
Causes of Cracking in Quenching of the Parts Made of Steels and Cast Iron and Recommendations for Their Removal: A Review
Kuznetsov A., Rudnev V.
State of Stress in Cylindrical Parts during Transverse Straightening
Zaides S., Le Hong Quang
Estimation of the resistance to the initiation of fatigue cracks in the welded joints of steel constructions
Odesskii P., Shuvalov A., Emel’yanov O.
Estimation of the Local State of Stress and Strains in Stress Concentration Zones in a Wide Strain Range
Makhutov N., Reznikov D.
Effect of a Structure and Test Conditions on the Critical Strains and Stresses in Titanium Nickelide-Based Alloys
Gusev D., Kollerov M., Vinogradov R.
Microstructure and Properties of Graphitized Free-Cutting Steel
Zhang Y., Han J.
Effect of corrosive media on the cracking resistance of pipe steel under load
Musaev S., Betsofen S.
Prediction of a Crack Growth Trajectory with Allowance for the Angular Distribution of the Small Components of the Tangential Stresses at a Crack Tip
Bol’shakov A., Prokop’ev L.
Technology of Plastic Deformation Repair of Metallurgical Machine Parts
Skhirtladze A., Skryabin V.
Graphical Analysis of the State of Stress in Road Harrow Cutters
Seliverstov N., Stasyuk A.
Low-Cycle Fatigue of a VZh175 Nickel Superalloy during Asymmetric Loading
Gorbovets M., Khodinev I., Belyaev M., Ryzhkov P.
Methodology of Analyzing the Causes of Accidental Failure of Pipes Made of Various Steel Grades
Bykova A., Sharipzyanova G., Volgina N., Khlamkova S.
Diagnostic Inspection of Pipelines for Estimating the State of Stress in Them
Subbotin V., Kolotilov Y., Smirnova V., Ivashko S.
Application of Indentation for Estimating the Thermal Stability of Plasma Thermal Barrier Coatings
Il’inkova T., Barsukova E.
Practice of Application of Thermal Cycle Tests in Studying the Thermal Fatigue of Materials
Tikhomirova E., Sidokhin E.
Digital Image Correlation Study of the Elastoplastic Deformation of the Steel/CFRP Adhesive Joint
Kopanitsa N., Ustinov A., Trishkina L., Klopotov A., Abzaev Y., Potekaev A.
Mechanical Properties and Structure of Grade 1151 Aluminum Alloy Joints Formed by Argon-Arc Welding and Friction Stir Welding
Solov’eva I., Davydenko L., Ovchinnikov V.
Improved method for determining the stress relaxation at the crack tip
Grinevich A., Erasov V., Avtaev V.
Engineering Estimation of the Error of Bending of Angle Blanks in a Tool Die
Tarasov V., Baskakov V., Baburin M., Karnaukhov K., Boyarskaya R.
Determination of the Crack Tip Position by Digital Image Correlation during Static and Cyclic Fracture Toughness Tests of Aluminum Alloys
Avtaev V., Yakovlev N., Erasov V., Podzhivotov N.
Effect of the Deformation Axis Orientation on the Strength of Dislocation Junctions in FCC Single Crystals
Kurinnaya R., Zgolich M., Starenchenko V., Matveev M., Zgolich I., Shalygina T., Sadritdinova G.
Formation of Nickel–Phosphorus Coatings Applied on the Components Manufactured from Nonferrous Metals and Alloys
Skryabin V., Skhirtladze A.
Corrosion Cracking of Steels of Various Strengths at a Constant Crack Opening
Grinevich A., Yakovlev N., Skripachev S., Nuzhnyi G.
Effect of Recovery and Recrystallization on the Hall–Petch Relation Parameters in Submicrocrystalline Metals: II. Model for Calculating the Hall–Petch Relation Parameters
Chuvil’deev V., Nokhrin A., Myshlyaev M., Kopylov V., Lopatin Y., Melekhin N., Piskunov A., Bobrov A., Pirozhnikova O.
Effect of an isothermal action on the functional properties and the shape memory effect parameters of a TiNi(Mo, V) alloy
Marchenko E., Baigonakova G., Gunther V., Chekalin T.
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