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卷 96, 编号 3 (2023)



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Low-Temperature Composite CO2 Sorbents Based on Amine-Containing Compounds

Sheshkovas A., Veselovskaya Z., Selishchev D., Kozlov D.


The use of technologies based on combustion of carbon-containing fossil fuel leads to emission of large amounts of CO2, one of the main greenhouse gases, into the atmosphere. To reduce the CO2 level in the atmosphere, systems for CO2 sorption from various gas sources are being developed. The systems allowing the CO2 sorption and desorption at low temperatures (25–200°С) are of most interest. Most frequently, such systems are composite materials consisting of a porous support and a CO2 chemisorbent dispersed on it. Low-volatile amine-containing compounds are the most promising among organic chemisorbents. Classification of the amine-containing sorbents with respect to the preparation procedure is discussed. The procedures include impregnation, covalent grafting, and in situ polymerization on the support surface. The impregnation procedure is simple and cheap in implementation. The sorption characteristics of materials prepared by impregnation depend on the efficiency of the dispersion of the active component, which is determined by the characteristics of the support pore structure, in particular, by the ability of the pore surface for chemical or electrostatic interaction with the supported amine-containing compound. The covalent grafting is based on immobilization of alkoxyaminosilanes on the surface of porous silica materials. The supports for implementing this approach should contain a large amount of silanol groups on the surface and should have the pore size sufficient for the efficient transport of CO2 molecules to amino groups. The main drawback of the grafting method is low thickness of the amine-containing component layers obtained. In situ polymerization is used for preparing materials with high content of grafted functional groups. Provided that the blocking of support pores is excluded in the course of in situ polymerization, materials of this type exhibit the highest sorption capacity for CO2.

Žurnal prikladnoj himii. 2023;96(3):226-244
pages 226-244 views

Novel Halochromic Disazo Stilbene Dye with Intramolecular Color Mixing Effect for Textile Sensor Material

Efanov S., Kudryavtseva T., Grekhneva E., Kuznetsov D.


A stilbene-based halochromic dye was synthesized, which possesses the effect of intramolecular color matching. By dyeing cotton fabric with the synthesized dye, a textile sensor material was prepared to visually monitor the acidity of the biologically significant pH range (4.5–8.0). The sensitivity of the sensor material to changes in the acidity of the environment, as well as the color stability to the action of saline solutions simulating biological fluids (sweat and blood plasma), were explored. A visually noticeable pH-induced color change of the material is observed in the pH range of 3.0–10.0. In the pH range of buffer solutions at pH 3, the color of the samples is green, from 6 to 8, orange, and from 9 and above, purple. The average color change time was 3 s. The results obtained show the promise of using the studied azo compound in technologies for designing multifunctional pH-sensitive textile sensor materials.

Žurnal prikladnoj himii. 2023;96(3):245-251
pages 245-251 views

Physical-mechanical Properties and Morphology of Lignocellulose Powder Modifiers for Vulcanized Rubbers

Kuvshinova L., Udoratina E., Karaseva Y., Cherezova E.


Powder lignocellulose modifiers for vulcanized rubbers were prepared from secondary paper resources (recycled cardboard) treated with TiCl4 in hexane. The diffraction patterns, IR spectra, and morphological characteristics of the materials obtained, including the geometric characteristics and length distribution of fibers, were analyzed. The content of titanium, lignin, and carbonyl and carboxyl groups and the bulk density of the material were determined. The presence of up to 5 wt parts of powder modifiers per 100 wt parts of rubber in the rubber stock favors preservation of physicomechanical properties of vulcanized rubbers both before and after accelerated thermal oxidative aging at 100°C for 72 h, enhancing the resin–metal cord adhesion and thus prolonging the operation life of the vulcanized rubbers.

Žurnal prikladnoj himii. 2023;96(3):252-263
pages 252-263 views

Treatment of Phosphorus-Containing Raw Materials with Alkaline Solutions

Skachkov V., Pasechnik L., Medyankina I.


The work describes a method for recovery of phosphorus compounds from phosphorus-containing raw materials. The possibility of autoclave leaching of phosphorus from phosphorite in the form of a solution of sodium phosphates with an alkaline solution was experimentally tested. The optimal process parameters were determined (temperature 250–300°C, leaching time 3 h, NaOH concentration 150–300 kg m–3), under which calcium silicate with a unique nano-sized needle-shaped structure, widely used in many industries, is formed in the solid residue. The research results make it possible to involve raw materials with low phosphorus content in waste-free processing.

Žurnal prikladnoj himii. 2023;96(3):264-268
pages 264-268 views

Impact of Precursor Granulometry on the Synthesis of Calcium-Aluminate Phases

Trubitsyn M., Furda L., Yapryntsev M., Volovicheva N., Mikhaylyukova M.


Calcium aluminate phases were synthesized in the range 950–1450°C from available raw materials: carbonate rock and metallurgical alumina, predominantly in the γ form with different grain sizes. The calculations of the amount of raw materials were based on the requirement to ensure the chemical composition of the product: Al2O3 71–72 and CaO 27–28 wt %. The designed phase composition of the samples is 65 wt % CaAl2O4 and 35 wt % CaAl4O7. When alumina with a grain size of 90 μm and a spherulitic microstructure is introduced into the reaction, the formation of the CaAl2O4 and CaAl4O7 phases mainly occurs in the range of 1250–1350°C, and phase equilibrium is established at 1450°C. Reducing the size of γ-alumina grains to 10 μm and destroying their spherulitic microstructure shifts the formation of calcium aluminates to the temperature range below 1250°C, and also significantly increases the rate of synthesis of target products.

Žurnal prikladnoj himii. 2023;96(3):269-281
pages 269-281 views

Homogeneous Equilibrium in Solutions with Limited Solubility of Components

Zevatskiy Y.


The equilibrium position of a homogeneous reversible chemical reaction in solutions in the case when at least one component is of limited solubility in the reaction mixture differs from the state when all components are unlimitedly soluble. Calculations of the minimum Gibbs energy in the model of extremely dilute solutions, according to Le Chatelier’s principle allow formulating the rule: if all other things being equal and unaltered, an increase in the solubility of a component in the reaction mixture shifts the position of homogeneous equilibrium towards an increase in its content. The results obtained can be generalized to the kinetics of reactions in terms of the influence of solvents. The theoretical foundations of a new lever for optimization of chemical processes were developed.

Žurnal prikladnoj himii. 2023;96(3):282-286
pages 282-286 views

Use of SiO2 Nanoparticles Modified with Polyethylene Glycol to Increase the Hydrophilicity of Epoxy Coatings

Evdokimova E., Kondratenko Y., Ugolkov V., Kochina T.


SiO2 nanoparticles were modified with polyethylene glycol with a molecular weight of 2000, 6000, and 10000 g mol–1. For modification, the method based on the sequential interaction of polyethylene glycol with 3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl isocyanate with further treatment of the reaction product with nanodispersed SiO2 was used. The resulting product was characterized by IR spectroscopy, thermal analysis, and scanning electron microscopy. Modified nanodispersed SiO2 was introduced into epoxy resin in order to obtain coatings characterized by increased hydrophilicity. To improve the physical and mechanical characteristics, fillers were introduced into the composition of the coating with 30 wt % modified SiO2 nanoparticles: mica-muscovite and TiO2. It was shown that the process of biological fouling of epoxy coatings in the South China Sea proceeds more slowly in the case of a composition containing SiO2 nanoparticles modified with polyethylene glycol 6000.

Žurnal prikladnoj himii. 2023;96(3):287-296
pages 287-296 views

Neodecanoic Acid Diamides as Inhibitors of Acid Corrosion of Low-Carbon Steel

Bondareva S., Abdullin M., Nugumanov T.


Neodecanoic acid diamides were prepared by a simple one-step procedure involving condensation of neodecanoic acid with diethylenetriamine, triethylenetetramine, and pentaethylenehexamine. The inhibiting effect of these diamides on the corrosion of St3 low-carbon steel in 2 М H2SO4 and in 1 and 5 М HCl was studied gravimetrically. All the compounds synthesized efficiently inhibit the steel corrosion with the degree of protection at room temperature of 94–95% in 2 М H2SO4 and 96–97% in 1 М HCl.

Žurnal prikladnoj himii. 2023;96(3):297-304
pages 297-304 views

Influence of the Moisture Content of Mesoporous Silica Gel on the Efficiency of the Chromatographic Recovery of Vanadyl Petroporphyrins with Benzene

Mironov N., Tazeeva E., Milordov D., Yakubova S., Yakubov M.


Benzene proved to be a more effective eluent compared to chlorinated organic solvents traditionally used for chromatographic recovery of vanadyl petroporphyrins from the dimethylformamide (DMF) extract of asphaltenes on a column packed with mesoporous silica gel. Low eluting power of benzene can be compensated by moistening of the silica gel adsorbent. An increase in the silica gel moisture content from 0 to 7.7% does not lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the separation of vanadyl porphyrins from nonporphyrin components but leads to a tenfold decrease in the eluent consumption. A decrease in the eluent flow rate from 0.8 to 0.12 mL min–1 (per gram of the adsorbent) leads to a 1.5-fold increase in the yield of vanadyl porphyrins of required purity. An increase in the adsorbate : adsorbent weight ratio from 1 : 833 to 1 : 83 does not lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the vanadyl porphyrin recovery. Elution with benzene under optimum conditions (adsorbent moisture content, eluent flow rate, adsorbate : adsorbent ratio) allows the recovery of 3 times larger amount of petroleum vanadyl porphyrins from the DMF extract of asphaltenes than when using chloroform and dried silica gel under equal other conditions.

Žurnal prikladnoj himii. 2023;96(3):305-315
pages 305-315 views

Heterogeneous Phosphine-Containing Hydroformylation Catalysts Based on Modified Porous Organic Framework

Van K., Nenasheva M., Kulikov L., Akopyan A., Gorbunov D.


A series of heterogeneous phosphine-containing rhodium hydroformylation catalysts based on porous aromatic frameworks (PAFs) were prepared. The catalysts PAF30-MDEA-TPPTS-Rh (TPPTS is trisodium triphenylphosphine-3,3',3''-trisulfonate, MDEA is methyldiethanolamine fragment) and PAF-30-Im-TPPTS-Rh (Im is imidazole fragment) showed the highest stability in repeated use in 1-hexene hydroformylation. The catalyst PAF-30-MDEA-TPPTS-Rh before and after use in hydroformylation was characterized by elemental C,N,H,S analysis, inductively coupled plasma atomic absorption spectroscopy, low-temperature nitrogen adsorption–desorption, transmission electron microscopy, IR spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The effect of temperature, pressure, and solvent on the course of hydroformylation in the presence of PAF-30-MDEA-TPPTS-Rh was studied. The catalyst is active in hydroformylation of a series of unsaturated compounds, including functionalized substrates and olefins with internal double bond.

Žurnal prikladnoj himii. 2023;96(3):316-328
pages 316-328 views