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Vol 6, No 4 (2009)


Treatment of nasal polyposis. Mometasone furoate. Review

Kochetkov P.A., Lopatin A.S., Kochetkov P.A., Lopatin A.S.


This publication is devoted to review of safety and efficacy of mometasone furoate for treatment of nasal polyposis. Authors present the results of last researches of this topic with high level of evidence. In the article authors review the following questions: system biovialability, using mometasone furoate as monotherapy and after surgery for treating nasal polyposis. Adverse events, safety and the reasons of unsuccessful treating were resumed.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):3-11
pages 3-11 views

Features of atopic bronchial asthma in adults: treatment and control

Nenasheva N.M., Buriev B.B., Nenasheva N.M., Buriev B.B.


Background. To study the age and gender structure, as well as clinical and functional characteristics and level of control of atopic bronchial asthma in adults. Materials and methods. An analysis of 515 outpatient records of patients with bronchial asthma (BA) was done. Two hundred persons were interviewed by phone to evaluate the current condition of BA. The questionnaires were used included as issues related to current asthma condition during the past year as treatment and control of BA. ACT-test was used to evaluate of the control of the BA. Results. 402 patients (78%, CI: 74-81%) had an atopic form of BA, 103 (20%, CI: 16-23%) - a non-atopic BA and 10 (2%, CI: 1-3%) - both an atopic and a non-atopic forms of BA. Young individuals dominated (66,4%, CI: 62-71%) among patients with an atopic BA. Men (82%, CI: 77-86%) prevailed among young people, while women were in majority in the old group. The most significant allergens in patients with atopic BA for residents of the Moscow region were house dust (363 - 90%, CI: 87-92%) and house dust mites - in 328 patients (81,6%, CI: 77-85%). The tree pollen (51,7%, CI: 47-56%) was the most spread among the pollen allergy. The results of the interactive poll showed that 43% (CI: 36-50%) of BA patients had uncontrolled asthma. Most of patients (79,5%, CI: 73%-84%) noted exacerbations of BA in the past year, among them about 10% (CI: 6-15%) were treated in a hospital, while 8% (CI: 5-13%) - resorted to the emergency help. Conclusion. Atopic BA is 78% (CI: 74-81%) of the total number of adult patients with asthma, the majority of patients (65,7%, CI: 60-70%) had mild disease. The combination of atopic BA and allergic rhinitis had the 98% (CI: 96-99%) of patients. 43% (CI: 36-50%) patients noted uncontrolled asthma according to the ACT-test. 79,5% (CI: 73-84%) of patients had exacerbations of BA during the past year due to the inadequate treatment.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):12-16
pages 12-16 views

Micromycetes of indoor environment are the source of allergens

Kazantseva G.B., Antropova A.B., Mokeeva V.L., Chekunova L.N., Bilanenko E.N., Cher nyak B.A., Zheltikova T.M., Kazantseva G.V., Antropova A.B., Mokeeva V.L., Chekunova L.N., Bilanenko E.N., Chemyak B.A., Zheltikova T.M.


Background. Sensitization to mould reaches 64% in frequency in some regions of the Earth. Data on indoor mycobiota influence on sensitization of patients with genetic predisposition to atopy are fragmentary and conflicting. The aim of this work is to establish a relationship between patient indoor exposure to mould and sensitization to mould allergens in Irkutsk. Methods. A total of 63 patients with persistent allergic rhinitis (AR), were examined in Irkutsk during 2006-2007. 43 patients had AR and atopic bronchial asthma (BA). Allergological examination included skin pricktests with standard allergen panel and nasal provocation tests. 69 Irkutsk" dwellings of allergic patients sensitive to moulds and non-allergic people were examined. House dust from these 69 dwellings were analyzed for fungi. Results. 76 fungal species from 20 genera were isolated from house dust of Irkutsk. Micromycetes concentration varied from 103 to l06 GFU/g of dust. The most frequent genera were Venicillium (92,8%), Aspergillus (85,5%), Cladosporium (40,6%) and Alternaria (40,6%). Prevalence of positive skin prick-tests and nasal provocation tests was as follows: Cladosporium - 65 and 60%, Venicillium - 60 and 58%, Aspergillus - 39% and 32%, Alternaria - 21 and 9% respectively. Principal-factor analysis revealed a relation between fungal concentration in patients' indoor environment and their sensitization to mould allergens. However a correlation between micromycetes concentration and sensitization to mould is expressed to a variable extent in every particular case. Conclusion. Cladosporium and Venicillium are the most common mould allergens for patients with BA and/or AR in Irkutsk. There is a relation between fungal concentration and sensitization of patients to mould allergens.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):17-21
pages 17-21 views

Age dependence on the clinical signs frequency of the immune system dysfunction amongthe personnel of Mountain-chemical plant in Krasnoyarsk region, according to monitoringin2007-2008

Vasil'ev A.A., Oradovskaya I.V., Mel'nikov G.Y., Feoktistov V.V., Vikulov G.K., Mansurova Y.G., Kalashnikova N.E., Skripkina L.E., Trikman O.P., Vasiliev A.A., Oradovsraya l.V., Melnikov G.Y., Feoktistov V.V., Vikulov G.C., Mansurova Y.G., Kalashnikova N.E., Skripkina L.E., Trickman O.P.


Background. Improvement of the specialized allergological and immunological care to the personnel of Mountain-chemical plant (MCP) in Krasnoyarsk region and population living in the area of its placing. Methods. The analysis of age occurrence of clinical symptoms of the dysfunction of immune system by results of specialized clinical, immunological and allergological evaluations during spring - autumn of 2007 and spring of 2008 is carried out. 765 persons from the personnel of MCP and 185 persons of the population from the area around were examined. The analysis of dynamics of clinical symptoms of immune dysfunction in MCP personnel and the population was performed in age groups: before 30 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60 years and more . Results. The general frequency of clinical symptoms of dysfunction of immune system in MCP personnel had no significant differences between age groups but in all groups of the personnel at the age of 30-60 years was significantly lower, in comparison with the population (p<0,05). Significantly lower was the frequency of ENT infections - at the age of 50 years and more senior, frequent ARVI in age groups 30-49 years old, a simple herpes in 40-49 years (p<0,05). Frequency of recurrent urticaria at the age before 30 years and 50-59 years was lower. At the age of 30-39 years frequency of atopic bronchial asthma was lower. Conclusion. Differences in age dynamics of frequency of occurrence of clinical symptoms of immune dysfunction between the personnel and the population are established.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):22-33
pages 22-33 views

Role of the food additives in the development of food allergy and pseudoallele reactions to ~ .food (Part three)

Luss L.V., Repina T.Y., Luss L.V., Repina T.U.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):34-45
pages 34-45 views

Hyper-IgE syndrome. The history of disease (from Job's syndrome to defect STAT3 gene)

Yartsev M.N., Plakhtienko M.V., Yartsev M.N., Plahtienko M.V.


The lecture is devoted to hyper-IgE recurrent infections syndrome and is based both upon the literature survey and numerous personal observations for more than 25 years. Initial description of this disease by Davis et al (1966) under the name «Job's syndrome: recurrent «cold» staphylococcal abscesses» was followed by remarkable rinding of Buckley et al (1972) connecting this disease with extreme hyper-immunoglobulinemia E. Later on the two district forms of the disease were described: an autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive. Recently (2007) the nature of the most typical autosomal dominant form of the syndrome was discovered as mutations in STAT3. The discovery explains multiple disorders seen in this multisystem syndrome.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):46-52
pages 46-52 views

Prediction of food allergy manifestation in children

Pampura A.N., Varlamov E.E., Pampura A.N., Varbmov E.E.


The article is devoted to natural history and problems of prediction of food allergy. In article the data about significant criterion of prediction of history food allergy are cited.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Allergen-specific immunotherapy in children, and the perspectives of the method

Trusova O.V., Gayduk I.M., Korostovtsev D.S., Trusova О.V., Gaiduk I.M., Korostovtsev D.S.


The review is devoted to the latest results of scientific research and clinical trials in the field of allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) in children, supported by the WHO and EAACI. The results of clinical trials of novel allergo-vaccines in Russian Federation are presented. The future perspectives in ASIT are reviewed.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):58-66
pages 58-66 views

Clinical manifestations of atopic dermatitis and diagnostically meaningful indicators monitoring of immune status parameters in children with a confirmed diagnosis of HIV infection at abackground of highly active antiretroviral therapy

Pronin A.Y., Serkov I.L., Kaminskiy G.D., Lebedeva N.N., Smirnov E.V., Drobyshevskaya E.V., Gudima G.O., Sidorovich I.G., Pronin A.J., Serkov I.E., Kaminskiy G.D., Lebedeva N.N., Smirnov E.V., Drobishevskaya E.V., Gudima G.O., Sidorovich I.G.


Background. The influence of HAART on the clinical manifestations of atopic dermatitis in HIV-infected children in parallel with the assessment of its effectiveness in relation to the dynamics of diagnostically important indicator of immune status and viral load. Methods. During the period from 1998 to 2008 among children in the check-up at the Moscow Regional Center of AIDS with a confirmed diagnosis of HIV infection in the formation of a group of 26 children, who retrospectively analyzed the clinical and immunological characteristics. To study the dynamics of changes in clinical manifestations of atopic dermatitis on the background of HAART, analyzed the quantitative indicators of CD4 + T-lymphocytes and assessed the changes in viral load. Results. As of 01.01.2009 years in the Moscow region reported 224 children with HIV infection, of whom 111 are under HAART children. Of the children in the HAART, 26 children (29%) to destination therapy have pronounced symptoms of atopic dermatitis (AD). All children of the group was appointed by HAART in accordance with accepted standards. Laboratory indices and clinical manifestations of AD were recorded before HAART and after 9 months after initiation of therapy. According to the results of clinical observations in the survey group of patients in 20 children (77%) 9 months after the appointment of HAART AD symptoms disappeared completely, while 5 children (19%) noted a clear improvement. Only one HIV-infected child (4%) AD was recurrent in nature. Analysis of laboratory data showed that prior to the start of HAART, quantitative indicators of CD4 + T-lymphocytes in children from this group (n = 26) was 23,69 ±4,24 per cent of the total number of lymphocytes. As a result of HAART, the proportion of CD4 + T lymphocytes increased to 29,35±2,61%. When comparing the results of the quantification of HIV RNA in plasma observed decrease in the value decimal logarithm of viral load from 5,22 ±0,21 to 1,54 ±0,71. Conclusions. Highly active antiretroviral therapy of HIV-infected children leads to a cessation of manifestation of AD not giving in to conventional therapy. This effect is realized against the background of the normalization of the indicators of CD4 + T-lymphocytes and reduction in viral load to not defined level.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):67-71
pages 67-71 views


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The article presents a normative document, reflecting a World Allergy Organization position of regulating necessary knowledge and skills of the doctors treating the patients, suffering from allergic diseases (a primary care, adjacent specialties, narrow experts).
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):72-74
pages 72-74 views

Emollients in epidermal barrier recovery in AD patients

Elisyutina O.G., Lapshin N.N., Filimonova T.M., Tsyvkina E.A., Fedenko E.S., Elisyutina O.G., Lapshin N.N., Eilimonova T.M., Tsyvkina E.A., Fedenko E.S.


Цель исследования. Оценить эффективность монотерапии препаратом Локоид® (гидрокортизона 17-бутират 0,1%) в сравнении с комбинированной терапией - Локоид® + Локобейз® Рипеа у больных с атопическим дерматитом (АтД). Материалы, и методы. В исследование было включено 40 пациентов с АтД средней степени тяжести. Пациенты были разделены на 2 группы по 20 человек методом случайной выборки. Пациенты группы 1 (п=20) наносили на пораженные участки колеи тонким слоем мазь Локоид® 0,1% 2 раза в день, пациенты группы 2 (п=20) - мазь Локоид® 0,1% 2 раза в день и увлажняющее средство Локобейз® Рипеа 1 раз в день. Длительность курса лечения - до 28 дней. Результаты. На фоне проводимой терапии на 7-й день лечения отмечено достоверное уменьшение средних значений исследовательской глобальной оценки (IGA) и индекса SCORAD в обеих группах. К 28-му дню лечения в группе 2 отмечено дальнейшее значительное уменьшение средних значений IGA и SCORAD, которое было достоверно больше, чем в группе 1. При оценке индекса сухости колеи до начала лечения среднее значение данного показателя составляло 2,8±1,5 и 2,7±1,5 в группах 1 и 2 соответственно. В ходе лечения отмечено достоверное уменьшение среднего значения данного индекса в обеих группах, однако в группе 1 среднее значение индекса сухости достоверно уменьшилось лишь на 28-й день лечения, и было достоверно выше, чем у пациентов группы 2. Средняя длительность использования препарата Локоид® (гидрокортизона 17-бутират 0,1%) в группе 1 составила 16 дней, а в группе 2 - 9 дней. Заключение. Использование Локобейз® Рипеа в комбинированной терапии с ТГКС (Локоид®) приводит к более быстрому и длительному уменьшению основных клинических проявлений АтД, в том числе сухости колеи, у большинства больных по сравнению с монотерапией ТГКС. Применение Локобейз® Рипеа в комбинированной терапии с ТГКС приводит к уменьшению длительности использования ТГКС.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):75-81
pages 75-81 views

Usage of new Nasal sprey Nasaval for the treatment and prevention of allergic rhinitis

Zakharzhevskaya T.V., Sidorenko I.V., Treskunov V.K., Karaulov A.V., Zakharzhevskaya T.V., Sidorenko I.V., Treskunov V.K., Karaulov A.V.


Микродисперсный порошок целлюлозы из спрея-дозатора при впрыскивании в полость носа создает естественный барьер для попадания аллергена на слизистую носа, предотвращая таким образом возникновение аллергической реакции, а следовательно, и аллергического ринита.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):82-86
pages 82-86 views

Congresses, Conferences

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):87-87
pages 87-87 views

Instructions for Authors

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2009;6(4):88-90
pages 88-90 views

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