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Vol 101, No 2 (2024)

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Pavel Petrovich Parenago and his name in science

Kuznetsova I.V., Prokhorov М.E.


A brief biography of one of the founders of Stellar Astronomy as a science, Pavel Petrovich Parenago, is given. The question of which scientific phenomena and objects in astronomy bear his name is considered.

Astronomičeskij žurnal. 2024;101(2):66-76
pages 66-76 views

Profiles and some dynamic parameters of a layered inhomogeneous elliptical galaxy

Gasanov S.А.


Several new models of a layered inhomogeneous elliptical galaxy (EG) having the shape either a triaxial ellipsoid or an oblate or prolate spheroid and consisting of baryonic mass and dark matter with different laws of density distribution — profiles. Based on these models, some key dynamic parameters of the EG were determined: gravitational (potential) energy and rotational kinetic energy, total surface brightness, total luminosity, and velocity dispersion depending on the distance to the EG center. The relationships between the important dynamic parameters of the galaxy have been established: “mass-dimensions”, “mass-velocity dispersion”, “size-dispersion speeds–luminosity” (surface brightness). Evolutionary scenarios for the formation of EG were studied according to these models. The results obtained were applied to sixty model EGs with parameters exactly matching those that actually exist and are presented in the form of tables.

Astronomičeskij žurnal. 2024;101(2):77–91
pages 77–91 views

Unresolved binary systems with white dwarfs in open star clusters

Mikhnevich V.O., Seleznev A.F.


We invesigate unresolved binary systems with components of main sequence star (MS) and white dwarf (WD) in nine open clusters. These systems are located below and to the left of the main sequence at the colour-magnitude diagram. We compare the number of cluster stars, which have likely evolved into white dwarfs, with the number of candidates for unresolved binary systems with WD. The number of probable cluster members, lying below the main sequence, is generally less than the expected number of white dwarfs. The observations in the ultraviolet could detect WDs and unresolved binary WD+MS systems more confidently than the observations in the visible range.

Astronomičeskij žurnal. 2024;101(2):92-100
pages 92-100 views

Rotation of the apsidal line in the eclipsing system V1059 Cep

Kozyreva V.S., Khamrakulov F.B., Burkhonov O.А., Bogomazov A.I., Satovskiy B.L.


Three light curves of the V1059 Cep eclipsing binary obtained in 2012, 2013 and 2021 were analyzed. We found the rapid apsidal motion in this system at the rate dw/dt = 7.2° per year. Assuming the equality of observed and theoretical apsidal motion rates we estimated physical characteristics of the components based on the data on their temperatures from the literature. According to our calculations the components are two very similar stars of the B7 V–B7.5 V spectral type with masses ≈(3.4 ± 0.3)M and age 180 ± 30 million years.

Astronomičeskij žurnal. 2024;101(2):101-110
pages 101-110 views

Study of the rapid variability of a dwarf nova SS Cyg at different brightness levels

Khruzina T.S., Voloshina I.B., Metlov V.G.


Observations of the dwarf nova SS Cyg were made in the period 2019–2021 at different brightness values (V ~ 10–12m) both at the stage of falling radiation flux after the flare maximum, and in the inactive state between flares. Data were obtained in filters Rc (~8650 observations, 3 sets), and V (~50 000 points, 22 sets). The value of the system’s orbital period in 2019–2021 (Porb = 0.27408(2)d) used in this study is 0.4% less than the value obtained in 1983–1996. The time resolution between two successive measurements is 6–14 s depending on the equipment used. An extensive database of new observational data allowed us to perform a quantitative analysis of observations. Analysis of the data after taking into account orbital variability and other trends associated with changes in the system’s radiation flux during the night showed the presence of cyclic fluctuations in brightness, usually 4–10 events per orbital cycle — flickering. For most series of observations, the Lafleur-Kinman method determined such a value of the oscillation period at which convolution of observations with it showed a single wave. The obtained values of the characteristic flickering times and their amplitudes show their dependence on the average brightness level of the system. With increasing luminosity of the system, both of these quantities decreased linearly. From the component size ratios SS Cyg it was shown that the source of flickering is located in the region of interaction of the gas flow with the near-disk halo: only this region in the SS Cyg system with parameters (qiRd), defined by the authors earlier, can be eclipsed at large radii disk, and is clearly visible in all other orbital phases of the system.

Astronomičeskij žurnal. 2024;101(2):111-136
pages 111-136 views

Distribution of cool starspots on the surface of the red dwarf V647 Her

Bondar N.I., Antonyuk K.A., Pit N.V., Alekseev I.Y.


Photometric observations of the star V647 Her (M3.5V) obtained in 2022 at the 1.25 m telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory are analyzed. The presence of a low-amplitude variability in brightness of the star with a period of 20.69 d, found from observations in 2019, is confirmed; it is shown that as the brightness decreases, the star becomes redder. The observed nature of photometric variability is due to the presence of cool spots on the surface of the star and manifestation of rotational brightness modulation with a full amplitude of no more than 0m.05. We have performed a comparison of the photometric results obtained in 2019, 2022 and 2004. The zones of starspot concentrations in different epochs were determined from the analysis of phase curves. The distribution of spots has been maintained for 40–100 days. Starspot parameters were estimated in the framework of the zonal model. The temperature of the spots is 2700–2800 K. The area they occupied in 2004 is 15% of the total surface area of the star. According to the 2019 and 2022 data, it increases to 30%. The difference between the spottedness of the hemispheres caused by their seasonal redistribution is less than 2%.

Astronomičeskij žurnal. 2024;101(2):137-143
pages 137-143 views

Fine frequency structure of interstellar scintillation pattern in radio emission of the PSR B1133+16 at 111 MHz

Popov M.V., Smirnova T.V.


The B1133+16 pulsar was observed at a frequency of 111 MHz with the LPA PRAO radio telescope from October 2022 to March 2023. Observations were made twice a week for two days in a row. In total 38 measurements of the scattering parameters were carried out with a high frequency resolution (up to 65 Hz). We used continuous recording of voltage in the frequency band 2.5 MHz with 8-bit digitization. The signal was reconstructed using the coherent dedispersion method. Dynamic spectra (DSP) were constructed for each observing session. Then, for each DSP, we calculated a two-dimensional autocorrelation function (2DACF) and analyzed its frequency and time sections. We have studied the fine frequency structure of pulsar scintillations by analyzing both the dynamic spectra, and the spectra of individual pulses. It has been found that the intrinsic shape of diffraction distortion on average can be represented by a sharp two-sided function with a characteristic frequency width of 1–2 kHz. The long-term variability of the following parameters has been carefully studied: characteristic scales in frequency and time ( fdif and tdif), and rotation measure RM. Based on the analysis of long-term variations, it is suggested that the true frequency form of scintillations may be distorted by ionospheric effects. We also compared the scintillation parameters separately for the two mean profile components, and no differences between the parameters were found.

Astronomičeskij žurnal. 2024;101(2):144-158
pages 144-158 views

Adiabatic spectrum of radio emission of plasma clouds, emitted by the Sun during solar flares, and inhomogeneities of the spectrum of radio emission of clouds

Dravskikh А.F., Dravskikh Y.A.


It is known that so-called solar flares systematically occur in the area of sunspots. They are accompanied by radiation in almost all frequency ranges and sometimes by the emission of hot plasma. Observations on the RATAN-600 radio telescope have shown that the radio emission spectrum of plasma clouds heated to values of the order of 10K erupted from the solar flare region turned out to be adiabatic. The high correlation of the inhomogeneities of the radio emission spectra of active formation over a group of sunspots indicates the stable presence of recombination radio lines in the radiation of active formation. However, the radio emission spectra of hot plasma clouds ejected from the region of solar flares occurring in this group of spots do not show any correlation.

Astronomičeskij žurnal. 2024;101(2):159-164
pages 159-164 views

Prediction of geomagnetic storms associated with interplanetary coronal mass ejections

Rodkin D.G., Slemzin V.A.


Geomagnetic storms have a significant impact on the performance of technical systems both in space and on Earth. The sources of strong geomagnetic storms are most often interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs), generated by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the solar corona. The ICME forecast is based on regular optical observations of the Sun, which make it possible to detect CMEs at the formation stage. It is known that the intensity of geomagnetic storms correlates with the magnitude of the southern component of the magnetic field (Bz) of the ICME. However, it is not possible yet to predict the sign and magnitude of Bz from solar observations for the operational forecast of an arbitrary CME. Under these conditions, a preliminary forecast of the magnetic storm probability can be obtained under the assumption that the strength of the storm is related to the magnitude of the magnetic flux from the eruption region, observed as dimming. In this paper we examine the relationship between the integral magnetic flux from the dimming region and the probability that CMEs associated with them will cause geomagnetic storms, using a series of 37 eruptive events in 2010–2012. It is shown that there is a general trend toward an increase in the ICMEs geoefficiency with an increase in the magnitude of the magnetic flux from the dimming region. It has been demonstrated that the frequency of moderate and severe storms observation increases in cases of complex events associated with the interaction of CMEs with other solar wind streams in the heliosphere.

Astronomičeskij žurnal. 2024;101(2):165-173
pages 165-173 views

Linear polarization of the helium D3 line by accelerated protons in the solar chromosphere

Shapochkin M.В., Bogachev S.A.


In the article, we have studied the impact linear polarization of the helium D3 line that takes place in the solar chromosphere under the action of protons accelerated in solar flares. The dependence of the energy distribution of protons on the distance traveled inside the chromosphere is calculated. The ratio of the concentrations of nonthermal protons and thermal electrons at different depths is theoretically determined. From the calculation of the degree of linear polarization of the helium line D3 for different layers of the chromosphere, the region of probable formation of the line is determined.

Astronomičeskij žurnal. 2024;101(2):174-182
pages 174-182 views

Polarimetric monitoring of primitive asteroids near perihelion in order to detect their sublimation-dust activity

Busarev V.V., Kiselev N.N., Shcherbina M.P., Karpov N.V., Gorshkov A.P.


UBVR polarimetric observations of 12 main-belt mostly primitive asteroids located near perihelion heliocentric distances were carried out from December 2022 to April 2023 with Zeiss-2000 telescope at the Terskol Peak observatory. The purpose of the monitoring program wasto search for changes in the polarimetric parameters of the asteroids caused by possible sublimation-dust activity, as a result of which the formation of rarefied dust exospheres of asteroids is possible. The objects of the program were asteroids: (1) Ceres, (53) Kalypso, (117) Lomia, (164) Eva, (214) Ashera, (324) Bamberga, (419) Aurelia, (505) Cava, (554) Peraga, (654) Zelinda, (704) Interamnia, (1021) Flammario. Polarimetric observations of asteroids (117) Lomia, (164) Eva and (505) Kava were made for the first time, the remaining asteroids were observed earlier. Only for two asteroids (1) Ceres and (704) Interamnia, according to spectrophotometric observations, temporal spectrophotometric variability was noted earlier. Analysis of temporal changes in the degree of polarization of asteroids and comparison of the results of observations with the data available in the literature showed that the stability of the observed degree of polarization is comparable with measurement errors of ~(0.02–0.1)% for asteroids of different brightness. Thus, during the observation period, no noticeable polarization signs of temporary sublimation-dust activity of the observed asteroids were detected. Additionally, it is shown that the currently existing variants of the spectral taxonomy of asteroids, based on spectrophotometric data and albedo, demonstrate a significant scattering of the selected classes when compared with their polarimetric phase dependencies.The asteroid (554) Peraga has been confirmed to have a negative degree of polarization at angles less than the inversion angle. Measurements of the polarization of the asteroid (1) Ceres in a wide range of wavelengths did not confirm the previously suspected change in the angle of the polarization plane with the wavelength.

Astronomičeskij žurnal. 2024;101(2):183-194
pages 183-194 views

Statistics of precipitable water vapour, optical thickness and cloud cover within the Northern part of Eurasia

Khaikin V.В., Shikhovtsev A.Y., Mironov A.P.


One of the most important tasks in astroclimatic studies of possible locations for the Eurasian Submillimeter Telescopes is estimating statistics of precipitable water vapour, optical thickness and cloud cover. In this paper, the statistics of precipitable water vapour and total cloud cover within Northern part of Eurasia are studied using ERA-5 reanalysis. Optical thickness statistics at a wavelength of 3 mm were obtained using the Liebe model from the ERA-5 reanalysis for the region where the BTA is located. The most favorable astroclimatic zones of Eurasia include Tibet and the Eastern Pamirs, certain regions of the Sayan Mountains, Altai and Mts within Dagestan. Also we verified the ERA-5 reanalysis data using radiosonde data, GNSS measurement data and radiometric measurements for 2021.

Astronomičeskij žurnal. 2024;101(2):195-206
pages 195-206 views

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