Early-middle permian terrigenous deposits of South-Western Primorye: material composition, source areas and formation settings


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


The study presents the results of studying the material composition of terrigenous rocks from the Early – Middle Permian deposits of the Reshetnikovka formation of the Laoeling-Grodekovo terrane of South-Western Primorye. Studies were carried out in order to reconstruct paleogeodynamic environments for the accumulation of studied deposits, as well as to determine the tectonic type and composition of source rocks of sources areas. It has been established that in terms of mineral and geochemical parameters, the sandstones of the formation are petrogenic or “first cycle” rocks, correspond to arcoses and, only partially, subarcoses and lithite arenites, are characterized by a fairly high degree of maturity of clastic material, and their formation was due to the destruction of largely weathered parent rocks of sources areas. Paleogeodynamic interpretation of the obtained data indicates that in the Early and Middle Permian sedimentation occurred in the basins of the passive continental margin, which are intra-and intercontinental rifts and aulacogens. The main influence on sedimentation processes was exerted by continental sources areas: cratons and uplifted basement blocks, which were projections of the crystalline basement framed by rift zones. Mainly acidic igneous and metamorphic rocks were eroded with the participation of ancient sedimentary formations. U–Pb isotopic dating of detrital zircons made it possible to establish the age and possible location of magmatic complexes, due to the destruction of which formation deposits were formed.

Толық мәтін

Рұқсат жабық

Авторлар туралы

A. Malinovsky

Far East Geological Institute, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Хат алмасуға жауапты Автор.
Email: malinovsky@fegi.ru
Ресей, 690022, Vladivostok, prosp. 100-letiya Vladivostoka, 159

Әдебиет тізімі

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Қосымша файлдар

Қосымша файлдар
2. Fig. 1. The layout of the Laoelin-Grodekovsky terrane in the geological structure of Southwestern Primorye (a) – geological maps of the studied areas, (b) – the northern and (c) – the southern parts of the terrane, (d) – the consolidated stratigraphic column of the Early-Middle Permian sediments of the Reshetnik formation. 1-4 – terranes: 1 – Laoelin-Grodekovsky, 2 – Early Paleozoic Bureya-Jiamusa-Khankai orogenic belt (superterrane), 3 – Early Paleozoic active margin, 4 – Mesozoic Sikhote-Alin orogenic belt; 5-11 – formations: 5 – Kazachkinskaya (P1kz), 6 – Reshetnikovskaya (P12rs), 7 – Barabashskaya (P2br), 8 – Talminskaya (T3tl), 9 – Galenkovskaya (K1gl), 10 – Ust-Suifunskaya (N1us); 11 – Quaternary deposits (Q); 12 – granites and granodiorites: a – Late Permian (yP3), b – Early Triassic (uT1); 13 – faults; 14 – elements of occurrence; 15 – the place of sampling for U–Pb-geochronological dating of detrital zircons and its number; 16 – conglomerates and gravelites; 17 – sandstones; 18 – siltstones and mudstones.

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3. Fig. 2. Classification diagram of the types of sand rocks from the sediments of the Reshetnikovskaya formation [Shutov, 1967] Fields of sandstone types: 1-4 – quartz sandstones (1 – monomictic quartz, 2 – siliciclastic quartz, 3 – feldspar quartz, 4 – mesomictic quartz); 5 – pure or proper arcoses; 6 – grauwack arcoses; 7 – quartz grauwack; 8 – feldspar quartz grauwack; 9 – grauwack proper; 10 – quartz-feldspar grauwackes; 11 – feldspar grauwackes; 12 – crystallotuffs.

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4. Fig. 3. Average content and distribution of heavy clastic minerals in sandy rocks of the Reshetnikovskaya formation

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5. Fig. 4. Classification diagram lg(Na2O/K2O)–lg(SiO2/Al2O3) for sandy rocks of the Reshetnikovskaya formation [Pettijohn et al., 1976]

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6. Fig. 5. Diagram of the degree of chemical weathering of CIA–WIP for sandy and clay-siltstone rocks of the Reshetnik formation [Bahlburg, Dobrzinski, 2011] 1 – sandy, 2 – clay-siltstone rocks.

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7. Fig. 6. Modular diagrams for sandy and clay-siltstone rocks of the Reshetnikovskaya formation [Yudovich, 1981; Yudovich, Ketris, 2000]

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8. 7. Spectra of the distribution of REE normalized to chondrite [Boynton, 1985] in sandy and clay-siltstone rocks of the Reshetnikovskaya formation (average values) and their comparison with PAAS [Taylor, McLennan, 1988] 1 – sandstones; 2 – clay-siltstone rocks; 3 – PAAS.

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9. Fig. 8. Possible types of feeding areas for sandy rocks of the Reshetnikovskaya formation by rock-forming components and heavy clastic minerals a – by rock-forming components [Dickinson, Suczek, 1979]. Q is quartz, L is rock fragments, F is feldspars. Types of power sources: I – cratons and raised base blocks, II – remobilized orogenes, III – magmatic arcs (IIIa – dissected, deeply eroded, IIIb – transitional, IIIc – undifferentiated, slightly eroded), IV – mixed power sources; b, c – for heavy clastic minerals: b – MF–MT–GM [Nechaev, Isphording, 1993]. Amounts of contents: MF – olivine, pyroxenes, green hornblende; MT – epidote, pomegranate, blue-green amphiboles; GM – zircon, tourmaline, stavrolite, distene, sillimanite and andalusite; b – &–A–POS [Garzanti, Ando, 2007], where A – amphiboles and epidotes, POS – clinopyroxenes, orthopyroxenes, olivines and chromites, & – other transparent minerals. Types of feeding provinces: 1 – continental blocks (cratons and marginal parts of rifts); 2 – collisional orogenes; 3-6 – magmatic arcs: 3 – non-eroded, 4 – transitional weakly eroded, 5 – transitional eroded, 6 – strongly eroded.

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10. Fig. 9. Possible food sources for sandy and clay-siltstone rocks of the Reshetnikovskaya formation according to geochemical data a–d – probable rock composition of the feeding provinces in the diagrams: a – Zr/Sc–Th/Sc [McLennan et al., 1993]; b – F1–F2 [Roser, Korsch, 1988]. F1 = 30.638 × TiO2/Al2O3–12.541 × Fe2O3*/Al2O3 + 7.329 × MgO/Al2O3 + + 12.031 × Na2O/Al2O3 + 35.402 × K2O/Al2O3–6.382; F2 = 56.5 × TiO2/Al2O3–10.879 × Fe2O3*/Al2O3 + 30.875 × MgO/Al2O3–5.404 × Na2O/Al2O3 + 11.112 × K2O/Al2O3–3.89; b – Hf–La/Th [Floyd, Leveridge, 1987]; g – La/Sc–Th/Co [Cullers, 2002].

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11. Fig. 10. Cathodoluminescent images of detrital zircons from sandy rocks of the Reshetnikovskaya formation (mod. R-53)

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12. 11. Histograms and probability density curves for the distribution of U–Pb isotopic ages of detrital zircons with discordance of -10% ≤ D ≤ +10% from sandy rocks of the Reshetnikovskaya formation

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13. Fig. 12. Possible types of basin settings for sediments of the Reshetnikovskaya formation, reconstructed from the rock-forming components of sandstones [Maynard et al., 1982] Basins: passive continental margins (TE), active continental margins complicated by shear dislocations along transform faults (SS); associated: with marginal continental magmatic arc (CA), with oceanic volcanic arc (FA – pre–arc and BA - post-arc basins). L – rock fragments, Q – quartz, F – feldspar.

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14. Fig. 13. Paleogeodynamic conditions of formation of sediments of the Reshetnikovskaya formation based on the interpretation of geochemical data a–w – types of sedimentation basins [Bhatia, 1983; Bhatia, Crook, 1986]. Fields of values of geochemical parameters of ancient sandstones from basins associated with: A – oceanic, B – continental island arcs, C – active, D – passive continental margins. Fe2O3* – common iron; h – basin environments [Roser, Korsch, 1986]; and – possible types of geodynamic environments for high–siliceous rocks DF1-DF2 [Verma, Armstrong-Altrin, 2013].

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