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No 2 (2024)

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Deep Structure of the Baikal Rift Zone and Central Mongolia

Vinnik L.P., Delitsyn L.L., Makeeva L.I., Oreshin S.I.


The upper mantle and the transition zone of the Baikal rift zone (BRZ) are studied. The observations are analyzed using P-wave receiver functions. It is found that in the BRZ central and northeastern part, the P410s converted seismic phase is preceded by a precursory wave with negative polarity which is formed in the low S-wave velocity layer at a depth of 350–410 km. A similar precursory wave with low S-wave velocity and negative polarity is formed at a depth of 600–660 km. The low-velocity layers are interpreted as resulting from the hydration of wadsleyite and ringwoodite during the subduction of the Pacific lithosphere. A similar study of the mantle in Central Mongolia found no expected signs of hydration. Modeling of the lithosphere–asthenosphere system in Central Mongolia by joint inversion of the body wave receiver functions and surface wave dispersion curves reveals a very thin lithospheric lid beneath Khangai and a thick layered asthenosphere to a depth of 200 km with a lithospheric inclusion between low-velocity layers.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(2):3-13
pages 3-13 views

Impact of Water Saturation of the Medium on the Productivity of Natural-Anthropogenic Seismicity: A Case Study of the Khibiny Massif

Motorin A.Y., Zhukova S.A., Baranov S.V., Shebalin P.N.


The effect of water saturation of the medium on the ability of earthquakes to initiate repeated shocks (productivity) is considered based on the long-term seismological observations and water inflow monitoring data from the Khibiny massif ore deposits. The study indicates that the water saturation of the medium is a factor that has a significant impact on the productivity of earthquakes.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(2):14-25
pages 14-25 views

Analysis of Spatial Clustering of Seismic Events by the DPS Topological Filtering Algorithm: Lake Baikal Region

Nekrasova A.K., Agayan A.S., Kossobokov V.G.


The paper presents the results of applying the Discrete Perfect Set (DPS) topological filtering algorithm to analyze the spatial clustering of seismic epicenters in the Lake Baikal region. The study utilizes earthquake data recorded by the seismic network of the Baikal Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences within the latitude range 48°N, 58°N and longitude range of 99°E, 122°E for the period from 1964 to 2018. Clustering characteristics are obtained for (i) the recording period from 1989 to 2018 with varying parameters of the DPS algorithm and four levels of the minimum energy class KР of seismic events and (ii) six non-overlapping time intervals from 1964 to 2018 and seismic events of energy class KР ≥ 8.6 with fixed parameters of the DPS algorithm.

The dynamics of the clustering parameters from 1964 to 2018 may characterise the variability of the seismic regime of the region. Specifically, the decrease in the linear size of the areas of identified epicenter groups from about a thousand km to tens km may indicate a significant change in the seismic regime of the Lake Baikal region at the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s compared to the period between 1964 and 1997.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(2):26-41
pages 26-41 views

Air Current Circulation as a Possible Cause of Preseismic Anomalies in the Surface Electric Field

Surkov V.V.


Ground-based measurements of the vertical atmospheric electric field of the Earth sometimes show bay-like anomalies that precede certain earthquakes. In some cases, these anomalies have even been accompanied by a change in the sign of the field under fair weather conditions. Possible causes of this phenomenon are typically attributed to anomalous changes in electrical conductivity in the surface air and increased radon emission from the soil. This paper proposes another mechanism of atmospheric electrical anomalies that involves the entrainment of charged aerosols and light and heavy ions by air flows. Such flows can be produced by small temperature anomalies observed before some seismic events. Theoretical analysis shows that anomalously strong electrical variations may occur even in the presence weak air flows provided that they persist for a long time and there is a specific structure of the velocity field with vertical air circulation and particle exchange between different atmospheric layers. For this type of flows, an analytical solution is derived and spatial distributions of atmospheric electric perturbations are obtained. The results of calculations and estimates confirm that the proposed mechanism can explain the observational data.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(2):42-58
pages 42-58 views

Electromagnetic ULF Fields from an Underground Seismic Source on the Earth’s Surface and in the Ionosphere

Mazur N.G., Fedorov E.N., Pilipenko V.A., Borovleva K.E.


A theoretical formalism has been developed to calculate the electromagnetic fields generated in the atmosphere–ionosphere system by a finitelength underground horizontal current source. A numerical model with a realistic profile of the ionosphere in a vertical geomagnetic field has been designed based on this theory. It is shown that the apparent impedance of the electromagnetic field created by an underground source on the Earth’s surface is one order of magnitude higher than the Earth’s impedance, which can be used to discriminate perturbations from seismogenic sources. The presented results of numerical modeling allow us to relate perturbations created by a large-scale underground source in the Earth surface magnetic field and in the electric field in the ionosphere. Based on these model estimates it is concluded that many of the ULF electric field perturbations detected in satellite data before earthquakes cannot be attributed to direct emission from seismogenic sources.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(2):59-71
pages 59-71 views

Estimation of Frequencies and Splitting of 2S1 and 3S1 Modes from the IGETS Superconducting Gravimeter Network Data after the 2013 Sea of Okhotsk Earthquake

Vinogradov M.P., Milyukov V.K.


For the first time, the 2S1 and 3S1 modes of the Earth’s free oscillations following the largest deep-focus earthquake in the Sea of Okhotsk on May 24, 2013, have been analyzed using the maximum likelihood method. Data from 14 superconducting gravimeters of the IGETS network deployed in the central part of Europe were used for the analysis. Estimates of the time of mode excitation after the earthquake origin time, degenerate frequencies, and mode splitting parameters are obtained.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(2):72-84
pages 72-84 views

Stability of Northern Eurasia Based on Satellite Geodesy Data

Melnik G.E., Steblov G.M.


The geodynamics of Northern Eurasia has been analyzed based on repeated satellite positioning with GNSS stations throughout the Russian Federation territory from 2015 to the present. The study utilized two sources of data: observations from the stations of the Russian Fundamental Astro-Geodetic Network (FAGN) and stations of the International GNSS Service (IGS) with permanent satellite tracking. This data set allowed to estimate correctness of the block kinematics of the Eurasian plate in three tectonic plate motion models: NUVEL-1A, NNR-MORVEL-56, and ITRF2014. The analysis of the misfits between the observed and model velocities has shown that these misfits have a systematic component in the vicinity of the East European Platform which differs for each of three models. In addition to analyzing the block kinematics of the Eurasian plate, we also evaluated its internal stability. To do this, we calculated the areal deformations of Northern Eurasia using the finite element method. For this purpose, we added the observations processing results from the global data set of the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory to the processing results from two original data sets. Besides interplate boundary deformations which are consistent with existing ideas of the geodynamics of Northern Eurasia, the strain field analysis also revealed intraplate deformations distributed consistently with the configuration of the Northern Eurasia cratons.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(2):85-97
pages 85-97 views

Comparative Analysis and Unified Derivation of Reissner’s Equations For 2D Bending of Thick Plates and Timoshenko’s Equations for Bending of Beams

Trubitsyn V.P., Trubitsyn A.P.


Currently, calculations of flexural deformations of lithospheric plates are carried out on the basis of Kirchhoff’s theory of bending of thin plates formulated about 170 years ago. The paper examines the possibility of refining these calculations based on the theory of bending of thick plates by Timoshenko and Reissner. A new unified derivation is presented of the Timoshenko equations for 2D bending of beams and the Reissner equations for bending of slabs by direct transformation of the general elasticity equations with a simple approximate replacement of power cubic functions with effective linear ones. This derivation offers a simpler and more detailed understanding of the difference between the equations and the meaning of the simplifications made in these theories. By comparing the analytical solutions of the Timoshenko and Reissner equations with the existing test analytical solutions of the exact elasticity equations, quantitative estimates of the accuracy of these theories are presented.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(2):98-111
pages 98-111 views

On the Application Limits of the Parameter in Studying Variations of the Ancient Geomagnetic Field

Ushakov D.A., Pavlov V.E.


To describe secular geomagnetic variation on geological timescales, statistical models have been widely used in recent decades. Currently, the most popular among these is the TK03 model (Tauxe and Kent, 2004). As other statistical models, TK03 numerically characterizes the amplitude of secular geomagnetic variation and the shape of the distribution of paleomagnetic directions which are considered as directly reflecting the directions of the geomagnetic field on the considered interval of geological time. For this purpose, three main parameters are used: the scatter Sb (or S) of the virtual geomagnetic poles, the elongation E of the distribution of paleomagnetic directions, and the direction of elongation of the distribution of paleomagnetic directions. The correct application of these parameters to describe ancient secular variation requires the satisfaction of certain, sometimes rather strict conditions. These conditions for the Sb and E parameters were considered in a number of previous publications, while the limits and conditions of application of parameter have not been studied in detail so far. This paper presents the results of mathematical modeling that allow us to evaluate the stability of the calculated values of this parameter as a function of the latitude of sampling, the number of samples used for its determination, the length of the time series on which this parameter is determined, as well as inclination shallowing and the degree of averaging when is estimated in sedimentary rocks. We also consider the extent to which the parameter can be sensitive to the presence and characteristics of the equatorial dipole component in the total geomagnetic field.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(2):112-130
pages 112-130 views

Analysis of Magnetotelluric Response Functions at the Cam Thuy Site, Northern Vietnam

Starzhinskii S.S.


During magnetotelluric studies in North Vietnam, an effect where the impedance phases Zxy and Zyx simultaneously left their quadrants was detected at one of the sounding sites, CTH, in the Cam Thuy District, Thanh Hoa Province. Investigation of this phenomenon has shown that it is accompanied by negative (bottom-up directed) components of the Umov–Poynting vector of electromagnetic energy flux density in the entire range of the recorded periods of magnetotelluric variations. This direction of the energy flux remains unchanged when the initial coordinate system is rotated by angles of 45° and 60°. Another characteristic feature of this phenomenon is an unusual behavior of the apparent resistivity curves: the apparent resistivity values increase starting from a period of 200 s up to a period of 104 s, and this increase occurs practically along the asymptote. The analysis of the polarization of the magnetotelluric field and the asymmetry parameter (skew angle) β of the phase tensor has shown that the section exhibits significant three-dimensional distortions as manifested by β values ranging from 20° to 90°.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(2):131-145
pages 131-145 views

The KISS Network in 2015–2016: Catalogs and Comparison of the Processing Results with Operational Estimates from the Permanent Network

Senyukov S.L., Droznin D.V., Droznina S.Y., Shapiro N.M., Nuzhdina I.N.


As part of the international collaboration of several research groups from Russia, France, and Germany, 77 temporary seismic stations were installed in the summer of 2015 for one-year period to conduct a detailed study of the deep structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the region of the Klyuchevskoi Volcano Group (KGV) in the Kamchatka Peninsula. One of the results of the KISS experiment (Klyuchevskoi Investigation – Seismic Structure of an extraordinary volcanic system) was the final catalog of the joint data from the temporary stations and the permanent network of the Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KB GS RAS). The catalog comprises 2136 events, including 560 for which the permanent network catalog lacked sufficient data for correct processing. The catalog in .xlsx format and the station bulletin in .isf format are presented in the supplementary material to the paper. A comparative analysis was conducted on the joint solutions of two catalogs: one obtained solely from the data of the KB GS RAS permanent network stations and another from a denser seismic network integrated with KISS stations.

Fizika zemli. 2024;(2):146-160
pages 146-160 views

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