Endothelial dysfunction a significant marker of adverse clinical outcome in patients with atrial fibrillation after cardioembolic stroke

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Aim. To study the prognostic significance of endothelial dysfunction (ED) markers in the development of adverse clinical outcome (death) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) within a year after cardioembolic stroke. Materials and methods. 260 patients with newly diagnosed (nAF), paroxysmal, persistent and permanent forms of AF who underwent stroke were included. Duration of observation-12 months. V1 - the beginning of the study: V2 - 180 (±5) days and V3 - 360 (±5) evaluated the level of von Willebrand factor (fW), antithrombin III (AT III) and plasminogen. Results and discussion. During the year of follow-up, patients with AF who underwent and had a high mortality rate. During the whole period 38 (14.6%) patients died, 15 (23.0%) - in the group with nAF, 6 (9.2%) - in the group with paroxysmal AF, 7 (10.8%) - in the group with persistent AF and 10 (15.4%) - in the group with permanent AF. After a year of follow-up, the level of fW in patients with nAF was higher than in patients of all groups, and statistically significant in patients with paroxysmal and persistent forms of AF. At III was important in the group of patients with nAF and with a constant form of AF, in the same groups there was no statistically significant increase in a year of follow-up. It was found that in survivors with nAF at III (73.54±8.67%) higher (p=0.002) compared with the dead (65.77±6.01%). In the group of patients with paroxysmal AF in survivors of III (77.75±10.15%) higher (p=0.031) compared with the dead (69.25±5.80%). In patients with persistent AF, the survivors of III (76.57±9.09%) were higher (p=0.002) compared to the dead (65.60±2.21%). Taking into account the results of the analysis of the dynamics of ed markers, it can be assumed that AT III is the most accurate prognostic marker for the studied cohort of patients. Conclusion. Detection and correction of ED in AF in patients within a year after stroke can optimize the tactics of management of patients and improve the prognosis of the diseas.

About the authors

I A Zolotovskaya

Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: zolotovskay@list.ru
к.м.н., доцент каф. госпитальной терапии с курсами поликлинической терапии и трансфузиологии Samara, Russia

I L Davydkin

Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: dagi2006@rambler.ru
проректор по научной и инновационной работе, д.м.н., проф., зав. каф. госпитальной терапии с курсами поликлинический терапии и трансфузиологии, директор НИИ гематологии, трансфузиологии и интенсивной терапии, главный внештатный гематолог Минздрава Самарской области Samara, Russia


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