
Review of Local Cellular and Molecular Processes of Bone Tissue Regeneration Induced by Calcium Phosphate Materials
Miroshnichenko L., Polyakova T., Litvinova L., Khlusov I.
Impact of the Stimulation and Inhibition of NAD+ Biosynthesis on the Maintenance of Pluripotency in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Antipova M., Kulikova V., Solovjeva L., Kropotov A., Svetlova M., Yakimov A., Nerinovski K., Bakhmet E., Nikiforov A.
Microglia Cell Line SIM-A9 Features – New Data
Shaposhnikova D., Moskaleva E., Semochkina Y., Vysotskaya O., Komova O., Nasonova E., Koshlan I.
Ubiquitin–Proteasome System in Cell Pluripotency and Differentiation
Podenkova U., Zubarev I., Tomilin A., Tsimokha A.
The role of the Rho family small GTPases in regulation of normal and pathological processes
Bobkov D., Lukacheva A., Gorb A., Poljanskaya G.
Response of the Endometrial Mesenchymal Stem Cell Genome to the Procedure of Long-Term Cryopreservation
Grinchuk T., Shorokhova M., Pugovkina N.
Development of Method for Three-Dimensional Cultivation of Human Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells Using Cellulose Scaffolds
Kuneev I., Ivanova J., Nashchekina Y., Patronova E., Sokolova A., Domnina A.
Metalloproteinase’s Activity of Two Placenta-Derived Stem Cells Lines from a Donor Differing in the Adipogenic Differentiation Potential and Nature of Replicative Senescense
Voronkina I., Smagina L., Koltsova A., Musorina A., Poljanskaya G.
The Derivation and Comparative Characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Lines, Isolated from Human Pulp of a Deciduous Tooth of Children of Different Sexes
Musorina A., Turilova V., Shatrova A., Yakovleva T., Poljanskaya G.
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