Paleozoic reef formation in the Pechora syneclise and the Caspian basin – a comparative analysis

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In the two marginal depressions of the East European Platform, the Pechora syneclise and the Caspian depression, reef formations are widely represented, but the stratigraphic intervals of their development are far from equal. In the Pechora syneclise, reef formation began in the second half of the Llandoverian, reached its maximum in the Frasnian and was replaced by the development of reef hills in the Famennian. The structures are represented both as asymmetric reefs framing the shallow zones at their boundary with relatively deep paleobasins and in the form of single structures within the latter. The reefs of the next global maximums, the Late Visean-Serpukhovian and Lower Permian, are developed only marginally at the boundary with the Ural paleoocean and its relic, the Pre-Urals foreland basin.

In the Caspian basin, reefs of all three global maxima of development are present, and there are both asymmetric reef systems framing the shelf edges and symmetric intra-basin isolated structures.

Such difference is due to the different paleogeomorphological type of the basins. The Caspian basin was sharply differentiated in depth throughout the Middle and Late Paleozoic, which led to the formation of reefs rising above the bottom of these basins. In the Pechora syneclise, depth differentiation of the basins occurred only in the late Devonian. Generally weakly dissected shallow seas of the Visiean-Serpukhovian and early Permian did not provide conditions for the formation of powerful reefs protruding above the seafloor. The latter were formed only on the edge of the Ural paleoocean, and in the Permian ‒ on the edge of the Pre-Ural foreland basin.

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About the authors

V. G. Kuznetsov

National University of Oil and GAS “Gubkin University”; Oil and Gas Research Institute RAS

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 119991, Moscow, Leninsky prosp., 65; 119333, Moscow, Gubkina str., 3

L. M. Zhuravleva

National University of Oil and GAS “Gubkin University”

Russian Federation, 119991, Moscow, Leninsky prosp., 65


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The scheme of the tectonic structure of the Pechora syneclise and the location of reefs of different morphological types ([Menner et al., 1991] with simplifications) 1 – large tectonic elements (Roman numerals on the diagram): I – Timan ridge; Pechora plate: II – Izhma-Pechora depression, III–Malozemelskaya monocline, IV – Pechora-Kolva megawall, V – Denisovskaya depression, VI – Kolva megawall, VII–Khoreyverskaya depression, VIII – Varandey-Adzva structural zone IX – Gamburtsev's shaft; North Ural regional trough: X – Verkhnepechorskaya depression, XI–Srednepechorskoye uplift, XII – Bolshesyninskaya depression, XIII – Chernyshov ridge, XIV – Kosyu-Rogovskaya depression, XV – Chernov ridge, XVI – Korotaiha depression, XVII – western slope of the Urals; 2 – boundaries of tectonic zones; riphogenic zones of different ages: 3 – domanic, 4 – Sirachoy–Nizhneukhtinsky, 5 – Domanikovo-Nizhneukhtinsky, 6 – Verkhneukhtinsky, 7 – Verkhnefransky, 8 – Nizhnefamensk, 9 ‒ Nizhne-Verkhnefamensk, 10 ‒ Domanikovo-Verkhnefamensk, 11 ‒ Verkhnefransk-Nizhnefamensk, 12 – a combination of different types jars with marginal reef formations, 13 – slopes of Famenian clinoforms, 14 – isolated jars with reef fringing inside compensated depressions, 15 – single reefs, 16 – oil deposits.

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3. Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the morphology of the bottom of the basin of the Late Devonian period ([Zhuravleva, 2017] with changes) a – shallow part of the shelf, b – deep-sea depression, c – shoals; morphological types of reef structures: A – asymmetric reef systems, B – atoll-like structures, C – single reefs; cycles of reef formation: dom – domanic, sir – Sirachoysky, uch – Ukhtinsky; sea levels: I – Domanic, II – Sirachoysky, III – Ukhtinsky time; 1 – reef bodies, 2 – carbonate deposits, 3 – carbonate-clay deposits, 4 – siliceous-clay-carbonate deposits.

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4. Fig. 3. Paleogeological profile of the Kharyaginsky section of the asymmetric reef system ([Menner, 1989] with simplifications) 1-5 – shallow-shelf zone: 1 – carbonate strata, 2 – nodular limestones, 3 – carbonate-clay strata and bundles, 4 – banks of intraclastic limestones, 5 – oncolite limestones; 6 – redness; 7 – riphogenic formations; 8 – deposits of the pre–reef slope; 9 - deposits of depression facies; 10, 11 – filling strata: 10 – clay, 11 – carbonate-clay; 12 – surfaces of washouts and stratigraphic breaks; 13 – zones of sharp lithophacial substitutions; 14 – reservoir intervals; 15 – oil deposits; 16 – well sections; 17 – well depth, m.

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5. Fig. 4. Schematic lithological-facies map (a) and schematic lithological-facies profile section (b) of the Assel-Sakmar deposits of the northern part of the Kolvinsky Magaval of the Pechora syneclise ([Kuznetsov, Olenova, 2012] with changes) 1 – wells, 2 – isohypses of the Assel-Sakmar deposits, 3 – the boundary of the facies zones, 4 – micrograined limestones with organogenic detritus, 5 – bioclastic limestones with clear crystalline calcite cement, micrograined with organogenic detritus, 6 – biohermic limestones, 7 – profile section line. The significant angles of inclination of the carbonate complex are due to an almost two-hundredfold difference in vertical and horizontal scales.

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6. Fig. 5. Schematic lithological and facies map of the reef development zone of the Novokorobkovsky (I) and Kotovsky (II) side zone of the Caspian depression (a), structural map of the roof (b) and schematic profile sections (c) of the Evlanovo-Livensky deposits of the Kotovsky deposit (c) paleogeomorphological position relative to sea level (a) and modern position (b); 1 – reefs, 2 – shallow limestones, 3 – clays, 4 – clay-carbonate depression deposits, 5 – fracturing, 6 – oil-water contact.

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7. Fig. 6. Stratigraphic profile section of a single symmetrical Tengiz reef ([Kenter et al., 2006] with changes) 1 – non–reef limestones; 2 – reef structure; 3 - salt-bearing strata.

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8. Fig. 7. Stratigraphic distribution of reefs and silt hills of the Pechora syneclise and the Caspian basin

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