
Space-Weather-Driven Geomagnetic- and Telluric-Field Variability in Northwestern Russia in Correlation with Geoelectrical Structure and Currents Induced in Electric-Power Grids
Sokolova E., Kozyreva O., Pilipenko V., Sakharov Y., Epishkin D.
Anomalous Dynamics of Bottom Currents and Temperature in the Northeastern Sector of the Middle Caspian Sea
Ambrosimov A.
Structure and Dynamics of Waters in the Region of the Shantar Islands National Park (Sea of Okhotsk) Based on the Data of Satellite Observations
Zhabin I., Luk’yanova N., Dubina V.
Characteristics of Storm Activity and Parameters of Lightning Discharges in the South of the European Part of Russia
Adzhiev A., Kuliev D.
Dissipation Rate of Turbulence in a Water Layer under Wind Waves Based on Data of a Laboratory Experiment
Polnikov V., Baidakov G., Troitskaya Y.
On Instability of Geostrophic Current with Linear Vertical Shear at Length Scales of Interleaving
Kuzmina N., Skorokhodov S., Zhurbas N., Lyzhkov D.
Internal Tides in the Denmark Strait
Morozov E., Frey D., Gladyshev S., Klyuvitkin A., Novigatsky A.
Description of the Perturbations of Oceanic Geostrophic Currents with Linear Vertical Velocity Shear Taking into Account Friction and Diffusion of Density
Kuzmina N., Skorokhodov S., Zhurbas N., Lyzhkov D.
Current Intensity Trends in the Labrador and Irminger Seas Based on Satellite Altimetry Data
Belonenko T., Fedorov A., Bashmachnikov I., Foux V.
Spatial Structure of the Antarctic Water Flow in the Vema Fracture Zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Frey D., Morozov E., Fomin V., Diansky N.
Wind Pulse Effect on Coastal Current
Korotaev G.
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