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Том 51, № 5 (2017)


Formation of adaptive reactions in Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type and mutant jin1 plants under action of abscisic acid and salt stress

Yastreb T., Kolupaev Y., Lugovaya A., Dmitriev A.


To elucidate the possible role of the transcription factor (TRF) JIN1/MYC2 in implementation of stress-protective effects of abscisic acid (ABA), the effect of exogenous ABA on the state of stomata and the activity of antioxidant enzymes and proline content under salt stress conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana plants of wild type (Col-0) and jin1 mutants with impaired jasmonate signaling was investigated. Treatment of leaves’ epidermis with ABA (10 or 100 μM) caused the closing of stomata in Col-0 plants but has hardly any influence on stomatal aperture in jin1 mutants. Salt stress (200 mM NaCl exposure for 24 h) caused a reduction of the water content in the plant leaves of both genotypes. Addition of 10 μM ABA into the growing medium contributed to a maintaining of normal hydration in wild-type but not in jin1 plants under salt stress. ABA treatment caused an almost twofold increase in proline content in the leaves of plants of both genotypes under normal conditions. Pretreatment with phytohormone contributed to enhancing the proline content in wild-type plants at salt stress and had a less significant effect on its amount in jin1 plants. Treatment with ABA under physiologically normal conditions increased the catalase activity in wild-type plants. Both genotypes under ABA influence showed increased activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD). Under salt stress conditions, higher activity of SOD, catalase, and guaiacol peroxidase was observed in ABA-treated wild-type plants but not in jin1 mutants. A conclusion about the participation of TRF JIN1/MYC2 in the formation of certain ABA-induced physiological responses of Arabidopsis plants was made.

Cytology and Genetics. 2017;51(5):325-330
pages 325-330 views

Cytogenetic characteristics of wheat lines with modified 1RS.1BL rye-wheat translocation

Motsny I., Blagodarova E., Rybalka A.


The higher frequency (almost 90%) of inheritance through pollen of heterozygous hybrids has been shown for the modified 1RS.1BL translocation compared with the 1BL telocentric, and, as a result, the segregations at the Gli-B1 and Glu-B1 loci strongly deviated from the expected values. The distance between the Glu-B1 locus and the centromere was 15.7–24.4 cM. Products of the 1RSm.1BL translocation “misdivision” were observed at a frequency of 0.05%. Both the Pavon MA1 lines and the winter wheat line with the 1RSm.1BLal translocation have shown a significant decrease in the level of homologous chromosome pairing, causing aneuploidy. These lines did not contain any reciprocal translocations with respect to the Kuyal’nik cultivar. A “hybrid desynapsis” has been observed in F1 hybrids (Kuyal’nik × Pavon MA1) in contrast to analogous hybrids from a winter line by the 1RSm.1BLal type. No single case of the 21ClosedII formation has been observed among the studied 693 pollen mother cells (PMCs), which would have indicated the presence of pairing between the short arms of the 1RSm.1BL translocations and the intact chromosome 1B.

Cytology and Genetics. 2017;51(5):331-338
pages 331-338 views

Inheritance of the traits of spike and grain color and morphometric parameters of the grain in F1 and F2 hybrids of Triticum spelta L. × Triticum aestivum L.

Sichkar S., Dubrovna O.


The character of inheritance of the morphological traits of spike and grain color and morphometric parameters of the grain in simple and backcross F1 and F2 hybrids of spelt and soft wheat has been investigated. The experiments confirmed that single homologous genes determine the trait of grain width in different species of wheat. Incomplete dominance of the gene that determines the trait of grain length has been revealed. The increase of the dosage of genes from one wheat species in a backcross hybrid has been shown to increase the deviation from the other species and to bring the values of the quantitative parameters of the grain closer to the values for the saturating species. Splitting of the spike color trait in the F2 offspring has been shown to follow the 15: 1 dihybrid cross scheme and to be controlled by two dominant homologous genes.

Cytology and Genetics. 2017;51(5):339-345
pages 339-345 views

Epigenetic mechanisms regulating seed germination rate

Kravets O., Sokolova D.


Changes in epigenetic polymorphism degree within wheat seedlings’ population under radiation stimulating exposure of germination were investigated. Variations in seeds sample allocations by germination rate in both control and chronically exposed variants were estimated. Changes in DNA methylation patterns of seedlings from seeds with different germination rate were studied. Variations in epigenetic polymorphism–“distance” between DNA methylation patterns of “fast” and “slow” seedlings of different wheat varieties under radiation exposure were assessed. Indicated, that increased germination rate of seeds sample was associated with decreasing degree of epigenetic polymorphism. Issue concerning both role of epigenetic polymorphism in plant population stability and its decreasing degree that could initiate less effectiveness of production process was discussed.

Cytology and Genetics. 2017;51(5):346-351
pages 346-351 views

The effects of polymorphisms in growth hormone and growth hormone receptor genes on production and reproduction traits in Aberdeen-Angus cattle (Bos taurus L., 1758)

Fedota O., Lysenko N., Ruban S., Kolisnyk O., Goraychuk I.


The study was aimed to analyze the relation between individual genotypes and allelic variants of SNPs g.2141C>G of growth hormone gene, g.914T>A and g.257A>G of growth hormone receptor gene with growth and reproduction traits and to evaluate the populationgenetic structure in Aberdeen-Angus cattle (Bos taurus L., 1758) sample of Eastern Ukraine according SNPs studied. Allele C of SNP g.2141C>G has a positive correlation with birth weight, body stature, bigger rump, udder and total exterior evaluation score, shorter calving interval and better calve birth weight and negative correlation with calve average daily gain. Allele T of SNP g.914T>A has positive correlation with the muscle and udder size; live weight in each age, average daily gain, weight and average daily gain of calves born conform to the principle AA>TTTA. SNP g.257A>G showed a positive correlation for G allele with muscle size. The population is in equilibrium for SNPs g.2141C>G and g.257A>G, and in disequilibrium for SNP g.914T>A. The analysis showed no linkage disequilibrium between SNPs g.914T>A and g.257A>G. Inbreeding coefficient FST in Aberdeen-Angus group studied was 16.1%.

Cytology and Genetics. 2017;51(5):352-360
pages 352-360 views

Association of FGFR2 (rs2981579) gene polymorphism with the risk of mesial occlusion

Storozhenko K., Shkarupa V.


The molecular-genetic testing of the polymorphic rs2981579 (C>T) locus of the FGFR2 gene as the marker of increased predisposition to the development of mesial occlusion was carried out in 110 patients with mesial occlusion and 103 general-population control subjects from Ukraine. It was shown that polymorphism rs2981579 in gene FGFR2 is associated with mesial occlusion (OR = 1.67, 95% CI = 1.14–2.45, p = 0.009). Compared to CC carriers, TT+CT carriers had a 3.21-fold higher risk of mesial occlusion (95% CI = 1.57–6.57, p = 0.001). We found the protective effect of the homozygous allele C on mesial occlusion development (OR = 0.31, p = 0.001). This is the first published data on FGFR2 polymorphisms rs2981579 (C>T) in patients with mesial occlusion.

Cytology and Genetics. 2017;51(5):361-364
pages 361-364 views

Analysis of molecular genetic study on the polymorphic C-159T locus of the CD14 gene in children with increased risk of recurrent episodes of acute obstructive bronchitis

Kens O., Gnateyko O., Lukyanenko N., Vishtak N., Bergtravm V.


A molecular genetic study of the polymorphic C-159T locus of the CD14 gene has been carried out in 31 children with recurrent episodes of acute obstructive bronchitis as well as in a cohort of 50 randomly sampled subjects forming the control group. As a result of the study, no higher statistically significant frequency of the CC, CT, and TT genotypes has been recorded at the polymorphic C-159T locus of the CD14 gene among children of the main group compared with the control. However, there is a trend towards a more frequent observation of the TT genotype among children with recurrent episodes of acute obstructive bronchitis compared with the control group (32.25 vs. 22.0%).

Cytology and Genetics. 2017;51(5):365-370
pages 365-370 views

Genetic approaches in research on the role of trehalose in plants

Yatsyshyn V., Kvasko A., Yemets A.


Data concerning the synthesis and functions of trehalose in plants have been analyzed and the contribution of trehalose to tolerance to different types of abiotic stress has been considered. Data on phenotypic changes and stress resistance (including drought resistance) in transgenic plants that expressed genes required for trehalose biosynthesis have been summarized.

Cytology and Genetics. 2017;51(5):371-383
pages 371-383 views

First detection of cytomixis and its consequences in Thalictrum cultratum Wall. (Ranunculaceae)

Kumar P., Singhal V., Srivastava S.


In current paper, we studied the meiotic chromosome number and details of cytomixis recorded for the first time in Thalictrum cultratum Wall. from the high altitude areas of northwest Himalaya (India). Cytomixis, the phenomenon of inter PMC (pollen mother cell) migration of chromatin material has been reported in many angiosperms and other groups of plants, but there is no published report in Thalictrum cultratum. All the presently studied accessions of the species existed at diploid level (x = 7). The present chromosome count of n = 14 has been reported for the first time from the study area. The cytological stability of any plant is an important consideration in view of its existence in nature. Meiotic disturbances can impose threat to the reproductive potential of plant. Current study reveals the occurrence of inter PMC migration of chromatin material. In present investigation, the phenomenon of cytomixis can be observed between 2 to 9 PMCs. Chromatin migration occurs through narrow and broad cytoplasmic channels or occasionally fused together during metaphase-I and anaphase-I. Cytomixis resulted in the formation of hypo- (n = 2, 2 + 1 small fragment, n = 3 + 3 small fragments, 4, 5 + extra mass of chromatin, 13) and hyperploid (n = 7 + 2 small fragments, 8 + 2 small fragments, 14, 14 + 2 small fragments, 15) PMCs, variable sized pollen grains and pollen sterility (20%). The current study reveals that cytomixis is responsible for formation of PMCs with variable chromosomes (hypoand hyperploid) and pollen grains of heterogeneous sizes and pollen sterility in T. cultratum. This is the first report of cytomixis in the species.

Cytology and Genetics. 2017;51(5):384-390
pages 384-390 views

Induced autotetraploidy in Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague (Apiaceae)

Kumar G., Dwivedi H.


Polyploidization is an event that developed in plants during evolutionary path which confer them better survivorship than diploids towards the harsh environmental conditions. Regarding this approach polyploids acquire most of appealing facts in it which are the special concern of biologists. Present study is an attempt to induce autotetraploids in an important medicinal plant, Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague through colchicine. The seedlings of Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague were treated with 3 different concentrations of colchicine (0.2, 0.4 and 0.5%, w/v) for 3 different durations. The autotetraploidy in plants have been confirmed on the basis of cytological, morphological and palynological observations. Total six autotetraploid plants (4n = 36) were induced. On the basis of the number of induced autotetraploids, 36 hours duration of 0.2% concentration of colchicine was found to be more effective. The morphological parameters such as increased flower size, reproductive organs, stomata size, pollen length and diameter, plant height, leaf length and width, number of umbel/plant, number of umbellate/umbel and stomatal frequency etc. were considered for the detection of autotetraploids. Various chromosomal configurations have been observed during meiotic analysis. Pollen fertility was decreased in autotetraploids than diploids.

Cytology and Genetics. 2017;51(5):391-400
pages 391-400 views

Transformation and evaluation of different transgenic lines for Glyphosate tolerance and cane borer resistance genes in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.)

Qamar Z., Riaz S., Nasir I., Ali Q., Husnain T.


The aim of this study was to ensure the systematic protein expression of two genes (GTG and Cry1Ac) under the influence of two different constitutive promoters i.e. Ubiquitin-1 and CaMV 35S promoters in different sugarcane lines. PCR amplification of GTG and Cry1Ac was achieved from putative transgenic plants through gene specific primers. Qualitative comparisons of GTG and Cry1Ac genes expression under two different promoters were obtained through protein dot blot and dipstick assay. The appearance of comparatively dark color dots in dot blot and dark color bands on dipstick with Ubiquitin as compared to light color bands with CaMV35S promoter, qualitatively confirmed high protein expression of two genes under Ubiquitin promoter. In quantitative gene expression comparisons maximum optical density (OD) at 450 nm of UV-light was obtained for GTG (3.7 OD) and Cry1Ac (3 OD) under Ubiquitin promoter, while for GTG (1.6 OD) and Cry1Ac (2.5 OD) with CaMV 35S promoter. The results indicated higher expression of two genes under Ubiquitin-1 promoter in sugarcane was found as compared to CaMV 35S promoter. This study provides a guide for stable and high expression of transgenes with reference to Ubiquitin-1 promoter which can be utilize in sugarcane as well as in other monocots.

Cytology and Genetics. 2017;51(5):401-412
pages 401-412 views


Erratum to: “Cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic investigations in relapse of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia”

Andreieva S., Korets K., Skorokhod I., Ruzhinska O.


Figure 3 should be:

Cytology and Genetics. 2017;51(5):413-413
pages 413-413 views

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