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卷 68, 编号 6 (2023)



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Sources of Metals for the Rudny Altai VMS Deposits: Results of High-Precision MC-ICP-MS Lead Isotope Study

Chernyshev I., Vikentyev I., Chugaev A., Dergachev A., Ratkin V.


The Rudny Altai metallogenic province, which is concordant to the structures of the eponymous terrane and located in the Central Asian orogenic belt (CAOB), is one of the largest volcanic massive sulfide (VMS) provinces in the world. Lead isotopic composition of galena (61 samples in total) was measured for the first time with high accuracy (±0.02%, SD) for 20 sulfide base metal deposits representing the dominant Kuroko type in the Rudny Altai. They are enclosed in the Early–Middle Devonian volcano-sedimentary sequence in association with volcanic rocks of the bimodal basalt-rhyolite series. We studied the large and superlarge deposits of this type: Ridder-Sokol’noe, Tishinskoe, Novo-Leninogorskoe, Zyryanovskoe, Zmeinogorskoe, and Korbalikha. In the province, the isotope ratios 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb vary within narrow limits. At average values of 206Pb/204Pb = 17.820, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.517 and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.669, the root mean square variations (variation coefficient, %) are 0.22, 0.038 and 0.063% respectively. Even more homogeneous composition is observed within ore districts of the province (0.054, 0.012 and 0.020%) and especially within deposits (0.025, 0.010 and 0.013%), where the scale of variations of lead isotope ratios reaches their measurement error (±0.02%). The lead isotopic composition in the province shows no isotopic “signatures” of juvenile (asthenospheric) origin. The evolutionary characteristics of the lead source (its depletion in uranium, the old model Pb-Pb age, and moderate values of the µ2 parameter) together with the persistent isotopic composition allow us to regard the lithospheric mantle consisting of metasomatized and recycled rocks as its source. This source was of regional significance, chemically (U-Th-Pb) and isotopically (Pb-Pb) homogeneous, and common for all deposits. Among other CAOB terranes, including the Chinese Altai, the 206Pb, 207Pb and 208Pb isotopes in the ore lead of the Rudny Altai terrane have the least radiogenic composition. The previously noted (Chiaradia et al., 2006) systematic decrease of radiogenic isotope content in the lead of ores and rocks of the CAOB terranes from the southwest to the northeast correlates with a decrease in the lower crustal contribution in the same direction in their composition, where fragments and blocks of Precambrian crust are also involved. The peculiarity of the Pb isotopic composition of the Rudny Altai terrane is largely determined by the absence of Precambrian crustal blocks in its composition.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(6):545-569
pages 545-569 views

Archean Phlogopite Peridotite from Gneissic Enderbites of the Bug Granulite–Gneiss Terrane (Ukrainian Shield): Compositional Features and Possible Mechanisms of its Formationn

Lobach- Zhuchenko S., Baltybaev S., Egorova Y., Yurchenko A.


The paper reports mineral chemistry, whole-rock major and trace element composition, structure, and geological setting of the phlogopite peridotite lens within the Bug granulite–gneiss terrane of the Dniester–Bug Province, Ukrainian Shield. Geochemical features of the studied peridotites and minerals indicate a complex evolution of the lens. The early stage is marked by the crystallization of olivine + spinel (Al-chromite) cumulus from melt of supposably picritic composition, and further crystallization of clinopyroxene. The melt shows signs of hybridization by host gneissic enderbite. Orthopyroxene crystallized later and frequently replaces clinopyroxene. The phlogopite cystallization is likely related to the fluid activity and the growth of potassium potential in the fluid. Granulite-facies metamorphism accompanied by ductile deformations affected the mineral asseblage and chemical compositions of peridotites and orthopyroxenites. At the final stage, the rocks and minerals experienced retrograde metamorphism and local foliation of the rocks.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(6):570-607
pages 570-607 views

Transfer of Metals under Hydrothermal Conditions in the Form of Colloidal Particles and Supersaturated True Solutions

Alekseyev V.


Colloids of metals have been studied much more poorly in hydrothermal solutions than in surface and underground waters. Nevertheless, literature data indicate that colloidal particles containing metals are present in hydrothermal minerals, in geogas, in groundwaters above orebodies, in fluid inclusions of minerals, and in geothermal solutions. These particles are usually thought to be formed at nucleation in supersaturated solution, which is generated in conversion reactions of minerals or when fluids boil. Published experimental data confirm that colloidal particles can be formed and preserved in hydrothermal conditions. Experimental data on the filtration of supersaturated and colloidal solutions in porous media at elevated temperatures are still too scarce to enable a comprehensive and reasonably accurate assessment of the mobility of colloidal particles under these conditions. The involvement of colloids in the hydrothermal ore-forming process is most clearly manifested at formation of rich epithermal Au deposits. The example of a quartz geothermometer is employed to demonstrate that metals can be transferred in true supersaturated solution, and this mechanism may be even more efficient than colloidal transfer. Metals can thus be transferred in the hydrothermal process in significantly higher concentrations than it follows from the traditional approach based on equilibrium thermodynamics.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(6):608-621
pages 608-621 views

Thermodynamic Properties of Coquimbite and Aluminocoquimbite

Gritsenko Y., Ogorodova L., Vigasina M., Kosova D., Dedushenko S., Melchakova L., Ksenofontov D.


Coquimbite AlFe3+3[SO4]6(H2O)12⋅6H2O (sample from the Javier Mine, Peru) has been studied by thermal and electron microprobe analysis, X-ray powder diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The enthalpy of formation of the coquimbite from elements ∆fH0(298.15 K) = −11 118 ± 40 kJ/mol was determined by the method of solution calorimetry in melt of lead borate 2PbO∙B2O3 on a Setaram (France) Calvet microcalorimeter. The value of its absolute entropy S0(298.15 K) = 1248.3 ± 3.0 J/(mol K) was estimated, the entropy of formation ∆fS0(298.15 K) = − 5714.0 ±3.0 J/mol K), and the Gibbs energy of formation from elements ∆fG0(298.15 K) = −9411 ± 40 kJ/mol were calculated. The values of the enthalpy and Gibbs energy of formation of aluminocoquimbite Al2Fe3+2[SO4]6(H2O)12⋅6H2O from elements were estimated at −11 540 ± 29 and −9830 ± 29 kJ/mol, respectively.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(6):622-628
pages 622-628 views

Differentiated Estimation of the 137Cs Content on the Biogenic and Lithogenic Suspended Matter in the Black Sea

Sidorov I., Miroshnichenko O., Poskurnin V., Paraskiv A.


Sedimentation transport of 137Cs can lead to the significant accumulation of this radionuclide at depths that could not be reached through the vertical water exchange alone; therefore, a comparative assessment of its contents for different types of suspended matter (SM) and regions of the Black Sea is of particular interest. For this purpose, we have collected samples of SM and seawater at deep-water and coastal stations for the subsequent determination of the 137Cs activity in the surface water layer. To calculate the fraction of lithogenic matter, the potassium content in the SM was additionally determined. The range of 137Cs content on SM at different stations differed by more than an order of magnitude: from 7 to 111 Bq/kg for specific activity, and from 0.03 to 0.69% for its content on SM, in % of the total content in the surface water layer. Stations located farther away from the coast were characterized by the lowest percentage of 137Cs in SM, while its content at the coastal stations was more variable. The comparison of the lithogenic and biogenic contribution to SM and data on 137Cs for different stations suggests that the content of this radionuclide on SM is primarily determined by the dynamic variations of the lithogenic matter. Based on the 137Cs migration on SM, the Black Sea is divided into at least two types of regions. One regions are water areas far removed from sources of lithogenic matter where SM is formed mainly due to the hydrobiont activity. The 137Cs content in SM due to the predominance of biogenic matter and an insignificant concentration of lithogenic matter in this case accounts for hundredths of a percent of its total content in the surface water layer. Other regions are coastal and shelf water basins, which, on the one hand, are subjected to the significant coastal and river lithogenic runoff, and on the other, they are characterized by the elevated trophicity and biological productivity. In these water areas, 137Cs content on SM owing to the variability of biotic and abiotic factors is more variable and can fluctuate from values typical for the open sea to an order of magnitude higher.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(6):629-637
pages 629-637 views

Elemental Composition of the Lemnaceae Family in Urbanized Territories of the Russian Federation

Baranovskaya N., Baranovskaya A., Sudyko A.


The paper presents the first ever data on the contents of 28 elements in aquatic plants of the duckweed family (Lemnaceae) in the territory of 65 population centers of the Russian Federation. Data are presented on the elemental composition of duckweed in the urbanized regions of Russia and on the spatial distribution of the studied elements and their calculated concentration coefficients relative to the estimated mean values in the macrophytes. The elemental composition of duckweed is shown to provide significant information about the current ecological and geochemical situation in the study area and can serve as an unbiased indicator of the impact of anthropogenic and natural factors on the environment.

Geohimiâ. 2023;68(6):638-648
pages 638-648 views