
Investigation of Technical and Economic Viability of the 450-MW CCGT Unit’s Operation in the GTU Based CHP Mode
Arakelyan E., Andryushin A., Burtsev S., Andryushin K.
National and International Guidelines for the Use of Reagents Containing Film-Forming Amines for the Organization of TPP Water Chemistry Regime
Petrova T., Dyachenko F., Orlov K.
Probable causes of damage of heat-exchange tubes of low-pressure-exchanges of PND-3 type and repair methods
Trifonov N., Esin S., Nikolaenkova E., Sukhorukov Y., Svyatkin F., Sintsova T., Modestov V.
Comparison of thermal testing of MS9001FA type GTPs at shatura and nizhnevartovsk GRES
Ol’khovskii G.
Implementation of the Automatics for Switching the Combined-Cycle Plant of Power-Generating Unit No. 5 at Hrazdan Thermal Power Plant to the Steam Power Plant and Gas Turbine Modes
Sargsyan K., Yeritsyan S., Voskanyan V., Antonyan A., Tokmajyan G., Grekhov L., Ivanova S., Sergeyev A.
Optimization Investigations of a Combined Binary-Cycle Geothermal Power Plant with Two Separation Pressures and Flashed Steam Superheating Using a Hydrogen–Oxygen Steam Generator
Tomarov G., Borzenko V., Shipkov A.
Dry сoolers and air-condensing units (Review)
Milman O., Anan’ev P.
Experimental investigation on combustion of hydrogen–oxygen and methane–oxygen mixtures in the medium of low-superheated steam
Pribaturin N., Fedorov V., Alekseev M., Bogomolov A., Sorokin A., Azikhanov S., Shevyrev S.
Review of the coal-fired, over-supercritical and ultra-supercritical steam power plants
Tumanovskii A., Shvarts A., Somova E., Verbovetskii E., Avrutskii G., Ermakova S., Kalugin R., Lazarev M.
Heat flow diagrams with and without a deaerator for steam turbine plants with T-250/300-23.5 turbines
Valamin A., Kultyshev A., Shibaev T., Gol’dberg A., Stepanov M.
Technique of optimization of minimum temperature driving forces in the heaters of regeneration system of a steam turbine unit
Shamarokov A., Zorin V., Dai F.
Make-up Water Heating Capability, Conditions, and Efficiency in Built in Bundles when Cooling Water Is Concurrently Piped through the Main Condenser Bundles
Shempelev A., Suvorov D., Gutorov V., Iglin P.
Analyzing the Possibility of Reducing Power Loss in a Cooled Power-Generating Gas Turbine Unit
Balashov Y., Berezinets P., Ageev A., Belyakov A., Taradai D.
Methodical Fundamentals for Constructing Startup Assignment Schedules for Combined-Cycle Power Plants Considering Damage Accumulation
Radin Y., Kontorovich T., Smyshlyaev V.
Development of requirements on safety cases of machine industry products for power engineering
Aronson K., Brezgin V., Brodov Y., Gorodnova N., Kultyshev A., Tolmachev V., Shablova E.
Studies on the Deposit Structure in the Cooling Systems of Steam Turbines at TPPs
Chichirova N., Vlasov S., Chichirov A., Filimonova A., Vlasova A.
1 - 16 из 16 результатов
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