Composition, age, and sedimentation environment of the ore-hosting Eravna series of the Udino-Vitim zone (Western Transbaikalia, Russia)

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Data on the composition, age and formation conditions of the Ulzutui and Kydzhimit strata, which are combined as part of the Eravna Series of the Eravna Subzone of the Udino-Vitim Zone, are considered. The Eravna series, at least 2400 m thick, is composed of tephroturbidites with a significant amount of lavas and tuffs of felsic and intermediate compositions, with which tectonic-gravitational mixtites are spatially and genetically related. The features of the structure and composition of the Eravna series indicate the formation of sediments in an open deepening marine basin adjacent to the zone of active volcanism. For the first time, according to the Miospores, the time of formation of the Ulzutui sequence is limited to the Late Devonian – Early Carboniferous (Late Famennian – Early Tournaisian), the Kyjimite strata is limited to the Early Carboniferous (Visean) ages. At this time, the Kyjimit volcanic zone was formed. The suprasubduction nature of the zone is evidenced by the features of volcanites (predominance of acidic varieties, belonging of basalts to the tholeiitic, and dacites and rhyodacites to the calcareous-alkaline series, the presence of high-potassium rock varieties, their belonging to the K-Na type of alkalinity, very low MgO values, low and moderate TiO2 contents, high Al2O3 and K2O, enrichment of volcanogenic rocks in large-ionic lithophilic elements relatively to highly charged elements, minimum in Nb and negative values of εNd), their spatial association with monzonites (have suprasubduction features) and tephroturbidites, as well as metallogenic specialization (Cu and Zn) of the Eravna series. We believe that the ore-hosting strata for both pyrite-polymetallic Ulzutui and Ozernoe deposits is the Upper Devonian–Lower Carboniferous Eravna series.

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About the authors

O. R. Minina

Dobretsov Geological Institute SB RAS

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 670047, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, Sakhyanova str., 6a

V. S. Lantseva

Dobretsov Geological Institute SB RAS

Russian Federation, 670047, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, Sakhyanova str., 6a

I. D. Sobolev

Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (IGEM) RAS

Russian Federation, 119017, Moscow, Staromonetny lane, 35

I. V. Vikentyev

Dobretsov Geological Institute SB RAS; Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (IGEM) RAS

Russian Federation, 670047, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, Sakhyanova str., 6a; 119017, Moscow, Staromonetny lane, 35


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. A fragment of a geological map of the Russian Federation on a scale: 1: 200 000, sheet XXVIII (Gunda), simplified, based on the work [Geological..., 2016] with the location of the detailed work site 1-5 – Quaternary deposits: 1 – alluvial, channel and floodplain (aH); 2 – lake and marsh (l, bH); 3 – alluvium of the first terrace (A1IIII-H); 4 – alluvial-proluvial deposits (a, pIII-H); 5 – alluvium of the second terrace; 6 – Mohei formation (K2mh); 7 – Ushmun formation (K1uš); 8 – Zaza formation (K1zz); 9 – Endondin formation (K1ep); 10 ‒ Udin formation (J2‒3ud); 11-16 – Bichura complex, gabbro-monzonite-granite (P2b): 11 – granite-porphyry (gpP2b4), 12 – granosienite-porphyry (gxpP2b4), 13 – diorite porphyry (dpP2b4), gabbro-porphyry (npP2b4), 14 – granites, granosienites (egP2b3), 15 – granites, leucogranites, granosienites (gxP2b3), 16 – quartz monzonites, monzodiorites, granodiorites (mP2b2); 17 – monzogabbro, gabbro (vP2b1); 18 – Tamir formation (P2tm); 19 – Himgilda and Istashinskaya formations, undifferentiated (D3–C1is-hm); 20 – Oldynda formation (E1ol) ; 21 – hydrothermal-metasomatic changes, without dismemberment. In the inset: the tectonic scheme of the Baikal-Vitim folded system (simplified) with the location of the Udino-Vitim zone and the site of detailed work.

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3. Fig. 2. Geological section of Devonian-Lower carboniferous deposits of the Yeravninsk subzone (according to [Minina et al., 2016] with changes) 1 – conglomerates; 2 – gravel sandstones; 3 – sandstones and siltstones; 4 – interlayer of siliceous-carbonaceous mudstones, limestone siltstones, sandstones; 5 – siltstones with interlayers of mudstones; 6 – interlayer of variegated tuff–terrigenous rocks, siltstone limestones, limestone outcrops, volcanites; 7 – tuffs; 8 - tuffites, tufoargillites ; 9 – calcareous siltstones; 10 – detrital, bioclastic limestones; 11 – lenses of sandy limestones; 12-16 – the level of finds of organic remains: 12 – brachiopods (a), crinoids (b); 13 – stromatoporoids (a), corals (b); 14 – mosses (a), algae (b); 15 – tentaculites (a), conodonts (b); 16 – flora (a), myospores (b).

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4. Fig. 3. The scheme of the geological structure and the profile of the Ulzutui interfluve‒Lime (based on the work of [Minina, 2014] with additions) 1 – Quaternary sediments (Q); 2-3 – Bichura complex (P2b): 2 – granites, leucogranites, granosienites (P2b3); 3 - monzodiorites (�P2b2); 4 - Tamir formation (P2tm); 5-6 - Kydzhimitskaya strata (C1vkd): 5 - tuffs of acid composition; 6 – layering of tufoaleurolites, tufoargylites, tuffs, tuffites, detrital limestones (tephroturbidites); 7 – Ulzutu strata (D3fm–C1t ul) – layering of variegated tuff sandstones, tufoaleurolites, tufoargylites, silty limestones, limestone outcrops, volcanites; 8-10 – Ozerninskaya strata (D1–2oz): 8 – interlayer of siliceous-carbonaceous mudstones, limestones; 9 – interlayer of calcareous sandstones, siltstones, with layers of silty limestones; 10 – sandstones with layers of conglomerates and gravelites; 11-15 – Oldyndinsky formation (E1–O2ol): 11 – andesites, andesidacites (O2ol); 12 – biohermic limestones (E1ol); 13 – rhyolites, dacites (E1ol); 14 – andesibasalts (E1ol); 15 – plagioriolites and their tuffs (E1–O2ol); 16 – tectonic disturbances: a – thrusts, b, c – other reliable (b) and suspected (c); 17 – pyrite-polymetallic ore bodies; 18 – sampling site and isotopic age of rocks; 19 – elements of occurrence; 20 – section line; 21 – elevations; 22 – sites of organic remains; 23-28 – remains of fauna and flora: 23 – archaeocyates (a), trilobites (b); 24 – brachiopods (a), crinoids (b); 25 – stromatoporoidea (a), corals (b); 26 – mosses (a), algae (b); 27 – tentaculites (a), conodonts (b); 28 – flora (a), myospores (b).

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5. Fig. 4. Geological section of the Ulzutui strata (watershed of the Ulzutui–Calcareous rivers) 1 – Quaternary sediments (Q); 2 – Tamir formation (P2tm); 3 – Ulzutui strata (D3 fm–C1tul); 4 – Kydzhimitskaya strata (C1vkd); 5 – Oldynda formation (E1–O2ol); 6 – psephite tuffs of trachyriolites; 7 – layering of variegated tuff sandstones, tufoaleurolites, tuffites tufoargillites, silty and detrital limestones; 8 – conglobreccias; 9 – tuffoargillites, clay-siliceous mudstones; 10 – polymictic sandstones with lenses of gravelites, carbonate sandstones; 11 – calcareous siltstones; 12 – ashy tuffites, acid composition; 13 – andesites; 14 – biohermic limestones; 15 – tectonic disturbances: a – reliable, b – suspected; 16 – elements of occurrence; 17 – section line; 18-21 – sites of finds of organic remains: 18 – archaeocyates (a), trilobites (b); 19 – stromatoporoidea (a), tentaculites (b); 20 – mosses (a), algae (b); 21 – flora (a), myospores (b).

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6. Fig. 5. The nature of outcrops and types of rocks of the Ulzutui strata (the watershed of the Ulzutui–Calcareous rivers). a – the general view of the Ulzutui river watershed is Calcareous; b–d – a fragment of the Ulzutui strata outcrop (b) and its details (c, d): c – tuffites of pale green color with interlayers of siliceous tuffs (layer 9), alternating with dark purple tuffoaleurolites and gray greenish-gray medium-grained tuff sandstones, d – layering of purple calcareous tufoaleurolites, tufoargylites and greenish-gray tuff sandstones (layer 5); d – brownish-cherry silty organogenic-clastic limestones with interlayers of calcareous siltstones, fragments of white limestone with archaeocyates (layer 8); e – silty limestones, reddish-brown, with characteristic “looped” textures, interlayers of tufoaleurolites with fragments of marbled limestones; w – tufoconglobreccia.

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7. Fig. 6. Geological section of the Kardzhimitskaya strata (Ulzutui–Calcareous river watershed) 1 – Kyjimitskaya strata (C1vkd); 2 – Ozerninskaya strata (D2–3oz); 3 – Oldyndinsky formation (O1–O2 ol); 4 – conglomerates; 5 – tuffoargillites, clay-siliceous mudstones; 6 – polymictic sandstones with lenses of gravelites, carbonate sandstones; 7 – calcareous siltstones; 8 – calcareous sandstones; 9 – organogenic-clastic, detrital limestones; 10 – ashy, acidic tuffites; 11 – andesites; 12 – tectonic disturbances; 13 – elements of occurrence; 14 – section line; 15-19 – sites of organic remains: 15 – archaeocyates (a), trilobites (b); 16 – brachiopods (a), crinoids (b); 17 – mosses (a), algae (b); 18 – tentaculites (a), conodonts (b); 19 – myospores.

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8. Fig. 7. The nature of outcrops and types of rocks of the Kardzhimitskaya strata (the watershed of the Ulzutui–Calcareous rivers) a – general view of the outcrop (layer 9); b – interlayer of greenish-gray, calcareous coarse–grained tuff sandstones, tufoaleurolites, tuffites (layer 5); c - tuffs of andesitic composition, bluish–gray, psammitic, with lithoclasts of tuffites (layer 6); d - bioclastic light gray limestones, thinly wavy-layered with interlayers of tufoaleurolites, siliceous tuffites (layer 4); d – calcareous brownish-gray tufoaleurolites, thinly wavy-layered (layer 2); e – psammite tuffs with a layer of brownish-gray tufoaleurolites, fragments of tuffites, limestones; g – gray organogenic-clastic limestones, with remnants of archaeocyates, brachiopods, corals, crinoids, mosses, algae, lithoclasts of white marbled limestones and siltstones and fragments of light gray limestones; h - thin interlayer of greenish-gray calcareous tufoaleurolites, siliceous and carbonaceous mudstones.

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9. Fig. 8. Fossil faunal remains from the Kardzhimit strata a, b, d – brachiopods: from biomorphic limestones: a, b – Theodossia cf. anossofi (Vern.), g – Leiorhynchus sp.; c, e, e – fauna from organogenic clastic limestones: c, e – corals, d –brachiopoda.

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10. Fig. 9. Classification diagrams of the volcanites of the Kardzhimitskaya strata a ‒ Na2O + K2O – SiO2 [Le Maitre et al., 1989], modified [Petrographic..., 2009]; b – Nb/Y–Zr/TiO2 [Winchester, Floyd, 1977]; c ‒ K2O–SiO2 [Taylor, McLennan, 1985]; d – SiO2–FeO*/MgO [Myashiro, 1974]; d – graphs of the distribution of trace element contents normalized to the primitive mantle [Taylor, McLennan, 1985]; e – spectra of the distribution of rare earth element contents normalized to chondrite [Taylor, McLennan, 1985] in rocks of the Kardzhimitskaya strata; z – Zr/Y–Nb/Y [Condie et al., 2005]; z ‒ Th/Nb–Ce/Nb [Sanders et al., 1988]. 1 – basalts, 2 – dacites, 3 – rhyodacite. Abbreviations: ARC – island-arc basalts; NMORB – normal basalts of the oceanic ridge; OIB – basalts of oceanic islands; PM – primitive mantle; DM – shallow depleted mantle; DEP – deeply depleted mantle; EN – enriched component; REC – recycled component; DMM – depleted MORB-mantle; RSC – residual component of the slab; SDC is a subduction component. The lines show the mixing paths between the components. The composition points of the upper continental crust, the average composition of the entire crust, and the basalt fields of island arcs according to [Dampare et al., 2008].

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