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Vol 59, No 1 (2023)

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Evolution of the Atmospheric Pressure Signal from Tonga Volcano when Moving Away from It

Chunchuzov I.P., Kulichkov S.N., Popov O.E., Perepelkin V.G.


A model of atmospheric pressure signal propagation from the eruption of the Hunga–Tonga—Hunga–Haʻapai volcano (hereafter abbreviated as Tonga) is proposed. The model is used to explain some peculiarities in the changes in the wave form of the observed signal with increasing distance from the volcano. The model is based on the solution of the linearized Korteweg de Vries (KDV) equation, which describes the change in the wave form of the Lamb wave as a function of distance from the source. We compare the observed and model signals obtained as a superposition of the Lamb wave and the acoustic modes calculated for three infrasound stations (IS22, IS24, and IS30). The energy of the volcanic eruption is estimated from the pressure amplitude and characteristic duration of the signal recorded at one of the infrasound stations closest to the volcano (IS24).

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(1):3-18
pages 3-18 views

Simulation of Present Day Climate with Climate Model INMCM60

Volodin E.M.


Simulation of present day climate with a new version of climate model developed in INM RAS is considered. The model differs from a previous version by the change in cloudiness and condensation scheme, that leads to higher sensitivity to CO2 increase. The changes are included also in calculation of aerosol evolution, land snow, atmospheric boundary layer parameterizations and other blocks. The model is capable to reproduce near surface air temperature, precipitation, sea level pressure, cloud radiation forcing and other parameters better than previous version. The largest improvement can be seen in simulation of temperature in tropical troposphere, polar tropopause, and surface temperature in the Southern ocean. Simulation of climate changes in 1850–2021 by two model versions is considered.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(1):19-26
pages 19-26 views

Statistical and Model Estimates of the Relationship between Characteristics of Atmospheric Tornadoes

Mokhov I.I.


Based on the observational data, statistical estimates of the relationship between different characteristics of atmospheric tornadoes were received. Statistically significant estimates of the power-law relationship of the tornado path length and path width were obtained. Specific features are noted for different ranges of path length and path width of intense atmospheric vortices. A simple model is proposed to explain the noted power-law, including the root, dependence of the tornado path length on path width.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(1):27-32
pages 27-32 views

On the Theory of Individual Atmospheric Vortices: an Example of the Subtropical Anticyclone Evolution

Kislov A.V., Zheleznova I.V., Mukhartova Y.V., Nesviatipaska A.I.


The physics of individual atmospheric vortices is far from clear, despite the fact that modern hydrodynamic models reliably reproduce them. In this paper, we develop the theory of vortices that stably exist for a long time in a certain region. Their structure is characterized by the first (dominant) empirical orthogonal function (EOF, NOF), and the dynamics is determined by the coefficient at a given mode y1(t), for which an ordinary differential equation is obtained based on the vorticity budget equation. The residual between the explicitly resolved terms is compensated by the parameterization, which is based on taking into account the effects of the second and subsequent modes of the EOF expansion. It is shown that it consists of Gaussian noise and a non-random component, which can be approximated using a cubic function of y1(t). To test the developed technique, we used modeling of the vorticity behavior describing the dynamics of the most stable vortex among all existing in the Earth’s atmosphere—the subtropical (Hawaiian) anticyclone. ERA5 reanalysis data were used for the work. The proposed approach to the analysis of integral vortex structures is supposed to be used to evaluate various circulation systems, identify factors affecting their dynamics in different regions, and study extreme hydrometeorological events associated with long-lived vortexes.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(1):33-43
pages 33-43 views

Approximation of Small Amplitude Waves Short in Vertical in the Atmosphere Taking Into Account the Average Wind

Kshevetskii S.Р., Kurdyaeva Y.А., Gavrilov N.М.


Using the method of different scales, formulas for the hydrodynamic fields of acoustic-gravity waves (AGWs) with vertical wavelengths small compared to the scales of changes in the background temperature and wind fields are derived. These formulas are equivalent to the conventional WKB approximation, but explicitly include the vertical gradients of the background fields. The conditions for the applicability of the obtained formulas for describing the propagation of AGWs from the troposphere to the thermosphere are formulated and analyzed. The absence of singular points (critical levels) in the equations for wave modes in the analyzed height range is one of the conditions for the applicability of approximate formulas. For the wind from the empirical HWM model, singular points are often located below 200 km and are typical for internal gravity waves (IGWs), with lengths of the order of 10 km. As the wavelength increases, the number of singular points decreases. For IGWs with scales on the order of 300 km or more, there are usually no singular points. It is shown that IGWs with periods of less than 20 min propagating upward from tropospheric heights usually have one turning point in the altitude range from 100 to 130 km. The obtained formulas are useful, in particular, for parametrization of AGW effects in numerical models of atmospheric dynamics and energy.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(1):44-54
pages 44-54 views

Generation of an Intense Subsurface Current by a Squeal Passing over the Sea

Serebryany A.N., Svadkovskiy A.N.


The data of an unusual case of measuring the current that occurred during the passage of a squally wind over the sea are presented. The measurements were carried out on October 12, 2011 in the waters of the Black Sea shelf near Gelendzhik within the boundaries from the Golubaya Bay beam to Cape Tolstoy on a yacht equipped with ADCP “Rio Grande 600 kHz”. An unusual intense subsurface current (up to 1 m/s) was revealed, penetrating 8 m deep, generated by a strong squall that passed over the shelf zone.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(1):55-60
pages 55-60 views

Model Estimate of the Acidity of Atmospheric Precipitation Acidity Due to Anthropogenic Sulfur Compounds in the 20th Century

Gizatullin R., Eliseev A.


An analysis of the acidity of precipitation is carried out by using the ChAP-1.0 (Chemistry and Aerosol Processes) atmospheric sulfur cycle scheme developed for Earth System Models of Intermediate Complexity (EMICs)These calculations are forced by monthly mean anthropogenic emissions of sulfur dioxide to the atmosphere in 1850–2000 adapted from the CMIP5 (Coupled Models Intercomparison Project, phase 5) database and by long-term means (taking into account annual variations) of meteorological variables adapted from the ERA-Interim reanalysis for 1979–2015. It was revealed that significant acidity of precipitation (minimum pH of hydrometeors) is typical for regions with high anthropogenic loading of sulfur compounds in atmosphere – Europe, southeast Asia, east North America, southern Africa, and western South America. In these regions in the last decades of the 20th century, typical precipitation values of pH amount from 2.5 to 3.5, which agrees well with the available measurements. The maximum acidity of precipitation (the minimum pH of hydrometeors, which is close to 2) due to anthropogenic sulfur are noted in the eastern Mediterranean region. Atmospheric transport leads to regions with pH < 3.5 covering almost all of Eurasia in the last decades of the 20th century. The influence of this transport is also noticeable in other midlatitudinal regions – south of North America and western South America. In general, the ChAP scheme can be used in EMICs, but after a refinement to account for the effect of various types of precipitation on the wet deposition of sulfur compounds from the atmosphere and the effects of orography on the transport of chemical species in the atmosphere

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(1):61-70
pages 61-70 views

Estimation of Carbon Balance in Steppe Ecosystems of Russia

Golubyatnikov L.L., Kurganova I.N., Lopes de Gerenyu V.O.


Steppe ecosystems, occupying about 8% of the terrestrial area, are an essential element of the global carbon cycle in the atmosphere–vegetation–soil system. Based on the geoinformation-analytical method, the database of empirically measured values of the net primary production and the climate-driven regression model that makes it possible to estimate the intensity of carbon dioxide flux from soils into the atmosphere, the carbon (C–СО2) balance of natural steppe ecosystems in Russia was estimated. Natural steppes in Russia serve as a significant sink of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The intensity of this carbon flux can be estimated as 231 ± 202 gC/m2 per year. The annual accumulation of carbon dioxide in the natural steppe ecosystems of Russia is evaluated as 111 ± 97 MtC. According to the obtained estimates, the steppe ecosystems under study provide from 8 to 19% of the atmospheric carbon sink to the terrestrial ecosystems of Russia.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(1):71-87
pages 71-87 views

Comparison of Results of Long-Term Measurements of Stratospheric and Tropospheric Column NO2 Contents using Satellite Ozone Monitoring Instrument to Results of Ground-Based Measurements

Gruzdev A.N., Elokhov A.S.


Results of measurements of NO2 contents in vertical columns of the stratosphere and troposphere using the Ozone Monitoring Instrument aboard the EOS–Aura satellite in 2004–2020 are compared to results of ground-based measurements at stations of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC), first of all, to results of measurements at the Zvenigorod Scientific Station (ZSS) of the A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics Russian Academy of Sciences. The comparison of satellite data to the ZSS data is done using the both products of satellite measurements—the stratospheric and tropospheric column NO2 contents. When comparing the data of OMI and ground-based measurements at other stations, satellite values of the NO2 content in the stratospheric column are compared to values of the total column NO2 content obtained in ground-based measurements. Correspondence between the results of satellite and ground-based measurements is characterized by the magnitude of the difference between them, linear correlation coefficients and regression coefficients. The difference has a noticeable seasonal variation. Correlation and regression coefficients depend significantly on the season. Characteristic patterns of correlation coefficient changes with latitude as well as features of correlation between satellite and ground-based data in the polar and middle latitudes of the southern hemisphere in spring have been revealed. For some stations, the dependence of the quantitative characteristics of the correspondence between the results of satellite and ground-based measurements on cloudiness has been revealed. Under cloudless conditions at the ZSS, a weakening of the correlation between satellite and ground-based values of the stratospheric NO2 content and an increase in the correlation between the values of the tropospheric NO2 content is noted. The dependence of the correspondence characteristics between the data of satellite and ground-based measurements on the level of pollution of the lower troposphere with nitrogen oxides has been revealed. The correlation between the values of the tropospheric NO2 content in the vicinity of the ZSS under strong pollution increases, while the correlation between the values of the stratospheric NO2 content decreases. Based on the results of the comparison of satellite and ground-based data, estimates of the upper threshold values of the tropospheric NO2 content at different stations is obtained. The lowest values have been obtained for polar stations, and the highest value has been obtained for the ZSS which is most susceptible to anthropogenic pollution due to its proximity to the Moscow megapolis.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(1):88-111
pages 88-111 views

Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Impact of Wetting the Surface of the Collector Mesh on the Process of Collecting Atmospheric Fog

Ukolov A.I., Popova T.N.


Fog collectors can be an efficient source of fresh water in areas with constant air advection. A key feature of any collection device is the mesh used to capture the fog droplets. In this paper, we combine a fog collection experiment performed in natural field conditions for meshes with different degrees of wetting of the fibers with a theoretical analysis of the aerodynamics of air near the collector, carried out on the basis of computer simulation of the flow. The obtained overall collection efficiency of a collector grid with a shading coefficient s = 0.2 for the weather conditions of the Kerch Peninsula was ηcoll = 0.045 for a hydrophilic and ηcoll = 0.022 for a superhydrophobic surface. This phenomenon is confirmed by the analysis of the forces acting on the drop and the calculation of the drainage coefficient for two types of coatings. It has been shown that droplets with a volume of up to 1 μL will not fall into the collection trough, but will overcome the cohesion force and return back to the atmosphere. In general, the described technology is simple, economical and does not require energy consumption. Based on the experience of several countries, the effectiveness of a technology can be guaranteed if technical, social and managerial factors are taken into account in its planning and implementation.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk SSSR. Fizika atmosfery i okeana. 2023;59(1):112-124
pages 112-124 views

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