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卷 60, 编号 1 (2024)



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Unique hunting strategies of the dragonflies and exceptionally high level of eicosapentaenoic acid in brain lipids: Is there a connection?

Parnova R.


Docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6ω3) and, to a much lesser extent, eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5ω3) are the main polyunsaturated long-chain omega-3 fatty acids in mammalian brain phospholipids. A huge number of studies conducted in recent years indicate the important role of omega-3 fatty acids in the regulation of behavior, memory, mental and cognitive development in humans and animals. It has been shown that docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic fatty acids are necessary for the processes of neuro- and synaptogenesis, the formation of new neural networks, stimulation of the production of neurotrophic factors, neuronal and synaptic plasticity. A deficiency of omega- 3 acids leads to a decrease in spatial memory, cognitive development, learning ability, visual impairment, and psychomotor functions. In the context of modern concepts on the role of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in cognitive processes, in this paper the author discusses his own previously published data on a sharp increase in the amount of eicosapentaenoic acid C20:5ω3 in various brain phospholipids of the dragonfly Aeschna grandis L. adult compared to the larvae, linking this phenomenon with a significant complication of the behavior of adult forms, the development of highly effective strategies for pursuing prey and processing visual information.

Žurnal èvolûcionnoj biohimii i fiziologii. 2024;60(1):3-11
pages 3-11 views


Search for metabolomic markers of hypertensive conditions of different genesis: Experimental study

Seryapina А., Sorokoumova А., Polityko Y., Yanshole L., Tsentalovich Y., Gilinsky М., Markel А.


A personalized approach to the diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension requires a comprehensive analysis of the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying the disease. To determine specific metabolomic markers of various hypertensive conditions, four groups of experimental animals were studied: WAG rats (normotensive control); ISIAH rats with inherited stress-induced arterial hypertension (AH); L-NAME-treated rats with hypertension induced by endothelial dysfunction; rats with hypertension caused by DOCA administration in combination with the salt loading. Rat blood serum samples were analyzed by NMR spectroscopy. The metabolomic analysis differentiated the hypertensive conditions of various origins using group-specific blood serum metabolomic biomarkers. Rats with DOCA-salt hypertension are characterized by increased concentration of choline. Hypertension associated with endothelial dysfunction induced by L-NAME administration was accompanied by a decrease in the levels of tyrosine, serine and glycine. Distinctive features of ISIAH rats are increased concentrations of ornithine (urea and nitric oxide cycle), valine, leucine, isoleucine, myo-inositol, glutamate, glutamine (glucose metabolism).

Žurnal èvolûcionnoj biohimii i fiziologii. 2024;60(1):12-23
pages 12-23 views

Serotoninergic innervation of the frog spinal cord and involvement of 5-HT5A receptors in the modulation of miniature glycinergic postsynaptic potentials of lumbar motoneurons

Chmykhova N., Vasilev D., Veselkin N.


The role of serotonin 5-HT5A receptors in the modulation of miniature inhibitory synaptic activity was studied using intracellular recording of miniature glycinergic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (glymIPSPs) in the lumbar motoneurons of the isolated spinal cord of the frog Rana ridibunda. In a medium containing TTx, CNQX, DAP5, bicuculline, application of the serotonin receptor agonist 5-CT (10 µM) with high affinity for 5-HT5A led to a suppression of frequency by 86%, as well as the disappearance of high-amplitude glymIPSPs (200–500 µV) at preservation of rare potentials with an amplitude of about 100 μV. This effect indicates the possibility of pre- and postsynaptic action of 5-CT at such a concentration, not limited to its effect only on 5-HT5A receptors. The addition of methysergide, a blocker of 5-HT 1,2 receptors, to the medium reduced the average frequency of glymIPSPs by 67%, the frequency of high-amplitude events by 5 times and their average amplitude by 20%, which may indicate the participation of 5-HT5A receptors in pre- and postsynaptic modulation in glymIPSPs of motoneurons. Application of 1 μM 5-CT led to a decrease in the frequency of glymIPSPs by 49% without a noticeable change in the amplitude of glymIPSPs, and the subsequent introduction of SB-699551, a selective antagonist of 5-HT5A receptors, into the solution increased the frequency of events by 41%, which confirms the involvement of 5-HT5A receptors in presynaptic modulation of glymIPSPs. Immunofluorescence study showed that supra- and intraspinal 5-HT+ ir neurons produce abundant branching in the lumbar region with the possibility of forming axosomatic contacts with labeled motoneurons and axodendritic contacts on the proximal and distal portions of their dendrites. It is also possible to form contacts in the perimedullary plexus, penetrated by the distal dendrites of motoneurons and astrocytic processes. This represents the structural basis for post-, pre- and extrasynaptic modulation of motoneuron activity by serotonin. The possibility of postsynaptic modulation of motoneuron activity through 5-HT5A receptors is confirmed by the point-like fluorescence of the 5-HT5ARlike+ signal on the dendrites and bodies of labeled motoneurons, which is present in the neuropil but absent in the perimedullary plexus. Double labeling with antibodies to the 5-HT5A receptor and the Ca 2+ -binding protein, parvalbumin, revealed 5-HT5ARlike+ localization in the myelin sheath of dorsal and ventromedial funiculi fibers. In preparations after long-term stimulation of the ventral roots through suction electrodes when labeling motor neurons with biocytin, a bright 5-HT5ARlike+ signal was detected in the myelin of motor axons, dorsal root fibers entering the brain in the region of the dorsal horn and individual fibers of the ventromedial funiculus. The participation of extrasynaptic 5-HT5A receptors in the functioning of feedback circuits of lumbar motoneuron activity, with the possible participation of glial elements in these circuits, is discussed.

Žurnal èvolûcionnoj biohimii i fiziologii. 2024;60(1):24-45
pages 24-45 views

Expression of muscle-specific genes in atlantic salmon fingerlings (SALMO SALAR L.) in the conditions of aquaculture under the influence of different lighting and feeding regimes

Kuznetsova M., Rodin M., Shulgina N., Krupnova M., Kuritsyn A., Murzina S., Nemova N.


The expression level of myosin heavy and light chains genes (myhc, mlc-2), transcription myogenic regulation factors (myf5, myog, myod1 paralogs), myostatin paralogs and insulin-like growth factors (igf1 and igf2) in the muscles of salmon fingerlings artificially grown under different lighting and feeding conditions at a constant water temperature was studied in the region of North Ossetia-Alania. The combined effect of lighting and feeding modes was reflected in the expression of the genes myhc, mlc-2, myod1a, myf5, myod1b, myod1c. Thus, individuals reared under constant lighting conditions were distinguished by higher levels of expression of the myf5, myhc and mlc-2 genes compared to fish in natural light, which also corresponded to their higher growth rates. The expression of IGF genes varied in different ways throughout the experiment: the expression level of the igf1 gene increased, and the igf2 gene first increased after a month of study, then decreased on the second month. The results indicate differences in the processes of myogenesis regulation depending on lighting and feeding conditions.

Žurnal èvolûcionnoj biohimii i fiziologii. 2024;60(1):46-57
pages 46-57 views

Intranasal administration of insulin to rats with forebrain ischemia and reperfusion decreases the intensity of autophagy and apoptosis in hippocampus and frontal brain cortex, possible mechanism of unsulin action

Zakharova I., Bayunova L., Avrova D., Avrova N.


Rat forebrain ischemia and subsequent three-day reperfusion were found to result in an increase in the levels of autophagy marker LC3B-II and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and activation of caspase-3 in the hippocampus and frontal cortex. At the same time, intranasal administration of 0.5 IU insulin to rats with forebrain ischemia and reperfusion (before ischemia and daily during reperfusion) markedly and significantly diminished the level of LC3B-II and caspase-3 activity in the hippocampus and frontal cortex. It demonstrates the ability of insulin to inhibit the activation of autophagy and apoptosis in forebrain structures during ischemia and reperfusion. It was not possible to find out a significant decrease in the level of GFAP in these brain structures under the influence of insulin administration to animals. Intranasal administration of insulin has been found to activate the protein kinase Akt (which activates the mTORC1 complex, known to inhibit autophagy processes) and to inhibit the protein kinase AMPK (initiating autophagy processes) in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex of rats with forebrain ischemia and reperfusion. These effects of insulin apparently underly its ability to diminish the autophagic and apoptotic neuronal death. The data on the modulation by insulin, administered intranasally to rats with forebrain ischemia and reperfusion, of Akt and AMPK activities are in agreement with more detailed studies of the possible mechanism of the neuroprotective action of insulin, which we previously made in vitro on cortical neurons under oxidative stress conditions.

Žurnal èvolûcionnoj biohimii i fiziologii. 2024;60(1):58-72
pages 58-72 views

Efficacy of lipid extract of marine green alga Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot for repair of mouse red cells membranes under stress exposure

Fomenko S., Kushnerova N., Sprygin V.


Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot is a marine green alga belonging to the Codiaceae family, is one of the mass species of macrophytes in the Far East Region of the Russian Federation. The total lipid content was 13.92 ± 0.22 mg per g of dry tissue, of which 44% were glycolipids and 40% were neutral lipids, phospholipids accounted for 16%. The content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) was over 50% of the total fatty acids, of which PUFAs of the ω-3 family (36.2%) and ω-6 family (17.8%) predominated. Under of stress exposure (vertical fixation by dorsal neck fold) the effect of lipid extract of C. fragile and reference remedy Omega-3 on biochemical and physiological parameters of mice erythrocytes was studied. Under the impact of stress erythrocytes undergo certain changes, as in terms of dimensional characteristics so as in phospholipid pattern of membranes. This leads to changes in its permeability and lability, also made more complex their circulation through the capillary bed. The endogenous antioxidant defense system of mice under stress experiences a considerable strain, as evidenced by the increase in the level of malonic dialdehyde while reducing in the activity of superoxide dismutase and the level of antiradical activity in blood plasma. The administration of the lipid extract of C. fragile under stress conditions was accompanied by the restoration of the lipid content in the erythrocyte membranes, a decrease in the amount of lysophospholipids, and the normalization of the sphingomyelin/phosphatidylcholine ratio, which contributed to the restoration of the dimensional parameters of erythrocytes, their osmotic resistance, and indices of the body’s antioxidant system. The pronounced stress- and membrane-protective effect of the lipid extract of C. fragile is due to the presence in its composition of a wide range of neutral and polar lipids containing PUFAs of the ω-3 and ω-6 families, which ensures a higher efficiency of the algal extract under stress compared to the reference preparation “Omega-3”.

Žurnal èvolûcionnoj biohimii i fiziologii. 2024;60(1):73-84
pages 73-84 views

Administration of the immune response to spinal cord injury in zebrafish by extracellular vesicles secreted by activated monocyte-like cells

Sambur D., Kalinina O., Aquino A., Tirikova P., Koroleva E., Trulioff A., Rubinshtein A., Murashova L., Kudryavtsev I., Golovkin A.


The immune response to spinal cord injury is realized by local and systemic inflammation, followed by repair and restoration of the function of damaged organs. The opportunity to control pro-inflammatory activity and stimulate regenerative processes is an important aspect of the research. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by activated monocyte-like cells may be a useful tool to drive the polarization of the immune response towards M1 or M2. The aim of the study was to investigate the systemic effects of extracellular vesicles, produced by activated monocyte-like cells of the THP-1 line, after spinal cord injury in zebrafish. It was shown that intracoelomic administration to Danio rerio fish with spinal cord injury of EVs secreted by THP-1 cells, activated by the tumor necrosis factor (TNF), led to a proinflammatory effect, manifested by an increase in the expression of il-6 and tnf-α genes in the brain tissue, and to a less pronounced change in activity in the tissues of the heart, liver and kidney. In the same time, EVs, secreted by unactivated THP-1 cells as well as activated by the phorbol-12- myristate-13-acetate (PMA), did not show any activity. Thus, it was demonstrated that extracellular vesicles secreted by activated monocyte-like cells have the potential to influence on the polarization of the immune response after simulated spinal cord injury in zebrafish.

Žurnal èvolûcionnoj biohimii i fiziologii. 2024;60(1):85-104
pages 85-104 views

Influence of cooperation on the event-related potentials in verbal creative and noncreative tasks performance

Nagornova Z., Shemyakina N.


This study examines the effects of social interaction conditions on brain correlates of verbal creativity. A model of cooperation is considered in the study in which participants were to work together without conferring and create as many answers as possible in creative and non-creative tasks. Subjects (4 males, 26 female) performed two types of tasks individually and cooperatively in pairs (male-male, female-female): creative task – to create as many as possible unusual use of an everyday object, and non-creative task – to list items from the proposed categories. Event-related potentials (ERPs) in each of the tasks were compared between the cooperative and individual performance conditions. The cooperative conditions demonstrated decrease in the amplitude of the P200 component at a time interval of 148–272 ms from the onset of stimulus presentation for both creative and non-creative tasks performance, reflecting reduced attention allocation to the stimulus in the social interaction condition. When performing a creative task, a larger amplitude of the late positive component was observed in the 662–1240 ms interval in the posterior temporal and occipital areas, which may reflect activation of the temporoparietal junction involved in the processes of understanding the other. The number of answers (productivity) was significantly lower in cooperative conditions compared to individual task performance.

Žurnal èvolûcionnoj biohimii i fiziologii. 2024;60(1):105-113
pages 105-113 views

Changes in gut microbiome taxonomic composition and their relationship to biosynthetic and metabolic pathways of B vitamins in children with multiple sclerosis

Abdurasulova I., Chernyavskaya E., Nikitina V., Ivanov A., Lioudyno V., Nartova A., Matsulevich A., Skripchenko E., Bisaga G., Ulyantsev V., Dmitriev A.


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease characterised by progressive demyelination leading to the death of neurons in the central nervous system. The disease usually manifests in people aged 20–40 years, but in recent years there has been an increase in the number of cases with childhood MS debut. We assume that this may be related to the peculiarities of the taxonomic composition of the intestinal microbiota and its ability to produce B vitamins. Purpose: To identify changes in the composition of the gut microbiome in the debut of multiple sclerosis in children and adults and to assess the potential of the gut microbiome to metabolise and synthesise B vitamins. Fifteen children (9–17 years), 15 adults with MS manifested in childhood and 14 adults over 37 years of age with MS duration less than 1 year participated in the study. The composition of the intestinal microbiome was determined by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene on the Illumina platform with universal primers for the 16S rRNA V3-V4 variable region. The PICRUST algorithm using the KEGG reference genome database was used to predict the presence of B vitamin metabolic pathways in the intestinal microbiome. Children in MS debut were found to have specific microbiome changes different from those in adults. These changes include a decrease in alpha diversity as well as a reduction in dominant phylum and an increase in p_Verrucomicrobiota and p_Mycoplasmatota, which was accompanied by a decrease in the number of bacterial genes involved in the pathways of metabolism and synthesis of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B12. Such changes may be associated with early manifestation of MS symptoms in children. The findings highlight the importance of further study of the influence of the intestinal microbiome and its metabolic potential on the development and progression of MS, especially in childhood, and may contribute to the development of modern more effective methods of treatment and prevention of this demyelinating disease.

Žurnal èvolûcionnoj biohimii i fiziologii. 2024;60(1):114-134
pages 114-134 views

Effect of hypoxia on amino acid content in haemolymph and protein hydrolysate of the bivalve mollusk Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906)

Golub N., Soldatov A., Ryabushko V., Kuznetsov A., Kurchenko V., Budkevich E.


Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906) is a bivalve alien species of the Black Sea and of the Azov Sea. The amino acid composition of hemolymph and protein hydrolysates of the mollusc soft tissues was studied. The content of 16 proteinogenic amino acids in the samples was determined by ion-exchange chromatography followed by ninhydrin detection. High concentrations of histidine and proline were observed in the hemolymph and soft tissues of the mollusc. Experimental hypoxia revealed qualitative and quantitative changes in the content of free amino acids in both hemolymph and soft tissue hydrolysates. In particular, the pool of aliphatic amino acids decreased twice and the pool of aromatic amino acids increased. The mass fraction of soft tissues almost halved under hypoxia, compared to normal conditions, which corresponded to 4.7% in the experiment and 8.2% in the control. This leads to a deterioration of the hydrolysates in total and amine nitrogen as well as in dry matter (0.34 and 1.84% of dry matter in hypoxia and normoxia). It has been shown that the metabolism of molluscs is reorganized under hypoxic conditions towards anaerobic catabolism of amino acids and proteins as a source of substrates for the citric acid and ornithine cycles. This leads to a significant accumulation of arginine, which is an allosteric activator of ornithine cycle reactions, and an accumulation of urea, which is a low-molecular-weight antioxidant. Thus, a low-molecular-weight part of the antioxidant defense system in the form of a high content of free radical scavengers like histidine and urea is formed in A. kagoshimensis, which may contribute to the success of the invasion of this mollusc in the Black Sea and of the Azov Sea. The issues of the influence of hypoxia on the quality of shellfish as raw materials for obtaining dietary supplements are considered.

Žurnal èvolûcionnoj biohimii i fiziologii. 2024;60(1):135-148
pages 135-148 views

The role of supporting afferentation in the formation of muscle synergies patterns in locomotion

Moiseev S.


The features of the spatial-temporal structuring of intermuscular interaction during locomotion in conditions of full and partial unloading of body weight were studied. The extraction of muscle synergies was performed using the principal component analysis. It is established that the stability of muscle modules and stereotypical patterns of their temporary activation with varying degrees of afferentation are due to the implementation of motor synergy programs. It was revealed that only the presence, but not the power of the afferent flow from the receptor complex of the lower extremities makes a significant contribution to the formation of inter-extremity synergetic patterns and regulation of the degree of involvement of muscles in synergy. The formation of various time profiles in the structure of synergies is due to the redundancy of the organization of control structures, thanks to which reliable management of physiological functions is carried out. The implementation of synergy programs weakly depends on the magnitude and nature of proprioceptive and supportive afferentation. Only the presence, but not the power, of the afferent flow from the receptor complex of the lower extremities makes a significant contribution to the formation of interfacial synergetic patterns and the regulation of the degree of muscle involvement in synergy.

Žurnal èvolûcionnoj biohimii i fiziologii. 2024;60(1):149-159
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