
The role of sulfate aerosol in the formation of cloudiness over the sea
Aloyan A., Yermakov A., Arutyunyan V.
Calculation of the Natural Illumination of the Earth’s Surface at Different States of Cloud Cover
Leonidov A.
Parameterization of key optical and radiative characteristics of homogeneous layers of mixed phase clouds
Petrushin A.
Application of Statistical Models of Image Texture and Physical Parameters of Clouds for Their Classification on MODIS Satellite Images
Skorokhodov A., Astafurov V., Evsutkin T.
Dynamic–Stochastic Parametrization of Cloudiness in the General Circulation Model of the Atmosphere
Galin V., Dymnikov V.
Modeling of Atmospheric Disturbances over the Crimean Mountains
Kozhevnikov V.
Anomalous Decimeter Radio Noise from the Region of the Atmospheric Front: II. On the Nonthermal Mechanism of UHF Noise
Klimenko V., Mareev E.
Anomalous Decimeter Radio Noise from the Region of the Atmospheric Front: I. Characteristics of the Detected Radio Noise and Meteorological Parameters of the Frontal Cloudiness
Klimenko V., Mareev E.
Radar studies of the distribution of the formation zones of the first radar echo of hail clouds
Inyukhin V., Kushchev S., Liev K., Makitov V.
1 - 9 из 9 результатов
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