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Vol 91, No 12 (2017)

Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry

Thermodynamic properties of LiCl solutions in N-methylacetamide at 308.15–328.15 K

Manin N.G., Kolker A.M.


Enthalpies of dissolution of crystalline LiCl and enthalpies of dilution of LiCl solutions in N-methylacetamide (NMA) with electrolyte concentrations no greater than 0.32m are measured on an isoperibolic calorimeter at 308.15, 318.15, and 328.5 K. Standard enthalpies of the dissolution of LiCl in NMA are calculated at different temperatures. The thermodynamic properties of the solution and its components are calculated and analyzed in the investigated range of concentrations and temperatures.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2293-2301
pages 2293-2301 views

Dependence of growth of the phases of multiphase binary systems on the diffusion parameters

Molokhina L.A., Rogalin V.E., Filin S.A., Kaplunov I.A.


A mathematical model of the diffusion interaction of a binary system with several phases on the equilibrium phase diagram is presented. The theoretical and calculated dependences of the layer thickness of each phase in the multiphase diffusion zone on the isothermal annealing time and the ratio of the diffusion parameters in the neighboring phases with an unlimited supply of both components were constructed. The phase formation and growth in the diffusion zone during “reactive” diffusion corresponds to the equilibrium state diagram for two components, and the order of their appearance in the diffusion zone depends only on the ratio of the diffusion parameters in the phases themselves and on the duration of the incubation periods. The dependence of phase appearance on the incubation periods, annealing time, and difference in the movement rates of the components across the interface boundaries was obtained. An example of the application of the model for processing the experimental data on phase growth in a two-component three-phase system was given.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2302-2309
pages 2302-2309 views

Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of thulium orthophosphate TmPO4 in the range of 10–1350 K

Ryumin M.A., Gurevich V.M., Khoroshilov A.V., Tyurin A.V., Gavrichev K.S.


The heat capacity of TmPO4 in temperature ranges of 9.11–346.05 and 304.6–1344.6 K is measured via adiabatic and differential scanning calorimetry, respectively. The measurement data are used to calculate the temperature dependences of the heat capacity, entropy, change in enthalpy, and reduced Gibbs energy of TmPO4 in the range of 10–1344 K. The Gibbs energy of formation of thulium orthophosphate from elements ΔfG0(298.15 K) is determined.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2310-2316
pages 2310-2316 views

Thermodynamic properties of first- and third-generation carbosilane dendrimers with terminal phenyldioxolane groups

Smirnova N.N., Sologubov S.S., Sarmini Y.A., Markin A.V., Novozhilova N.A., Tatarinova E.A., Muzafarov A.M.


The heat capacities of first- and third-generation carbosilane dendrimers with terminal phenyldioxolane groups are studied as a function of temperature via vacuum and differential scanning calorimetry in the range of 6 to 520 K. Physical transformations that occur in the above temperature range are detected and their standard thermodynamic characteristics are determined and analyzed. Standard thermodynamic functions Cpο(T), [H°(T) − H°(0)], [S°(T) − S°(0)], and [G°(T) − H°(0)] in the temperature range of T → 0 to 520 K for different physical states and the standard entropies of formation of the studied dendrimers at T = 298.15 K are calculated, based on the obtained experimental data.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2317-2325
pages 2317-2325 views

Thermodynamic analysis and purifying an amorphous phase of frozen crystallization centers

Lysov V.I., Tsaregradskaya T.L., Turkov O.V., Saenko G.V.


The possibility of dissolving frozen crystallization centers in amorphous alloys of the Fe–B system is considered by means of thermodynamic calculations. This can in turn improve the thermal stability of an amorphous alloy. The effect isothermal annealing has on the thermal stability of multicomponent amorphous alloys based on iron is investigated via the highly sensitive dilatometric technique, measurements of microsolidity, and electron microscopic investigations. The annealing temperature is determined empirically on the basis of the theses of the thermodynamic theory of the high temperature stability of multicomponent amorphous alloys, according to which there exists a range of temperatures that is characterized by a negative difference between the chemical potentials of phases in a heterogeneous amorphous matrix–frozen crystallization centers system. The thermodynamic condition of the possible dissolution of frozen crystallization centers is thus met. It is shown that introducing regimes of thermal processing allows us to expand the ranges of the thermal stability of iron-based amorphous alloys by 20–40 K through purifying an amorphous matrix of frozen crystallization centers. This conclusion is proved via electron microscopic investigations.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2326-2330
pages 2326-2330 views

Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis

Oxidative degradation of phenols in sono-Fenton-like systems upon high-frequency ultrasound irradiation

Aseev D.G., Sizykh M.R., Batoeva A.A.


The kinetics of oxidative degradation of phenol and chlorophenols upon acoustic cavitation in the megahertz range (1.7 MHz) is studied experimentally in model systems, and the involvement of in situ generated reactive oxygen species (ROSs) is demonstrated. The phenols subjected to high frequency ultrasound (HFUS) are ranked in terms of their rate of conversion: 2,4,6-trichlorophenol > 2,4-dichlorophenol ~ 2-chlorophenol > 4-chlorophenol ~ phenol. Oxidative degradation upon HFUS irradiation is most efficient at low concentrations of pollutants, due to the low steady-state concentrations of the in situ generated ROSs. A dramatic increase is observed in the efficiency of oxidation in several sonochemical oxidative systems (HFUS in combination with other chemical oxidative factors). The system with added Fe2+ (a sono-Fenton system) derives its efficiency from hydrogen peroxide generated in situ as a result of the recombination of OH radicals. The S2O82-/Fe2+/HFUS system has a synergetic effect on substrate oxidation that is attributed to a radical chain mechanism. In terms of the oxidation rates, degrees of conversion, and specific energy efficiencies of 4-chlorophenol oxidation based on the amount of oxidized substance per unit of expended energy the considered sonochemical oxidative systems form the series HFUS < S2O82-/HFUS < S2O82-/Fe2+/HFUS.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2331-2336
pages 2331-2336 views

Reactivity of the CH-bonds of 2-butanol in liquid-phase oxidation

Puchkov S.V., Nepomnyashchikh Y.V.


The kinetics of product accumulation is studied in the azodiisobutyronitrile-initiated oxidation of 2-butanol. The relative reactivity for all types of the CH-bonds of 2-butanol is determined for reactions with peroxyl radicals at 60°C. It is established that the hydroxyl functional group of 2-butanol activates the CHbond in position 2 (α) and deactivates CH-bonds in positions 1, 3 (β), and 4 (γ), compared to the corresponding CH-bonds of saturated hydrocarbons.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2337-2343
pages 2337-2343 views

Oxidation of phosphine with quinone and quinoid redox polymers in alcohol solutions of copper

Polimbetova G.S., Mukhitdinova B.A., Ergozhin E.E., Borangazieva A.K., Khakimbolatova K.K., Tasmagambet A., Dauletkulova N.T., Ibraimova Z.U.


New quinoid redox polymers were obtained by chemical modification of commercial weakly basic anion exchangers with quinone and its derivatives. The redox properties of quinone and quinoid redoxites with respect to phosphine were studied in alcohol solutions of copper complexes.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2344-2349
pages 2344-2349 views

Kinetics and structure-activity relationship of dendritic bridged hindered phenol antioxidants to protect styrene against free radical induced peroxidation

Li C., Guo S., Wang J., Shi W., Zhang Z., Wang P.


A series of dendritic poly(amido-amine) (PAMAM) bridged hindered phenols antioxidants were synthesized. The active antioxidant group (3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid) was attached to two generations of PAMAM dendrimers, and their structure was verified by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and fourier transform infrared spectra (FT-IR). The antioxidant abilities of the dendritic phenols to inhibit the oxidation of styrene were evaluated and the relationships between the length of core, the generation of dendrimers and the antioxidant activities were established. The reaction kinetics of scavenging peroxyl radicals was followed by oxygen consumption. The inhibition time (tinh) values showed the dendritic phenols had the ability of scavenging peroxyl radicals, and that the antioxidant ability increased with the increasing length of the core and the generation. The kinetic analysis demonstrated that dendritic phenols could slow the rate of styrene peroxidation induced by AIBN, as shown by the number of trapping ROO· (n), and this role was in accordance with that of the tinh values.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2350-2360
pages 2350-2360 views

Physical Chemistry of Solutions

Dependences of the osmotic coefficients of aqueous calcium chloride solutions on concentration at different temperatures

Rudakov A.M., Sergievskii V.V., Nagovitsyna O.A.


A model that considers the contributions from hydration, ion association, and electrostatic interactions to the nonideality of 2‒1 electrolyte solutions is substantiated. The parameters of the model’s equations are the mean ion hydration number, the spread of the distribution of hydrated ion stoichiometric coefficients in the standard state, and the number of association. The model is successfully used to describe literature experimental data on the concentration dependence of osmotic coefficients of aqueous CaCl2 solutions at temperatures ranging from 0 to 100°C. The modeling of the above systems shows that as the temperature rises, the hydration number falls slightly, the distribution of the hydration number broadens, and the ion paring of the salt rises by the first degree.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2361-2365
pages 2361-2365 views

Algorithm for calculating the dissociation constants of weak electrolytes and ampholites in water solutions

Lysova S.S., Skripnikova T.A., Zevatskii Y.E.


An algorithm for calculating the dissociation constants of weak organic acids and bases in water solutions is developed on the basis of spectrophotometric data on the UV and visible regions without measuring the рН of the medium or using buffer solutions. The proposed algorithm is tested experimentally for six single-base acids and single-acid bases of different strengths. The relative error in determining the dissociation constants does not exceed 5% and is in agreement with the literature data.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2366-2369
pages 2366-2369 views

Thermodynamic parameters of the formation of deprotonated single-ligand complexes in the Cu(II)−triglycine system in aqueous solutions

Gorboletova G.G., Metlin A.A., Bychkova S.A.


Heat effects arising from interactions between triglycine solutions and Cu(NO3)2 solutions are studied at 298.15 K and ionic strengths of 0.2 to 1.0 (KNO3) via isothermal calorimetry. Using experimental data, enthalpies of formation are calculated for species CuH−1L, CuH−2L, and CuH−3L2−, along with ΔrH°, ΔrG°, and ΔrS° of the complexation process. A relationship is revealed between the structures of deprotonated single-ligand triglycine complexes of Cu(II) and the thermodynamic parameters of their formation.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2370-2376
pages 2370-2376 views

Electrochemical behavior of meso-substituted iron porphyrins in alkaline aqueous media

Berezina N.M., Bazanov M.I., Maksimova A.A., Semeikin A.S.


The effect meso-substitution in iron porphyrin complexes has on their redox behavior in alkaline aqueous solutions is studied via cyclic voltammetry. The voltammetric features of the reduction of iron pyridylporphyrins suggest that the sites of electron transfer lie at the ligand, the metal ion, and the pyridyl moieties. The electron transfer reactions between the different forms of these compounds, including the oxygen reduction reaction they mediate, are outlined to show the sequence and potential ranges in which they occur in alkaline aqueous media. Under our experimental conditions, the iron porphyrins exist as μ-oxo dimmers whose activity for the electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen displays a considerable dependence on the nature of the substitutents and nitrogen isomerization (for pyridylporphyrins) and grows in the order (Fe(ms-Ph)4P)2О, (Fe[ms-(Py-3)Ph3]P)2O, (Fe[ms-(Py-4)4]P)2O, and (Fe[ms-(Py-3)4]P)2O.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2377-2382
pages 2377-2382 views

Ion-exchange sorption of silver(I) chloride complexes from aqueous HCl solutions

Kononova O.N., Duba E.V., Medovikov D.V., Efimova A.S., Ivanov A.I., Krylov A.S.


The ion-exchange sorption of silver(I) chloride complexes from 1–4 M aqueous solutions of HCl on a series of Purolite anionites with various functional groups was studied. The ion-exchange equilibria in the systems were found to be anomalous according to Raman spectroscopy, which does not significantly affect the sorption properties of the ionites.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2383-2388
pages 2383-2388 views

Properties of L-ascorbic acid in water and binary aqueous mixtures of D-glucose and D-fructose at different temperatures

Sharma R., Thakur R.C., Sani B., Kumar H.


Using density and sound velocity partial molar volumes, partial molar adiabatic compressibilities, partial molar expansibilities and structure of L-ascorbic acid have been determined in water and aqueous mixtures of D-glucose and D-fructose at different concentrations and temperatures. Masson’s equation was used to analyze the measured data. The obtained parameters have been interpreted in terms of solute–solute and solute–solvent interactions. It is found that the L-ascorbic acid acts as structure breaker in water as well in binary studied mixtures.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2389-2396
pages 2389-2396 views

Solvation thermodynamics of L-cystine, L-tyrosine, and L-leucine in aqueous-electrolyte media

Roy S., Guin P.S., Mahali K., Dolui B.K.


Solubilities of L-cystine, L-tyrosine, and L-leucine in aqueous NaCl media at 298.15 K have been studied. Indispensable and related solvent parameters such as molar mass, molar volume, etc., were also determined. The results are used to evaluate the standard transfer Gibbs free energy, cavity forming enthalpy of transfer, cavity forming transfer Gibbs free energy and dipole-dipole interaction effects during the course of solvation. Various weak interactions involving solute–solvent or solvent–solvent molecules were characterized in order to find their role on the solvation of these amino acids.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2397-2403
pages 2397-2403 views

Structure of Matter and Quantum Chemistry

Interaction between super-reduced cobalamin and selenite

Dereven’kov I.A., Salnikov D.S., Makarov S.V.


The kinetics of the reaction between the two-electron reduced form of cobalamin (super-reduced cobalamin, cob(I)alamin, or Cbl(I)) and sodium selenite in an alkaline medium is studied spectrophotometrically. It is shown that the selenite rapidly oxidizes Cbl(I) to cob(II)alamin (Cbl(II)). It is established that the active form of the oxidant is the protonated selenite anion (HSeO3-), which receives six electrons during the reaction and transforms into HSe. The reactions of cob(I)alamin oxidation by selenite and sulfite are compared.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2404-2408
pages 2404-2408 views

Molecular simulation of langmuir monolayer formation by Gd(III) stearate complexes

Buz’ko V.Y., Chuiko G.Y., Sokolov M.E., Panyushkin V.T.


Clusters simulating the formation of Gd(III) stearate complex monolayers on the surface of an aqueous phase are studied by means of molecular mechanics. From a comparison of the calculated and experimental data, it concluded that Langmuir monolayers are produced by Gd(III) aqua complexes with one and two stearate anions.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2409-2414
pages 2409-2414 views

Theoretical study of β- and γ-cyclodextrin complexes with ferrocene-containing azoles

Kiselev S.S., Snegur L.V., Simenel A.A., Davankov V.A., Il’in M.M., Borisov Y.A.


The interaction between cyclodextrins (β- and γ-CD) and ferrocenyl azoles (i.e., pyrazole ferrocenes (I, III–V) and benzimidazole ferrocenes (VI, VII)), along with 1-ferrocenylethanol (II), each in the form of (R)- and (S)-enantiomers, in forming inclusion complexes is studied for the first time using detailed quantum chemical calculations. Compounds are calculated in terms of the density functional theory (DFT), using the Becke–Lee–Yang–Parr (B3LYP) approach in the 6-31G* basis sets. For the considered CD complexes with enantiomers of I–VII, structures in which a guest partially enters a host cavity from the side of the heterocyclic substituent (pyrazole or benzimidazole) are found to be energetically advantageous. It is shown that for successful resolution of (R,S)-enantiomers on chiral phases containing cyclodextrins, we must consider the interaction between outer hydroxyl groups on the CD cone’s surface, in addition to the correspondence of geometric dimensions. The calculated data correlate well with the data from the chromatographic separation of guest enantiomers on cyclodextrin sorbents.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2415-2420
pages 2415-2420 views

Calculation of the octanol–water partition coefficient of armchair polyhex BN nanotubes

Mohammadinasab E., Pérez-Sánchez H., Goodarzi M.


A predictive model for determination partition coefficient (logP) of armchair polyhex BN nanotubes by using simple descriptors was built. The relationship between the octanol-water logP and quantum chemical descriptors, electric moments, and topological indices of some armchair polyhex BN nanotubes with various lengths and fixed circumference are represented. Based on density functional theory electric moments and physico-chemical properties of those nanotubes are calculated.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2421-2424
pages 2421-2424 views

Electronic structural properties of BiOF crystal and its oxygen vacancy from first-principles calculations

Li S., Zhang C., Min F., Dai X., Pan C., Cheng W.


First-principles calculations are performed to investigate the crystal and electronic structures of BiOF crystal and its oxygen vacancy BiO7/8F. By analyzing the energy band structures, the total density of states and the partial densities of states, it is found that the band gaps for the perfect BiOF and BiO7/8F are 3.12 and 2.65 eV, respectively, which are smaller than the experiment value of 3.64 eV. There is a new electronic state within the forbidden band in the BiO7/8F, which could serve as a capture center for excited electrons, consequently improves the effective separation of electron-hole pairs, and makes the optical absorption band edge red shift. The calculated results demonstrate that the BiOF crystal and its oxygen vacancy BiO7/8F could be the potential application as photocatalytic semiconductor materials.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2425-2430
pages 2425-2430 views

Physical Chemistry of Nanoclusters and Nanomaterials

Separation of pharmacologically active nitrogen-containing compounds on silica gels modified with 6,10-ionene, dextran sulfate, and gold nanoparticles

Ioutsi A.N., Shapovalova E.N., Ioutsi V.A., Mazhuga A.G., Shpigun O.A.


New stationary phases for HPLC are obtained via layer-by-layer deposition of polyelectrolytes and studied: (1) silica gel modified layer-by-layer with 6,10-ionene and dextran sulfate (Sorbent 1); (2) silica gel twice subjected to the above modification (Sorbent 2); and (3) silica gel modified with 6,10-ionene, gold nanoparticles, and dextran sulfate (Sorbent 3). The effect the content of the organic solvent in the mobile phase and the concentration and pH of the buffer solution have on the chromatographic behavior of several pharmacologically active nitrogen-containing compounds is studied. The sorbents are stable during the process and allow the effective separation of beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, alpha-agonists, and antihistamines. A mixture of caffeine, nadolol, tetrahydrozoline, pindolol, orphenadrine, doxylamine, carbinoxamine, and chlorphenamine is separated in 6.5 min on the silica gel modified with 6,10-ionene, gold nanoparticles, and dextran sulfate.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2431-2436
pages 2431-2436 views

Synthesis and properties of a new nanomaterial based on copper octacarboxyphthalocyaninate

Golovashova E.S., Mengel’ Y.S., Ageeva T.A., Kudrik E.V., Koifman O.I.


A new, highly ordered nanomaterial containing copper phthalocyaninate as the main structural unit is prepared via the interaction between copper 4,5-octacarboxyphthalocyaninate and aluminum nitrate nonahydrate in DMF. It is shown that the newly synthesized compound is an efficient catalyst for the oxidation of ascorbic acid by atmospheric oxygen.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2437-2440
pages 2437-2440 views

Hydrothermal synthesis of hexagonal WO3 nanowires with high aspect ratio and their electrochemical properties for lithium-ion batteries

Phuruangrat A., Yayapao O., Thongtem T., Thongtem S.


One dimensional WO3 nanowires with high aspect ratio of >200 were synthesized by hydrothermal method. The effects of reaction temperature and time on phase and morphologies were studied and discussed. In this research, a suitable hydrothermal condition is at 200°C for 48 h. XRD, SEM, and TEM results show that the product is hexagonal WO3 phase with diameter of 25 nm and several ten micrometers long with growth in the c direction. The electrochemical properties were tested for rechargeable lithium batteries. The WO3 NWs electrode exhibits a stability trend over the 30 cycle testing. Some long-term activation process is attributed to the WO3 NWs electrode during charge/discharge reaction.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2441-2447
pages 2441-2447 views

Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena

Computational study of the properties of silicon thin films on graphite

Galashev A.E., Ivanichkina K.A.


The behavior of two thin silicon films on a surface of perfect graphite is studied by means of molecular dynamics. One film is a five-layer section of Si(001) crystal, while the other is a double layer of silicene. The structure of Si films of graphite is studied by plotting Voronoi polyhedra with the exclusion of small geometric elements, and by calculating the function of radial distribution. The Si(001) film on graphite has greater sustainability than the double layer of silicene. Both the Si(001) film with diamond-like structure and the silicene film are transformed slightly in horizontal directions; in the latter case, mainly the bottom layer is distorted. Increasing the vertical displacements of atoms in the silicene resulted in strong cohesion of its layers and greater roughness. However, the positioning of the double layer of silicene on graphite is more energetically favorable than that of the Si(001) film on the graphite substrate.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2448-2452
pages 2448-2452 views

Physical Chemistry of Separation Processes: Chromatography

Temperature dependences of the retention indices of mono- and polyethylene glycol acetals and ethers on stationary phase DB-1 and enthalpies of their sorption from the gas phase

Zhabina A.A., Krasnykh E.L.


Gas chromatography is used to study the sorption characteristics and retention of a series of mono-, di-, and triethylene glycol ethers on nonpolar phase DB-1 in the temperature range of 70–180°C. Temperature dependences of the retention indices of the compounds are obtained and their linear character in the investigated range of temperatures is demonstrated. The enthalpies of sorption of the investigated compounds are calculated and analyzed, based on the temperature dependences of the retention factors.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2453-2457
pages 2453-2457 views

Colloid Chemistry and Electrochemistry

Formation of passivating layers by 1,2,4-triazole derivatives on copper in aqueous solutions

Kuznetsov Y.I., Shikhaliev K.S., Agafonkina M.O., Andreeva N.P., Semiletov A.M., Chirkunov A.A., Potapov A.Y., Solov’ev V.E.


Ellipsometry and electrochemical measurements are used to study the adsorption of some substituted 1,2,4-triazoles on copper and their effect on dissolution of copper in aqueous buffer solutions at pH 7.4. It is found that the adsorption of triazole compounds on copper is polymolecular at potential Е = 0.0 V, in relation to a normal hydrogen electrode. The first layer is described by the Temkin equation with free adsorption energy (−ΔGa0) = 55.2–76.3 kJ/mol and an energy heterogeneity factor that varies from 0.91 to 2.5. The maximum value of −ΔGa0 is found for an acid and a hydrogen sulfide corrosion inhibitor that is a mixture of triazole derivatives. The same inhibitor is the one least sensitive to the energy heterogeneity of the surface of a copper electrode, due to its high chemical reactivity and ability to be adsorbed on different active sites. This inhibitor is likely chemisorbed on copper and forms an ultrathin coating in an aqueous solution that is vastly superior to similar coatings produced by the familiar corrosion inhibitors of triazole group compounds in protecting against atmospheric corrosion.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2458-2465
pages 2458-2465 views

Photochemistry and Magnetochemistry

Effect of Na+ and Ca2+ ions on the photochemical formation of hydrogen peroxide in frozen aqueous solutions of adenine derivatives

Lozinova T.A., Lobanov A.V., Lander A.V.


The content of hydrogen peroxide is determined in NaCl-containing (0.001–0.1 M) aqueous solutions of adenosine-5'-diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine (Ado) irradiated with near-UV light at 77 K. The obtained data are compared to estimates of the integral intensity (Int) of the EPR signals from the irradiated solutions prior to their thawing and the contents of different components in these spectra (including peroxyl free radicals), calculated by analyzing these spectra from their modeling. It is found that at a low content of photosensitizers (2 × 10−4 M), the relationship between [H2O2] and Int differs for ADP and Ado (a positive linear correlation in the case of ADP and a decreasing nonlinear dependence for Ado). It is assumed that these differences are due to the combination of two main factors: (1) the difference between the self-association constants (Ksa) of ADP and Ado and (2) the effect of the freezing process, during which added NaCl exerts a disaggregating action of the formation of ADP and Ado associates. The relation between [H2O2] and the EPR signal characteristics differs for high (1 × 10−3 M) and low (2 × 10−4 M) concentrations of photosensitizers, suggesting there are two paths of hydrogen peroxide formation in the investigated systems. According to the first path, H2O2 is formed during thawing as a result of interaction between peroxyl radicals O2 and HO2· that accumulate during irradiation. According to the second path, the formation of H2O2 is direct (without releasing peroxyl radicals into the medium). This probably occurs inside aggregates of adenine derivatives, which form upon freezing the solution. In both cases, adding CaCl2 to test solutions of Ado and ADP ([CaCl2] = 0.1–0.2 × [NaCl]) results in a substantial drop in the yield of H2O2.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2466-2474
pages 2466-2474 views

Biophysical Chemistry

Thermodynamic and kinetic studies of As2O3 toxicological effects on human insulin in generation diabetes mellitus

Mohsennia M., Motaharinejad A., Rafiee-Pour H., Torabbeigi M.


The interaction of arsenic trioxide with human insulin was investigated by circular dichroism (CD), cyclic voltammetry and electrophoresis techniques. The interfacial behavior of insulin in presence of As2O3 onto the Ag electrode surface was studied at 310 K in phosphate buffer solution (PBS). According to Far-UV CD spectroscopy results, As2O3 caused to decrease in structural compactness and variety of alpha helix into beta structures. Near-UV CD indicated that As2O3 dissociates disulfide linkage in insulin structure. The kinetic parameters, including charge-transfer coefficient and apparent heterogeneous electron transfer rate constant were also determined. The thermodynamic parameters of insulin denaturation in presence of arsenic trioxide were calculated and reported. The obtained results indicated strong adsorption of insulin in presence of arsenic trioxide onto the Ag surface via chemisorptions.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2475-2480
pages 2475-2480 views

Short Communications

Estimating the sizes of small single crystals satisfying the Wolf theorem

Titov S.V., Zaitseva E.S., Tovbin Y.K.


Geometric estimates of the characteristic sizes of simple single crystals with tetragonal, cubic, and octahedral shapes of the surface are obtained. The Wolf theorem with independent contributions from each face to the surface tension can be applied to these if the edge size is at least ~53 lattice constants. Energy estimates of the individuality of free energy contributions from each face are consistent with this estimate. The resulting minimum edge sizes also agree with an independent estimate obtained earlier using the contributions from fluctuations in the near-surface region of the phase.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2481-2484
pages 2481-2484 views

Liquid–vapor phase equilibria of three-component systems of propanol-2–propanoic acid esters

Suntsov Y.K., Goryunov V.A., Chuikov A.M.


The boiling points of solutions of three-component systems formed by propanol-2 and propanoic acid esters are measured at different pressures by means of ebulliometry. The coefficients of the activity of the solutions’ components are measured using Wilson and nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) equations. The results from calculations are in line with the experimental data.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017;91(12):2485-2488
pages 2485-2488 views

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