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Vol 65, No 4 (2018)

Automation and Heat Control in Energy

Comparative Analysis of the Dynamic Properties of Variants of Automatic Frequency and Power Control Systems for Steam Power Plants Equipped with Once-Through Boilers

Bilenko V.A., Zhigunov V.V.


Considerably complicated power-system problems that have to be solved by the Russian power-generating units and, consequently, the need to ensure the fully automated operation of the power-generating units under working loads necessitated improving the structure of the automatic frequency and power control systems (AFPCSs). Not all solutions adopted in the 1980s, in particular, the use of the classical variants of the automatic power control systems (APCS-1 and APCS-2), ensure the required quality of suppressing power-system disturbances. In this work, the authors performed comparative analysis of six AFPCS variants that correspond to both the classical APCS-1 and APCS-2 and their combinations. The research was carried out using a mathematical model under disturbances of characteristic types, viz., those caused by network frequencies, unit power settings, and boiler loads. The model was developed by approximating experimental step response curves of the 300-MW power-generating unit 3 equipped with a once-through boiler at Kashirskaya State District Power Station. The quality of control was analyzed by comparing the amplitude-frequency characteristics and the curves of the transient processes of the compared AFPCS variants and the integral quadratic criterion values and the maximum deviations of the controlled variables and control actions in the course of the above processes. The combined AFPCS and advanced APCS-2 proved to be the most preferable. The combined AFPCS variants offer advantages in terms of maintaining the steam pressure, while the advanced APCS-2 has an advantage as a means for controlling the unit power with the gain in the first case being somewhat greater than that in the second case. Both variants have been successfully used for a long time at numerous power-generating units of the country.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(4):175-188
pages 175-188 views

Experience in Use of Remote Access and Predictive Analytics for Power Equipment’s Condition

Naumov S.A., Krymskii A.V., Lipatov M.A., Skrabatun D.N.


Digital technologies, software of predictive analytics, and advanced equipment will make it possible to improve economy, reliability, and safety of electricity generation. The industrial Internet begins with the introduction of systems based on mutual penetration of information technologies and automation devices of manufacturing equipment, such as the systems of remote monitoring and diagnostics. One of the inspection methods of the equipment’s condition is its continuous monitoring, which is a necessary condition for the transition to a service system on the operating condition. Using traditional modeling methods, it is possible to obtain only approximate data about the behavior of industrial systems and objects even in the cases when all factors influencing their work and operating condition are known, owing to the necessity to solve complex mathematical problems to carry out this modeling. For this reason, to monitor the operating condition of industrial systems, the statistical modeling of such systems based on empirical regulations defined by the samples of values of technological parameters recorded in the object operation period, which is considered by reference, found application in recent decades. The statistical methods of monitoring makes it possible to detect the changes in the operating condition of the system at early stages as well as to reveal the most important factors influencing them. The work presents a review of Russian systems of predictive analytics and mathematical methods on which they are based and also the PRANA system of prediction and remote monitoring that is implemented at the gas-turbine plant of V 94.2 Siemens type installed in the Perm TPP-9 (thermal power plant), the Vladimir TPP-2, the Izhevsk TPP-1, and the Kirov TPP-3, which are branches of PAO T Plyus. The efficiency of PRANA to detect the negative change of operating conditions before actual fault events was shown, which makes it possible to determine the residual life of a product and its components, schedule the optimal terms, the duration of equipment stop and preparation for its repair, and evaluate the quality of fulfilled repairs. The condition of the industrial Internet in Russian power engineering and the problems delaying its development are considered.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(4):189-199
pages 189-199 views

Electrical Part of Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants

Extending the Application Field of Vacuum Circuit Breakers to Generators for Capacities up to 400 MW

Venna K., Gusev Y.P., Oknin E.P., Cho G.C.


The progress that has been achieved in the development and manufacture of vacuum circuit breakers opens the possibility of using them for a wider range of applications at power plants, including as generator circuit breakers. Such characteristics of modern vacuum circuit breakers as increased breaking capacity and high switching life are factors that make them closer in competitiveness to SF6 circuit breakers for generators with capacities up to 400 MW. The article considers problem aspects relating to clearing of short-circuit faults in the generator voltage circuits and interruption of out-of-phase making currents and no-load currents of generator transformers. Conditions leading to a longer period of time to the moment at which the switched current crosses zero are considered. It is pointed out that, unlike the IEC/IEEE Standard 62271-37-013, GOST (State Standard) R 52565-2006 does not specify the requirements for generator circuit breakers in full. The article gives the voltage drop values across the arc for different design versions of vacuum circuit breaker contacts and shows the effect the arc in a vacuum circuit breaker has on the time delay to the moment at which the current crosses zero. The standardized parameters of transient recovery voltage across the generator circuit breaker contacts are estimated along with the contact gap electric strength recovery rates ensured by modern arc quenching chambers. The switching overvoltages arising when vacuum circuit breakers interrupt short-circuit currents and no-load currents of generator transformers are analyzed. The article considers the most probable factors causing the occurrence of switching overvoltages, including current chopping, repeated breakdowns of the circuit breaker contact gap, and virtual current chopping. It is found that, unlike repeated breakdowns and virtual current chopping, an actual current chopping does not give rise to dangerous switching overvoltages. The article also determines the vacuum circuit breaker application field boundaries in which dangerous switching overvoltages may occur that would require additional measures for limiting them.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(4):200-207
pages 200-207 views

Nuclear Power Plants

Graphical Toolkit for Easy and Rapid Evaluation of the Residual Heat Generation at Cyclic Operation of a Pool Type Research Reactor

Kadalev S.H.


The present paper considers the approach to easy and rapid evaluation of the residual heat generation in the reactor core of a pool type research reactor after shutdown taking into account the previous operation cycles at constant operating cycle parameters. The selected mathematical model of the process is well-founded. The frames of the operational parameters and assumptions of the study are defined. The operating power level of 2000 kW and operation/shutdown schedules of 4/20, 6/18, 8/16, 10/14 and 12/12 hours per day during the five working days of the week and shutdown for the weekend are considered. The calculations are prepared for the first 180 seconds and the first 120 minutes after the fission reaction is stopped by the reactor scram system. The calculation results for the power of the residual heat generation in the reactor core at different work schedule are presented graphically as a percentage of the nominal power. For each particular work schedule the number of previous working weeks taken into account, the value of the correction coefficient and the share of the previous operating cycles in the residual heat generation power are presented in tables. The calculation results are discussed from the point of view of the safety analyses assessment and the nuclear fuel cycle management. Some possible directions for further research works are outlined and defined as particular tasks.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(4):208-211
pages 208-211 views

Prospects for Using Weakly Dissociated Ion Exchange Resins in Special Water Treatment Systems at VVER-Based Nuclear Power Plants for Reducing the Volume of Radioactive Waste Generated

Vinnitskii V.A., Chugunov A.S., Nechaev A.F.


Minimizing the amount of liquid radioactive waste generated during operation of nuclear power plants is among the important problems that have to be solved to enhance the nuclear power industry safety and economic indicators. For this purpose, it is proposed that the ion-exchange materials applied in the active water treatment systems of new power units equipped with VVER-type reactors be used only once (without regenerating them). In so doing, measures should be taken to dramatically reduce the consumption of ion-exchange resins by using materials having a higher ion-exchange capacity than the currently used universal ion-exchange resins. In addition, it is necessary to improve the ion-exchange treatment technology to achieve a higher extent of filling sorbents with the target components, primarily, with radionuclides to be buried. In this context, the properties of weakly dissociated ion-exchange resins made on the basis of acrylic acid and divinylbenzene copolymers are considered. The selected line of research is theoretically substantiated, and the results from laboratory investigations on treating model flows are presented, including those for elaborating the regeneration modes of weakly dissociated ion-exchange resins, the use of which makes it possible to fix biologically dangerous components in mineral-like structures with the minimal amount of compounds to be buried. It is shown that sequential subjecting of alkali flows contaminated with radionuclides to ionexchange treatment in the carbonaceous resin–sulfonic cation resin system results in that the solution becomes dealkalized under the effect of carbonaceous resin, after which cesium radionuclides are removed by means of sulfonic cation resin. Such redistribution of functions helps to decrease the concentration of alkali-metal and ammonium ions that compete with 134, 137Cs radionuclides for sorption vacations, due to which the sorbent to be buried is filled with radioactive substances to the maximal extent, thus resulting in a smaller amount of generated radioactive waste.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(4):212-216
pages 212-216 views

Effect of Hydrazine on Redistribution of Corrosion Product Deposits in the Primary Circuit of a Shutdown Reactor in Propulsion-Type Nuclear Power Plants

Orlov S.N., Zmitrodan A.A., Mysik S.G.


A redistribution process of corrosion product (CP) deposits in the primary circuit of nuclear power plants (NPP) with propulsion service is examined. It is demonstrated that, after a shutdown of the NPP, the activity of activated corrosion products (ACP) and the concentration of stable corrosion products in the coolant increase considerably due to their entering the coolant from the deposits on surfaces of the primary circuit equipment. The corrosion products enter the coolant principally in the form of insoluble compounds, and the suspended solid particles above 0.4 μm in size account for a minimum of 90% of the total content of CPs in the coolant. This increases the CP concentration in the coolant by a factor of approximately 10, and the total activity of ACPs becomes more than 300 times the initial value determined during reactor operation. It was established that injection of hydrazine facilitated redistribution of the corrosion products and radionuclides associated with them between the surface of construction materials and the coolant: the corrosion products went into the coolant and the rate of their redeposition decreased by a factor of ten. This enables us to increase the fraction of highly active ACPs removed from the circuit by the normal cleaning system. In addition, a shift in the equilibrium on injection of hydrazine gives a higher activity of ACPs in the coolant after completion of the deposition process and removal of CPs that entered the circuit in the normal treatment system. The equilibrium activity of ACPs is approximately ten times the value specific for the installation that is cooled down without introduction of hydrazine. A decrease in this characteristic to stable low values is observed only after the reactor is put into operation.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(4):217-221
pages 217-221 views

Water Treatment and Water Chemistry

National and International Guidelines for the Use of Reagents Containing Film-Forming Amines for the Organization of TPP Water Chemistry Regime

Petrova T.I., Dyachenko F.V., Orlov K.A.


The reliability and economy of thermal power plant equipment, including combined-cycle plants, are affected by corrosion of structural materials and deposit formation in the water-steam circuit. To reduce the rate of these processes, coolant treatment is used. Ammonia, hydrazine, phosphates, etc. have been traditionally used as reagents. Recently, much attention has been paid to the use of water chemistry with the addition of complex reagents based on film-forming amines, not only for the equipment protection during the established operation mode but also for start-stops and preservation. Such water chemistry regimes are used not only in Russia but also in other countries for steam turbine and combined-cycle TPP, including biomass TPPs. The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, uniting specialists from all over the world, developed a guideline in 2016 for the use of such reagents based on theoretical studies and years of operational experience in power equipment in 21 countries. The review of domestic and international guidelines containing conditions for the use of film-forming amines and amine-based reagents for the organization of TPP water chemistry regimes for steam turbines and combined-cycle plants is presented.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(4):222-225
pages 222-225 views

Efficiency of Water Purification from Dissolved Gases under Weak and Strong Phase Interaction in Film Degassers

Laptev A.G., Lapteva E.A., Shagieva G.K.


Water purification processes in film decarbonizers and thermal deaerators with different contact arrangements in the modes of weak and strong interaction between phases are considered. Weak interaction is characterized by a separate movement of phases, wherein a gas or vapor flow hardly affects the hydrodynamics of a liquid film. Such a mode is most often implemented in the case of countercurrent phases. At a gas or vapor velocity greater than 8 m/s and an atmospheric pressure, the gas flow carries the liquid film in an ascending or descending flow. In this mode, mass and heat transfer processes are greatly intensified. The modes are considered by the example of removal of aggressive corrosive gases at TPPs and industrial enterprises. Expressions are given for the calculation of the mass exchange characteristics of degassers and for the efficiency of water purification from oxygen and carbon dioxide. It is shown that a strong interaction occurs in the tubes with discrete-rough walls and a ribbon swirler, whereas a weak one takes place in irregular (chaotic) packed beds and regular corrugated packed beds with a rough surface. To calculate the efficiency of mass transfer (the extraction of dissolved gases from water), we used such flow structure models as a diffusion model and a cell model with bulk mass sources. Expressions for the calculation of model parameters—dispersion coefficients, number of cells, mass transfer coefficients in the liquid phase—are presented. The results of calculations of the mass transfer efficiency in packed columns and channels with discrete-rough walls and swirling flows are given. An example for mounting a packed bed in a DSA-300 deaerator is presented. Conclusions are drawn concerning the most rational designs and operating modes of thermal deaerators and decarbonizers.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(4):226-231
pages 226-231 views

Steam Boilers, Power-Generating Fuel, Burner Devices, and Boiler Auxiliary Equipment

Specifics of Smoke Stack Operation under Wind Effect Conditions

Roslyakov P.V., Ionkin I.L., Morozov I.V.


Seepage of flue gases into the environment through the chimney of thermal power plant smoke stacks often occurs during their operation, causing intensive damage to them. This phenomenon occurs due to the difference of pressure between the smoke stack inner and outer surfaces when the stack is streamlined by the flow of atmospheric air. The smoke stack operating conditions as a function of the stack load and wind conditions was studied. In particular, the excess pressure in the smoke stack shaft is estimated according to L.A. Rikhter’s criterion, and the static pressure along the stack height is calculated. The motion of combustion products in the smoke stack shaft and streamlining of the shaft by cross flow of atmospheric air are simulated in separate and combined statements using 3D models at different values of flue gas flowrate and wind velocity. It is shown from the study results that assessment of excess pressure conditions in a smoke stack according to Rikhter’s criterion is not sufficiently correct, because it does not take into account the windinduced underpressure outside of the smoke stack. Numerical investigations carried out using 3D models showed that quite extensive zones with underpressure exist at the smoke stack outer surface when the stack is streamlined by atmospheric airflow. The greatest underpressure is observed under such conditions on the smoke stack lateral surfaces with respect to the wind direction. At a certain wind velocity, the underpressure outside of the stack becomes greater than it is inside of the stack, as a result of which zones appear on the stack surface in which flue gases seep through the shaft into the environment. An analysis of the obtained data showed that the seepage intensity increases with the wind velocity. On the other hand, the area of these zones and the difference of static pressures in them decreases with decreasing the flue gas flowrate.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(4):232-238
pages 232-238 views

Metals and Strength Analysis

An Approach to Assessment of the Lifetime Characteristics of Steels under Creep Conditions Using Fracture Mechanics Criteria

Lanin A.A., Grin’ E.A.


The current status of activities associated with the assessment of conditions and prospects for prolonging the service life of equipment operating for a long time at thermal power stations (TPS) is described. The history of the creation and development of an industry system for diagnosing and prolonging the lifetime of heat-generating and mechanical equipment is briefly outlined. The core of the system was the results of investigations into long-term strength and creep of heat-resistant steels, and a regulatory base governing effective application of the system was formed and continuously improved within the system framework. It is noted that more and more extensive investigations resulted in the attempts to extend the criterial strength base using the cracking resistance criteria, including local creep fracture criteria. The advantages and disadvantages of the most-used local control method, i.e., the replica method, are analyzed. It is proposed to use the fracture mechanics criteria and, in particular, the threshold stress intensity factor (SIF) below which creep cracking does not occur in analyzing the process of steel creep fracture. It is demonstrated that the threshold SIF for a specific material depends functionally not only on the temperature but also on the loading time. Considering this fact, it is proposed to account for the accumulation of local (at the crack tip) and total damageability of the metal in the concept of threshold SIF. A similar approach can also be used for describing the subcritical crack growth. Therefore, it is proposed to construct crack growth diagrams using isochronous curves for the specified test times. It is demonstrated that dimensions of allowable flaws that do not lead to crack propagation can be predicted for given operating conditions. The cases were analyzed that occurred while obtaining results of examination of a structural member operating under creep conditions for prediction of the size of allowable (nonpropagating) crack-like flaws. This analysis has revealed that the application of the threshold SIF criterion and isochronous creep crack growth rate diagrams can be useful for setting forth the substantiated frequency of examinations for high-temperature equipment and establishing the time by which the equipment service life can be prolonged.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(4):239-245
pages 239-245 views

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