
On Some Volgian Ammonites and Their Nomenclatural Types
Starodubtseva I., Mitta V.
Ammonites and Stratigraphy of the Upper Bajocian Garantianagarantiana Zone in the Interfluve between the Kuban and Urup Rivers (Northern Caucasus)
Mitta V.
Conodont biostratigraphy of the Early Triassic in eastern Slovenia
Kolar-Jurkovšek T., Chen Y., Jurkovšek B., Poljak M., Aljinović D., Richoz S.
Facial Features of the Distribution of Late Viséan Foraminifers in the Volgа–Ural Region
Zaytseva E., Sakhnenko K.
Studies of fossil brachiopods of Mongolia: Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian
Afanasjeva G.
Foraminifers from the Bashkirian Stage (Middle Carboniferous) Deposits of the Southern Part of the Cis-Uralian Foredeep
Kulagina E., Gorozhanina E.
Prasinophyte green algae Tasmanites and problematic fossils in the Upper Vendian Biota of the Zavkhan Basin, western Mongolia
Ragozina A., Dorjnamjaa D., Serezhnikova E., Zaitseva L., Enkhbaatar B.
Barremian–Aptian Assemblages of Microfauna and Palynomorphs from the North-West of the Yamal Peninsula (Biostratigraphy and Palaeofacies)
Pestchevitskaya E., Nikitenko B.
New data on the Tournaisian bryozoans (Lower Carboniferous) from Azerbaijan and Armenia
Tolokonnikova Z.
Ammonites of Tethyan Origin in the Ryazanian Stage of the Russian Platform: Genera Transcaspiites Luppov and Karasyazites gen. nov.
Mitta V.
New Famennian bryozoans (Upper Devonian) from Azerbaijan and Armenia
Tolokonnikova Z.
Devonian and Carboniferous Brachiopods and Biostratigraphy of Transcaucasia
Alekseeva R., Afanasjeva G., Grechishnikova I., Oleneva N., Pakhnevich A.
Bivalves from the Delendzhian–Dulgalakhian Boundary Beds of the Middle Permian of the Lower Reaches of the Lena River (Northern Verkhoyansk Region, Northern Siberia)
Biakov A., Kutygin R.
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