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Vol 64, No 8 (2017)

Steam Turbine, Gas Turbine, Steam-Gas Plants and Accessory Equipment

Numerical modeling for the retrofit of the hydraulic cooling subsystems in operating power plant

AlSaqoor S., Alahmer A., Al Quran F., Andruszkiewicz A., Kubas K., Regucki P., Wędrychowicz W.


This paper presents the possibility of using the numerical methods to analyze the work of hydraulic systems on the example of a cooling system of a power boiler auxiliary devices. The variety of conditions at which hydraulic system that operated in specific engineering subsystems requires an individualized approach to the model solutions that have been developed for these systems modernizing. A mathematical model of a series-parallel propagation for the cooling water was derived and iterative methods were used to solve the system of nonlinear equations. The results of numerical calculations made it possible to analyze different variants of a modernization of the studied system and to indicate its critical elements. An economic analysis of different options allows an investor to choose an optimal variant of a reconstruction of the installation.

Thermal Engineering. 2017;64(8):551-558
pages 551-558 views

Development of elements of the condition monitoring system of turbo generators of thermal power stations and nuclear power plants

Kumenko A.I., Kostyukov V.N., Kuz’minykh N.Y., Boichenko S.N., Timin A.V.


The rationale is given for the improvement of the regulatory framework for the use of shaft sensors for the in-service condition monitoring of turbo generators and the development of control systems of shaft surfacing and misalignments of supports. A modern concept and a set of methods are proposed for the condition monitoring of the “shaft line–thrust bearing oil film–turbo generator supports” system elements based on the domestic COMPACS® technology. The system raw data are design, technology, installation, and operating parameters of the turbo generator as well as measured parameters of the absolute vibration of supports and mechanical quantities, relative displacements and relative vibration of the rotor teeth in accordance with GOST R 55263-2012. The precalculated shaft line assembly line in the cold state, the nominal parameters of rotor teeth positions on the dynamic equilibrium curve, the static and dynamic characteristics of the oil film of thrust bearings, and the shaft line stiffness matrix of unit support displacements have been introduced into the system. Using the COMPACS-T system, it is planned to measure positions and oscillations of rotor teeth, to count corresponding static and dynamic characteristics of the oil film, and the static and dynamic loads in the supports in real time. Using the obtained data, the system must determine the misalignments of supports and corrective alignments of rotors of coupling halves, voltages in rotor teeth, welds, and bolts of the coupling halves, and provide automatic conclusion if condition monitoring parameters correspond to standard values. A part of the methodological support for the proposed system is presented, including methods for determining static reactions of supports under load, the method for determining shaft line stiffness matrices, and the method for solving the inverse problem, i.e., the determination of the misalignments of the supports by measurements of rotor teeth relative positions in bearing housings. The procedure for calculating misalignments of turbo generator shaft line supports is set out.

Thermal Engineering. 2017;64(8):559-567
pages 559-567 views

Probable causes of damage of heat-exchange tubes of low-pressure-exchanges of PND-3 type and repair methods

Trifonov N.N., Esin S.B., Nikolaenkova E.K., Sukhorukov Y.G., Svyatkin F.A., Sintsova T.G., Modestov V.S.


The structures of low-pressure heaters (LPH), which are installed at nuclear power plants with the K-1000-60/1500 type turbine plants are considered. It was revealed that only the PND-3 type low-pressure heaters have the damages of the heat exchange tubes. For a short operation life, the number of the damaged heat-exchange tubes of PND-3 is approximately 50 pcs for Kalinin NPP and 100–150 pcs for Balakovo NPP. The low-pressure heaters were manufactured at AO Ural Plant of Chemical Machine-Building “Uralkhimmash,” OAO Taganrog Boiler-Making Works “Krasny Kotelshchik,” and Vitkovice Machinery Group, but the damage nature of the heat-exchange tubes is identical for all PND-3. The damages occur in the place of passage of the heat exchange tubes through the first, the second, and the third partitions over the lower tube plate (the first path of the turbine condensate). Hydraulic shocks can be one of the possible causes of the damage of the heat-exchange tubes of PND-3. The analysis of the average thermal and dynamic loads of the tube systems of PND-1–PND-4 revealed that PND-3 by the thermal power are loaded 1.4–1.6 times and by the dynamic effects are loaded 1.8–2.0 times more than the remaining LPHs. Another possible cause of damage can be the cascaded drain of the separate into PND-4 and then through the drainage heat exchange into PND-3. An additional factor can be the structure of the condensate drainage unit. The advanced system of the heating steam flow and pumping scheme of the separate drain using the existing drainage pumps of PND-3 for K-1000-60/1500 turbine plants for Balakovo and Kalinin NPPs were proposed. The considered decisions make it possible to reduce the flow rate of the heating steam condensate from PND-3 into PND-4 and the speed of the heating steam in the tube space of PND-3 and eliminate the occurrence of hydraulic shocks and damages of the heat exchanger tubes.

Thermal Engineering. 2017;64(8):568-573
pages 568-573 views

Steam Boilers, Power Fuel, Burners, and Boiler Auxiliary Equipment

Development of combined low-emissions burner devices for low-power boilers

Roslyakov P.V., Proskurin Y.V., Khokhlov D.A.


Low-power water boilers are widely used for autonomous heat supply in various industries. Firetube and water-tube boilers of domestic and foreign manufacturers are widely represented on the Russian market. However, even Russian boilers are supplied with licensed foreign burner devices, which reduce their competitiveness and complicate operating conditions. A task of developing efficient domestic low-emissions burner devices for low-power boilers is quite acute. A characteristic property of ignition and fuel combustion in such boilers is their flowing in constrained conditions due to small dimensions of combustion chambers and flame tubes. These processes differ significantly from those in open combustion chambers of high-duty power boilers, and they have not been sufficiently studied yet. The goals of this paper are studying the processes of ignition and combustion of gaseous and liquid fuels, heat and mass transfer and NOx emissions in constrained conditions, and the development of a modern combined low-emissions 2.2 MW burner device that provides efficient fuel combustion. A burner device computer model is developed and numerical studies of its operation on different types of fuel in a working load range from 40 to 100% of the nominal are carried out. The main features of ignition and combustion of gaseous and liquid fuels in constrained conditions of the flame tube at nominal and decreased loads are determined, which differ fundamentally from the similar processes in steam boiler furnaces. The influence of the burner devices design and operating conditions on the fuel underburning and NOx formation is determined. Based on the results of the design studies, a design of the new combined low-emissions burner device is proposed, which has several advantages over the prototype.

Thermal Engineering. 2017;64(8):574-584
pages 574-584 views

Influence of high-energy impact on the physical and technical characteristics of coal fuels

Mal’tsev L.I., Belogurova T.P., Kravchenko I.V.


Currently, in the world’s large-scale coal-fired power industry, the combustion of pulverized coal is the most widely spread technology of combusting the coals. In recent years, the micropulverization technology for preparation and combustion of the coal has been developed in this field. As applied to the small-scale power industry, the method of combusting the coal in the form of a coal–water slurry has been explored for years. Fine coal powders are produced and used in the pulverized-coal gasification. Therefore, the coal preparation methods that involve high-dispersion disintegration of coals attract the greatest interest. The article deals with the problems of high-energy impact on the coal during the preparation of pulverized-coal fuels and coal–water slurries, in particular, during the milling of the coal in ball drum mills and the subsequent regrinding in disintegrators or the cavitation treatment of the coal–water slurries. The investigations were conducted using samples of anthracite and lignite from Belovskii open-pit mine (Kuznetsk Basin). It is shown that both the disintegration and the cavitation treatment are efficient methods for controlling the fuel characteristics. Both methods allow increasing the degree of dispersion of the coal. The content of the small-sized particles reground by cavitation considerably exceeds the similar figure obtained using the disintegrator. The specific surface area of the coal is increased by both cavitation and disintegration with the cavitation treatment producing a considerably greater effect. Being subjected to the cavitation treatment, most coal particles assume the form of a split characterized by the thermodynamically nonequilibrium state. Under external action, in particular, of temperature, the morphological structure of such pulverized materials changes faster and, consequently, the combustion of the treated coal should occur more efficiently. The obtained results are explained from the physical point of view.

Thermal Engineering. 2017;64(8):585-590
pages 585-590 views

Results of industrial tests of carbonate additive to fuel oil

Zvereva E.R., Dmitriev A.V., Shageev M.F., Akhmetvalieva G.R.


Fuel oil plays an important role in the energy balance of our country. The quality of fuel oil significantly affects the conditions of its transport, storage, and combustion; release of contaminants to atmosphere; and the operation of main and auxiliary facilities of HPPs. According to the Energy Strategy of Russia for the Period until 2030, the oil-refining ratio gradually increases; as a result, the fraction of straight-run fuel oil in heavy fuel oils consistently decreases, which leads to the worsening of performance characteristics of fuel oil. Consequently, the problem of the increase in the quality of residual fuel oil is quite topical. In this paper, it is suggested to treat fuel oil by additives during its combustion, which would provide the improvement of ecological and economic indicators of oil-fired HPPs. Advantages of this method include simplicity of implementation, low energy and capital expenses, and the possibility to use production waste as additives. In the paper, the results are presented of industrial tests of the combustion of fuel oil with the additive of dewatered carbonate sludge, which is formed during coagulation and lime treatment of environmental waters on HPPs. The design of a volume delivery device is developed for the steady additive input to the boiler air duct. The values are given for the main parameters of the condition of a TGM-84B boiler plant. The mechanism of action of dewatered carbonate sludge on sulfur oxides, which are formed during fuel oil combustion, is considered. Results of industrial tests indicate the decrease in the mass fraction of discharged sulfur oxides by 36.5%. Evaluation of the prevented damage from sulfur oxide discharged into atmospheric air shows that the combustion of the fuel oil of 100 brand using carbonate sludge as an additive (0.1 wt %) saves nearly 6 million rubles a year during environmental actions at the consumption of fuel oil of 138240 t/year.

Thermal Engineering. 2017;64(8):591-596
pages 591-596 views

Heat and Mass Transfer, Properties of Working Fluids and Materials

Equations for calculating the properties of dissociated steam

Aminov R.Z., Gudym A.A.


The equations of state for dissociated steam have been developed in the temperature and pressure ranges of 1250–2300 K and 0.01–10.00 MPa for calculating thermodynamic processes in thermal power units operating on high-temperature steam. These equations are based on the property tables for dissociated steam derived at a reference temperature of 0 K. It is assumed that the initial substance is steam, the dissociation of which—in accordance with the most likely chemical reactions—results in formation of molecules of hydrogen, oxygen, steam, hydroxyl, and atoms of oxygen and hydrogen. Differential thermodynamic correlations, considering a change in the chemical potential and the composition of the mixture, during the steam dissociation are used. A reference temperature of 0.01°С used in the calculation of parameters of nondissociated steam has been adopted to predict processes in thermal power units without matching the reference temperatures and to account for transformation of dissociated steam into its usual form for which there is the international system of equations with the water triple point of 0.01°С taken as the reference. In the investigated region, the deviation of dissociated steam properties from those of nondissociated steam, which increases with decreasing the pressure or increasing the temperature, was determined. For a pressure of 0.02 MPa and a temperature of 2200 K, these deviations are 512 kJ/kg for the enthalpy, 0.2574 kJ/(kg K) for the entropy, and 3.431 kJ/(kg K) for the heat capacity at constant pressure. The maximum deviation of the dissociated steam properties calculated by the developed equations from the handbook values that these equations are based on does not exceed 0.03–0.05%.

Thermal Engineering. 2017;64(8):597-603
pages 597-603 views

Investigation into the efficiency of a fin and wound wire intensifier

Komov A.T., Varava A.N., Dedov A.V., Zakharenkov A.V., Boltenko E.A., Agishev B.Y., Smorchkova Y.V.


The work continues the experimental investigations into heat transfer enhancement carried out at NIU MPEI. To verify the obtained results and extend the range of geometric characteristics of the intensifier, additional systematic experiments were performed. The investigations were carried out under the program of improvement of existing water-cooled water-moderated reactors to create a base of reliable experimental data and design correlations that could be required in developing reactors of the fourth generation. Among the methods for improving the safety of the core and of the overall reactor is the replacement of conventional fuel rods in fuel assemblies with tubular ones and development of spacers that best suit fuel assemblies. A design of an intensifier that can be used in a spacer grid is examined. A brief description of the test section and the design of developed intensifiers with a list of their basic geometric characteristics are presented. New systematic experimental data are given on hydraulic resistance factors and heat transfer coefficients for single-phase convection with the use of a fin-and-wound wire intensifier. This investigation extends the range of intensifier geometric characteristics and operating conditions: the mass flow rate range was ρw = 1000–4000 kg/(m2 s), the pressure range was p = 3.0–7.0 MPa, the coolant temperature at the test section inlet was 100°C, and the heat flux range was q = 0.23–0.70 MW/m2. The experiments revealed a considerable increase in the heat transfer coefficient on the convex heated surface and dependence of the hydraulic resistance factors and the heat transfer coefficients on the wire winding pitch. The relative pin heights offering a higher increase in heat transfer as compared with an increase in hydraulic resistance were established. Empirical correlations for predicting the heat transfer coefficients and the hydraulic resistance factors as a function of the intensifier geometric characteristics are proposed.

Thermal Engineering. 2017;64(8):604-609
pages 604-609 views

Metals and Strength Analysis

Calculation of low-cycle fatigue in accordance with the national standard and strength codes

Kontorovich T.S., Radin Y.A.


Over the most recent 15 years, the Russian power industry has largely relied on imported equipment manufactured in compliance with foreign standards and procedures. This inevitably necessitates their harmonization with the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, which include calculations of strength, low cycle fatigue, and assessment of the equipment service life. An important regulatory document providing the engineering foundation for cyclic strength and life assessment for high-load components of the boiler and steamline of a water/steam circuit is RD 10-249-98:2000: Standard Method of Strength Estimation in Stationary Boilers and Steam and Water Piping. In January 2015, the National Standard of the Russian Federation 12952-3:2001 was introduced regulating the issues of design and calculation of the pressure parts of water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations. Thus, there appeared to be two documents simultaneously valid in the same energy field and using different methods for calculating the low-cycle fatigue strength, which leads to different results. In this connection, the current situation can lead to incorrect ideas about the cyclic strength and the service life of high-temperature boiler parts. The article shows that the results of calculations performed in accordance with GOST R 55682.3-2013/EN 12952-3: 2001 are less conservative than the results of the standard RD 10-249-98. Since the calculation of the expected service life of boiler parts should use GOST R 55682.3-2013/EN 12952-3: 2001, it becomes necessary to establish the applicability scope of each of the above documents.

Thermal Engineering. 2017;64(8):610-616
pages 610-616 views

Water Treatment and Water Chemistry

Operation of a pond-cooler: the case of Berezovskaya GRES-1

Morozova O.G., Kamoza T.L., Koyupchenko I.N., Savelyev A.S., Pen R.Z., Veselkova N.S., Kudryavtsev M.D.


Pond-coolers at heat and nuclear power stations are natural-technological systems, so the program of their monitoring should include the effect made by the SRPS (state regional power station) on the pond ecosystem, including thermal discharge of cooling water. The objectives of this study were development and implementation of a monitoring program for the cooling pond of Berezovskaya SRPS-1 on the chemical and biological water quality indicators and identification of patterns of the thermal and hydrochemical regime when operating the progressive power plant (from 1996 to 2015). The quality of the cooling water of the pond-cooler BGRES-1 was studied under full-scale conditions by selecting and analyzing the water samples of the pond in accordance with the principles of complexity, systematic observation, and consistency of timing their conduct with the characteristic hydrological phases. Processing of the obtained array of monitoring data by methods of mathematical statistics makes it possible to identify the main factors affecting the water quality of the pond. The data on water quality obtained during their monitoring and mathematical processing over a long time interval are the scientific basis for forecasting the ecological state of the pond, which is necessary to economically ensure the efficient energy production and safety of water use. Recommendations proposed by these authors, including those partially already implemented, have been to prevent the development of eutrophication processes in the pond-cooler: the construction of a dam that cuts off the main peat massif and cleaning the river banks forming the cooling pond.

Thermal Engineering. 2017;64(8):617-622
pages 617-622 views

Safe corrosion inhibitor for treating cooling water on heat power engineering plants

Nikolaeva L.A., Khasanova D.I., Mukhutdinova E.R., Safin D.K., Sharifullin I.G.


Heat power engineering (HPE) consumes significant volumes of water. There are, therefore, problems associated with corrosion, biological fouling, salt deposits, and sludge formation on functional surfaces of heat power equipment. One of the effective ways to solve these problems is the use of inhibitory protection. The development of new Russian import-substituting environmentally friendly inhibitors is very relevant. This work describes experimental results on the OPC-800 inhibitor (TU 2415-092-00206 457-2013), which was produced at Karpov Chemical Plant and designed to remove mineral deposits, scale, and biological fouling from the surfaces of water-rotation node systems on HPE objects. This reagent is successfully used as an effective corrosion inhibitor in the water recycling systems of Tatarstan petrochemical enterprises. To save fresh make-up water, the circulating system is operated in a no-blow mode, which is characterized by high evaporation and salt content coefficients. It was experimentally found that corrosion rate upon treatment of recycled water with the OPC-800 inhibitor is 0.08–0.10 mm/year. HPE mainly uses inhibitors based on oxyethylidene diphosphonic (OEDPA) and nitrilotrimethylphosphonic (NTMPA) acids. The comparative characteristic of inhibition efficiency for OPC-800 and OEDF-Zn-U2 is given. The results obtained indicate that OPC-800 can be used as an inhibitor for treatment of cooling water in HPE plants. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the features of water rotation of a thermal power plant.

Thermal Engineering. 2017;64(8):623-625
pages 623-625 views

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