
Improvement of the technique of positioning the endocardial electrodes of the cardiac contractility modulation device in patients with CHF with reduced ejection fraction and atrial fibrillation
Safiullina A., Uskach T., Sapelnikov O., Saidova M., Ansheles A., Sergienko V., Amanatova V., Grishin I., Cherkashin D., Akchurin R., Tereschenko S.
Use of meldonium in the combination treatment of patients with heart failure in the early post-infarction period
Statsenko M., Shilina N., Turkina S.
Chronic cardiac failure in the XXI century
Tereshchenko S., Zhirov I., Tereschenko S., Zhirov I.
Tumor necrosis factor in blood plasm and morphofunctional parameters of the heart in patients with chronic heart failure complicating the course of ischemic heart disease. Changes in response to treatment
Olbinskaya L., Ignatenko S., Markin S.
Efficacy of ivabradin in combined treatment of patients with postinfarction systolic chronic cardiac failure
Potapenko A., Abdulazizov O., Dyachuk L., Kiyakbaev G., Kobalava Z., Moiseev V., Potapenko A., Abdulazizov O., Dyachuk L., Kiyakbaev G., Kobalava Z., Moiseev V.
N-terminal fragment of the brain natriuretic peptide and proinflammatory cytokines in patients with coronary heart diseas
Shalaev S., Volkova S., Shalaev S., Volkova S.
Effects of p-blockers metoprolol CR/XL andcarvedilol on left ventricular contractility in patients withchronic cardiac failure
Syrkin A., Kukes V., Poltavskaya M., Andreev D., Arefyeva А., Teplonogova E., Konova I., Rykova M.
Impact of trimethasidine therapy on the patterns of arrhythmias and on the parameters of cardiac rhythm variability in patients with chronic heart failure
Nesterova I., Kutuzova A., Sveshnikova Y., Sitnikova М., Nedoshivin А.
Does the lack of left ventricular reverse remodeling always mean non - response to cardiac resynchronization therapy?
Kuznetsov V., Soldatova A., Enina T., Krinochkin D., Dyachkov S.
Apelin - a new protein-regulator in the cardiovascular system
Tereshchenko S., Masenko V., Cherkavskaya O., Shashkova N., Tereschenko S., Masenko V., Cherkavskaya O., Shashkova N.
Activity of myocardial sympathico-adrenal system in various volume of viable myocardium in chronic cardiac failure
Kukes V., Sychev D., Andreev D., Golukhova E., Ostroumov E., Dmitrieva I.
Syndrome ofnon-thyroid pathology in patients with cardiovascular diseases (review)
Ametov A., Balashova N., Gilyarevsky S.
Diet of patients with chronic cardiac failure: solved and unsolved problems of nutritional support
Arutyunov G., Kostyukevich О., Rylova А., Korsun М., Balanina N., Rylova N., Voevodina N.
Impact of cardiac resynchronization therapy on survival in patients with ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy in clinical practice
Kuznetsov V., Vinogradova T., Enina T., Kolunin G., Kharats V., Pavlov A., Krinochkin D., Belonogov D., Gorbatenko E., Efimova I.
Chronic cardiac failure andnon-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: accidental or regular association?
Mareev V., Belenkov Y.
Morphofunctional changes in the small intestine in patients with chronic cardiac failure
Arutyunov G., Kostyukevich O., Serov R., Rylova A., Korsunskaya M., Balanina N., Rylova N., Pokrovsky Y., Voevodina N.
The effectiveness of cardiac contractility modulation in patients with chronic heart failure and atrial fibrillation: results of the 12-month follow-up
Safiullina A., Uskach T., Sapelnikov O., Grishin I., Cherkashin D., Amanatova V., Akchurin R., Tereshchenko S.
Fozinopril in the treatment of cardiorenal syndrome in chronic cardiac failure
Tereshchenko S., Zhirov I., Tereschenko S., Zhirov I.
Characteristics of autoimmune reactions in chronic cardiac failure of different etiology
Zykov K., Tatenkulova S., Masenko V., Kuznetsova T., Rvacheva A., Belenkov Y., Zykov K., Tatenkulova S., Masenko V., Kuznetsova T., Rvacheva A., Belenkov Y.
Social issues of medical care for old outpatients with chronic cardiac failure
Nechaeva G., Temnikova E., Borid'ko G., Solodnikova L., Nechaeva G., Temnikova E., Boridko G., Solodnikova L.
1 - 20 的 20 信息


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