Latinskaya Amerika

The peer-review scientific monthly journal comprising research papers and articles on social and political problems.

Founded in 1969.

Media registration certificate: № 0110358 от 02.03.1993


  • Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Institute of Latin America


  • Russian academy of sciences

Published under the authority of the Global Problems and International Relations Department of the RAS

About the journal

«Latinskaya Amerika» journal is:

  • a unique for Russia and the CIS professional multidisciplinary edition in Russian, which analyses the current theoretical, scientific and practical problems of Ibero-America;
  • gives readers a wide panorama of the Ibero-American world, publishes exclusive interviews of heads of state, ministers, politicians, diplomats, parliamentarians and public figures, prominent representatives of science, business, culture and art, works of world-famous writers of Latin America, Spain and Portugal;


  • the list of peer-reviewed journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of works of applicants for scientific degrees;
  • Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).


  • worldwide among scientists, professors and students of higher educational institutions, as well as among the service staff, parliamentarians and business persons.

In the Journal

  • Politics
  • Economy
  • Social problems
  • History
  • International relationships
  • Iberian aspect
  • Culture
  • Art and literature
  • Reviews of new editions

The authors of the Journal are leading scientists of the ILA RAS; researchers from other Russian academic and non-academic research institutes studying international affairs; industry analysts; professors of specialized universities and postgraduate students; foreign researchers.

Our readership is international affairs experts: economists, political scientists, sociologists, cultural scientists, historians; professors, postgraduate students and students of specialized universities; heads and staff of federal and regional government bodies.

Current Issue

Open Access Open Access  Restricted Access Access granted  Restricted Access Subscription Access

No 12 (2023)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Open Access Open Access
Restricted Access Access granted
Restricted Access Subscription Access


Message to readers
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Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(12):6-6
pages 6-6 views
Congratulations to the master of Latin American studies in Russia
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Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(12):7-8
pages 7-8 views
Congratulations to Nikolay V.Kalashnikov
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Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(12):9-9
pages 9-9 views

Point of view

Core determinants of the regional prognostic scenario. Global technological transformation and a new paradigm of military affairs
Davydov V.M., Stepanov A.Y.
The authors believe that, in the first approximation, the core determinants are: global technological transformation and a paradigm shift in military affairs, geo-economic divergence as a result of geopolitical confrontation and radical shifts in the demographic matrix of the region. In this article, the authors focused on the first and second topics. In Latin America, which retains signs of periphery, there will be a phase lag in technological renewal, complicated by the complexity of society and the economy. To a certain extent, the LCA remains aloof from the main line of geopolitical confrontation, but at the same time it does not escape the indirect impact of the military revolution. We are talking about changes in the regional market of military equipment, as well as the evolution of the functional use of the armed forces.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(12):10-17
pages 10-17 views

China — Latin America

The Sino-Latin American "arc" in a shifting world order
Safronova E.I.
The article analyzes peculiarities of the Sino-Latin American dialogue in the light of current developments in the world arena, as well as the issue of the probability of the dialogue’s systemic nature. The reasons are given for the rise of the international significance of the global South, including Latin America, which has become a factor in the “germination” of the New World Order (NWO). The author characterizes China's view on the properties of the NWO in the context of Sino-Latin American relations and concludes with a number of assumptions regarding nearest prospects of the New World Order for the global South.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(12):18-33
pages 18-33 views
Digital transformation of Latin America and the Chinese factor in shaping trends
Stepnov I.M., Kolesnikova T.V.

The digital transformation of countries in the Latin American region is essential to the ability of states to provide society, entrepreneurship and governmental activities at the current technological level. The emerging market for digital services and technologies is attractive to Chinese companies that today already hold leading positions in supplying digital services and products to the region, as well as in implementing investment projects in this area. The article identifies the factors constraining the digitalization of LAC, among which are disproportions in the level of technological development, lack of own financial resources, as well as insufficient provision of human resources. Based on the results of structural and comparative analysis of measures of state regulation of digital processes in a number of countries, it is found that the most comprehensive system of moderation of digitalization is implemented in Brazil. Accordingly, the key laws of Brazil are described and promising directions of regulation of digital processes are indicated. Examples of successful realization of the experience of China-Latin America cooperation in the aspect of construction of digital infrastructure, e-commerce, projects on creation of digital products are highlighted.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(12):34-48
pages 34-48 views
China's interests and activities in the Antarctic. The potential for synergy with Russia and Latin American countries
Filippova L.V.

As a state claiming for a leading position in the current system of international relations, China could not ignore the Antarctic. In recent years, one has seen China’s systematic efforts aimed at expanding its presence in the Antarctic. At the same time, Russia, which enjoys a reputation of an esteemed polar power, and the countries of Latin America, which are closest to the Antarctic, remain important players in this part of the world. Focusing on the development of China’s priorities and activities in the Antarctic, the article discusses opportunities for Russia, China and Latin American states to develop the region together.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(12):49-62
pages 49-62 views
Chinese assessments of the decline of US hegemony in Latin America
Skosyrev V.A.
The article summarizes Chinese views on the decline of US hegemony in Latin America. The author examined mainly recent sources in Chinese from 2021 to 2023, which can be subdivided into authoritative reports, opinions of academic researchers and public media articles. It is concluded that Chinese experts are unanimous in their opinion that Washington’s strategic presence in the region will inevitably decline. The leadership of China will likely build its policy in Latin America based on this perception. At the same time, most observers from China also agree that American influence in the region is still enormous due to the traditional dependence of Latin American countries on the United States. At the end of the article, some assessments are given that were made at the Round Table “Repositioning China in Latin America in the Conditions of Turbulent International Relations”, organized by the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences in April 2023.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(12):63-73
pages 63-73 views

International relations

Science Diplomacy in MERCOSUR
Tabarintseva-Romanova K.M., Kuznetsov D.A.

The article presents an overview and analyzes the problems of science diplomacy of the countries of the Common Market of South America (MERCOSUR). Scientific diplomacy is considered as one of the potential mechanisms for achieving national and collective (in this case, regional) interests. The paper considers both strategic tools (national strategies and institutions) and tactical tools (specific programs and initiatives) employed in the region. It is concluded that science diplomacy has not yet become a routine mechanism of cooperation for MERCOSUR and plays a secondary role in its cooperation. The region is still missing opportunities to be included in global scientific networks. Among the reasons are regional disparities in R&D funding and innovation capacity, low degree of institutionalization of science diplomacy in the countries, the gap between science and diplomacy, science and politics, and the lack of a tradition of such interaction.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(12):74-90
pages 74-90 views

Scientific life

Ibero-Americanists gathered in St. Petersburg
Ermolieva E.G., Saltays A.E.
We present to our readers an overview of the work of the international forum held in St. Petersburg.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2023;(12):91-104
pages 91-104 views

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