in the force gradient, which reflects the ability to exert greater force in the shortest possible time. This indicated that the decrease in the MPF level after hypokinesia was mainly due to a change in the activity of slow motor units. At the same time, we assume that exposure to hypokinesia did not cause a significant change in the activity of fast motor units. This is confirmed by the results of the analysis of the electromyographic activity of the extensor muscles of the knee joint during testing on an isokinetic dynamometer. Also, after hypokinesia, the possibility of using muscle potential significantly decreased - the physiological cost of work increased with a decrease in strength indicators.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(1):72-81
pages 72-81 views

The influence of breathing exercises on the heart rate variability parameters of female medical students

Ilina N., Morozova M., Morozova M.


We studied the influence of breathing exercises (BE) with an imposed rhythm on the dynamics of heart rate variability (HRV) parameters in order to study the nature of adaptive processes in the body of girls with different initial levels of total HRV. Heart rate, time indicators: SDNN, mNN, RMSSD, pNN50 - and spectral parameters: TP, HF and HFnu, LF and LFnu, LF/HF - as well as IVR and IN indices were evaluated. According to the level of SDNN, individuals with conditionally low and conditionally high levels of total HRV were identified - groups LV (40 (31; 47) ms) and HV (64 (58; 70) ms). At rest, HRV parameters in HV-girls were significantly higher than in the LV-subgroup. After BE, a significant increase in SDNN and TP was observed in the LV-subgroup, against the background of a decrease in HF and HFnu and an increase in LF and LFnu, and the LF/HF ratio after BE increased by 80%. In HV-girls after BE, an increase of 6% in heart rate was recorded, but not in total HRV parameters: a decrease in HF and HFnu was compensated by an increase in LFnu, as a result, the LF/HF ratio increased significantly by almost 1.5 times compared to the rest level. In LV-girls, the indicators of autonomic balance index (AVR) and stress-index (SI) were higher by 2.6–2.7 than in the HV-subgroup. After BE, a decrease of 24 and 19% in the parameters of AVR and SI was observed in the LV, but not in the HV-subgroup. Thus, the adaptation of the work of the heart to BE occurred in a similar way in LV- and HV-individuals, however, it differed in different adaptive costs of such an effort for LV- and HV-subjects.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(1):82-89
pages 82-89 views

Assessment of heart rate variability in 4–6 years-old children in contrast hardening

Bobreshova S., Malinina E., Turbasova N., Fisher T., Solov’jova S.


The article presents the results of assessing the features of heart rate variability in children of senior preschool age (4-6 years old) who are engaged in contrast hardening according to a specially developed technique (Fisher T.A., Kolyvanova S.S., Dremina E.L., patent RU2744024C2, 9.07.2019) in a preschool educational institution. Significantly higher statistical indicators evaluating the overall autonomic tone (SDNN, RMSSD, рNN50, CV) were revealed in children involved in contrast hardening compared to the control group. Evaluation of statistical, spectral parameters of heart rate variability in the hardening group indicated the predominance of parasympathetic influences on heart rate and a shift in the autonomic balance towards parasympathicotonia. This was expressed in a significant decrease in VPR, an increase in high-frequency (HF) indicators and a decrease in the LF/HF index in children of the hardening group compared with the control.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(1):90-98
pages 90-98 views

Heart rate variability in children of younger school age in the speleoclimatotherapy

Komissarova O., Fomina E.


The autonomic nervous system is a key link in the course of adaptation and adaptive reactions of the organism to various environmental factors. The aim of this study was to assess the heart rate variability of primary school children during a course of speleoclimatotherapy. The heart rate variability were evaluated in 175 practically healthy children aged 7–10 years. In the course of the study the effect of speleoclimatotherapy on the balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervoussystem was studied using the parameters of spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV). HRV data were analysed in the frequency domain: total wave power (TP), high frequency waves (HF), low frequency waves (LF), very low frequency waves (VLF), vagosympathetic index LF/HF. After a course of speleoclimatotherapy the analysis of the obtained results allowed us to establish statistically significant differences in the groups of boy and girls with vagotonic and normotonic type of regulation. After a course of speleoclimatotherapy reduction of the indexe of a vagosympathetic balance (LF/HF) to normal values was found in the groups of sympathotonic boys and sympathotonic girls, while in sympathotonic girls there was an increase in the value of the total power (TP). It is possible to speak about the restoration of vegetative equilibrium and increase of adaptive capabilities of the child’s organism due to adaptation to the microclimate of speleo-chambers.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(1):99-107
pages 99-107 views

Interrelationship of Component Composition of the Body with Biological Age According to the “Bio-Age” Scale

Mihajlova S., Khrycheva T.


A new method for estimating biological age (BA) on the Bio-age scale, which reflects the degree of its correspondence with respect to calendar age (CA), is presented. Anthropometric (body weight, systolic blood pressure, vital capacity, dynamometry of the right hand), biochemical (glucose and sugar levels in the blood) parameters were analyzed; body composition (percentage of active cell mass (ACM%), body fat mass (BFM%), total water (TW%), basal metabolism) in 972 people (427 men and 545 women) aged 18–70 years. An increase with age in the number of surveyed (especially among men) with BA > CA was revealed. It was determined that an increase in the values of BFM%, a decrease in ACM% and TW% leads to an acceleration of the aging of the body. Dynamics of indicators of body components at the age stage of 18–70 years is characterized by a decrease in the values of ACM%, TW% and an increase in BFM%, and in the groups BA > CA the negative dynamics is 2–3 times more intense. It is likely that the imbalance in the ratio of body components causes the development of numerous morphofunctional disorders. Therefore, in order to slow down the rate of aging of the organism, it is necessary to normalize the component composition of the body.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(1):108-119
pages 108-119 views

Disturbances in dynamics of glucose, insulin and C-peptide in blood after a normalized intake of mixed meal in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Lednev E., Gavrilova A., Vepkhvadze T., Makhnovskii P., Shestakova M., Popova D.


The aim of the study is to investigate the dynamics of venous blood glucose, insulin, and C-peptide in response to intake a meal normalized to body mass in obese patients without and with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Venous blood samples were taken from 7 healthy subjects, 9 obese patients, and 10 obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (mean period of diagnosed diabetes 7 years) before and 30, 60, 90, 120, and 180 min after a mixed meal (6 kcal/kg of body mass); additionally, 9 patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus and 3 healthy volunteers completed a hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp test. In patient groups the energy content of food did not differ, but was 1.8 times higher than in the control. An increase in glucose level one hour after a meal was maximal in patients with type 2 diabetes, but an increase in insulin and C-peptide — in obese patients, that related to impairment of insulin-dependent glucose uptake by tissues and of the rate of insulin secretion (dysfunction of â-cells) in patients. At the same time, an increase in the total area under the curve “C-peptide–time” shows that the maximum secretory response of â-cells is comparable in obese patients without and with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The absolute blood glucose level 90 minutes after a meal was closely correlated with the M-index — the marker of systemic sensitivity to insulin (rs = –0.82, p = 0.002). Our results characterize the features in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism after intake a mixed meal, normalized to body mass, in people with the varying severity of metabolic disorders, and open up prospects for a wider application of this test in practice.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(1):120-127
pages 120-127 views

Vitamin D and its effect on the endothelial function of cross-country skiers at various stages of the training cycle

Potolitsyna N., Parshukova O., Kalikova L., Bojko E.


The aim of the study was to assess the level of vitamin D and nitric oxide metabolites, and to search for the relationship between them in cross-country skiers at various stages of the training cycle. During the year, two groups of men (20–26 years old, inhabitants of the Komi Republic) were examined four times: cross-country skiers who are active members of the national teams of the Komi Republic/Russia (n = 11) and office workers (n = 10). It was shown that skiers had higher vitamin D levels duration the year compared to office workers. The fluctuations in the levels of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus detected in cross-country skiers were seasonal, which could lead to significant changes in the synthesis of nitric oxide and the work of the endothelial system. The greatest number of correlations between the studied metabolites in cross-country skiers was revealed at the beginning and end of the annual training season. A significant imbalance in the levels of vitamin D and nitric oxide metabolites found in them in March may negatively affect the success of performance at important competitions.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2024;50(1):128-138
pages 128-138 views

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