
The comparison of IR and MW ground-based measurements of total precipitable water
Berezin I., Virolainen Y., Timofeyev Y., Poberovskii A.
Long-Term Variability of UV Irradiance in the Moscow Region according to Measurement and Modeling Data
Chubarova N., Pastukhova A., Galin V., Smyshlyaev S.
Comparative Analysis of Errors in Monitoring the Earth’s Global Energy Budget by the Lunar Observatory and Orbiters
Abdussamatov H.
Russian investigations in the field of atmospheric radiation in 2011–2014
Timofeev Y., Shul’gina E.
Remote Evaluation of Albedo Using Photorecording Equipment
Zhuravskiy D., Ivanov B., Kaschin S., Kuprikov N.
Cosmos-243 as the Starting Point for the Development of Microwave Radiometry Methods of the Earth’s Atmosphere and Surface
Gorbunov M., Kutuza B.
Radiative and Thermal Impacts of Smoke Aerosol Longwave Absorption during Fires in the Moscow Region in Summer 2010
Gorchakova I., Mokhov I., Anikin P., Emilenko A.
The Problem of Meridional Heat Transport in the Astronomical Climate Theory
Fedorov V.
Comparison between the Spectra of Outgoing Infrared Radiation for Different Years
Timofeev Y., Polyakov A., Kozlov D., Zavelevich F., Golovin Y., Döhler W., Oertel D., Spänkuch D.
Determination of the methane content in the atmosphere using correlation radiometer
Shishigin S.
Testing the Algorithm for Determining the Near-Water Wind Direction Field Using Satellite Radiopolarimetric Measurements
Sazonov D., Sterlyadkin V., Kuzmin A.
Experimental studies of thermal radiation intensity dependence on near-water wind speed for rough sea surface
Sazonov D., Kuzmin A., Sadovsky I.
Numerical Simulation of Variations in Ozone Content, Erythemal Ultraviolet Radiation, and Ultraviolet Resources over Northern Eurasia in the 21st Century
Pastukhova A., Chubarova N., Zhdanova Y., Galin V., Smyshlyaev S.
Influence of radiation and circulation factors on climate change in Western Siberia at the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century
Kharyutkina E., Loginov S., Ippolitov I.
1 - 14 из 14 результатов
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