
Interaction of Erbium Fluoride with Alkali Metal Chloride–Fluoride Melts in Synthesizing an Al–Er Master Alloy
Kosov Y., Bazhin V., Povarov V.
Low-Temperature Oxidation of Metals and Alloys for Processing Secondary Raw Materials into Chemical Products
Pozhidaeva S., Ivanov A.
High-Temperature Interaction in the ZrSi2–ZrSiO4 System and Its Mechanism
Astapov A., Lifanov I., Prokofiev M.
Plasma Carbothermic Reduction of Rare-Earth Metals
Cherednichenko V., An’shakov A., Serikov V., Faleev V.
Thermal analysis for modeling the aluminothermic reduction of zirconium from oxide
Vedmid’ L., Agafonov S., Avraamov Y., Il’inykh M., Merkushev A., Plotnikov M., Terlyga A.
Near-Surface Layer during the Heterogeneous Heterophase Oxidation of Metals and Alloys and the Related Chemical and Technological Aspects
Pozhidaeva S., Ivanov A.
Carbothermic Reduction of Metals in the FeS–Cu1.96S–CaO System
Selivanov E., Gulyaeva R.
LaCoO3 – δ as the Material of an Oxygen Electrode for a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell: II. Catalytic Activity of LaCoO3 – δ for the Electroreduction of Oxygen in Molten (Li0.62K0.38)2CO3
Vecherskii S., Konopel’ko M., Batalov N., Zvezdkin M., Zvezdkina I.
On the kinetic characteristics of the reduction and sublimation of phosphorus from melts
Konevskii M.
Combined Processing of Copper-Smelting Slags for the Manufacture of Valuable Products
Roshchin V., Adilov G., Povolotskii A., Potapov K.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Joint Aluminothermic Reduction of ZrO2 and Nb2O5
Agafonov S., Ponomarenko A., Russkikh A.
Synthesis of an Aluminum–Erbium Master Alloy from Chloride–Fluoride Melts
Kosov Y., Bazhin V.
Electrochemical synthesis of an iridium powder with a large specific surface area
Zaykov Y., Isakov A., Apisarov A., Nikitina A.
Effect of the Technological Parameters of the Aluminothermic Reduction of Erbium Oxide in Chloride–Fluoride Melts on the Transition of Erbium to a Master Alloy
Kosov Y., Bazhin V., Kopylova T.
Thermodynamic Simulation of the Manufacture of Fe–Si–Ni–Cr Alloys
Zhuchkov V., Zayakin O., Salina V.
Influence of Phase Transitions on the Macrokinetics of the Gaseous Reduction of Iron Oxide
Teplov O.
Estimation of plastic deformation in the technologies of bulk cold deformation
Gliner R., Katyukhin E., Zhalilov D., Vybornov V., Pryanichnikov V.
Aluminothermic Reduction of Titanium in the Presence of Tantalum and Vanadium Oxides
Vedmid’ L., Zhilina E., Osinkina T., Krasikov S., Zhidovinova S., Nikitina E.
Influence of Niobium and Tantalum on the Phase Formation during the Metallothermic Interaction of Aluminum with Titanium Dioxide
Osinkina T., Krasikov S., Zhilina E., Agafonov S., Vedmid’ L., Zhidovinova S.
Thermodynamic Justification of the Dephosphorization of Manganese Ores and Concentrates in a Reducing Atmosphere
Petelin A., Polulyakh L., Makeev D., Dashevskii V.
Desiliconization of a leucoxene concentrate during plasma–arc heating
Nikolaev A., Kirpichev D., Samokhin A., Nikolaev A.
Thermal Analysis of the Fabrication of Magnesium Master Alloys Containing Yttrium and Zinc
Savchenkov S., Bazhin V., Brichkin V., Ugolkov V.
Bloomery Processing of Oxidized Magnesia Nickel Ores
Sadykhov G., Anisonyan K., Kop’ev D., Olyunina T.
Experimental Evaluation of the Interaction of Titanium and Gadolinium Oxides with Aluminum
Vedmid’ L., Zhilina E., Krasikov S., Merkushev A.
Effect of the intermetallic compound composition of the character of interphase interactions during aluminothermic coreduction of titanium, nickel, and molybdenum from their oxides
Krasikov S., Zhilina E., Pichkaleva O., Ponomarenko A., Vedmid’ L., Zhidovinova S., Chentsov V.
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