Zoologičeskij žurnal

"Zoologicheskiy zhurnal" is Russia's oldest scientific periodical covering all problems of zoology. In the field of theoretical zoology, the journal pays special attention to the laws of evolution and phylogeny of animals, the problem of species and speciation, taxonomy, individual development of animals, evolutionary and functional morphology, embryology, histology, cytology, bionics, problems of ecology, biocenology and biological productivity of terrestrial and aquatic fauna, questions of zoogeography, origin and development of faunas. Among practical issues, the journal broadly covers the scientific foundations of fishing, hunting, pest control of cultivated and wild plants, human parasites and economically useful animals. The journal publishes works on the problems of fauna reconstruction and the protection of the animal world, as well as on the use of animals to determine water quality and to purify water.

In a special section, articles on methods of zoological research are printed. The journal covers the activities of Russian and foreign zoological institutions, their problems and achievements, and also publishes reports on conferences, expeditions, etc. The bibliography section publishes reviews of the most significant books published in Russia and abroad on various problems of zoology.

The journal is intended for specialists working in the field of theoretical and applied zoology, including medical and veterinary parasitology, plant protection, as well as for teachers, postgraduates.

At the moment, the journal is published mainly in Russian, and some articles in English.

Media registration certificate: ПИ № ФС 77 – 80756 от 07.04.2021

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Vol 103, No 3 (2024)

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Metagenomic analysis of the microbiota of a laboratory mite population of Neoseiulus californicus (mesostigmata, phytoseiidae) and the optimisation of microbiota composition to improve mite breeding efficiency
Andrianov B.V., Uroshlev L.A., Vasilenko O.V., Meshkov Y.I.

Experimental modelling of the microbiota of a biocontrol population of the predatory mite, Neoseiulus californicus bred on the spider mite, Tetranychus urticae was carried out to both eliminate bacterial pathogens and increase the viability of the mite line. We produced an isofemale line of N. californicus BioDefence2 and a derived line with an optimised microbiota BioDefence3. The microbiota was optimised by a sequential treatment of the mite line with tetracycline to eliminate pathogenic bacteria, followed by a treatment with the probiotic bacterium, Bacillus subtilis to restore the viability of the mite line. The microbiotas of the BioDefence2 and BioDefence3 mite lines were compared using metagenomic 16S rRNA gene data. The metagenomic data were extracted from the hologenomes of the mite lines obtained through Oxford Nanopore long read sequencing. The bacterial species comprising the microbiotas of the original and optimised mite lines were identified. The saprophytic soil bacteria, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Acinetobacter johnsonii and Enterobacter hormaechei, also known as opportunistic human pathogens, form the basis of the N. californicus microbiota. The optimization of the microbiota eliminates the intracellular bacterium, Renibacterium salmoninarum, a well-known fish pathogen. The effect of mite microbiota optimisation on the viability of the biocontrol population of N. californicus is discussed. The results obtained may provide a basis for improving the technology of N. californicus rearing.

Zoologičeskij žurnal. 2024;103(3):3-14
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First record of Zoantharia in the Black Sea: Isozoanthus cf. sulcatus reared from planulae
Simakova U.V., Prudkovsky A.A., Lebedeva T.S., Smorygo A.E., Moskalenko V.N., Molodtsova T.N.

The first record of a species from the order Zoantharia in the Black Sea is given. Zoantharians were successfully reared from planktonic larvae collected in a single planktonic net haul conducted in shallow coastal waters of the Golubaya Bay, Gelendzhik area, Caucasus. The larvae were subsequently settled in a small glass container and resulting colonies were maintained in an aquarium with a salinity level of 18 psu for approximately nine months, but in June 2018 all colonies died due to uncontrolled bloom of filamentous algae. The presence of symbiotic algae of the family Symbiodiniacea in tissues of colonies is shown. Phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial (COI) markers revealed a high degree of similarity between the Black Sea zoantharian and Isozoanthus sulcatus (Gosse 1860) from European seas.

Zoologičeskij žurnal. 2024;103(3):15-19
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Scrapers of marine and passing fish of Southeastern Sakhalin, based on research results in 2019–2021
Frolov E.V., Novokreschennykh S.V., Zavarzina N.K., Korneev E.S.

The results of parasitological studies on marine and freshwater fish captured in the waters of the southeastern coast of Sakhalin Island in 2019 to 2021 are presented. As a result of original research, 10 species of spiny-headed worms from 29 species of fish are recorded.

Zoologičeskij žurnal. 2024;103(3):20-25
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Alien gastropods among endemics in the open waters of Lake Baikal
Sitnikova T.Y., Khanaev I.V., Kovalenkova M.V., Peretolchina T.E., Maximova N.V.

Until the middle of the last century, the Palearctic-Siberian gastropod fauna that inhabited the ‘sors’ and small coves of the larger bays of Lake Baikal was similar in environmental factors to Siberian water-bodies. Endemic species occupied open areas of the lake, with cold water, strong storms, and other specific environmental conditions. Based on morpho-anatomical characters and genetic distances of the COI mtDNA gene fragment between related species, five alien species were identified from open Baikal waters. In addition to the previously found Radix auricularia (Linnaeus, 1758), there were Radix cf. zazurniensis (Mozley 1934) (Lymnaeidae), Cincinna sorensis (Dybowski 1886) and C. cf. korotnevi Lindholm 1909 (Valvatidae), as well as Gyraulus cf. acronicus (Férussac 1807) (Planorbidae). A schematic map of the records of the alien species in the open littoral of the lake is presented, based on material taken by expeditions carried out in 1993–2023, as well as photographs of the shells and reproductive organs for some of the alien species, and information on coexisting endemic species of gastropods are given. We found albino individuals among R. auricularia and a few snails of R. cf. zazurniensis with afallic copulatory organs. Possible reasons for the invasion of the alien species and possible invaders into the open waters of Baikal are discussed.

Zoologičeskij žurnal. 2024;103(3):26-43
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Description of a well-known Western Palearctic species of the genus Reptalus Emeljanov 1971 (homoptera, auchenorrhyncha, fulgoroidea, cixiidae) that haS NO valid name
Tishechkin D.Y., Emeljanov A.F.

Reptalus salicinus sp. n., previously misinterpreted as R. quinquecostatus, is described and illustrated. Oscillograms of male calling signals with data on host plants and distribution of the new species that is closely related to R. artemisiae (Becker 1865) are provided. A neotype of R. artemisiae is designated. R. salicinus sp. n. and R. artemisiae are similar both in external morphology and male genitalic structure, but differ distinctly by male calling signal patterns and host plants, thus being two different biological species. The distribution of R. salicinus sp. n. covers southern European Russia, Kazakhstan and, apparently, the southern part of Western Europe. R. artemisiae is known so far only from the Lower Volga region and western Kazakhstan.

Zoologičeskij žurnal. 2024;103(3):44-51
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Does the tortoiseshell butterfly, Aglais urticaE (lepidoptera, nymphalidae) shiift to synanthropy in Northeast Asia?
Berman D.I.

An assumed shift of the tortoiseshell butterfly, Aglais urticae to synanthropy in extremely cold regions (with temperatures close to –60оC) is tested. The tortoiseshell butterfly overwinters at the stage of imago; their cold resistance being fundamentally insufficient for surviving the cold across most of their distribution range in natural shelters located above the snow level and in unheated buildings. The species' resistance to cold from England to northeast Russia is increased from –22 to –29оC, while the average minimum air temperature in January drops from 3.3 to –55.7оC. The objective of the present work was to find out whether well-built, but unheated houses (the village of Seimchan) provide winter indoor temperatures above –30оC, a threshold for the tortoiseshell butterfly. Winter temperatures were measured with loggers in two different houses and compared with the outside temperature obtained from weather station data. During a severe cold weather, it was 11–19оC warmer inside the houses than outside, but the minimum temperatures below –30оC were recorded over half of the winter, and below –35оC over almost its third. Thus, winter (unhea- ted) houses, as well as demi-seasonal ones, and natural shelters such as cracks under the bark, hollows and other cavities located above the snow cover fail to provide the required temperatures. Unheated well-built houses guarantee successful hibernation for the tortoiseshell butterfly only in the milder climatic conditions of western Siberia and in the northeast of the European part of Russia. Wintering above the snow level in primitive shelters can only be possible within the temperature range of –31...–20оC and west of it. The results of the work prove the idea of tortoiseshell butterfly synanthropy to be unsubstantiated and return to the idea of its wintering under the snow cover in shelters such as cavities in litter, under fallen trees, etc. This type of wintering guarantees success, being independent from the climate of northern Eurasia.

Zoologičeskij žurnal. 2024;103(3):52-58
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Trough bird fauna of the North Caucasus and features of its formation, the Botlikh trough-like depression of Inner Dagestan taken as an example
Belik V.P., Nasrulaev N.I.

An analysis of the avifauna of the arid Botlikh depression in the mountains of Dagestan, where 112 breeding bird species have been recorded, shows noticeable transformations in its composition noted during the 19th to 21st centuries. Within the arid depression, an increase in the number and expansion of nemoral, forest-steppe and sub-Mediterranean dendrophiles is observed, as well as the appearance of Siberian mountain-taiga species at nesting sites. At the same time, there is a decrease in the number and the disappearance of xerophilic sclerophylls, which are part of the desert-mountain faunal complex of the Nomadian type of fauna. This may be due to both climate change, which affects birds indirectly through vegetation and a reduction in the specific food supply, and the consequences of anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment (forest restoration, degradation of agriculture and livestock breeding), possibly also through competitive relationships between some animal species. Similar changes are noted not only in the avifauna of Dagestan, but also in the Western Caucasus, as well as in the steppe zone in southern Russia, this indicating large-scale zoogeographic processes occurring there. The identified transformations of regional faunas require further, intensified faunal monitoring, which will make it possible to clarify the speed of ongoing processes and provide zoogeographic forecasts for the near future.

Zoologičeskij žurnal. 2024;103(3):59-76
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Skull variability and taxonomic issues of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) IN the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Orlov V.N., Baryshnikov G.F., Krivonogov D.M., Shchegol’kov A.V.

Morphometric analysis of skulls of the brown bear (Ursus arctos L.) showed the existence of two populations of this species in Tibet in the 19th century. The distribution of the northern population-I included the Qilian Shan and Kunlun mountain ranges bordering the Tibetan plateau from the north and pe- netrated into the northern part of the plateau, northwestern Qinghai Province, PRC. The distribution of the southern population-II included the upstream reaches of the main rivers of Tibet, viz, Huang He, Yangtze and Mekong on the plateau, southeastern Qinghai Province and, most likely, the whole of southern Tibet, including the Himalayas of Nepal. The diagnostic features of the two populations are choanae parameters, choanae width in males and choanae depth in females. The noted peculiarities of Tibetan brown bears may be related to the anatomical structure of the nasopharynx, an organ of the respiratory system that ensures the air to be warmed to an optimal temperature before it reaches the bronchopulmonary tissues. The divergence of Tibetan brown bear populations may be related to the settlement of the high plateau from both southern and northern refugia of the last glaciation. The currently accepted name of the subspecies of the Tibetan bear, U. a. pruinosus Blyth 1854, is suggested to be retained for the southern population-II, and that its junior synonym, U. lagomyiarius Przewalski 1883, be restored to designate the northern population-I. Clarification of the taxonomic status of the different bear populations in Qinghai Province, PRC, the most human-exploited part of Tibet, could affect the assessment of their conservation status, which is currently defined by IUCN for all bears in Tibet as LC (“Least Concern”).

Zoologičeskij žurnal. 2024;103(3):77-88
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Using unmanned aerial vehicles to count the numbers and monitor the condition of the Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica Gmelin 1788, Phocidae)
Ilina P.O., Shibanova P.Y., Solovyeva M.A., Glazov D.M., Razuvaev A.E., Rozhnov V.V.

To develop a method for monitoring the condition of Baikal seals (Pusa sibirica Gmelin 1788) and to count their numbers in summer haul-outs using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in July–August 2020 and 2021 on the islands of Tonkiy, Kruglyi and Dolgiy (the Ushkany Islands archipelago), visual surveys and surveys with UAVs were carried out. The maximum number of seals observed in 2020 was 3467, in 2021 it was less, 1295, and their total number in 2021 was also less than in 2020. During both years of observation, the number of seals in the haul-outs gradually decreased, which might have been due to the wave level on the lake. Contrary to the popular belief the largest seal haul-out being on the Tonkiy Island, the greatest number of seals was recorded on the Dolgiy and Kruglyi islands. Recommendations for the use of UAVs are given, these can also be useful in developing the rules for tourists visiting the national park.

Zoologičeskij žurnal. 2024;103(3):89-98
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Different types of marking behavior observed in the wild during the breeding period of the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus, cricetidae, rodentia)
Kupriyanov V.P., Surov A.V.

The marking behavior of the common hamster, Cricetus cricetus in the wild was recorded using camera traps and handheld video in the N.I. Bagrov Botanical Garden, Simferopol, Crimea. We described the following types of scent marking: with flank glands (in particular, compass-like movements in the grass and rubbing on a stone), midventral gland marking, etc. The variety of marking behavior types on different substrates may contribute to a more efficient use of olfactory signals in maintaining the social structure of the common hamster, which is notably important at high population densities in urban areas.

Zoologičeskij žurnal. 2024;103(3):99-106
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Genetic variation and taxonomic status of Dahl’s jird (Meriones dahli, rodentia, muridae)
Nanova O.G., Lebedev V.S., Solovyeva E.N., Lisenkova A.A., Bogatyreva V.Y., Zemlemerova E.D., Matrosova V.A.

Dahl’s jird, Meriones dahli, is a critically endangered species restricted to a small area in central Transcaucasia. The phylogenetic position of Dahl’s jird within the Midday jird species complex was assessed based on the DNA of museum material. Both mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences were employed. Dahl’s jird has been found to be a sister group close to M. penicilliger, which is distributed in Turan. This result suggests the existence of a late Middle Pleistocene dispersal corridor for psammophilic species that is known to have connected the Transcaucasian and Transcaspian regions.

Zoologičeskij žurnal. 2024;103(3):107-115
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Prenatal growth and development of the water vole, Arvicola amphibius (rodentia, arvicolinae)
Nazarova G.G., Proskurnyak L.P.

The morphological and morphometric characteristics of water vole embryos are studied. Embryo implantation occurs on the 5th day of pregnancy. A description of the morphological features of embryonic development at different stages of pregnancy is given, with equations for embryo body weight and length revealed. The results of multiple regression analysis show that embryo weight, when considering the influence of gestational age, is negatively related to the number of live embryos. Our results complement the existing literature on the biology of mammalian development and may be useful for establishing equivalent stages of embryonic development in different species when conducting comparative studies. Morphological features of development and the embryonic growth equations can be used to determine the age of pregnancy and the calendar dates of the beginning and end of the breeding season in natural populations.

Zoologičeskij žurnal. 2024;103(3):116-122
pages 116-122 views

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