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Nº 1 (2024)


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Categories of rivers that formed vendian and lower cambrian sedimentary sequences, western part of east european platform (according to lithogeochemistry data)

Maslov A., Podkovyrov V.


Based on lithogeochemical data for fine-grained clastic rocks of the Volyn, Valdai and Baltic series of the west of the East European Platform (Belarus and Volyn, partly Lithuania), categories of rivers that transported fine-grained aluminosiliciclastics to the sinks were reconstructed. It is concluded that the formation of Vendian and Lower Cambrian sedimentary sequences developed in this area was controlled mainly by river systems similar to modern large rivers (rivers with a catchment area > 100000 km2) and rivers draining sedimentary formations (rivers with a catchment area < 100000 km2). The fine-grained aluminosiliciclastics transported by them came mainly from areas composed of rocks of the crystalline basement of the platform and, in part, sedimentary formations. The distribution of data points of Vendian and Lower Cambrian clay rocks on the diagrams (La/Yb)N–Eu/Eu* and (La/Yb)N–Th with fields of composition of pelitic and silty-pelitic sediments in the estuarine parts of modern rivers of different categories shows that mafic rocks of the Volyn-Brest large igneous province, apparently, were not suppliers of fine-grained aluminosiliciclastics in the indicated time intervals.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(1):3-18
pages 3-18 views

Rare-earth mineralization in terrigenous deposits of the Shatak complex (Southern Urals): species diversity and features of chemical composition

Kovalev S., Kovalev S., Sharipova A.


As a result of the study of terrigenous rocks of the Shatak complex, which includes deposits of the Kuz’elga and Karan subformations, rare earth minerals were found: allanite-(Ce), monazite-(Se), monazite-(Nd), xenotime-(Y), REE-bearing epidote, and unidentified connections.

It has been established that during the metamorphism of terrigenous rocks of detrital zircon, it is a selective concentrator and thorium, a popular group of rare earth elements and thorium. The comparative analysis showed that, in terms of chemical composition, rare-earth minerals (monazite-(Ce) and xenotime-(Y)) from the Shatak rock are significantly important from heavy ones from other complexes observed on the western slope of the Southern Urals by the presence of gadolinium in monazite, and in xenotime – consecutive REE group represented by Ce, Nd and Sm. When calculating the thermal bar, characterizing changes in the composition of structural-material complexes of western origin, slopes from the main factors that determine the characteristics of the chemical composition of rare earth chemical elements, which are the chemical composition of mineral formation.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(1):19-33
pages 19-33 views

Composition, age, and sedimentation environment of the ore-hosting Eravna series of the Udino-Vitim zone (Western Transbaikalia, Russia)

Minina O., Lantseva V., Sobolev I., Vikentyev I.


Data on the composition, age and formation conditions of the Ulzutui and Kydzhimit strata, which are combined as part of the Eravna Series of the Eravna Subzone of the Udino-Vitim Zone, are considered. The Eravna series, at least 2400 m thick, is composed of tephroturbidites with a significant amount of lavas and tuffs of felsic and intermediate compositions, with which tectonic-gravitational mixtites are spatially and genetically related. The features of the structure and composition of the Eravna series indicate the formation of sediments in an open deepening marine basin adjacent to the zone of active volcanism. For the first time, according to the Miospores, the time of formation of the Ulzutui sequence is limited to the Late Devonian – Early Carboniferous (Late Famennian – Early Tournaisian), the Kyjimite strata is limited to the Early Carboniferous (Visean) ages. At this time, the Kyjimit volcanic zone was formed. The suprasubduction nature of the zone is evidenced by the features of volcanites (predominance of acidic varieties, belonging of basalts to the tholeiitic, and dacites and rhyodacites to the calcareous-alkaline series, the presence of high-potassium rock varieties, their belonging to the K-Na type of alkalinity, very low MgO values, low and moderate TiO2 contents, high Al2O3 and K2O, enrichment of volcanogenic rocks in large-ionic lithophilic elements relatively to highly charged elements, minimum in Nb and negative values of εNd), their spatial association with monzonites (have suprasubduction features) and tephroturbidites, as well as metallogenic specialization (Cu and Zn) of the Eravna series. We believe that the ore-hosting strata for both pyrite-polymetallic Ulzutui and Ozernoe deposits is the Upper Devonian–Lower Carboniferous Eravna series.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(1):34-55
pages 34-55 views

Cretaceous–eocene flysch of the sochi synclinorium (western caucasus): sources of clastic material based on the results of U–Th–Pb isotope dating of detrital zircons

Kuznetsov N., Romanyuk T., Shatsillo A., Latysheva I., Fedyukin I., Strashko A., Novikova A., Shcherbinina E., Drazdova A., Makhinya E., Marinin A., Dubenskiy A., Erofeeva K., Sheshukov V.


The first results of U–Th–Pb isotope dating of detrital zircons (dZr, N = 130, n = 91) from the Middle Danian sandstones (63.9–65.3 Ma) of the Cretaceous–Eocene Novorossiysk–Anapa flysch, widely developed in the Sochi synclinorium (Southern slope of the Western Caucasus) are presented. The maximum dZr age is 2973 ± 12 Ma, the minimum dZr age is 318 ± 3 Ma; weighted average age of the 4 youngest dZr ~ 322 ± 7 Ma. There are no signs of the destruction products of the Jurassic magmatites involved in the structure of the Greater Caucasus and the Crimean Mountains into the sedimentary basin, in which the Novorossiysk-Anapa flysch was formed. A high degree of similarity between the provenance signals of the Danian sandstones from the Novorossiysk-Anapa flysch, some Paleogene-Neogene and Early Quaternary (Early Pleistocene) sandstones of the Western Caucasus and Western Cis-Caucasia, red-colored Upper Permian and Lower Triassic sandstones of the Moscow syneclise, as well as Late Quaternary alluvium of the lower reaches of the draining vast expanses of the Russian plate Don and Volga rivers has been revealed. On this basis, it was concluded that in the Middle Danian there were no eroded mountain structures of the Greater Caucasus and Crimea, and the main volume of detrital material composing the Novorossiysk-Anapa flysch was formed due to the recycling of Permian-Triassic and younger strata of the Russian Plate.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(1):56-81
pages 56-81 views

Lithological features of the uryuk formation in the tolparovo section of the vendian (Southern Urals)

Gorozhanin V., Michurin S., Yuldashbaeva V.


New results of lithological structural and textural observations and petrographic study of rocks of the Uryuk formation exposed in the basin of the Maly Tolpar River in the Bashkir meganticlinory are presented. For the first time, a wide development of consedimentary underwater landslide folds in the Uryuk deposits has been established, the sizes of which vary from the first tens of centimeters to the first meters. In sandstones, the presence of oblique, wavy, flasery and horizontal, with a dual character of thin clay layers, layering, as well as structureless layers with a massive texture, is recorded. Signs of shallow wave ripples have been established. Mechanoglyphs and textures similar to Arumberia banksi have been found, which presumably represent the lithified structures of bacterial mats that existed under certain conditions – shallow-sea environments and conditions of sandy-clay sedimentation. It is concluded that the Uryuk deposits, despite the absence of direct lithological signs of diamictites in them, form a single sedimentary sequence with the underlying Tolparov-Suirovsky marine glacial deposits, in which a shallow-sea sedimentation regime is established by the end of the Uryuk time. It is shown that the presence of ferruginous minerals in sandstone cement is secondary in nature and is associated with their epigenetic transformations. It is concluded that the red-colored color of the rocks of the Uryuk formation cannot be used for stratification of its sections and reconstruction of sedimentation conditions in the Uryuk time.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(1):82-99
pages 82-99 views

Paleozoic reef formation in the Pechora syneclise and the Caspian basin – a comparative analysis

Kuznetsov V., Zhuravleva L.


In the two marginal depressions of the East European Platform, the Pechora syneclise and the Caspian depression, reef formations are widely represented, but the stratigraphic intervals of their development are far from equal. In the Pechora syneclise, reef formation began in the second half of the Llandoverian, reached its maximum in the Frasnian and was replaced by the development of reef hills in the Famennian. The structures are represented both as asymmetric reefs framing the shallow zones at their boundary with relatively deep paleobasins and in the form of single structures within the latter. The reefs of the next global maximums, the Late Visean-Serpukhovian and Lower Permian, are developed only marginally at the boundary with the Ural paleoocean and its relic, the Pre-Urals foreland basin.

In the Caspian basin, reefs of all three global maxima of development are present, and there are both asymmetric reef systems framing the shelf edges and symmetric intra-basin isolated structures.

Such difference is due to the different paleogeomorphological type of the basins. The Caspian basin was sharply differentiated in depth throughout the Middle and Late Paleozoic, which led to the formation of reefs rising above the bottom of these basins. In the Pechora syneclise, depth differentiation of the basins occurred only in the late Devonian. Generally weakly dissected shallow seas of the Visiean-Serpukhovian and early Permian did not provide conditions for the formation of powerful reefs protruding above the seafloor. The latter were formed only on the edge of the Ural paleoocean, and in the Permian ‒ on the edge of the Pre-Ural foreland basin.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(1):100-113
pages 100-113 views

Early-middle permian terrigenous deposits of South-Western Primorye: material composition, source areas and formation settings

Malinovsky A.


The study presents the results of studying the material composition of terrigenous rocks from the Early – Middle Permian deposits of the Reshetnikovka formation of the Laoeling-Grodekovo terrane of South-Western Primorye. Studies were carried out in order to reconstruct paleogeodynamic environments for the accumulation of studied deposits, as well as to determine the tectonic type and composition of source rocks of sources areas. It has been established that in terms of mineral and geochemical parameters, the sandstones of the formation are petrogenic or “first cycle” rocks, correspond to arcoses and, only partially, subarcoses and lithite arenites, are characterized by a fairly high degree of maturity of clastic material, and their formation was due to the destruction of largely weathered parent rocks of sources areas. Paleogeodynamic interpretation of the obtained data indicates that in the Early and Middle Permian sedimentation occurred in the basins of the passive continental margin, which are intra-and intercontinental rifts and aulacogens. The main influence on sedimentation processes was exerted by continental sources areas: cratons and uplifted basement blocks, which were projections of the crystalline basement framed by rift zones. Mainly acidic igneous and metamorphic rocks were eroded with the participation of ancient sedimentary formations. U–Pb isotopic dating of detrital zircons made it possible to establish the age and possible location of magmatic complexes, due to the destruction of which formation deposits were formed.

Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(1):114-135
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Litologiâ i poleznye iskopaemye. 2024;(1):140-140
pages 140-140 views

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