Fizika zemli

The journal «Physics of the Earth», founded in 1965, publishes the results of original theoretical and experimental studies in the fields of physics of the Earth's interior and applied geophysics. The journal publishes articles written by researchers of the Russian Academy of Sciences and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation. Articles by foreign authors are also accepted for publication.


Morozov Yu.A.,  corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Media registration certificate: № 0110188 от 04.02.1993


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Law of earthquake productivity in the Olami‒Feder‒Christensen‒Zhurkov model
Cherepantsev A., Smirnov V.

The generalized cellular model based on the of Olami‒Feder‒Christensen cellular automaton model and modified by the allowance for the lifetime of the material on the basis of the kinetic concept for strength of solids by Academician S.N. Zhurkov is used to model and clarify the nature of the statistical law of earthquake productivity. The modified model is named Olami‒Feder‒Christensen‒Zhurkov model (OFCZ). The OFCZ model implements the main statistical regularities of seismicity: the Gutenberg‒Richter and Omori‒Utsu laws, the Bath’s law, fractal geometry of seismicity, and the law of earthquake productivity. It is shown that the clustering of model events (analogs of earthquakes), corresponding to the law of earthquake productivity, is due to the kinetic component of the OFCZ model. The productivity dependences on material strength and medium temperature are obtained. The influence of the Zhurkov parameter and the cell coupling parameter in the cellular model (the dissipativity of the model) on the productivity is considered. It is shown that the revealed dependences of productivity on strength and temperature are consistent with the empirical data.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):3-20
pages 3-20 views
Postseismic processes in the region of the july 29, 2021 Chigni earthquake, Alaska. Part I: modeling results
Konvisar A., Mikhailov V., Smirnov V., Timoshkina E.

We analyze the postseismic processes in the region of the Mw 8.2 Chignik earthquake, which occurred on July 29, 2021. Using the seismic rupture surface model constructed in our previous paper (Konvisar et al., 2023), we have simulated the viscoelastic relaxation process. The results of the simulation have shown that reducing the viscosity of the asthenosphere to 1018 Pa ‧ s in the calculations gives displacement velocities close to those recorded at the GPS coastal points. However, the displacements on islands close to the earthquake source region differ significantly not only in magnitude but also in direction. At the same time, the constructed model of the postseismic creep is closely consistent with the GPS displacement data and with the LOS (line-of-sight) displacement map derived from radar images acquired from the descending orbit of Sentinel 1A satellite. We also analyze temporal variations of the gravity field in the earthquake region. The obtained coseismic anomaly agrees with the anomaly calculated from the rupture surface model. Due to the insufficiently long series of gravity models after the earthquake, it is not yet possible to isolate the postseismic anomaly. The analysis of the postseismic processes is continued in the second part of this work (Smirnov et al., 2024), where we present the compare the time evolution of the postseismic displacements of various GPS sites with the aftershock activity, which allows us to draw conclusions about the creep nature of the postseismic processes in the source region of the Chignik earthquake.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):21-34
pages 21-34 views
Characteristic Ddepth distribution of crustal earthquakes in Southern Siberia
Malyutin P., Skorkina A., Vorobieva I., Baranov S., Matochkinaa S., Molokova A., Shebalin P.

The key parameters of an earthquake are magnitude, epicenter coordinates, and depth. Depth often has a decisive influence on the macroseismic effect of certain earthquakes. In this regard, for example, to assess seismic risk, one should know information on the statistics of earthquake occurrence at certain depths. In this work, catalogs of continental crustal earthquakes in the Southern Siberia are analyzed. The distributions of earthquake depths are approximated by various functions. The Weibull distribution, with a maximum at 8 km, is shown to describe the depth distribution of these crustal earthquakes most accurately. When the western (Altai–Sayan) and eastern (Baikal Rift Zone) parts of the region are considered separately, the Weibull distribution is also preferable. The maximum of the distribution is found to be at 9 km for the Baikal rift zone and at 7 km for the Altai–Sayan zone.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):50-63
pages 50-63 views
Postseismic processes in the region of the july 29, 2021 Chignik earthquake, Alaska. Part II: temporal evolution of displacements and correlation with aftershock activity
Smirnov V., Mikhailov V., Konvisar A.

Postseismic displacements in the source region of the July 29, 2021 Chignik M8.2 earthquake, Alaska, are analyzed based on the data from the GPS network sites. It is shown that these displacements have a nature of a postseismic creep (afterslip). The rate of postseismic displacements of the points on the Earth’s surface (GPS sites) decreases with time by the power law close to 1/t, where t is time after the earthquake. On the time interval of two years, the displacement magnitudes increase in time by the law of logarithmic creep. Using the regional catalog of the Alaska earthquakes, we have analyzed the aftershocks of the Chignik earthquake. The analysis has shown that the postseismic displacements at different GPS sites are proportional to the displacements in the seismotectonic flow of the rock mass caused by residual displacements in the aftershock sources. This allows the total displacements in the aftershock sources to be considered as produced by a single mechanism of postseismic creep deformation in the source region of the Chignik earthquake.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):35-49
pages 35-49 views
Compensatory movements in the source zone of the 2023 high-magnitude earthquake swarm in Herat province, Afghanistan
Tatevossian R., Ponomarev A., Timoshkina E., Aptekman Z.

A source of a strong earthquake, as a rule, consists of subsources which are identified by waveform modeling. The modeling does not yield an unambiguous result. In this paper, we present an example when two significantly different focal mechanism solutions are published for the same earthquake: in one solution, the subsources are characterized by a similar type of faulting, while in the other solution, the last subsource has an opposite mechanism. In (Vakarchuk et al., 2013), this discrepancy was interpreted by the realization of a compensatory motion. The compensatory movements are detected not only in the subsources but also at the scale level of the entire source zone, which manifest itself in a certain regularity of the aftershock mechanisms discovered in the study of the 1970 Dagestan earthquake by Kuznetsova et al. (1976). In this paper, perhaps for the first time, compensatory movements are detected in a high-magnitude earthquake swarm without a pronounced main shock, which occurred in 2023 in Herat Province, Afghanistan. The results are supported by a series of seismological and satellite interferometric data.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):64-75
pages 64-75 views
Neotectonic evolution of the Caucasus: recent vertical movements and mechanism of crustal deformation
Tatarinov V., Kaftan V., Manevich A., Dzeboev B., Dzeranov B., Avdonina A., Losev I., Korol’kovaa A.

It is generally recognized that the formation of the fold-and-thrust tectonic structures of mobile belts on continents is associated with crushing and narrowing of the Earth’s crust as a result of collision of lithospheric plates. The deformation of the Caucasian lithosphere in the neotectonic time is generally consistent with these ideas. However, the block differentiation of the Caucasian lithosphere introduces specific features in the directivity of modern vertical and horizontal movements. In this paper, we analyze vertical movements of the Caucasus estimated by means of high-precision leveling over more than a century and consider their spatial correlation with tectonics, seismicity, stress-strain state, and geophysical fields. A clear relationship indicating the deep tectonic nature of the long-term uplifting of the Caucasus crust is revealed.

Due to the differentiation of the Arabian plate movement, the territory of the Caucasus is divided into provinces that differ from each other in the pattern of modern movements, in the orientation of faults, and in the stress-strain state. The seismic regime in these provinces also has differences in the number of seismic events and focal mechanisms of the earthquakes. We propose a model of the deformation mechanism of the Greater Caucasus, which takes into account the long-term trend of the Caucasus uplifting in the conditions of general shortening of the Earth’s crust. The results of the analysis are used as a basis for discussion of a probable mechanism of tectonic evolution of the Greater Caucasus in the neotectonic time, which can be used in the assessment of seismic hazard in the North Caucasus.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):76-99
pages 76-99 views
An approach to interpreting natural indicators of the state of space weather to assess the effects of its impact on high-latitude power systems
Vorobeva A., Lapinb A., Soloviev A., Vorobeva G.

The dynamic exploration and development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation is inextricably connected with the need to minimize technospheric risks, including those associated with the space weather effects on power equipment systems operated within the boundaries of the auroral oval. At the same time, accompanying monitoring of space weather parameters and geomagnetic field variations in the Arctic is carried out only through a group of satellites and several dozen magnetic stations located mainly in the United States, Canada, northern and central Europe. Obviously, the current situation practically excludes the possibility of promptly diagnostics of the level of geoinduced currents (GIC) for most of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, where in fact the only available indicator of the state of space weather is auroras. In the paper the authors propose an approach to interpreting the manifestation of auroras to assess the effects of space weather on objects and systems of high-latitude infrastructure. Thus, using the example of the “Vykhodnoy” substation of the “Severny Transit” main electrical network, it is shown that when recording auroras in the north, zenith and south, the most probable (averaged over 30 min) GIC level is 0.08, 0.23 and 0.68 A accordingly. In this case, the probability that the average half-hour GIC level will exceed 2 A (in the case of auroras in the north, zenith and south) is ∼6, ∼10 and ∼15%, respectively. In conclusion, ways of modernization and the limits of applicability of the proposed approach are considered.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):100-110
pages 100-110 views
On geomagnetic and ionospheric variations after the strong eruption of Shiveluch volcano 2023
Riabova S., Shalimov S.

Ground-based magnetometers and vertical ionospheric sounding stations were used to record specific variations in the geomagnetic field caused by disturbances in the current systems of the lower ionosphere and the electron density of the upper ionosphere after a strong volcanic eruption in Kamchatka (Russia) on April 10, 2023. Analysis of the measurement results of two series of explosions showed that the impact on the lower ionosphere is carried out through both seismic Rayleigh waves (which are a source of acoustic waves propagating into the ionosphere), and atmospheric internal gravity waves generated by explosions. At distances from the source of up to a thousand kilometers, a repeatability of the pattern of ionospheric disturbances was discovered after each of the six volcanic explosions. At larger distances in the ionosphere, signals from acoustic waves caused by Rayleigh waves are clearly recorded, and isolating signals from atmospheric internal waves is difficult due to the influence of disturbances from other external sources.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):111-122
pages 111-122 views
Magnetic stratigraphy of lower devonian sediments from the island of West Spitsbergen (Frænkelryggen formation)
Iosifidi А., Salnaya N.

The collection of paleomagnetic samples of the Lower Devonian Frænkelryggen Formation from the northwest of the island of West Spitsbergen is studied. The main carrier of the natural remanent magnetization of the studied rocks is hematite. Based on the component analysis, the prefolding, bipolar components of the natural remanent magnetization with a positive reversal test are identified. The sequence of the magnetozones of the studied section is compared with the existing world data on the Lower Devonian.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):123-141
pages 123-141 views
Low paleomagnetic field in the proterozoic: new 1.72–1.76 ga paleointensity data obtained on the proterozoic volcanics from the Ukrainian shield
Shcherbakova V., Zhidkov G., Shcherbakov V., Aphinogenov N.

A collection of igneous rocks from the Ukrainian Shield sampled from the Korsun-Novomyrhorod pluton (age interval 1760–1735 Ma, Ingul Domain) and from the Korosten pluton (age 1760–1750 Ma, North-Western Domain) is studied. To obtain reliable determinations of paleointensity (Banc), the magnetic and thermomagnetic properties of samples were studied and X-ray diffraction analyses were carried out. It is shown that the carriers of the characteristic component of natural remanent magnetization are single- and small pseudo-single-domain magnetite grains. To determine Banc, two methods were used: the Thellier‒Coe procedure with the pTRM-checks and the Wilson method. Paleointensity determinations are obtained from five sites and are shown to meet quality criteria. For all five sites, the values of the Banc and the virtual dipole moment (VDM) are extremely low, varying within the range of 3.6–9.76 μT and (0.92–2.43)×1022 Am2, respectively. The analysis of the data from the paleointensity world database (WDB) has shown that the operating mode of the geodynamo in the Proterozoic can be characterized by a succession of strong and weak dipole regimes, but the reality of this conclusion entirely depends on the reliability of the data reported in the literature and presented in the WDB.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):142-160
pages 142-160 views
Relative paleointensity of geomagnetic field during the last 9000 years estimated by the pseudo Thellier method from the bottom sediments of Lake Shira, Northern Khakassia
Kuzina D., Shcherbakov V., Salnaia N., Yusupova A., Li H., Nurgaliev D.

The results of rock magnetic studies and determination of relative paleointensity from sediments of Lake Shira, Khakassia, are presented. The NRM carrier minerals were determined from the hysteresis parameters, thermomagnetic and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses. The age of the sediments was determined by radiocarbon dating. According to these measurements, the column spans about 9100 years. The qualitative determinations of relative paleointensity were obtained from linear segments of the pseudo-Arai–Nagata diagrams. The quality of the determinations was evaluated by the following criteria: number of points used to calculate the slope; quality criterion (q), fraction of NRM destroyed in the paleointensity determination interval, and relative paleointensity determination error (σ). According to rock magnetic studies and XRD analysis, the magnetization carriers are represented mainly by single-domain and pseudo-single-domain magnetite and hematite. The comparison of the obtained series of relative paleointensity data with both the model paleointensity values calculated for Shira coordinates from various models (CALS10K.1b [Korte et al., 2011], PFM9k.1 [Nilsson et al., 2014], HFM.OL1.AL1, CALS10k.2 ARCH10k.1 [Constable et al., 2016]) and with absolute paleointensity, as well as the aggregate results of the studies on sedimentary and igneous rocks and on archaeomagnetic objects has shown that these data are in good agreement with each other and have common trends. This provides a rationale for using this methodology to determine paleointensity from sediments of modern lakes using the pseudo-Thellier method.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):161-181
pages 161-181 views


Topical issues in hydrogeology of seismogenic fault zones
Kocharyan G., Shatunova I.

The hydrogeology of fault zones, especially at considerable depth, is perhaps the most poorly developed area of earthquake source mechanics. This is due both to the insufficient data on the filtration characteristics of the geomaterial at large depths and to the complexity of the processes of mass transfer, fracture formation and healing under high temperatures and pressures. In these conditions, a fluid obviously has a very strong effect of on both the friction characteristics and the stress state in the vicinity of the slip zone. Fluids are carriers of dissolved matter and thermal energy, an effective catalyst for various types of metamorphic transformations. According to some models, fluid flows can be triggers for the start and stop of seismogenic ruptures. Constructing a complex computational model that adequately describes the processes of preparation, initiation, and stopping of various slip modes along faults, which is a recent trend in world seismology, requires developing the ideas about fluid dynamics of seismogenic faults.

This review summarizes recent information on the hydrogeology of fault zones. Models and ideas about the role of fluids at different stages of the seismic cycle, derived from the field data, laboratory and in situ experiments, and numerical calculations, are analyzed.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):182-211
pages 182-211 views
On the fluid-metamorphic regime of deep fault zones (in connection with the article by G.G. Kocharyan and I.V. Shatunov “topical issues in hydrogeology of seismogenic fault zones”)
Rodkin M.

To a large extent, the deep fluid regime plays a key role in seismicity, aseismic deformation of the lithosphere, and ore and oil genesis processes. An informative detailed analysis of the hydrogeology of shallow fault zones is presented in (Kocharyan and Shatunov, 2024), where it is noted that the nature of fluid dynamics of deep faults is poorly understood. In this article, the main attention is paid to the problems of describing deep fault zones, and a number of contradictions arising from this consideration are pointed out. It is shown that the challenges of such a description are largely eliminated by considering the processes of metamorphism and related anomalies in the physical properties of the Earth’s interior. A further refinement of the proposition that earthquakes occurring at different depths have different physical mechanisms is presented.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(4):212-220
pages 212-220 views