
Structural and Morphological Peculiarities of the Lithium Niobate and Lithium Tantalate Powders Synthesized in Chloride Melts
Khokhlov V., Dokutovich V., Viugin N., Bobrova K.
Interaction of Exogenous Zirconia Nanoparticles with Tin in Model Complex Nickel Alloys
Anuchkin S., Samokhin A.
Modifiing Effect of Zirconia Nanoparticles during Electric Arc Welding
Fominykh M., Denisova E., Berezovskii A., Finkel’shtein A., Kartashev V.
Effect of Exogenous Zirconia Nanophases on the Structural Properties of the Sulfur- and Tin-Containing Nickel Melts
Anuchkin S.
Interaction of exogenous refractory nanophases with antimony dissolved in liquid iron
Burtsev V., Anuchkin S., Samokhin A.
Scanning probe microscopy estimation of the wear resistance of the surface of a modified PVC film
Kochetkova A., Gorbushin P., Sosnov E., Kolert K., Malygin A.
Synthesis and characterization of metal–polymer nanocomposites with radiation-protective properties
Bychkov A., Dzhardimalieva G., Fetisov G., Valskiy V., Golubeva N., Pomogailo A.
Selective Deformation of Single Macromolecules and Biomolecular Structures as a Method for Remote Control of Their Properties and Functions for Next-Generation Medicine
Golovin Y., Klyachko N., Zhigachev A., Gribanovskii S., Efremova M., Majouga A., Kabanov A.
Interaction of exogenous zirconium oxide nanophases with sulfur and tin in nickel melts
Anuchkin S., Burtsev V., Samokhin A.
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