Thermodynamic Properties of Solutions in the H2O–Na2SO4–Al2(SO4)3 System

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The vapor pressure in the H2O–Na2SO4–Al2(SO4)3 system at 15, 25, and 35°C was measured by a static method. The vapor pressure in the H2O–Al2(SO4)3 and H2O–Na2SO4–Al2(SO4)3 systems at 25 and 50°C was measured by the dew point method. A set of parameters of the Pitzer–Simonson–Clegg (PSC) model was determined to describe adequately vapor– liquid equilibria in the H2O–Al2(SO4)3 and H2O–Na2SO4–Al2(SO4)3 systems in the temperature range from 15 to 50°С.

About the authors

A. V. Nesterov

Faculty of Materials Science, Shenzhen MSU-BIT University; Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University

518172, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China; 119991, Moscow, Russia

A. M. Demchenko

Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University

119991, Moscow, Russia

A. A. Potashnikov

Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University

119991, Moscow, Russia

A. L. Voskov

Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University

119991, Moscow, Russia

N. A. Kovalenko

Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University

119991, Moscow, Russia

I. A. Uspenskaya

Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
119991, Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 А.В. Нестеров, А.М. Демченко, А.А. Поташников, А.Л. Восков, Н.А. Коваленко, И.А. Успенская

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