
CHP Plants in Russia: the Necessity for Technological Renovation
Filippov S., Dil’man M.
Evaluating the Effect from Constructing Binary Geothermal Power Units Based on Spent Petroleum and Gas Boreholes in the South Regions of Russia
Alkhasov A., Alkhasova D.
Assessment of the Performance of a Nuclear–Hydrogen Power Generation System
Aminov R., Bairamov A., Garievskii M.
Choice of optimal working fluid for binary power plants at extremely low temperature brine
Tomarov G., Shipkov A., Sorokina E.
Thermal tests of the SGT5-4000F gas-turbine plant of the PGU-420T power-generating unit at Combined Heat And Power Plant 16 of Mosenergo
Teplov B., Radin Y., Filin A., Rudenko D.
Investigation of Technical and Economic Viability of the 450-MW CCGT Unit’s Operation in the GTU Based CHP Mode
Arakelyan E., Andryushin A., Burtsev S., Andryushin K.
The Conceptual Process Arrangement of a Steam–Gas Power Plant with Fully Capturing Carbon Dioxide from Combustion Products
Kosoi A., Zeigarnik Y., Popel’ O., Sinkevich M., Filippov S., Shterenberg V.
A Combined Binary-Cycle Geothermal Power Plant with a Secondary Flash Steam Superheating System: Choice of Optimal Working Fluids
Tomarov G., Shipkov A.
Comparison of thermal testing of MS9001FA type GTPs at shatura and nizhnevartovsk GRES
Ol’khovskii G.
National and International Guidelines for the Use of Reagents Containing Film-Forming Amines for the Organization of TPP Water Chemistry Regime
Petrova T., Dyachenko F., Orlov K.
Implementation of the Automatics for Switching the Combined-Cycle Plant of Power-Generating Unit No. 5 at Hrazdan Thermal Power Plant to the Steam Power Plant and Gas Turbine Modes
Sargsyan K., Yeritsyan S., Voskanyan V., Antonyan A., Tokmajyan G., Grekhov L., Ivanova S., Sergeyev A.
From Rio to Paris via Kyoto: How the Efforts to Protect the Global Climate Affect the World Energy Development
Klimenko V., Klimenko A., Tereshin A.
Local Flow-Accelerated Corrosion of Welds in NPP Power Unit Pipelines: Phenomenon Mechanism Features and Measures to Prevent Damage
Tomarov G., Shipkov A., Komissarova T.
Ethanol used as an environmentally sustainable energy resource for thermal power plants
Markov V., Biryukov V., Kas’kov S.
World Geothermal Congress WGC-2015
Tomarov G., Shipkov A.
Demand of the power industry of Russia for gas turbines: the current state and prospects
Filippov S., Dil’man M., Ionov M.
Distributed Generation of Electricity and Sustainable Regional Growth
Filippov S., Dilman M., Ilyushin P.
Integrated Wastewater Treatment for a GRES
Nikolaeva L., Iskhakova R.
Laboratory Investigations of Processing Highly Mineralized Alkali Solutions by Means of Electromembrane Technology
Chichirov A., Chichirova N., Filimonova A., Minibaev A., Buskin R.
Plume trajectory formation under stack tip self-enveloping
Gribkov A., Zroichikov N., Prokhorov V.
Review of the coal-fired, over-supercritical and ultra-supercritical steam power plants
Tumanovskii A., Shvarts A., Somova E., Verbovetskii E., Avrutskii G., Ermakova S., Kalugin R., Lazarev M.
Optimization Investigations of a Combined Binary-Cycle Geothermal Power Plant with Two Separation Pressures and Flashed Steam Superheating Using a Hydrogen–Oxygen Steam Generator
Tomarov G., Borzenko V., Shipkov A.
Development of the Technologies for Stabilization Treatment of the Water of the Recycling Cooling Systems at Thermal Power Plants
Vlasov S., Chichirova N., Chichirov A., Vlasova A., Filimonova A., Prosvirnina D.
Use of natural gas, methanol, and ethanol fuel emulsions as environmentally friendly energy carriers for mobile heat power plants
Likhanov V., Lopatin O.
Methodical Fundamentals for Constructing Startup Assignment Schedules for Combined-Cycle Power Plants Considering Damage Accumulation
Radin Y., Kontorovich T., Smyshlyaev V.
1 - 25 из 44 результатов 1 2 > >> 
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