
Components of the hepatocellular carcinoma microenvironment and their role in tumor progression
Novikova M., Khromova N., Kopnin P.
Effect of priming of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells with interferon γ on their immunomodulating properties
Kapranov N., Davydova Y., Galtseva I., Petinati N., Drize N., Kuzmina L., Parovichnikova E., Savchenko V.
Role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in thymus of mice under normal conditions and with tumor growth
Kisseleva E., Krylov A., Lyamina I., Kudryavtsev I., Lioudyno V.
Pluripotent Stem Cells for Modelling and Cell Therapy of Parkinson’s Disease
Lebedeva O., Lagarkova M.
Role of endonuclease G in exogenous DNA stability in HeLa cells
Misic V., El-Mogy M., Haj-Ahmad Y.
Genome Editing and the Problem of Tetraploidy in Cell Modeling of the Genetic Form of Parkinsonism
Simonova V., Vetchinova A., Novosadova E., Khaspekov L., Illarioshkin S.
Molecular mechanisms mediating involvement of glial cells in brain plastic remodeling in epilepsy
Khaspekov L., Frumkina L.
Activity of tissue factor in microparticles produced in vitro by endothelial cells, monocytes, granulocytes, and platelets
Khaspekova S., Antonova O., Shustova O., Yakushkin V., Golubeva N., Titaeva E., Dobrovolsky A., Mazurov A.
Changes in Retinal Glial Cells with Age and during Development of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Telegina D., Kozhevnikova O., Kolosova N.
Role of reactive oxygen species in mast cell degranulation
Chelombitko M., Fedorov A., Ilyinskaya O., Zinovkin R., Chernyak B.
Cellular energetics as a target for tumor cell elimination
Maximchik P., Kulikov A., Zhivotovsky B., Gogvadze V.
Immunotropic Effects and Proposed Mechanism of Action for 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A Reductase Inhibitors (Statins)
Arefieva T., Filatova A., Potekhina A., Shchinova A.
The role of cytokines in the development of atherosclerosis
Fatkhullina A., Peshkova I., Koltsova E.
Interaction between RAD51 and MCM complex is essential for RAD51 foci forming in colon cancer HCT116 cells
Huang J., Luo H., Pan H., Qiu C., Hao T., Zhu Z.
Functional role of carbohydrate residues in human immunoglobulin G and therapeutic monoclonal antibodies
Dorokhov Y., Sheshukova E., Kosobokova E., Shindyapina A., Kosorukov V., Komarova T.
Neuroprotective properties of endocannabinoids N-arachidonoyl dopamine and N-docosahexaenoyl dopamine examined in neuronal precursors derived from human pluripotent stem cells
Novosadova E., Arsenyeva E., Manuilova E., Khaspekov L., Bobrov M., Bezuglov V., Illarioshkin S., Grivennikov I.
α-Tocopheryl succinate affects malignant cell viability, proliferation, and differentiation
Savitskaya M., Onischenko G.
Salusin-α attenuates inflammatory responses in vascular endothelial cells
Esfahani M., Saidijam M., Goodarzi M., Movahedian A., Najafi R.
CELSR1 is a positive regulator of endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis
Zhan Y., Luo Q., Zhang X., Xiao N., Lu C., Yue C., Wang N., Ma Q.
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