
Changes in the fracture strength parameters of ferritic–bainitic and bainitic pipe steels during operation
Zikeev V., Filippov G., Shabalov I., Livanova O., Solov’ev D.
Effect of the phase composition on the properties of a complex magnesium alloy at temperatures from –70 to +300°C
Volkova E., Duyunova V., Mostyaev I.
Palladium–lead alloys for the purification of hydrogen-containing gas mixtures and the separation of hydrogen from them
Gorbunov S., Kannykin S., Penkina T., Roshan N., Chustov E., Burkhanov G.
Structure and High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of High-Carbon Niobium-Based Alloys
Karpov M., Prokhorov D., Vnukov V., Stroganova T., Gnesin B., Gnesin I., Zheltyakova I., Svetlov I.
Texture and Anisotropy of the Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloys
Betsofen S., Osintsev O., Grushin I., Petrov A., Speranskii K.
Effect of Samarium on the Properties of Mg–Y–Gd–Zr Alloys
Luk’yanova E., Rokhlin L., Dobatkina T., Korol’kova I., Tarytina I.
Effect of Cerium and Erbium on the Aging Kinetics and the Properties of an IMV7-1 Alloy of the Mg–Y–Gd–Zr System
Luk’yanova E., Dobatkina T., Tarytina I., Temralieva D., Ovchinnikova O., Rokhlin L.
Aging-Induced Hardening of Transition-Metal-Containing Al–Mg–Si Alloys Subjected to Deformation under Different Conditions
Bochvar N., Rokhlin L., Tarytina I., Leonova N.
Effect of Small Scandium Additions on the Properties of an Aluminum Foil for Oxide-Electrolytic Capacitors
Pushkarev B., Mikhailova S., Lad’yanov V., Rybin S., Strelkov V., Lebedev V., Karban’ O., Stepanov A.
Influence of the tempering temperature on the mechanical properties and the phase composition of thin sheet TRIP steel
Terent’ev V., Eliseev E., Matyunin V., Slizov A., Marchenkov A., Sirotinkin V., Baikin A., Seval’nev G.
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Fuel Cladding in VVER-1000 after the Thermal Tests That Model Dry Storage Conditions
Kobylyansky G., Obukhov A., Mazaev A., Zvir E., Ilyin P., Markelov D.
Development of Approaches to Estimating the Breaking Strength of Steel for Building Metallic Structures and Modern Standards
Odesskii P.
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